"Introduction / Deborah Mayersen and Annie Pohlman
Part 1. The Legacies of Atrocities in Asia
An Ongoing Legacy of Atrocity : Torture and the Indonesian State / Annie Pohlman
International Civil Society as Agent of Protection : Responses to the Famine in East Timor / Clinton Fernandes
Maximizing Transitional Justice Opportunities : The Case of East Timor's CAVR / Heather Castel
Transitional Justice Time : Uncle San, Aunty Yan, and Outreach at the Khmer Rouge Tribunal / Alex Hinton
Humanitarian Intervention and the Legacies of Security Council (In) action : East Pakistan (1971) and East Timor (1976-1979) / Phil Orchard
Part 2. Preventing Genocide and Mass Atrocities in Asia and Globally
Political Realism, Sovereignty and Intervention : Is Genocide Prevention Really Possible in a World of Sovereign States? / Paul Bartrop
Political Instability and Genocide : Comparing Causes in Asia and the Pacific and Globally / Benjamin Goldsmith, Dimitri Semenovich and Arcot Sowmya
Discourses on Violence : Constraints and Challenges for Mediators in Asia / Dale Bagshaw and Damien Coghlan
"Never Again" or Again and Again : The Genocide Convention, the Responsibility to Protect and Mass Atrocity Prevention / Deborah Mayersen
Conclusion / Deborah Mayersen and Annie Pohlman."