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"Contents :
- Table of Contents by Author
- International Engineering Consortium
- Consortium Affiliated Universities
- Part I: Management Issues
- The Boundaryless Organization
- Issues in Legacy Integration Methodologies for Network Management
- Developing Successful Network Management Systems
- Anticipating OAM&P Issues When Introducing Network Elements
- Operations Support: The Next Generation
- Integrated Network Management: A Technology View
- Industry Implementation of Best Practices
- National Network Management Capabilities: A Marketplace Advantage
- OSS Interconnection: Burden or Breakthrough?
- Surfing on the Tidal Wave of Change: Going Fast and Having Fun
- Innovations in Common Channel Signaling Network Management
- Achieving Interoperability that Will Enable High-Quality, Cost-Effective
Network Management
- Data Mining and Decision Support
- Becoming a lean Service Provider
- Part II: Testing
- Network Reliability Issues & Solutions: An Update
- Monitoring an Intelligent Network
- Next-Generation Copper Testing
- Implementation of Network Testing
- Part III: Customer Service Issues
- Operator Services for One-Stop Shopping
- Customer Care from an Operations Perspective
- What Do Users Really Want?
- Customer Service Management for Competitive Advantage
- Customer Network Management
- Imperatives in Customer Care from a Service (Operations) Perspective
- Part IV: Local Number Portability
- Local Number Portability: The Call Must Go Through
- Local Number Portability Conies to Chicago
- Local Number Portability: Complex Simplicity
- Operational Support Systems After Telecom Reform
- TMN Basics
- The Architecture and Evolution of Telecom Operations
- Future Telecommunications Powering Issues and Solutions
- Potholes in Building the TMN Road
- The Outsourcing Decision
- Infrastructure for DS1 Solutions
- Designing for the Optimum Array of Services and Content When You
Don't Know What That Is
- ADSL & DSL Access Multiplexers: A Managed Technology for Broadband
- Innovations in Common Channel Signaling
- Rapid Service Delivery and Flow Through Service Activation
- Implementing THIN: A BellSouth Perspective
- The Operations Challenges of Unbundling
- Migrating to ATM Wide Area Networks
- Outsourcing: A Contractor's Perspective
- Two-Way Cable Television System Characterization
- Reliable Multiprocessor Platforms
- Overt he-Air Service Provisioning
- looking for Trouble: Planning for the Unexpected in Speech-Recognition
- ATM Networks: From Concept to Reality
- Acronym Guide "
Chicago: International Engineering Consortium, 1997
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fraser, W.
London: Macdonald and Jane's, 1978
621.38 FRA t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andi Hananto
Monitoring alarm merupakan suatu kegiatan yang sangat panting dalam dalam menjaga performance dari suatu jaringan komunikasi. Sedemikian pentingnya monitoring ini, sehingga biasanya kegiatan ini diakukan selama 24 jam secara terus menerus.
Hal itu didasarkan atas kenyataan yang terjadi, dimana telah disadari oleh semua orang bahwa berkomunikasi merupakan sarana yang vital, apalagi di era yang global seperti sekarang ini. Dengan kondisi tersebut, diperlukan berbagai macam tools yang berguna untuk memudahkan engineer guna melakukan proses monitoring.
Dalam tugas akhir ini penulis membuat suatu program yang diberi nama Cellular Network Current Status Tools (CNCST) yang merupakan suatu alat yang dibuat guna membantu proses monitoring. Seandainya alat ini terhubung ke dalam jaringan komunikasi seluler (BTS, BCP, Alarm Server), maka alat ini benar-benar bisa digunakan. Namun dalam tugas akhir ini tidaklah mengkin mengkoneksikan alat ini ke dalam jaringan. Maka dari itu penulis membuat suatu simiilasi (terdapat suatu pengganti alarm server), sehingga alat ini bisa difungsikan dengan baik.
Dengan adanya alat ini, diharapkan engineer (operator) dapat lebih terbantu dalam melakukan pekerjaannya. CNCST digunakan untuk memantau kondisi dari jaringan komunikasi seluler. Seperti diketahui bahwa pada jaringan seluler terdapat banyak BTS yang berfungsi sebagai penghubung subscriber, kemana dia akan melakukan hubungan telekomunikasi. CNCST ini mirip suatu display berbentuk Map (peta) yang menunjukkan titik-titik lokasi BTS yang tersebar di mana-mana. Apabila terdapat alarm pada salah satu BTS, maka titik yang menunjukkan lokasi BTS pada display, akan memberi tanda dengan blinking dan berbunyi. Dan setelah titik tersebut di click, maka dapat diketahui history (kejadian alarm) yang terjadi pada BTS tersebut.
