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"Contents :
- Table of Contents by Author
- On the Selection of the Optimum Emerging Wireless Broadband
Technology by a Mobile Operator
- Fiber Optics for Wireless Telecommunications
- Emerging Wireless Technologies
- Integration of Wireless Access with Wireline Networks:OAM&P Support
Architecture with ITU-tML Technology
- How to Make Money in Broadband Wireless
- Converged Public and Enterprise Wireless Networks
- 4G Mobile IP Will Become a Disruptive Technology
- An Overview of Wireless Fixed and Mobile Access Technologies
- 802.16 Broadband Access:Evolving from Fixed to Mobile Operation
- IP Data Communication over the Wireless Network
- The Application of WiMAX Technologies in Rural Montana
- Will WiMAX Work?
- WiMAX, NLOS, and Broadband Wireless Access (Sub-11Ghz)Worldwide
Market Analysis 2004-2008
- WiMAX versus Wi-Fi
- A Business Justification:WiMAX Service Providers and Security
- WiMAX: The Next Generation of Wireless Communication?
- WiMAX Promises a New Era in Telecom
- WiMAX: Outlining Business Strategies
- WiMAX: Final Destination or Path
- Simulation of 802.16a Deployment Scenarios and Their Performance
- Wireless Networks for Real-Time Multimedia Communications
- Cellular and WLAN Convergence
- Adaptive Antenna Arrays for WLAN Communication Systems
- Wireless LAN: Security,Reliability, and Scalability
- Wi-Fi Networks: A Discussion from the Carrier Perspective
- Operations Support System(OSS) Requirements and Solutions for
Carrier-Grade Wireless LAN Services
- Case Study: The City Of Fredericton Free Wi-Fi Zone
- Wi-Fi Hotspots Deployment in a Next-Generation Network Environment
- 3G UMTS:IEEE 802.11b WLAN Internetworking for VoIP Services
- IP Multimedia Subsystem(IMS)
- From Voice to Data:The 3G Mass-Market Challenge
- UMTS 3G Technology in Broadband Wireless Applications
- A Mobility-Management Scheme in All IP Integrated Network
- Impact of the Interference from Intermodulation Products on the Load
Factor and Capacity of Cellular CDMA2000 and WCDMA Systems and
Mitigation with Interference Suppression
- TD CDMA:Fusion of Broadband and Mobility
- Understanding MAC Protocol Architectural Implications of 802.11 QoS
- Quality of Service in Broadband Wireless Networks
- Bringing Quality in the 802.11 Wireless Arena
- Managing Key Performance Indicators for Wireless Services
- Authentication in Wireless LANs
- A Novel Broadband/Wireless Routing Algorithm
- Acronym Guide "
Chicago: International Engineering Consortium, 2004
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Contents :
- Table of Contents by Author
- Acronym Guide
- Making DSL Profitable: A Financial Analysis
- Wholesale versus Retail: A Comparison of CLEC-DSL Business Models
- International Telecom Market Opportunities and Trends
- Using a Strong Brand through Retail and E-Commerce to Expand the DSL Market
- The ISP Experience in Today's DSL Marketplace
- Wholesale versus Retail Model for CLECs
- VoDSL: Challenges in the Partnership Model
- Automating Loop Management
- Mass-Market Solutions for DSL Deployment
- Driven Deployment in the New Millennium
- ADSL Welcome to the Suburbs!
