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Ditemukan 5405 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Bonzon, Yves, 1980-
""The legitimacy of the WTO's decision-making process has always been questioned, and many have advocated public participation mechanisms as a remedy. Yves Bonzon considers the limits and potential of these mechanisms by advancing a conceptual framework which distinguishes the four 'implementation parameters' of public participation: the goal, the object, the modalities, and the actors. He addresses the issue of legitimacy by considering to what extent, and by virtue of which legal principles, one can see implementing the democratic principle as a goal for public participation in the context of the WTO. By analysing the institutional structure of the WTO and its different types of decisions, he then outlines how this goal should influence the object and modalities of public participation, which decision-making procedures should be opened to public participation, and how the mechanisms should be implemented in practice. Finally, he suggests specific amendments to existing WTO arrangements on public participation"-"
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2014
382.92 BON p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Across the world public archaeology, the way in which it is understood as well as the way it is practised or delivered, has many facets. In some countries it is not only unknown, but is actively discouraged; in many other places it has been embraced fully and is considered normal practice, whether this appears in the form of so-called "community archaeology", active school and college programmes, (re)thinking the strategies of museums, or as simply encouraging on-site visits and demonstrations during archaeological fieldwork. However, in a difficult economic climate public archaeology is often adversely affected; funding cuts can mean changes in priorities for heritage organisations and local and national governments, and even to the loss of entire projects. This volume examines the various facets of public archaeology practice globally, and the factors which are currently affecting it, together with the question of how different publics and communities engage with their archaeological heritage. With case studies from across the globe, ranging from Canada to Turkmenistan and from Ireland to Argentina, it presents a contemporary snapshot of public participation in archaeology, covering both successful initiatives and the threats posed to such opportunities by local, regional and global changes. Particular strands addressed are international models; archaeology and education; archaeology and tourism; and site management and conservation. Joanne Lea is an educator with the Trillium Lakelands District School Board in Ontario, Canada. Suzie Thomas is University Lecturer in Museology at the University of Helsinki. Contributors: Shatha Abu-Khafajah, Crystal B. Alegria, Arwa Badran, Michael Brody, Blanca A. Camargo, Joëlle Clark, Mike Corbishley, Jolene Debert, Gaigysyz Jorayev, Thomas Kador, Sophie Lampe, Joanne Lea, Lilia L. Lizama Aranda, Cathy MacDonald, Natalia Mazzia, Alicia Ebbitt McGill, Jeanne M. Moe, Theano Moussouri, Aino Nissinaho, Alejandra Pupio, Virginia Salerno, Dinç Saraç, Tuija-Liisa Soininen, Suzie Thomas."
United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2014
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aloysius Eka Kurnia
"Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Daerah telah ditetapkan melalui Undang Undang Tentang Sistem Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional dan Undang Undang Tentang Pemerintahan Daerah agar dibentuk secara partisipatif dengan melibatkan peran serta masyarakat secara langsung melalui forum konsultasi publik dan Musrenbang. Akan tetapi potensi masalah kemudian dihadapi tatkala Raperda RPJMD yang memuat usulan program dari masyarakat harus dievaluasi ulang oleh DPRD yang mana pada fakta kasusnya DPRD DKI Jakarta dalam pembentukan RPJMD di DKI Jakarta menyumbangkan sejumlah program baru di luar yang telah disepakati oleh masyarakat daerah sendiri. Penelitian tesis yang menggunakan metode yuridis normatif ini berisi kesimpulan bahwasanya mekanisme pembahasan Raperda RPJMD oleh DPRD dalam sistem hukum di Indonesia memiliki kecenderungan menjauhi legitimasi demokratis yang ada. Oleh karena itu dalam hal ini dibutuhkan rekonsepsi terhadap mekanisme pendekatan politik dalam pembentukan RPJMD yang diwujudkan melalui pembahasan Raperda RPJMD oleh DPRD agar dapat memenuhi legitimasi demokratis dalam penyusunan sebuah kebijakan yang sesuai dengan sistem hukum di Indonesia.

The Regional Medium-Term Development Plan has been stipulated through the Law on the National Development Planning System and the Law on Regional Government that can be formed in a participatory manner by involving direct participation through public consultation forums and Development Planning Annual Meeting (Musrenbang). However, potential problems were then faced when the Draft of Regional Law which contained program proposals from the community had to be re-evaluated by the Province or City Council, in which case the DKI Jakarta Council was contributed a number of new programs out from those agreed upon by the community themselves in the formation of the Regional Medium-Term Development Plan in DKI Jakarta. This research that using the normative juridical method contains the conclusion that the Regional Council's evaluation mechanism for the Draft of Regional Law on Regional Medium-Term Development Plan in the legal system in Indonesia tends to move away from existing democratic legitimacy. Therefore in this case, a reconception of the political approach mechanism is needed in the formation of the Regional Medium-Term Development Plan in order to fulfill democratic legitimacy in formulating a policy that is in accordance with the legal system in Indonesia."
