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Susijati B. Hirawan
"Akhir tahun 2005 yang lalu, telah genap lima lahun usia implementasi otonomi daerah dan desentralisasi fiskal di Indonesia. Perubahan manajemen publik ini ditandai dengan adanya pengalihan kewenangan dan keuangan dari pemerintah pusat kepada pemerintah daerah dalam jumlah yang sangat signifìkan. Selama lima tahun ini, terjadi peningkatan cukup drastis dari porsi anggaran dalam APBN yang harus didaerahkan.
Dari sisi keuangan daerah, aliran dana perimbangan ini relatif memiliki porsi yang sangat besar dalam APBD, khususnya APBD Kabupaten/Kota. Seiring dengan usaha pemerintahan daerah untuk meningkatkan Pendapatan Asli Daerah, dampak desentralisasi fiskal telah memperburuk iklim investasi dengan munculnya berbagai Peraturan Daerah yang cenderung distorsif terhadap perekonomian.
Implementasi desentrasasi fiskal juga belum dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi daerah kembali ke tingkat sebelum krisis ekonomi terjadi. Tingginya ketergantungan pemerintah daerah terhadap dana dan pemerintah pusat juga membawa implikasi pentingnya pemerintah pusat membuat formulasi alokasi dana perimbangan yang lebih sederhana, transparan, dan efektif. Selain itu, pemerintah pusat hendaknya juga memperhatikan masalah distribusi pendapatan antar daerah mengingat besarnya potensi ketimpangan pembangunan antar daerah"
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bambang Juanda
"This paper studies the effect of domestic and foreign macroeconomy performances on the foreign direct investment (PMA) in Indonesia, employing descriptive and inferencial (econometric model) analyses. The national economic growth and national interest rate affect significantly PMA in Indonesia. While the national inflation rate positively -effected on PMA, but results show that hyperinflation contributes to decreasing PMA. The macroeconomic improvement in some _competitor countries, especially Chinese and Thailand tends to decrease PMA in Indonesia. However, the improvement of macroeconomies in Singapore and Malaysia can increase PMA in Indonesia. Therefore, bilateral relationship with these countries must be intensified. In addition, although the economic growth of some More Developed Countries (MDCs) has positive relationship with PMA in Indonesia, but their effect were not significant statistically, except Canada. This implies that global finance crisis, especially in USA and european countries would not largely effect on PMA in Indonesia."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nasution, Mustafa Edwin
"Dalam sistem moneter yang berbasis syariah, target-target kebijakan moneter yang berhasil adalah yang dipusatkan kearah tercapainya stabilisasi ekonomi yang dapat diukur dengan salah satu indikator berupa kestabilan pergerakan agregat moneter yang hanya berfungsi sebagai alat transaksi, dan juga dalam kegunaannya sebagai instrumen kebijakan moneter. Hal tersebut hanya dapat tercapai rnelalui konsistensi dengan aturan yang berlaku dalam ajaran Islam.
Penelitian ini adalah sebuah percobaan untuk menganalisis, mengevaluasi dan juga membuktikan keabsahan dan keefektifan dan kestabilan instrumen-instrumen moneter syariah. Hasil penelitian dengan melihat velositas agregat moneter dan terutama metode pendekatan kointegrasi dan error-correction mechanism, menunjukkan bahwa Otoritas Moneter dalam hubungannya dengan kebijakan pengaturan tingkat harga, besaran moneter yang bebas bunga mempunyai hubungan yang lebih erat dengan tingkat harga dibandingkan dengan besaran-besaran moneter yang telah mengandung bunga. Pada sisi lain dalam jangka panjang, permintaan agregat moneter bebas bunga akan relatif lebih stabil, sehingga gangguan yang bersifat jangka pendek akan tereduksi untuk kembali ke keseimbangan jangka panjangnya."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Indah Nikensari
"Beberapa kesepakatan antara pemerintah Indonesia dan IMF pada waktu yang lalu yang dituangkan dalam Lol (Letter of Intent) beberapa kali antara lain merekomendasikan agar pemerintah Indonesia mengurangi dan selanjutnya menghilangkan beberapa subsidi dalam APBN, agar APBN Iebih efisien. Salah satu subsidi yang terus berkurang adalah subsidi BBM, sehingga setelah subsidi BBM tsb. dikurangi secara bertahap sejak tahun 2000, menyebabkan harga BBM terus naik. Kenaikkan harga BBM sangat berpengaruh pada kehidupan perekonomian baik pada masyarakat maupun pada sektor industri. Analisis ini membahas dampak dan efektivitas pengurangan subsisdi BBM terhadap output sektor industri, dengan menggunakan analisa model INDECGE (Indonesia Energy Computable General Equilibrium Model) yang dibangun tahun 2000 dengan menggunakan tahun dasar data 1998."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Joko Waluyo
"The main purpose of this study is to find the effect of budget deficit with foreign loans as source of funding on inflation and economic growth. This study focuses on transmission mechanism of budget deficit funding effects on inflation and economic growth. We use a specific simultaneous macroeconomic model which includes 17 behavioral equations and 18 identity equations with 6 blocks in this study, Two Stage Least Square (TSLS) method is employed to estimate the behavioral equations in the model. This study use Indonesia secondary economic data from 1970 to 2003. Econometric tests are performed to produce BLUE estimator. This study also use stochastic simulation with 10000 replications to simulate policy.The results show that using foreign loan to fund budget deficit increases both economic growth and inflation. This result is also supported by the simulation results which show that increase in the proceeds of new foreign loan increases reserves which in turn increase primary money/money supply/monetary base. Interaction of monetary base with money multiplier then increases price level. increase in capital in flow from increase in foreign loan increases government spending which also increases government spending increases in the government spending then add to government capital stock so that economic growth also increases."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Suahasil Nazara
"This study tries to measure the optimum size of regional government (municipality/city) which will support the accomplishment of decentralization policy ?s objectives. The result of this study will conclude how the reformation pattern toward regional government in Indonesia should be done. The result of regressing translog and quadratic functions using cost per capita minimalization approach shows the existence of economy of scale from the size of municipality/city?s population. Using maximization approach, ¡t is also shown that Municipality/city government expenditure ¡s not efficient yet and has not supported the efforts to accomplish the desired development performance. With various regulations, the significant variable used in the measurement of optimum size is the number of population.