- Enabling Effective DSL Deployment
- The Building Blocks of Broadband
- Managing for Explosive Digital Subscriber Line Growth
- Delivery of ADSL Services in DLC Environments
- The Future of Digital Subscriber Line
- Lessons learned in Deploying Voice over DSL
- DSL Mass Deployment: What You Don't Know Can Hurt You
- Deployment Challenges and Solutions
- loop-Management Processes for Efficient Customer Activation
- DSL Deployment: The ISP Perspective
- The Future Broadband Home
- Challenges of the Digital loop Carrier
- Practical Issues of Delivering Services inside the Customer Premises
- Provisioning Broadband Services over DSL
- Automated, End-to-End DSL Provisioning: From Loop Qualification to the Backhaul
- DSL's Effect on ILEC Network Architecture
- Connecting to the Network
- DSL: A Last-Mile Technology
- Access Issues in the Local Loop
- Internet via Satellite
- Integrated Software-on-Silicon Solutions for Next-Generation DSL CPE
- Digital Subscriber Line Fault Localization
- i-SLAM: The Next-Generation, IP-Aware, IP-Smart, Intelligent DSLAM
- Fiber-to-the-Home Market Trial
- Traffic Aggregation and Multiple Application Selection
- Residential Broadband: The Move from How It Gets There to What Gets There
- Plug-and-Play DSL
- Internet Age: Going from Plug and Pray to Plug and Play
- Residential Gateways: New Applications for High-Speed Premises Networking
- Getting to Plug-and-Play DSL�An SBC Perspective
- SelectPlay: Software over Broadband on Demand
- Moving toward Plug-and-Play DSL
- Always-On DSL Requires Always-On Provisioning
- G.shdsl and ETSI SDSL Multirate Symmetric DSLs
- HDSL2 Standards Compliance and Interoperability
- DSL Spectrum Management
- The Interoperability Problem "
Chicago: International Engineering Consortium, 2006
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Contents :
- Table of contents by author
- Part I: Business issues, deployment, and revenue generation
- Part II: Technology and infrastructure
- Part III: Applications and services
- Part IV: Quality of service, customer care, and security
- Acronym guide "
Chicago: International Engineering Consortium, 2003
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rachmad Hidayat
Teknologi jaringan lokal tanpa kabel (wireless LAM adalah salah satu bentuk wujud dad kemajuan teknologi jaringan komputer (computer network) yang saat ini sedang marak pemakaiannya. Timbulnya teknologi ini ditujukan untuk memberikan aftematif solusi bagi kebutuhan pemakai komputer yang memiliki tingkat mobilitas yang relatif tinggi pokal) dan pertimbangan ekonomis dalam penggunaan kabel (dalam kondisi yang sering berubah). Dengan teknologi ini memungkinkan Para pemakai (user) dapat mengakses jaringan komputer tanpa harus disibukkan dengan masalah pengkabelan (wiring). Sehingga dalam proses pengaksesan tidak harus dilakukan dad satu tempat melainkan dapat berpindah-pindah tanpa hares terganggu selama masih dalam cakupan base station.
Di sisi lain kampus sebagai wahana pendidikan selayaknya dapat mengakses perkembangan ilmu dan teknologi mutakhir dengan mudah. Intemet sebagai salah satu tempat (site) penyedia yang real time akan kebutuhan informasi tersebut selayaknya menjadi bagian penting dalam aktivitas akademik. ini semua dapat terwujud jika infrastruktur untuk berkoneksi dengan Intemet dapat dipenuhi dengan mengingat kondisi masyarakat kampus yang memiliki mobilitas yang relatif tinggi.
Dalam Skripsi ini akan diajukan satu solusi altematif untuk menciptakan infrastruktur yang mudah dibangun dengan biaya (cost) yang relatif murah dibarndingkan dengan manfaat yang didapatkan. Solusi yang ingin diajukan adalah membangun LAN wireless pada setiap fakultas. Akan tetapi sebelum itu uji coba keandalan pertu dilakukan. Uji coba tersebut dalam interkoneksi dengan Intemet yang dilakukan di Jurusan Elektro Fakultas Teknik melalui safah satu ISP (intemet service provider) yang ada di Jakarta.
Pada Skdpsi ini, akan dipaparkan tiga tahapan proses. Proses pertama adalah membangun infrastruktur dengan membangun LAN wireless. Proses kedua menginterkoneksikan dengan Intemet. Proses terakhir adalah uji coba terhadap LAN wireless yang telah terinterkoneksi dengan Intemet dengan melakukan beberapa aplikasi seperti download file misainya. Perangkat keras yang dipergunakan adalah IBM Wireless LAN dan perangkat lunaknya berupa intemet browser seperti Netscape Navigator 3.0 dan program aplikasi yang mendukung uji coba ini seperti FTP, Telnet dan sebagainya.
Setelah interkoneksi terjadi, maka proses pengaksesan informasi dari intemet dapat dilakukan dengan cara mengunjungi site yang menyediakan informasi yang dibutuhkan.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adhi Mahendra
"Salah satu tantangan utama dalam dunia telekomunikasi adalah menyediakan jasa Iayanan data berkecepatan tinggi. Kondisi keadaan pada saat ini, dengan teknologi broadband wireless yang ada dapat memberikan suatu cakupan area yang luas serta mampu dalam layanan data berkecepatan tinggi yang mengaplikaslkan multimedia.
Salah salu upaya untuk menyediakan jasa layanan data berkecepatan tinggi adalah dengan melakukan teknik diversitas Dimana dalam hal ini adalah teknik diversitas yang dilakukan adalah teknik divertisitas ruang (Space diversity technique).
Dalam tesis ini dilakukan simulasl teknik Space Time Block Coding (STBC) dan Space Frequency Block Coding (SFBC). Simulasi yang dilakukan adalah dengan memakai teknik pemancar tunggal clan pemancar ganda serta teknik penerima tunggal dan ganda.
Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa teknik space time coding dan space frequency block coding dengan memakai teknik pemancar dan penerima ganda memiliki perfomansi yang balk dibandinkan memakai teknik pemancar tunggal penerima ganda atau sebaliknya.