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cook, Graham
Cambridge, UK: nited Kingdom Cambridge University Press, 2015
343.087 COO d
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yulia Shadrina
"Saat ini BLU diberikan kewenangan untuk melakukan penandatangan perjanjian. Adanya hal ini memerlukan analisis mengenai apakah BLU mempunyai kecakapan dalam menandatangani suatu perjanjian khususnya perjanjian KSO menurut hukum perjanjian di Indonesia.  Selain itu juga menganalisis dalam hal perjanjian yang ditandatangani oleh BLU menimbulkan kerugian terhadap pihak ketiga, siapakah yang akan bertanggungjawab. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode yuridis normatif dikarenakan penelitian kali ini akan melakukan analisis atas produk hukum yaitu Perjanjian Kerja Sama Operasi antara BLU di bidang energi dan sumber daya mineral dengan pihak swasta. Penelitian ini akan mencari dasar hukum/aturan, doktrin, teori untuk menjawab rumusan masalah yang diangkat.  Analisis masalah kecakapan akan dimulai dengan melihat teori dan ketentuan yang terdapat dalam hukum Perjanjian di Indonesia serta doktrin dan teori mengenai subyek hukum badan hukum dan teori positivisme. Analisis kedua terhadap pertanggungjawaban BLU apabila Perjanjian KSO mengalami kerugian adalah dengan menganalisis menggunakan aturan pertanggungjawaban dalam hukum perdata serta teori delegasi kewenangan, serta teori positivisme. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa BLU bukanlah subjek hukum berbentuk badan hukum sehingga tidak mempunyai kecakapan untuk melakukan perbuatan hukum seperti melakukan penandatanganan perjanjian KSO. Selanjutnya apabila timbul suatu kerugian maka berdasarkan hukum perdata, pihak ketiga dapat memintakan pertanggungjawaban hingga kepada instansi induk yaitu Kementerian Negara/Lembaga Pemerintah.

Currently BLU is given the authority to sign the agreement. The existence of this requires an analysis of whether BLU is capable to sign an agreement, especially KSO agreements according to contract law in Indonesia. In addition, it also analyses in terms of the agreement signed by BLU causing harm to third parties, who will be responsible. The method used in this study is a normative juridical method because this research will analyse a legal product, namely the Joint Operation Agreement between BLU in the field of energy and mineral resources and the private sector. This research will look for legal/rule bases, doctrines, and theories to answer the formulated problems raised. The analysis of skills issues will begin by looking at the theories and provisions contained in treaty law in Indonesia as well as doctrines and theories regarding the subject matter of legal entities and the theory of positivism. The second analysis of the accountability of BLU if the KSO Agreement suffers a loss is by analysing using the accountability rules in civil law and the theory of delegation of authority, as well as the theory of positivism. The results of this study conclude that BLU is not a legal subject in the form of a legal entity, so it cannot take legal actions, such as signing a KSO agreement. Furthermore, if a loss occurs, based on civil law, a third party can hold accountability up to the parent agency, namely the State Ministry/Government Agency."
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Emilianus Yakob Sese Tolo
"Abstract. The implementation of decentralization in Indonesia brings two-fold effects. On the one hand, it has given more autonomy for regions to organize and manage their governmental affairs. However, on the other hand, regional autonomy causes problems in society, such as increased corruption, money politics, and environmental damage. By using descriptive-qualitative approach, the author evaluated the implementation of forestry decentralization in Indonesia with research focus in Manggarai and Central Maluku districts. This study found that the implementation of forestry decentralization ignored community involvement thus brought negative consequences such as the increasing damage to forest ecosystems and the declining public welfare. Therefore, in order to bring benefits for forest conservation and welfare of the community, forestry decentralization needs to fortify community involvement.