The result of using minimization and maximization approaches show that the optimum size for municipality/city is not single (differ), between municipality and city, among each kind of per capita expenditure, and across tìme. Generally, the optimum and minimum size of population for municipality/city such that per capita expenditure can be minimized and such that Regional GDP per capita increases are approximately two million people. The reality of municipality/city?s size which in general is relatively small compared to the optimum and minimum measurement shows the inefficiency of municipality/city government expenditure, and its ineffectiveness to support the effort to enhance the welfare of society. Hence, territoty extension policy performed this far, is actually worsen the accomplishment of its main objective on conducting regional government and development."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irfani Fithria
"The Focus of this study is crowdi.ng out effect and public choice mechanism i.n determination of education expenditures of local government. Education spending has risen significantly over three last decades. Indonesia 2001's decentralization is rapidly moving the country from one of the most centralized system in the world to one of the most decenualized. The country has embarked on a program of fiscal, administrative and political decenu-alization at the same time. It has been asserted that larger education expenditures have caused local governments to spend less on other types of government services. Using panel of districts-level data for the period of 2001-2005, this study provides a test of the hypothesis that education spending has crowded out other types of spending and ties to find out which party in Indonesia that have preference in education. The results indicate that,for the period studied, there is evidence that i.ncreased local government education expenditures resulted in lower levels of speding on other categories of local government provided good and services. Only four parties that pro education are Golkar,Partai Keadi1an,Partai Persatuan Pembangunan(PPP) and Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (PKB). Other results showed that districts located in Java spend higher education expenditures than out of Java and districts with natural resource revenue shares have higher education expenditures as well."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ditya Agung Nurdianto
"Despite its shortcomings, many industrial economists believe that coxentration index is a powerful tool to use in order to analyze the level of competition within a market. This is due to the fact that concentration index influences greatly market performance. Nonetheless, there are two opposing views on how does concentration index actually influences the market (Donsimoni, 1984). On one hand, the relationship between competition and market performance, and perfect competition with market performance on the other hand, have been discussed since the 18th century, however, a common ground between those two opposing theories have relatively been left untouched by analysis (Bothwell, 1984). Even so, in the last three decades, many researches have been done based on those two opposing theories.
Through the use of panel regression in this research, the degree of collusion in the Indonesian manufacturing industry can be found. Although the degree of collusion is small, nevertheless, there exists a positive relationship between the degree of collusion and the level of concentration. This proves that the first theory, Market Power Theory, applies in this case. By knowing that this is the theory which applies in the manufacturing industry in Indonesia, the policy implemented must be adjusted accordingly. Policy implemented by the government for the manufacturing industry should take into account the possibility that collusion exists within certain industries which contain a small amount oflarge firms that control the majority ofthe market share."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Onny Noyorono
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lumban Tobing, Muhammad Syareza
"The intergovernmental transfer system currently applied in Indonesia is intended to prevent the intervention of political powers. However, there are indications of political determinants behind central government transfers to sub-national governments. In order to prove the existence of these political factors, this research utilizes empirical panel data models of Dana Alokasi Umum (DAU), Dana Dekonsentrasi and Tugas Pembantuan using political variables. Results show that while there are no signicant political variables in the DAU and Dana Dekonsentrasi models, there is a political determinant behind the amount of Dana Tugas Pembantuan, where a higher seat share for the Golkar party representing a province in the national parliament will entitle the province to a relatively higher share of the Dana Tugas Pembantuan.

Sistem transfer antarpemerintah di Indonesia dibuat dengan tujuan mencegah campur tangan politik terhadap sistem transfer pemerintah. Namun begitu, terdapat indikasi keberadaan determinan politik dalam menentukan transfer pemerintah pusat terhadap pemerintah daerah. Untuk membuktikan keberadaan faktor-faktor politik tersebut, digunakan model data panel yang berusaha menunjukkan determinan politik pada Dana Alokasi Umum (DAU) serta Dana Dekonsentrasi dan Tugas Pembantuan. Hasil studi menemukan bahwa tidak ada campur tangan politik dalam menentukan transfer DAU dan Dana Dekonsentrasi, namun ditemukan determinan politik pada Dana Tugas Pembantuan, di mana provinsi yang memiliki proporsi kursi Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) Partai Golkar yang lebih tinggi mendapatkan Dana Tugas Pembantuan yang lebih besar."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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