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Wara Agustina Rukminf
"Abstract. This research empirically examines whether a country's anti dumping policy can distort export of another country to third markets. This research tries to explore about trade deflection of Indonesia's export on Synthetic Staple Fibre Polyester (PSF) HS 550320 to non-European Union as the result of European Union's (EU) anti dumping policy on Indonesia. This research uses panel data model (fixed effects) and 20 countries (non-European Union) of Indonesia's PSF export during ten years (1996-2005). We find evidence that trade deflection for Indonesia's export on Synthetic Staple Fibre Polyester (PSF) HS 550320 occurred. Because of European Union had imposed anti dumping duty on Indonesia, Indonesia's export to nonEuropean Union had increased ranged from 25 percent to 44 percent. This result shows that dumping duty from European Union does not fully carry out negative effect for Indonesia, furthermore this
phenomena can be used as ?early warning? for Indonesia both for case of Indonesia as exporting country or third countries."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Nawawi
This paper presents an analysis of the effect of fiscal policy in Indonesia based on a VAR approach. Fiscal policy shocks are identified as a structural residuals related to unexpected government expenditures and tax revenues. Impulse responses are then used to simulate the dynamic response of key macroeconomics variables of shocks. The analysis shows that GDP responses negatively to tax shocks, and positively to expenditure shock. Moreover, disposable income and private consumption
react negatively to taxation and positively to government expenditures. Altogether the results are consistent with that of Keynesian models."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
D. S. Priyarsono
Indonesia has implemented a new policy of regional autonomy and fiscal decentralization for almost ten years. One of the objectives of this fiscal decentralization is to give the full autonomy to local governments in spending and managing their revenues. The local governments have the authority to explore and collect their own-source revenue ('Pendapatan Asli Daerah', or PAD), i.e. through the improvement of their tax effort. The objectives of this study are: (i) to describe the fiscal performance of districts and municipalities in Indonesia, both in the revenue as well as the expenditure sides, (ii) to analyze the effects of intergovernmental transfers (?dana perimbangan', or balancing fund from the central to regional governments) on regional tax efforts, and (iii) to identify the regional economic growth elasticity of intergovernmental transfers and own-source revenue. This study employs a panel data set of 336 districts and municipalities covering the whole area of Indonesia over the time period of 2001-2008. The results show a relatively low contribution of PAD to regional revenues, indicating high fiscal dependency of regional governments on the central government. Intergovernmental transfers positively effect tax efforts. The result of the elasticity analysis also indicates a positive role of the transfers as stimuli to economic growth."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
D. S. Priyarsono
Indonesia has implemented a new policy of regional autonomy and fiscal decentralization for almost ten years. One of the objectives of this fiscal decentralization is to give the full autonomy to local governments in spending and managing their revenues. The local governments have the authority to explore and collect their own-source revenue ('Pendapatan Asli Daerah', or PAD), i.e. through the improvement of their tax effort. The objectives of this study are: (i) to describe the fiscal performance of districts and municipalities in Indonesia, both in the revenue as well as the expenditure sides, (ii) to analyze the effects of intergovernmental transfers (?dana perimbangan', or balancing fund from the central to regional governments) on regional tax efforts, and (iii) to identify the regional economic growth elasticity of intergovernmental transfers and own-source revenue. This study employs a panel data set of 336 districts and municipalities covering the whole area of Indonesia over the time period of 2001-2008. The results show a relatively low contribution of PAD to regional revenues, indicating high fiscal dependency of regional governments on the central government. Intergovernmental transfers positively effect tax efforts. The result of the elasticity analysis also indicates a positive role of the transfers as stimuli to economic growth."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wara Agustina Rukmini
"Tekstil dan produk tekstil (TPT) merupakan salah satu sektor penyumbang devisa dan penyerap tenaga kerja terbesar di Indonesia kinerja ekspor TPT Indonesia dipengaruhi oleh banyak hal, salah satunya kebijakan negara Mitra dagang yang dapat meningkatkan TPT Indonesia."
Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizal Adi Prima
"Kebijakan moneter telah memainkan peranan yang penting dalam struktur perekonomian Indonesia, deregulasi moneter telah memberikan porsi yang lebih besar terhadap sektor moneter karena adanya efek perbankan yang sangat besar terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi.
Teori standar makroekonomi menyatakan bahwa kebijakan moneter sangat berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi, dan kebijakan moneter memiliki efek yang merata secara nasional, hal ini dalam praktek seringkali tidak terjadi. Suatu negara pada umumnya memiliki daerah dengan karakteristik yang berbeda-beda sehingga efek kebijakan moneter tidak selalu seragam dan cenderung memiliki efek yang berbeda antar daerah.