Abstrak. Penyelenggaraan desentralisasi di Indonesia telah membawa dampak yang mendua. Pada satu sisi, desentralisi telah memberi otonomi yang lebih luas kepada daerah otonom untuk mengatur dan mengurus berbagai urusan pemerintahan yang dimilikinya. Namun, di pihak lain, otonomi daerah justru telah menimbulkan masalah di dalam masyarakat, seperti meningkatnya korupsi, politik uang, dan kerusakan lingkungan. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif-kualitatif, penulis mengevaluasi penyelenggaraan desentralisasi kehutanan di Indonesia dengan lokus penelitian di Indonesia Bagian Timur, khususnya kabupaten Manggarai dan Maluku Tengah. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa penyelenggaraan desentralisasi kehutanan mengabaikan keterlibatan masyarakat sehingga membawa akibat negatif berupa meningkatnya kerusakan eksosistem hutan dan menurunnya kesejahteraan masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, agar penyelenggaraan desentralisasi kehutanan membawa manfaat bagi kelestarian hutan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat, perlu diupayakan fortifikasi peran masyarakat dalam desentralisasi kehutanan."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simbolon, Manuel
"Tesis ini membahas tentang Demokrasi Deliberatif dan partisipasi Masyarakat sipil dalam proses pembentukan hukum di World Trade Organization (WTO). WTO didirikan untuk mengatur perdagangan internasional sesuai dengan WTO Agreement. WTO mendorong arus perdagangan antarnegara, dengan mengurangi dan menghapus berbagai hambatan yang dapat mengganggu kelancaran perdagangan barang dan jasa. Namun sejak kelahirannya WTO telah mendapatkan resistensi yang sangat besar dari berbagai kalangan akar rumput. Hal tersebut dikarenakan hukum perdagangan internasional dalam kerangka WTO telah menimbulkan norma-norma yang bersinggungan langsung dengan individu masyarakat. Keputusan-keputusan yang lahir dalam sistem hukum WTO adalah keputusan yang nyata memiliki dampak secara langsung.
Walaupun secara normatif WTO dianggap sebagai organisasi internasional yang lebih demokratis, namun dalam tataran praksis banyak sekali praktek-praktek pengambilan keputusan yang lebih bersifat oligarkis. Proses pengambilan keputusan di WTO melalui mekanisme konsensus sangatlah tidak transparan, selektif dan rahasia. WTO telah mengalienasikan dirinya dan menjadi otonom dari kepentingan masyarakat sipil. Padahal agar suatu pengambilan keputusan bersifat demokratis, maka proses pengambilan keputusan itu harus melibatkan pihak-pihak yang terkena akibat dari keputusan-keputusan tersebut, baik itu secara langsung maupun melalui perwakilannya masing-masing. Disamping itu, keputusan-keputusan tersebut juga harus dicapai sebagai suatu hasil dari adanya pertukaran argumentasi yang rasional, terbuka dan transparan.
Penulis mencoba menawarkan teori demokrasi deliberatif yang digagas oleh Jurgen Habermas sebagai jawaban dari permasalahan yang terjadi dalam proses pembentukan hukum di WTO. Demokrasi dapat disebut deliberatif jika proses pemberian suatu alasan atas suatu kandidat kebijakan publik diuji terlebih dahulu lewat konsultasi publik atau lewat diskursus publik. Menurut Habermas, politik selalu dipengaruhi oleh dua aspek. Aspek tersebut adalah faktisitas hukum dan validitas hukum. Faktisitas hukum menekankan kepastian hukum demi rumusan yang ada pada pada hukum itu sendiri, sedangkan validitas hukum menekankan bahwa hukum harus dapat dilegitimasikan secara moral. Maka dari itu, sesungguhnya teori tersebut merupakan sebuah desakan bagi WTO untuk membuka ruang-ruang dan kanal-kanal komunikasi politis di dalam masyarakat, agar keputusan-keputusan yang diambil dalam proses pembentukan hukum di WTO tidak teralienasikan dari masyarakat sipil dan menimbulkan kurangnya legitimasi.

This theses elaborates the deliberative democracy and participation of civil society in the law-making process at the World Trade Organization (WTO). World Trade Organization (WTO) was established to regulate international trade in accordance with the WTO Agreement. WTO encourages the flow of international trading, by reducing and removing barriers that may interfere the accelerations of trade in goods and services. But since the establishment of the WTO has gained enormous resistance from various grassroots. That is because the law of international trade within the WTO framework has led to the norms that interact directly with individual communities. The decisions that were taken in the WTO legal system is the decisions that have a direct impact.
Although normatively WTO is considered as an international organization that is more democratic, but in a many practical level, decision-making practices in WTO are more oligarchic. The decision making process in the WTO through a consensus mechanism is not transparent, selective and confidential. WTO has alienated himself and become autonomous from the interests of civil society. And to a democratic decision-making, then the decision-making process must involve the affected parties as a result of these decisions, either directly or through their respective representation. In addition, these decisions should also be achieved as a result of an exchange of arguments were rational, open and transparent.
