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Uswatun Hasanah
"International environmental issue recently plays important role in world economic development and their sustainability. This trans-boundary environmental problem requires a global responsibility, especially for forest well endowed countries like Indonesia to hold main role to support the environmental sustainability.
We apply cost benefit analysis on carbon trade using Clean Mechanism Development to show its significant contribution on green forestry program.
This paper gives us the picture of Indonesia's forestry, the beneficial of forest's project and the finding of global responsibilities to make a better for mankind. Our perspective about the utility of forest is very important to determine the decision we choose.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Uswatun Hasanah
"International environmental issues are so important at recent year. We need a global responsibility to solve the trans boundary environmental proble . Indonesia, one of country that has a large forest in the world, hold the main role to support the environmental sustainability. The answer is how we care the world through our green ,foresfiy. This paper, "Cost Benefit Analysis in The Carbon Trading Through Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) To Support Indonesia's Reforestation," gives us the picture of Indonesia's forestry, the beneficial of forest's project and the finding of global responsibilities to make a better for mankind. Our perspective about the utility q fforest is so important to determine the decision we choose. The global environmental issues rise awareness and responsibilities, in developed and development countries. Likely global warming issues as the impact of higher carbon dioksida concentration in the atmosfer. The impact is so large among the countries. According that, each developed court.'y that has a concerned to environment, builds a commitment to reduce the emission-carbon dioksida. As developing countries, they have duties to maintain their forest, likely doing reforestation. To remind, that CDM has recognized a plantation of forest since 1990. So, we do not calculate the natural forest in carbon trading. Through CDM, forest produce certification-we called "Certified Emission Reduction" as a material in carbon trading. That certifications show how much pollution could be generated by country. Its over the rate of pollution can be tolerated by environment. Through cost benefit analysis-in the context of Indonesia, reforestation is so beneficial from economic and environmental perspective. The focus of this research is East Kalimantan in 10.000 area of forest. This paper compares the worthwhile of forest -such biodiversity, the fresh air, the clean water, woods and other forest product-with the cost doing reforestation. We use net present value to show us that reforestation activity so benefit. Time period of project is 28 years- based on other research, the reforestation project through CDM is feasible and beneficial. From the analysis-benefit and cost-the net present value of reforestation project is US $ 73.805.675. It shows us how much benefit that we earn from this activity. The potential income that would be received is US $ 2.890.500 based on the assumption that certifications could be sold in the price US $ 5.875 each carbon ton. Indonesia has a large chalice to be one of participant in CDM program. So, the cooperation between central and region is so important to create the success of this program. We need the clear law to make everything so easy to implement."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ruth Nikijuluw
Tujuan utama studi ini adalah menganalisis dampak transfer pemerintah pusat kepada pemerintah daerahterhadap upaya pemungutan pajak kabupaten/kota selama periode 2005-2008. studi ini menggunakanpendekatan metode regresi untuk mendapatkan indeks upaya pemungutan pajak (local tax eort) sertametode regresi panel dalam menganalisis dampak dari transfer pemerintah pusat tersebut. Bukti empirismendukung bahwa secara umum transfer dari pemerintah pusat dalam bentuk dana perimbangan berelasipositif dengan indeks upaya pemungutan pajak lokal. Selanjutnya, analisis dengan menggunakan komponendana perimbangan menyatakan bahwa kenaikan transfer dalam bentuk block grants yaitu Dana AlokasiUmum (DAU) serta Dana Bagi Hasil (DBH) secara signikan mendorong pertumbuhan dari indeks upayapemungutan pajak lokal."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dody Pratomo
"The purpose of this study is to get value-BLI Better Life Index as a measure of success of development in Indonesia, and to analyze the relationship between BLI with the human development index HDI, index IPR regional development, and economic growth. BLI formation method through three stages: normalization, weighting, and aggregation. The results show that Indonesia?s BLI is in the lower-middle class. Province of Jakarta, East Kalimantan, North Sulawesi, Riau and South Sumatra with the highest value of BLI. BLI size has a positive and significant correlation with IPM and IPR compiled by the BPS-Statistics Indonesia. However, BLI was significantly negatively correlated with economic growth.