One of the main challenge in telecommunication is to provide high speed data services. ln this recent condition, the broadband wireless technology could provide high scope coverage area and able to provide high speed data services using multimedia applications.
One of the efforts to proved high speed data services is to diversity technique, which means that we use space diversity technique.
ln this theses, we would use technique simulation space time block coding (STBC) and space frequency block coding (SFBC). ln this simulation we use single transmitter technique and multiple transmitter technique; we also use single receiver and multiple receiver technique.
This test result showed that using double transmitter and receiver technique in space time block coding technique and space frequency block coding will have a better performance compare to using single transmitter technique multiple receiver or on the contrary."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Panjaitan, May Hendra
"Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) adalah salah satu kasus penggunaan populer di 5G, yang diharapkan dapat menggantikan layanan internet konvensional. Namun, implementasi jaringan telekomunikasi membutuhkan modal besar, sehingga harus dilakukan secara hati-hati untuk meminimalkan resiko. Secara umum, investasi jaringan dinilai dengan metode Net Present Value (NPV) standar. Ketika NPV positif, maka infrastruktur tersebut menguntungkan. Namun, NPV mungkin tidak akan seperti yang diharapkan karena ketidakpastian di masa depan. Salah satunya adalah jumlah pelanggan. Penelitian ini mengusulkan penggunaan Real Option (RO) dengan metode decision tree dan model Black Scholes untuk menganalisis implementasi jaringan FWA di kawasan urban. Dari hasil penelitian, metode NPV standar menghasilkan Expected NPV positif sebesar IDR 2.297.625.000. Namun, terdapat resiko sebesar 33% bahwa NPV akan menjadi IDR -6.093.690.000. Dengan menggunakan decision tree, memiliki pilihan untuk menunda pembangunan FWA selama satu sampai tiga tahun pembangunan FWA dapat dibatalkan apabila menghasilkan NPV negatif dan semua nilai ENPV yang lebih besar daripada tanpa pilihan untuk menunda pembangunan dimana penundaan pembaangunan FWA paling baik dengan pilihan menunda selama satu tahun. Nilai ENPV apabila terdapat pilihan untuk menunda pembangunan FWA yakni IDR 3.750.570.000 ketika menunda selama satu tahun, IDR 3.252.630.000 ketika menunda selama dua tahun, dan IDR 2.825.565.000 ketika menunda selama tiga tahun. Hasil dari metode model Black Scholes juga memiliki nilai ENPV yang lebih besar dari pada tidak memiliki pilihan untuk menunda pembangunan FWA dimana nilai ENPV paling besar apabila pembangunan dapat ditunda selama tiga tahun. Nilai ENPV dari model Black Scholes yakni: IDR 3.310.020.000 untuk penundaan pembangunan selama satu tahun, IDR untuk penundaan pembangunan selama dua tahun, dan IDR 4.654.239.750 untuk penundaan pembangunan selama tiga tahun

Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) is one of the popular use cases in 5G, which is expected to replace conventional internet services. However, the implementation of telecommunications networks requires large capital, so it must be done carefully to minimize risks. In general, network investments are valued by the standard Net Present Value (NPV) method. When the NPV is positive, the infrastructure is profitable. However, the NPV may not be as expected due to future uncertainties. One of them is the number of customers. This study proposes the use of Real Option (RO) with the decision tree method and the Black Scholes model to analyze the implementation of the FWA network in urban areas. From the research results, the standard NPV method produces a positive Expected NPV of IDR 2,297,625,000. However, there is a 33% risk that the NPV will be IDR -6,093,690,000. By using the decision tree, having the option to delay the construction of the FWA for one to three years, the construction of the FWA can be canceled if it produces a negative NPV and still result all ENPV values are greater than without the option to postpone the construction where delaying the construction of the FWA is best with the option of delaying for one year. The ENPV value if there is an option to postpone the construction of the FWA is IDR 3,750,570,000 when delaying for one year, IDR 3,252,630,000 when delaying for two years, and IDR 2,825,565,000 when delaying for three years. The results of the Black Scholes model method also have a greater ENPV value than not having the option of delaying the construction of the FWA where the ENPV value is greatest if the construction can be delayed for three years. The ENPV values of the Black Scholes model are: IDR 3,310,020,000 for a one-year implementation delay, IDR 3,191,115,150 for a two-year implementation delay, and IDR 4,654,239,750 for a three-year implementation delay."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agung Pujo Winarko
"Dalam dunia industri, untuk mengetahui performa mesin motor dapat dilakukan diagnosa menggunakan machinery analyzer. Machinery analyzer yang dibahas pada penelitian ini yaitu Haliza. Terdapat permasalahan dalam melakukan diagnosa mesin motor menggunakan Haliza yaitu penggunaan kabel komunikasi antara sensor kecepatan dan Haliza, yang mengurangi fleksibilitas saat proses diagnosa dilakukan dan waktu pemasangan yang cukup lama. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian ini akan dilakukan rancang bangun interface untuk modul komunikasi wireless yang akan dipasang pada sensor kecepatan dan Haliza. Rancang bangun interface di kembangkan dengan menggunakan mikrokontroler ATmega16A, sebagai kontroler pada modul wireless RF CC2500. Telah dilakukan pengujian hardware dan software dari modul komunikasi wireless. Dari hasil uji komunikasi diperoleh jangkauan jarak maksimum tanpa BER (Bit Error Rate) sejauh 16 meter pada kecepatan putaran motor 1800 rpm dengan nilai RSSI -79 dBm. Kecepatan putaran motor maksimum yang dapat terukur yaitu 2100 rpm, dengan tingkat kesalahan 0.14% dibandingkan dengan hasil pengukuran tachometer. Untuk uji kehandalan komunikasi wireless, didapatkan tingkat kesalahan rata-rata sebesar 0.09% pada pengujian jarak 10 meter dengan kecepatan 2100 rpm selama 5 jam pengujian.

