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"Contents :
- Acronym Guide
- Business Case for Evolution to Next-Generation Networks
- Service Creation:Who Is in Control?
- Internet Business Models for Next-Generation Voice Services
- The Next-Generation Service Provider:Building the New Public Network
- Profitability in Intelligent Network Services
- Telecommunications Hosting Opportunities
- Gaining Market-Share with Service Flexibility
- The Future of Communications
- How to Expand Intelligent Networks to Next-Generation Service
- Firewalling and Caching in a Signaling Environment
- The Evolution of Softswitch Architecture
- End-to-End Architecture for Next-Generation IP Networks
- Profitable IN:An Oxymoron?
- Services at the Edge
- A Multiservice Applications Platform
- I Robot:IP Switching and Softswitches
- Promising Applications,Perplexing Strategies:Competing Application
Server Architectures for the New Network
- Network Requirements for Voice over Packet
- Native Ethernet Metropolitan-Area Networks
- An API Based Architecture Enabling Integrated Services
- Switching the Switches:The Circuit Switch Is ON...to Packet
- Internet Offload:Exploring Outsourcing Call Control as an Alternative to
- Convergent SS7 Signaling for Seamless Service Deployment
- The SCP as a Bridge from TDM to VoIP
- MGCP and MEGACO:Where Is the Industry Today?
- IP Architecture in the Network Core
- Managing Feature Interaction in an NGN Environment
- Internet-Based Multimedia Schemes Help Remote Automation and
Control Applications
- Exploring Next-Generation Converged Service-Creation and Execution
Environment Architecture
- Security Risk Management:Challenges for Today and Tomorrow
- It is Time for Customer-Based Not Component-Based SLAs!
- Multivendor OSSs:The Challenge Is Speed
- Service Integration:Marrying SLAs to Service-Provider Business
- IPDR.org Overview
- The Magic behind Making IP VPNs a Reality:IP Network and Service
- Service-Provider Environment and IP Service Assurance
- Building a Scalable Security Zone
- Standards Progress and Industry Efforts Status
- QoS Metrics for SLA Management
- IP Communications
- The New Public Network and New Opportunities for Service Providers
- Evolution of Carrier Backbone Data-Network Requirements
- Subscriber-Sensitive Convergence Services
- Location-Based Services:The Convergence Revolution and the Power of
- The Power of Personal Preference in a Location-Based World
- Three Key Areas for New Mobile Intelligent Network Services:Location,
Location, Location
- Enhanced Services for GSM, TDMA,CDMA, and 3G Networks
- Unified Messaging
- What Third-Party Developers Want
- Deployment in a Third-Party Environment
- Enhanced Mobile Services from a Start-Up Perspective
- The Future Direction of Mobile IN Services
- Telco versus IP Service Creation and the Role of Softswitch
- WIN Yesterday and Today
- Next-Generation Services:A Service Developer is Perspective
- Integrating Enhanced Voice Collaboration Services in a Converged
Network "
Chicago: International Engineering Consortium, 2001
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Contents :
- VoIP Security Challenges in Enterprise and Service-Provider Networks
- The Business of Voice
- CALEA and Next-Generation Networks
- The Advanced Softswitch Model: Sustainable Profitability for Carriers
- IP Management in an IP-Centric World: A Look at Financial Impacts
- Taking VoIP to the Next Level: Addressing the Needs of Incumbent
- Status Quo and Outlook for Voice over IP
- VoIP Deployment Considerations
- Enabling VoIP Services with Effective Management Strategies
- Location-Based Services: Advances and Challenges
- VoIP: ISDN Dressed for Success
- How to Deploy a Government VoIP Network
- Where Is VoIP Today?
- The Roadmap to e-Communications
- VPNs: The Race Is On...
- Operator-ENUM Architecture
- Designing Converged Enterprise Networks for IP Telephony
- The IDT Gateway: An Application-Based Class 5 Migration
- Controlling Media Servers with SIP
- Quantifying the Operations Benefits of Packet Trunking Technology
- Understanding SIP
- Single Physical Layer U-Plane Architecture (SUPA) for the Next-
Generation Internet
- In Packet Voice Networks (VoP), Call Quality Is More than Simple Voice
- The New Converged Applications Support Model
- Why Contact Center On-Demand?
- TDM-Quality Voice over IP
- An Introduction to Quality of Service and Class of Service in Voice
Communications Networks
- Acronym Guide "
Chicago: International Engineering Consortium, 2004
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lumentut, Marvy Arnold
"Komunikasi suara lewat jaringan PSTN dilakukan secara circuit swirching sangat tidak efisien dalam utilisasi bandwidth jaringan dan biayanya mahal_ Kemajuan teknologi menyebabkan teknologi packet switching yang semula digunakan untuk komunikasi data, sekarang ini dapat diterapkan untuk komunikasi suara. Komunikasi suara secara packet switching disc-but juga teknologi packet voice. Tcknologi packer voice mempunyai keuntungan biaya yang relatif murah untuk long distance call dibanding Iewat PSTN. Dengan demikian teknologi ini sangat cocok diterapkan bagi pcrusahaan yang mempunyai masalah dengan tagihan telepon interlokal/intemasional yang besar.