Dari hasil simuhsi-simnlasi yang telah dilakukan, maka dapat dikatakan bahwa tools ini dapat digunakan dengan cukup balk. SeIain bisa digunakan dengan baik, tools ini diharapkan dapat cukup membantu engineer/operator dalam melakukan tugasnya, melakukan monitoring.

UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Contents :
- Table of Contents by Author
- International Engineering Consortium
- Consortium Affiliated Universities
- Part I: IN Basics
- Fundamentals of IN and IN Capabilities
- Part II: Business Issues and Case Studies
- The Business Case for Intelligent Network Platform Investments: Service-
Specific Challenges
- Delivering High-Value Services to Make a Buck and Save a Buck
- Small-Business and Residential Opportunities for IN-Based Services
- Intelligent Network Capabilities: Challenges for the Exchange Carrier
- A View of Advanced Intelligent Network Wholesaling
- Modeling AIN: A User's Perspective
- Intelligent Networks: Competitive Advantage
- Value-Added Wholesale IN Services: Dipping for Dollars
- Mass-Marketing of AIN Services
- An AIN Success Story
- Part III: IN Architectures and Operations
- Optimizing Service Control Point Architectures to Achieve High Throughput
with Minimum Response Time
- Deployment of TINA Technology on a Pan-European ATM Network
- AIN Billing Issues Update
- Intelligent networks and TINA Migration and Interworking Issues
- Commonality of AIN Across Network Elements
- Intelligent Internet: Value-Added Services by Interworking Between Network
- Network Signaling for the Next Generation of IN Platforms
- Security Concerns for IN Architectures and Services
- AIN Usage Measurements for Billing
- The Marriage of Two Challenges: Technical Considerations of Open AIN
- A New Paradigm for Network Intelligence: From Bundled to Open and
Programmable Systems
- Intelligent Peripheral Realization
- The Elements and Description of a Number Portability Administration Center
Service Management System (NPAC SMS)
- Intelligent Peripherals and Service Nodes: Distributed Intelligence for
Seamless Service
- ATM Network Intelligence at the User's Fingertips
- Internet Access to the Intelligent Network
- Object-Oriented Realization of a Broadband Intelligent Network Architecture
- Enhancing Enterprise Voice Networks with Intelligent Network Technology
- Part IV: Interoperability and Local Number Portability Issues
- Regulatory and Public Policy Issues Driving Number Portability Deployment
- Interoperability: Spanning the Chasm
- Local Number Portability: Operations Impact and Architecture
- Interoperability and Ubiquity: Why Can't We All Just Get Along?
- Wireless Local Number Portability
- Unbundling the Network: A Vendor's Perspective
- An Interexchange Carrier Perspective on LNP
- Portability Outside of the Rate Center (PORC)
- Local Number Portability: A Canadian Regulatory Perspective
- Local Number Portability: A Service Bureau Approach
- Part V: Standards
- Current Status of National and International IN Standards and TINA-C
- The TIA Wireless Intelligent Network Standards: Drivers, Status, and
- ITU-T IN Standards International Perspective and Standards Convergence
- Part VI: Service Development, Applications, and Management
- Integrated Wireless and Wireline Services
- Java and Its Use on the Motorola Service Node Platform
- Third-Party Programming: A New Outlet for Service Creation
- Troubleshooting Intelligent Wireline/Wireless Networks
- Mobility in an Intelligent Network: How noes Donna Get What She Wants?
- Service Management: Overall Context, Business Drivers, and Challenges
- AIN Mass-Market Services: Provisioning and Maintenance Issues
- Acronym Guide "
Philadelphia: Professional Education International, 1998
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Valdar, Andy
"This new book explains how telecommunications networks work. It uses straightforward language supported by copious block-schematic diagrams so that non-engineers and engineers alike can learn about the principles of fixed and mobile telecommunications networks carrying voice and data. The book covers all aspects of today?s networks, including how they are planned, formed and operated, plus next generation networks and how they will be implemented.