In the industrial, to know the performance of the machine can be diagnosed using machinery analyzer. Machinery analyzer are discussed in this research that Haliza. There are problems in diagnosing the machine using Haliza namely the use of the communication cable between the speed sensor and Haliza, which reduces the flexibility when the diagnosis is made and the installation of a long time. Therefore, in this report will be conducted design interface for a wireless communication module that will be installed on the speed sensor and Haliza. The design of the interface is developed by using microcontroller ATmega16A, as a controller in the wireless module RF CC2500. The hardware and software of the wireless communication module have been tested. Communication test results obtained maximum distances without the BER (Bit Error Rate) as far as 16 meters at a motor rotating speed of 1800 rpm with RSSI value of -79 dBm. The maximum rotation speed of the motor which can be measured at 2100 rpm, with an error rate of 0.14% compared with the measurement results tachometer. The reliability test of wireless communication, obtained average error rate of 0.09% at the testing distance of 10 meters at a speed of 2100 rpm for 5 hours of testing."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pahlavan, Kaveh, 1951-
New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1995
621.381 PAH w (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shankar, P. Mohana
"The book presents a comprehensive view of channel degradation arising from fading and shadowing. Various statistical models including simple, hybrid, compound, complex and cascaded ones are presented with detailed derivations along with measures to quantify the deterioration such as the amount of fading, error rates and outage probabilities. The models range from the Rayleigh and Rician through Suzuki, generalized K, cascaded and alpha-mu and similar ones. This is followed by the analysis of mitigation of fading and shadowing through diversity (simple, hybrid, micro- and macro- level) and combining algorithms. The density and distribution functions, error rates and outages are derived and results analyzed to quantify the improvements. The effects of co-channel interference before and after the implementation of diversity are also analyzed. To facilitate easy understanding of the models and analysis, the background information in terms of probability and random variables is presented with relevant derivations of densities of linear and nonlinear transformation of random variables, the sums, products, ratios as well as order statistics of random variables of all types. The book also provides material on digital modems of interest in wireless systems. Thus, the book with 1100+ equations and 350+ Matlab generated figures and tables is an ideal source for students, educators, researchers and professionals in wireless communications allowing access to information currently unavailable."
New York: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Contents :
- Contents by Author
- University Program Sponsors
- Current Trends and Business Strategies
- The Progression of WIMAX Toward a Peer-to-Peer Paradigm Shift
- Affirming the Mobility Quotient: How Wireless Connectivity Is Shaping Worker
- How Small Can It Get?
- Improving the Performance of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Using Directional Antennas
- Whence and Whither Mobile Communications and Impacting Technologies
- The Evolution of WiMAX Certification
- Prime Time for Mobile Television
- Technologies and Networks
- WLAN Mesh Architectures and IEEE 802.11s
- Wireless Billboard Channels:Vehicle and Infrastructural Support for Advertisement,
Discovery, and Association of UCWW Services
- Leveraging MIMO in Wide-Area Networks
- Revolution by Satellite
- Overview of a Personal Network Prototype
- Smooth Integration of Mobile Video Telephony to Windows Mobile
- The Law of Mobility
- Detecting Packet Mishandling in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
- Performance of Transport Protocols in Wireless Networks
- The Emergence of the Wireless VoIP Phone
- Effect of Interference and Control Error on Cellular Mobile Communication
- Seamless Mobility
- Optimizing Video over Wireless Using Performance and Architecture Modeling
- Internetworking of Next-Generation IPv6-Based Mobile Wireless Networks and
MPLS/GMPLS-Based Multiservice Backbone Networks
- Acronym Guide "
Philadelphia: International Engineering Consortium, 2007
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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