The author tries to offer a theory of deliberative democracy initiated by Jurgen Habermas as an answer to the problems that occur in the WTO law-making process. Democracy can be called deliberative if the process of giving a reason on a public policy candidate tested in advance through public consultation or through public discourse. According to Habermas, politics is always influenced by two aspects. These aspects are legal facticity and legal validity. Legal facticity emphasizes the rule of law toward the formulas that exist in the law itself, while the legal validity emphasizes that law must be legitimized morally. Therefore, the theory actually is an insistence for the WTO to open spaces and channels of political communication in the community, so that the decisions taken in the law-making process in the WTO is not alienated from civil society and causing a lack of legitimacy.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aya Sofia
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai perlindungan konsumen terhadap
serangan balik pelaku usaha atas penggunaan hak kebebasan berpendapat oleh
konsumen. Serangan balik tersebut dikenal dengan istilah Strategic Lawsuit
Against Public Participation (SLAPP). Di Indonesia belum memiliki peraturan
khusus mengenai perlindungan konsumen terhadap SLAPP tersebut. Karena itu,
di sini penulis mengangkat negara Amerika Serikat, khususnya negara bagian
California yang telah memiliki peraturan khusus mengenai perlindungan SLAPP
tersebut yaitu Anti-SLAPP Statute section 425.16. Penulis merasa Indonesia perlu
juga memiliki peraturan mengenai Anti-SLAPP karena sudah terdapat kasuskasus
di Indonesia mengenai pelaku usaha yang melakukan gugatan balik kepada
konsumennya karena konsumen tersebut menuntut haknya melalui mengeluarkan
pendapat di muka umum atau mengajukan gugatan kepada pelaku usaha tersebut
ke pengadilan. Dengan tidak adanya peraturan khusus mengenai Anti-SLAPP
tersebut, dikhawatirkan SLAPP tersebut dapat membungkam partisipasi publik
terhadap keikutsertaannya dalam permasalahan publik.

This paper discusses the protection of consumers against In addition to the
meaning behind the acronym SLAPP, Strategic Lawsuit Against Public
Participation, that described as actions without substantial merit brought against
individuals or groups with the intention of silencing the opponents, interfering
with the defendants' past or future exercise of constitutionally protected rights.
Therefore, here the authors raised the United States, especially the state of
California which has had special rules concerning the protection of the Anti-
SLAPP Statute section 425.16. The author thought that Indonesia should also
have the Anti-SLAPP legislation because there have been cases in Indonesia on
businesses that make counter claim to the consumers because consumers are
demanding their rights through an opinion in public or filed a lawsuit against the
business to court. In the absence of specific regulations regarding the Anti-
SLAPP, SLAPP feared could chill public participation to participation in public
Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aufa Auladi
Sebagai negara yang berdasarkan hukum demokrasi, partisipasi masyarakat di Indonesia merupakan bagian penting dalam menjalankan fungsi kenegaraan. Untuk Selain itu, Indonesia telah menjamin hak untuk berserikat dan berkumpul, mengeluarkan pikiran secara lisan dan tertulis dalam konstitusi. Sayangnya, orang yang masih berbicara menentang atau mengkritik tentang masalah publik sering diintimidasi dan dibungkam melalui jalur hukum, terutama di masalah lingkungan. Hal ini dilakukan dengan mengajukan gugatan atau pelaporan kriminal terhadap orang-orang yang berpartisipasi dalam partisipasi publik.
Membungkam melalui jalur hukum disebut sebagai Strategis Gugatan Terhadap Peran Serta Masyarakat (SLAPP). SLAPP bisa menghalangi orang dalam menjalankan kebebasan berbicara dan hak mereka untuk
partisipasi publik. Untuk melindungi partisipasi publik ini, Indonesia telah menegakkan ketentuan Gugatan Anti Strategis Terhadap Partisipasi Masyarakat (anti-SLAPP) di bawah hukum lingkungan. Namun, tidak jelas apakah istilah anti-SLAPP dapat menolak gugatan atau penuntutan dan memberikan perlindungan hukum dari bahaya SLAPP. Tujuan dari tesis ini adalah untuk meninjau undang-undang yang berkaitan dengan anti-SLAPP dan penerapan ketentuan anti-SLAPP
SLAPP di Indonesia. Tesis ini menggunakan penelitian yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan komparatif terhadap peraturan anti-SLAPP di beberapa negara.
As a country based on democratic law, public participation in Indonesia is an important part in carrying out state functions. In addition, Indonesia has guaranteed the right to associate and assemble, express thoughts orally and in writing in the constitution. Unfortunately, people who still speak out against or criticize about public issues are often intimidated and silenced through legal channels, especially on environmental issues. This is done by filing criminal lawsuits or reporting against people who participate in public participation.
Silencing through legal channels is known as the Strategic Lawsuit Against Community Participation (SLAPP). SLAPP can prevent people from exercising their freedom of speech and their right to
public participation. To protect this public participation, Indonesia has enforced the Anti-Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation (anti-SLAPP) provisions under environmental law. However, it is not clear whether the term anti-SLAPP can deny a lawsuit or prosecution and provide legal protection from the harm of SLAPP. The purpose of this thesis is to review the laws relating to anti-SLAPP and the application of anti-SLAPP provisions SLAPP in Indonesia. This thesis uses normative juridical research with a comparative approach to anti-SLAPP regulations in several countries.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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