After an introductory chapter on telephony the book briefly describes all of today?s networks ? PSTN, mobile, cable television, the Internet, etc. ? and considers how they interconnect. Individual chapters then consider the principles, technologies and network structures relating to transmission, circuit switching, signalling and control, data (including voice-over-IP) networks, and mobile networks. The important subject of numbering and addressing for telephony and IP is then covered.
The book concludes with a chapter designed to pull everything together, considering architecture, quality of service and performance, operations, network evolution and next generation networks."
London: Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2006
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Buku yang berjudul "Communication system engineering handbook" ini merupakan sebuah buku panduan mengenai sistem teknik komunikasi. "
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967
R 621.3802 HAN c
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Seiring dengan diterapkannya standarisasi teknologi digital pada jaringan sistem pertelekomunikasian di Indonesia, permintaan sambungan telepon baru akan lebih mudah dan cepat untuk direalisasikan, kualitas jaringan serta keanekaragaman fasilitas atau jasa layanan baru dapat lebih mudah untuk dikembangkan dan ditingkatkan, jika dibandingkan dengan sistem penyambungan analog. Banyak jenis jasa layanan yang telah direalisasikan atau disediakan oleh penyelenggara telekomunikasi, sesuai dengan tuntutan dan kebutuhan masyarakat pengguna. Salah satunya adalah jenis layanan yang cukup vital bagi kebanyakan masyarakat, yaitu jasa fayanan panggilan darurat (emergency call). Jasa layanan ini berfungsi untuk menerima informasi dari masyarakat yang sangat membutuhkan pertolongan dalam waktu relatif singkat, kapan dan dimana saja. Pada kenyataannya, saat ini jasa layanan panggilan darurat kurang dapat memenuhi tuntutan masyarakat pengguna, hal ini dikarenakan masih adanya kendala faktor teknis dan non teknis yang kurang mendukung bagi tercapainya suatu layanan panggilan darurat yang dapat diandalkan. Dalam makalah ini penulis mencoba untuk melakukan pengkajian dengan melihat kemungkinan untuk meminimalkan kekurangan yang ada pada layanan panggilan darurat saat ini, sehingga diharapkan akan tercapai suatu layanan panggilan darurat yang berkualitas."
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Puguh Ngudi Widodo
"Produk sirkit langganan Jaringan Multi Service (JAMUS) adalah produk jasa sirkit langganan digital yang biasanya digunakan untuk komunikasi data maupun suara (voice) secara permanen (dedicated), dengan menggunakan infrastruktur jaringan transmisi terrestrial digital, dan perangkat Intelligent Multiplexer (IMUX). Produk tersebut merupakan produk Divisi Network (DIVNET) yang bukan monopoli. Dibandingkan dengan produk lainnya yang masih monopoli, misalnya jasa long distance, maka strategi pengembangan JAMUS harus berbeda. Apalagi pada saat ini iklim persaingan semakin tajam.
Untuk menentukan beberapa altematif strategi kebijakan pengembangan JAMUS, maka beberapa faktor yang harus dipetimbangkan antara lain: kondisi lingkungan strategis perusahaan, kondisi pesaing, dan kondisi produk eksisting. Sedangkan metode analisa yang dipergunakan adalah analisa Strength-Weakness-Opportunity-Threat (SWOT), analisa Boston Consulting Group (BCG), analisa produk, dan analisa persaingan.
Hasil dari analisa strategi tersebut didapatkan beberapa alternatif strategi yang selanjutnya dipilih satu atau dua strategi utama dengan menggunakan metode matrik Quantitatif Strategy Planning Matrix (QSPM). Strategi utama tersebut adalah strategi penggabungan antara sirkit langganan JAMUS dengan TELKOMnet Divisi Multimedia, serta strategi pembenahan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) dan struktur organisasi.

JAMUS or Jaringan Multi Service is a Digital Leased Circuit Service applied for dedicated data and voice communication. The basic network is digital terrestrial transmission and Intelligent Multiplexer (IMUX) Equipment. Unlike long-distance service, JAMUS is a non-monopoly product offered by Divisi Network (DIVNNET). Therefore the development strategy of JAMUS should be distinguished from the previous product (long distance service) in order to compete with the other competitor.