Ada dua teknologi packet voice yang cukup populer, yaitu Voice over IP (VoIP) -yang popular sckarang ini- dan pendahulunya Voice over ATM (VOATM). Kedua telmologi ini memang jelas berbeda dari basis teknologinya, yang sam berbasis IP dan yang lain berbasis ATM. Melalui perbandingan pada aspek protokol, signalling message flow, format paket, konsumsi bandwidth, akan terlihat perbedaan kedua tcknologi itu secara spesifik.
Setelah perbedaan yang spesifik tersebut dianalisa dapat diketahui alasan-alasan yang mendasari perbedaan-perbedaan iw. Pembandingan kedua teknologi tidak dimaksudkan untuk mencari teknologi mana yang Iebih baik, tetapi hanya unluk diketahui perbedaan spesitik itu dan alasan yang mendasarinya sehingga dapat di jadikan acuan untuk penyempurnaan kedua teknologi itu lebih lanjut."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Contents :
- Table of Contents by Author
- Foreword
- Beyond Dial Tone: Opportunities for Value in IP Telephony
- The Myths and Facts about Voice over IP
- Using ROI Models to Predict the Costs of Installing IP Telephony
- Internetworking
- Deploying IP Telephony: Business Projections
- Video, Fax, and Hybrid Services over I]P: The Telecom Revolution
- IP-Telephony Convergence
- Creating Carrier-Grade Internet Telephony
- IP Telephony: Opportunity or Threat?
- IP Telephony: Today, Tomorrow, Ever?
- IP over Copper: Revenue Potential of Dial-up Modem Speed Guarantees
- The Future of the Internet
- Elements of Success in Internet Telephony
- IP-Telephony Economics and Carrier Network Evolution
- Embedded Architecture and the Future of IP Technology
- The Architectural Impact of IP Telephony on Packet-Network Infrastructures
- Designing VoIP and FolP Solutions Networks with the Nuvo200 IP/SSP
- Fundamentals of IP Telephony
- Comparison of IP-over-SONET and IP-over-ATM Technologies
- The Convergence of OSSs and IP for New-World Services
- Issues Involved in the Transition to IP Network Technology
- IP/IN Integration
- IP Internetworking Transport
- The Future of the Internet: Scaling Internet Infrastructure for Content Delivery
- Real-World Internet IP-Telephony Architectures
- OSS for Real-Time Networked Services: Making it Happen
- The First On-Line Interactive Television Network
- The Platform Approach to IP Services
- Offering Internet Services Is Critical to Your Future
- Voice on the Internet: A Reality
- The Emergence of Enterprise IP Networks: The New Generation of Business
- An Applications Approach to Network Convergence
- IP Telephony: Paving the Way for Enhanced Services
- Voice over Packet
- Fax over IP
- Video, Fax, and Other Hybrid Services on an IP Foundation
- Switched Broadband IP Service
- The Challenges of Managing IP-Telephony Services
- Internet Consumer Customer Care System Solutions
- Integration and Impact on Circuit-Switched Carrier Networks
- IP Everywhere over Copper: Customer Demand and Technical Savvy
- The Regulatory Future of Internet Telephony
- Achieving Quality of Service for IP Telephony "
Chicago: Professional Education International, 1999
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Elex Media Komputindo, 1998
004.6 BUK
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 1995
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ari Putri Nagari
"Dilihat dari perkembangan telekomunikasi sampai saat ini, telekomunikasi jelas telah menjadi bagian penting dalam kehidupan masyarakat modern. Di Indonesia, layanan telekomunikasi dilayani oleh jaringan yang secara urnum dapat dibagi menjadi tiga macam yaitu, jaringan PSTN, jaringan bergerak, dan jaringan internet. Masing-masing jenis jaringan tersebut memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan. Tantangan yang harus dihadapi adalah penggelaran jaringan baru yang memiliki kelebihan-kelebihan tersebut tanpa mengabaikan kekurangan yang ada. Tantangan tersebut dijawab oleh infrastruktur jaringan baru yang disebut dengan Next Generation Network. NGN menawarkan solusi yang dapat melayani berbagai jenis layanan dengan ukuran yang besar melalui saluran transmisi berkapasitas broadband dan pengiriman informasinya berbasis paket namun memiliki jaminan QoS yang tinggi sehingga transmisi yang efektif dan efisien dapat dicapai. Untuk merealisasikan NGN, migrasi jaringan yang masih menerapkan circuit-switched menjadi jaringan berbasis paket perlu dilakukan. Dalam skripsi ini akan dibahas mengenai langkah-langkah migrasi jaringan PSTN menuju NGN. Pada tahapan migrasi akan dikhususkan pada tahapan penambahan komponen utama NGN - softswitch. Dalam hal ini, jaringan PSTN existing akan diperbaharui menjadi jaringan berbasis paket yang siap menerapkan NGN. Hal ini dilakukan dengan mengganti beberapa switching point dengan softswitch. Data jaringan PSTN existing akan diambil data pada operator PSTN PT. X untuk wilayah II. Dari data tersebut akan dianalisis kesenjangan antara target NGN Telkom dengan data jaringan eksisting berdasarkan kapasits El dan BHCA di Trunk Gateway dan konvergensi internet/telephony. Setelah itu, penulis memberikan rekomendasi langkah-langkah yang harus dilakukan berikutnya untuk mencapai target NGN.