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan nilai Better Life Index (BLI) sebagai ukuran keberhasilan pembangunan di Indonesia, serta menganalisis hubungan antara BLI dengan Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM), Indeks Pembangunan Regional (IPR), dan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Metode pembentukan BLI melalui tiga tahap: normalisasi, pembobotan, dan agregasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai BLI Indonesia termasuk kategori menengah bawah. Provinsi Jakarta, Kalimantan Timur, Sulawesi Utara, Riau, dan Sumatera Selatan dengan nilai BLI tertinggi. Ukuran BLI ini mempunyai korelasi yang positif dan signifikan dengan IPM dan IPR yang disusun oleh Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS). Namun demikian, BLI berkorelasi negatif secara signifikan dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Buddi Wibowo
"Robust measurement of interest rates speed of adjustment to monetary policy changes is very important to obtain acomprehensive understanding on the monetary transmission process and the eectiveness of monetary policy. The speed of adjustment are determined by number of frictions that interfere with the transmission of monetary policy.We measure Indonesia interest rate pass-through which have distinct characteristics in terms of banking competition, segmented banking market and concentrated structure. Interest rate pass-through is measured by using Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) and Mean Adjusted Lags (MAL). This paper shows the interest rate adjustment did take a relatively long time.

Pengukuran kecepatan penyesuaian suku bunga perbankan terhadap perubahan kebijakan moneter sangat penting sehingga diperoleh pemahaman komprehensif atas proses transmisi moneter dan efektivitas kebijakan. Kecepatan perubahan suku bunga deposito dan kredit perbankan ditentukan oleh adanya friksi-friksi transmisi kebijakan moneter ke sektor perbankan dan sektor riil. Penelitian ini mengukur interest rate pass-through perbankan Indonesia yang memiliki karakteristik khas dalam hal tingkat kompetisi perbankan, segmentasi pasar, dan struktur industri perbankan yang tinggi. Interest rate pass-through diukur dengan menggunakan Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) dan Mean Adjusted Lags (MAL). Hasil uji menunjukkan penyesuaian suku bunga membutuhkan waktu yang lama."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aris Ananta
"Booming and prosperity. Joyful expectation of the future. And, suddenly, a crash, a dramatic crash. All were lost in such a short time. They were so unprepared for this event. Then, those who had used to talk about poverty, but did not really experience the poverty itself, were forced to get the feeling of much relative deprivation. They had not fallen to under poverty line, and, indeed, they might be still in a much higher economic situation than the poverty line; but their prospect had been very bleak. It was like the feeling of riding a roller coaster, but without knowing the end of the fast descending journey. They were, to mention a few, the academicians, politicians, bureaucrats, business people, people in NGOs and joui nalists. They had the political power, and some were involved in decision making to help the "poor" people."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jahen Fachrul Rezki
Economic development in the SouthEast Asia, which is at the stage of industrialization, has high dependency on energy consumption. This paper examines the relationship between energy consumption and economic development in the region. Using cross-sectional data, this study find the relationship between energy demand ­and per capita GDP, population and industrial share of output. Oil contributes 80% to energy consumption followed by electricity and natural gas. The result also shows no evidence of relationship between economic crisis and energy consumption. It suggest diversification of energy use and promoting more efficient alternative energy source to increase economic growth."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ferry Prasetyia
"The aim of this paper was to determine the effect of public sector expenditure to economic growth and poverty in all provinces in Indonesia during period 2006 to 2008. Using Full Information Maximum Likelihood (FIML) approach, the result showed that public sector expenditure on education and health sector had significant effect inboosting economic growth. In addition, the output produced by the education and health sector, both of the output had significant effect on economic growth. While, public sector expenditure on infrastructure had insignificant effect. Furthermore, this study showed that public sector expenditure on education and health also had significant effect in reducing the number of poor through the outcome such as form of school enrollment, literacy, infant mortality and life expectancy. On the other hand, the effect of economic growth to reduce the number of poor was not significant."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Young Kyu Jeong
"This study analyzes the changes and characteristics of economic cooperation between Korea and Indonesia during the period from 1980 to 2002. Gross trade and direct investments are studies here, as well as ODA such as per categomes, field, in order to understand Korea- Indonesia?s economic cooperation.
Crude oil, gas and other natural resources took up the greatest portion of Indonesia exports until the 2002, Since the mid-1980?s, exports have grown by a large margin owing to the nation?s export.oriented economic development strategy and stabilization of oil prices. Trade and direct investment showed a continuous increase throughout the period, with the exception of a temporary decrease in 1997 economic crisis. The result of trade, investment and ODA shows that Indonesia and Korea very important country for economic growth."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Akbar Suwardi
This study aims to determine the relationship between local government spending, agricultural productivity, and poverty in Indonesia for the period of 2005-2008. Using econometric models of the panel and panelsimultaneous, this study find the evidence that local government spending on infrastructure and education significantly affect agricultural productivity and poverty. The study also found that the value of multiplier effect of local government spending on poverty, roads is the largest, followed by education (the literacy rate) and irrigation."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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