Some factors should be consider in developing some strategy alternatives are internal and external environmental of Divisi Network, competition environment and current product performance. These factors would be analyzed by employing some method as follows: Strength-Weakness-Opportunity-Threat (SWOT) analysis, Boston Consulting Group (BCG) analysis, product analysis and competitor analysis.
The results are some strategy alternatives fit with competitive market situation. Then utilizing Quantitatif Strategy Planning Matrix (QSPM) method creates two main strategies, first is "Product bundling of JAMUS and TELKOMNET", and second is "Developing new organization and improving human resources capabilities"."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book covers some of the major issues facing telecommunications network engineers and managers today. Topics covered include network planning for transmission systems, modelling of SDH transport network structures and telecommunications network design and performance modelling, as well as network costs and ROI modelling and QoS in 3G networks. This practical book will prove a valuable resource to network engineers and managers working in today's competitive telecommunications environment."
London: Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2008
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Contents :
- Table of Contents by Author
- International Engineering Consortium
- Consortium Affiliated Universities
- Part I: IN Basics
- Fundamentals of IN and IN Capabilities
- Part II: Business Issues and Case Studies
- The Business Case for Intelligent Network Platform Investments: Service-Specific
- Delivering High-Value Services to Make a Buck and Save a Buck
- Small-Business and Residential Opportunities for IN-Based Services
- Intelligent Network Capabilities: Challenges for the Exchange Carrier
- A View of Advanced Intelligent Network Wholesaling
- Modeling AIN: A User's Perspective
- Intelligent Networks: Competitive Advantage
- Value-Added Wholesale IN Services: Dipping for Dollars
- Mass-Marketing of AIN Services
- An AIN Success Story
- Part III: IN Architectures and Operations
- Optimizing Service Control Point Architectures to Achieve High Throughput with
Minimum Response Time
- Deployment of TINA Technology on a Pan-European ATM Network
- AIN Billing Issues Update
- Intelligent networks and TINA Migration and Interworking Issues
- Commonality of AIN Across Network Elements
- Intelligent Internet: Value-Added Services by Interworking Between Network
- Network Signaling for the Next Generation of IN Platforms
- Security Concerns for IN Architectures and Services
- AIN Usage Measurements for Billing
- The Marriage of Two Challenges: Technical Considerations of Open AIN
- A New Paradigm for Network Intelligence: From Bundled to Open and
Programmable Systems
- Intelligent Peripheral Realization
- The Elements and Description of a Number Portability Administration Center
Service Management System (NPAC SMS)
- Intelligent Peripherals and Service Nodes: Distributed Intelligence for Seamless
- ATM Network Intelligence at the User's Fingertips
- Internet Access to the Intelligent Network
- Object-Oriented Realization of a Broadband Intelligent Network Architecture
- Enhancing Enterprise Voice Networks with Intelligent Network Technology
- Part IV: Interoperability and Local Number Portability Issues
- Regulatory and Public Policy Issues Driving Number Portability Deployment
- Interoperability: Spanning the Chasm
- Local Number Portability: Operations Impact and Architecture
- Interoperability and Ubiquity: Why Can't We All Just Get Along?
- Wireless Local Number Portability
- Unbundling the Network: A Vendor's Perspective
- An Interexchange Carrier Perspective on LNP
- Portability Outside of the Rate Center (PORC)
- Local Number Portability: A Canadian Regulatory Perspective
- Local Number Portability: A Service Bureau Approach
- Part V: Standards
- Current Status of National and International IN Standards and TINA-C
- The TIA Wireless Intelligent Network Standards: Drivers, Status, and Synergies
- ITU-T IN Standards International Perspective and Standards Convergence
- Part VI: Service Development, Applications, and Management
- Integrated Wireless and Wireline Services
- Java and Its Use on the Motorola Service Node Platform
- Third-Party Programming: A New Outlet for Service Creation
- Troubleshooting Intelligent Wireline/Wireless Networks
- Mobility in an Intelligent Network: How noes Donna Get What She Wants?
- Service Management: Overall Context, Business Drivers, and Challenges
- AIN Mass-Market Services: Provisioning and Maintenance Issues
- Acronym Guide "
Chicago: Professional Education International, 1998
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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