User interface on this system are installed on user's handholds. The programming language that is used on creating this user interface is Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME), which is a development of JA VA programming language that has been adjusted to cope with the resource limitation of handheld. The handheld that were referred here are smart phones that have been equipped with Bluetooth connection. Smart phones are selected as the user interface for this system because its familiarity to users from all ages. VeRAS meets the requirements of pervasive computing generally, which demands minimum user interaction to the system, but maintain its maximum benefit for the user while holds the principal of good user interface. This is proven by the profile feature of the system so that VeRAS accomplish user tasks on specific time, given the user is within the server's Bluetooth area. The simple yet intituitive VeRAS user interface is capable of controlling lamps and TV easily The system performance analysis shows that the system requires around 15 seconds to detect user's present and establishes connection. However, if the whole system has already connected, the system performs in real time manner.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rosarini Hidayati
"Kebutunan masyarakat untuk saling bertukar informasi sudah menjadi hal yang sangat penting. Penggunaan Internet sudah semakin luas, tidak hanya digunakan untuk aplikasi email dan teks di browser saja. Namun sudah berkembang kepada pertukaran informasi dengan menggunakan aplikasi muitimedia. Salah satunya dengan memanfaatkan jaringan VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol). Salah satu faktor yang penting dalam komunikasi dengan menggunakan jaringan VoIP adalah konfigurasi jaringan IP yang berupa konfigurasi core jaringan IP dan konfigurasi Endpoint. Konfigurasi dilakukan untuk mendapatkan kualitas layanan yang baik. Parameter kualitas dari suatu aplikasi real time multimedia yang digunakan dalam analisis jaringan VoIP adalah MOS (Mean Opinion Score), delay, jitter dan packet loss. Analisis yang dilakukan menggunakan metode E-model yang telah direkomendasikan pada G, 107 ITU-T. Pada Tugas Akhir ini akan disimuiasikan mengenai kualitas layanan pada jaringan VoiP dengan menggunakan perungkat lunak Telchemy- IP Network Impairment Simulator VI.2. Hasil simulasi yang didapat akan dianalisis sehingga didapatkan data yang menggambarkan Quality of Service dari jaripgan VoIP."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Contents :
- Table of Contents by Author
- Benefits of Voice over ATM for the Service Provider
- Customer Care and Billing: Mission Critical
- Service Provider API: Secure Access to Converged Networks The Parlay API
- Winning IN Services for the Residential and Small-Business Markets
- Pricing Value-Added Services: Flat Rate versus Usage Sensitive
- The future of Services from Intelligent Peripherals
- Private Customer Services in IN: The Finnet View
- The Role of the IN in an Increasingly Competitive Environment
- Billing, Operation Support Systems, and the lntelligent Network: The Investment
Case for Consolidation
- Outsourcing Customer Care and Service Provisioning
- Managing Multiple Versions of Service Software
- Intelligent Services
- End-User Control for Intelligent Network Services
- Interoperability and Intelligent Networking
- Re-Examining the lntelligent Network
- Interconnection Values and Issues
- Web-Enabled Services for the Intelligent Network
- Local Number Portability The Next Steps
- IN/AIN Architectural Overview and Standards
- Getting Ready to Offer Intelligent Network Services
- Future-Proofing LNP Architecture
- The Fixed Network's Role in Mobility
- Intelligent Networking in the Mobile Environment
- Wireless and Wireline Integration: Great Expectations Have They Been Met?
- Wireless-Wireline Integration: An Emerging Set of Solutions
- Implementing WIN for International Applications
- Info on the Go: WIN-Enabling Architecture
- IN/IP Convergence in Services Architecture
- Advanced Internet Network
- The Use of the Intelligent Network in the Internet Protocol Routing Service
- IP Voice, Fax, and Video Services and Applications
- Integrating VoIP Networks into PSTN Wireless and Wireline
- Introduction to IP Telephony
- AIN: Mechanized Service Activation "
Chicago: Professional Education International, 2000
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Molyneux, Robert E.
Westport: Libraries Unlimited, 2003
004.6 MOL i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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