Hipotesis yang dikembangkan dalam tulisan ini adalah transmisi kebijakan moneter daerah dapat berbeda-beda dalam merespon kebijakan moneter tunggal dikarenakan oleh faktor spesifik daerah tersebut dan karena adanya faktor interaksi antar daerah. Tulisan ini membuktikan adanya efek yang berbeda antar daerah dan kebjakan moneter di Pulau Sumatera dan Jawa. Transmisi kebijakan moneter diukur dengan menggunakan metode VAR (Vector Auto Regression) dan dalam menganalisa faktor determinan transmisi moneter daerah dianalisa dengan metode cross section."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ari Kuncoro
"Bermula dari penerbitan karya Keynes dalam suasana Depresi Besar tahun 1930-an, "The General Theory of Employment, Interest and and Money, ilmu ekonomi berangsur secara formal terbagi menjadi dua, Mikroekonomi dan Makroekonomj. Mikroekonomi mempelajari tingkah laku ekonomi manusia secara perorangan, sementara cabang Makroekonomi mempelajari besaran-besaran ekonomi agregat yang berkaitan dengan perekonomian nasional sebagai satu unit analisa tersendiri, seperti pendapatan nasional, konsumsi masyarakat, investasi, jumlah uang beredar dan lain?lain. Ihnu Makroekonomi diperlukan karena tampaknya ilmu ekonomi yang sudah ada pada waktu ifu, yang notabene merupakan Ilmu Mikroekonomi tidak dapat memberikan petunjuk ke arah pemulihan ekonomi. Ilmu Ekonomi pada waktu itu meramalkan bahwa perekonomian akan menyembuhkan dirinya sendiri melalui mekanisme pasar (invisible hand) karena kepentingan-kepentingan pribadi pelaku-pelaku ekonomi melalui naluri maksimisasi kepuasan dan keuntungan akan menggerakkan perekonomian ke kondisi keseimbangan semula."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eddy Suratman
"This research is aimed to investigate the key sectors in the economy of Sanggau District. This research is descriptive and is using input-output analysis to find out the multiplier of economic sectors. In addition we also investigate the linkage among economic sectors, which are measured by backward and forward linkage indexes. The finding of this research shows that there are two sectors being the key namely the processing industry and transportation and communication sectors with backward and forward linkage indexes above the average level of the other sectors. Agriculture were found to be the sector with the biggest employment absorption. Based on this finding, the development policy strategies should be directed toward the policy that creates maximum economy, particularly in the sectors of processing industry and transportation and communication. As it will create a better distribution of job vacation among sectors in Sanggau District."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wisynu Wardhana
"Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengidentikasi dampak dari pilihan instrumen stimulus skal terhadap pere-konomian, dan merumuskan pilihan kebijakan stimulus skal yang tepat dalam mendorong perekonomiankhususnya terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi, kesempatan kerja, dan pendapatan rumah tangga. Alatanalisis yang digunakan adalah model Applied General Equilibrium for Fiscal Policy Analysis (AGEFIS) dengan menggunakan basis data Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) Indonesia tahun 2005.
Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa (i) kebijakan stimulus skal mampu memberikan dorongan terhadap pertumbuhanekonomi, kesempatan kerja, dan pendapatan rumah tangga namun di sisi lain diperkirakan berpotensimenyebabkan peningkatan harga-harga, (ii) instrumen pengeluaran pemerintah dan pemotongan pajak atasbarang komoditas merupakan pilihan instrumen kebijakan stimulus yang memberikan dampak penggandapaling besar dalam mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi, kesempatan kerja, dan pendapatan rumah tangga."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fajar Bambang Hirawan
"In the year 2002, Y. V Reddy introduced a new thought in monetary economics theory, especially about transmission mechanism of monetary policy. Reddy classified the channeIs of transmission mechanism into three types, there are quantum channel, interest rate channel, and asset price channel. Quantum channel consists of two channels, there are money channel and credit channel. This research will examine the differences between money channel and credit channeI, the factors which affect volume of money supply (M2) and credit, the stability of quantum channel, and also effectiveness of quantum channel, especially related on its role to push the economic growth. This research uses a monthly data from the year 1993 until 2005. The analysis of this research divided into three parts of period, pre-crisis period (1993-1996), crisis period (19972OO1), and post-crisis period (2002-2005). In the precrisis period, credit channel more stable in transmission mechanism of monetary policy and more effective to push the economic growth. In the crisis, quantum channel did not effective to push economic growth. In the post-crisis period quantum channel also did not effective to push the economic growth."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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