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Ferry Irawan
"Tulisan ini menganalisis efektivitas kebijakan moneter di Indonesia dengan rentang waktu dua dekade terakhir. Implementasi kebijakan moneter dalam berbagai literatur sering kali memunculkan pertanyaan bagaimana efektifitas kebijakan tersebut dapat dipertahankan. Dengan mengunakan pendekatan rational expectation dengan data Indonesia, studi ini menemukan bahwa tingkat inflasi di Indonesia dipengaruhi oleh secara signifikan oleh kebijakan moneter yang bersifat dapat diantisipasi (anticipated). Kebijakan moneter yang dapat diantisipasi (anticipated) juga berpengaruh positip signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi. "
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2005
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Nawawi
This paper presents an analysis of the effect of fiscal policy in Indonesia based on a VAR approach. Fiscal policy shocks are identified as a structural residuals related to unexpected government expenditures and tax revenues. Impulse responses are then used to simulate the dynamic response of key macroeconomics variables of shocks. The analysis shows that GDP responses negatively to tax shocks, and positively to expenditure shock. Moreover, disposable income and private consumption
react negatively to taxation and positively to government expenditures. Altogether the results are consistent with that of Keynesian models."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rus`an Nasrudin
"Combining regional growth model and integration of financial institution model, this paper evaluates whether intermediary development influences growth in Indonesia. Recent research has proved that not only banks development influence economic growth positively but also its exogenous components.
However, there are several different assumptions during adopt this model in Indonesia. Especially regional approach is differing than national approach in growth model. The point is the existence of intermediary integration across region whit causes the economic agent move freely within a nation.
The data show that integration of financial intermediation was not always associated with economic growth. Only four of twenty six provinces which proved strong influence of financial intermediation on economic growth. Labor condition and average annual wages are not exogenous variables which explain growth due to financial intermediation in Indonesia. At least during 1987-1998."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nasution, Mustafa Edwin
"Dalam sistem moneter yang berbasis syariah, target-target kebijakan moneter yang berhasil adalah yang dipusatkan kearah tercapainya stabilisasi ekonomi yang dapat diukur dengan salah satu indikator berupa kestabilan pergerakan agregat moneter yang hanya berfungsi sebagai alat transaksi, dan juga dalam kegunaannya sebagai instrumen kebijakan moneter. Hal tersebut hanya dapat tercapai rnelalui konsistensi dengan aturan yang berlaku dalam ajaran Islam.
Penelitian ini adalah sebuah percobaan untuk menganalisis, mengevaluasi dan juga membuktikan keabsahan dan keefektifan dan kestabilan instrumen-instrumen moneter syariah. Hasil penelitian dengan melihat velositas agregat moneter dan terutama metode pendekatan kointegrasi dan error-correction mechanism, menunjukkan bahwa Otoritas Moneter dalam hubungannya dengan kebijakan pengaturan tingkat harga, besaran moneter yang bebas bunga mempunyai hubungan yang lebih erat dengan tingkat harga dibandingkan dengan besaran-besaran moneter yang telah mengandung bunga. Pada sisi lain dalam jangka panjang, permintaan agregat moneter bebas bunga akan relatif lebih stabil, sehingga gangguan yang bersifat jangka pendek akan tereduksi untuk kembali ke keseimbangan jangka panjangnya."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ghozali Maski
"The economic growth of the country is inseparable from the development of its financial sector. Therefore, this research attempted to prove the existence of causality between financial sector and economic growth in Indonesia using data between Q1 of 1996 to Q4 of 2006. The variables used as proxy for financial sector are monetization, private credit, total deposits, stock market capitalism, and stock market value traded?while the real GDP is used as a proxy for economic growth. This research aims to determine which variable is the most dominant influence in the shock given in causality result.This research methodology used Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) and Granger causality. VECM is used to find out the dominant variable that gave shock, while Granger causality is used to detect the causality between variables. Granger causality test shows the existence of one way causality between real GDP and private credit, total deposit, and stock market value traded. These causalities come from three sources. First, from real GDP to private credit; second, from real GDP to stock market value traded; and the last, from total deposit to real GDP. Meanwhile, VECM test shows the result that the economic growth can be a boosting factor for Indonesian financial sector growth. Moreover, the dominant variable in creating shock on economic growth is stock market value traded.
The Granger causality estimation shows that there are one-way causalities between real GDP and private credit, total deposit, and stock market value traded."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riandy Laksono
Economic and political systems might have a great share in determining the speed of the economic growth in an economy. Majority of the researchs in the past relied on physical input accumulation in determining economic growth, without taking into account the contribution of institutional characteristics. This research is aimed to test the hypothesis that economic freedom and political system affect the economic growth. Using panel data method (pooled least square approach) in eight ASEAN countries during the period of 1997-2007 and based on a framework of Solow economic growth model, it is showed that the more free and efficient economy leads to faster economic growth, and political democracy can otherwise hinder economic growth. Economy can grow higher if public policies are directed to the creation of: a stable monetary conditions, a more efficient in intermediation of financial markets, appropriate public budget policy, straightforward and efficient regulations, corruption eradication, as well as lower taxes. Nevertheless the index of investment freedom and property rights are far away from the behaviors of existing theories and hypothesis, so further research is needed."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rochman Budiasih Effendi
The stable fluctuation of Rp against the US$ during the free floating exchange rate regime in 2002-2007 raises the existence of fear of floating exchange rate phenomenon in Indonesia. The GARCH method is use to verify this phenomenon. Moreover, Time Varying Parameter and Error Correction Mechanism method shows the economic reason behind the Monetary Authoritys response in stabilizing rupiah. Depreciation and increasing volatility of Rupiah raises ination and bank Non-Performing Loans, while appreciation and increasing volatility of Rupiah, reduce the net export. Furthermore, Vector Autoregressive confirms the Monetary Authority respond to exchange rate shock through the interest rate policy for four months and through the foreign reserves policy for two months."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Telisa Aulia Falianty
"Kebijakan moneter di Indonesia sampai tahun 1997 masih terfokus pada target yang konvensional yaitu pertumbuhan uang beredar. Kebijakan moneter akan lebih efektif jika terpelihara hubungan yang stabil antara pertumbuhan uang beredar dengan sasaran akhir, seperti inflasi dan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Namun hubungan ini menjadi tidak stabil karena beberapa faktor, yaitu kebijakan nilai tukar di Indonesia yang bersifat kurang fleksibel, pengaruh deregulasi dan perubahan struktural di sektor keuangan, serta capital account Indonesia terbuka. Faktor-faktor tersebut menyebabkan pergerakan uang beredar menjadi sangat volatile."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Joko Waluyo
"The main purpose of this study is to find the effect of budget deficit with foreign loans as source of funding on inflation and economic growth. This study focuses on transmission mechanism of budget deficit funding effects on inflation and economic growth. We use a specific simultaneous macroeconomic model which includes 17 behavioral equations and 18 identity equations with 6 blocks in this study, Two Stage Least Square (TSLS) method is employed to estimate the behavioral equations in the model. This study use Indonesia secondary economic data from 1970 to 2003. Econometric tests are performed to produce BLUE estimator. This study also use stochastic simulation with 10000 replications to simulate policy.The results show that using foreign loan to fund budget deficit increases both economic growth and inflation. This result is also supported by the simulation results which show that increase in the proceeds of new foreign loan increases reserves which in turn increase primary money/money supply/monetary base. Interaction of monetary base with money multiplier then increases price level. increase in capital in flow from increase in foreign loan increases government spending which also increases government spending increases in the government spending then add to government capital stock so that economic growth also increases."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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