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Dendy Sugono
"This research aims at describing (1) the language use of border area societies (Insular Riau, West Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, North Sulawesi, and the Eastern Sunda Islands) in terms of local language (BD), Indonesian (BI), and foreign language (BA) in the domains of family, society, and occupation, (2) language activity of border area societies relating to news observation, language attention, and language constraints in mass media, (3) language attitude of border area societies towards BD, BI, and BA. The findings are as follows. First, within the family and society at large, BD is more frequently used than BI and BA. This shows that BD functions in non-formal situations. In the professional field, however, BI is more frequently used than BD. Second, people in border provinces widely observe mass media, whether printed or electronic. They also often pay attention to the language the mass media uses. Third, border societies have a positive attitude towards BD as is shown (agree/totally agree) by the answers to eight questions relating to BD. The language attitude of border societies towards BI is positive based on the answers (agree/totally agree) to seven questions concerning BI. This also means that BI is prestigious for border people, especially in formal communication. The language attitude of border societies towards BA is mixed. In as far as it is negative it implies a positive evaluation of BD and BI because people appreciate them as part of their local and national identities."
University of Indonesia, Faculty of Humanities, 2011
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Iwan Meulia Pirous
"Nation as a cultural-psychological phenomenon is best understood in terms of how a sense of nationhood operates in order to construct social identities or a social imagination about the modern nation-state (Anderson 1983). The forging of nationalism as a national identity cannot be seen in isolation ofthe rise of modernization and industrialization (Gellner 1987). Although the nation appears to be a modern phenomenon, Smith (1991) stresses that every nation preserves its own past historical artefacts, narratives, and symbols for present-day needs. This model needs to be elaborated further as it is insufficient to understand how a sense of nationhood operates among borderlanders of a state. This paper relates the story of Kalimantan?s Iban borderlanders who are officially registered as Indonesian subjects but live on the dividing line between two countries. This makes them appear to be ambiguous subjects who are torn between the two different historical timelines of British and Dutch colonial history (as well as postcolonial Malaysian-Indonesian history). They are marginalized in every aspect and are the forgotten subjects in the history of the broader picture of Indonesia?s so-called nationalism project. The explanation is twofold. The first explains how identity is constructed as multi-layered historical narratives involving local and national cultures, and second, how transnational borderlanders give meaning to nation as narrative. The primary data for this article were collected in 2002 through a series of interviews in the village of Benua Sadap, an Iban settlement on the Batang Kanyau River, close to the West Kalimantan (Indonesia) and Sarawak (Malaysia) borderline."
University of Indonesia, Faculty of Humanities, 2011
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Schapper, Antoinette
"The Bunaq are a Papuan language-speaking people straddling the border of Indonesian West Timor and independent East Timor. This paper looks at the history of the Bunaq as a ?border? people in Timor. ?Border? is interpreted here in two ways, as referring to: (i) a political division, the boundary line separating one country from another, and (ii) a linguistic division, the distinguishing line between Papuan and Austronesian languages. I examine the effect that the Bunaq position at the political and linguistic borders of Timor has had on the people and their language."
University of Indonesia, Faculty of Humanities, 2011
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hoogervorst, Tom Gunnar
"This is a preliminary description of the Malay variety used as a lingua franca in the Malaysian state of Sabah at the northernmost top of Borneo. The paper discusses a number of common linguistic features that distinguish Sabah Malay from other Malay varieties and analyses these features from a historical linguistic perspective. While it is argued that Sabah Malay has a close historical relation with other Malay dialects spoken in Borneo, especially Brunei Malay, the vernacular is also influenced phonologically and lexically by Sabah?s indigenous and immigrant speech communities. Words and sentences recorded or elicited during fieldwork in various parts of Sabah illustrate these points."
Depok: Faculty of Humanities University of Indonesia, 2011
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Made Andi Arsana
"Due to its geographical location, Indonesia shares border areas with at least ten neighbouring countries with which maritime boundaries must be settled. As of March 2011, Indonesia is yet to finalize its maritime boundaries with various States including Malaysia with which four maritime boundaries need to be settled: the Malacca Strait, the South China Sea, the Sulawesi Sea, and the Singapore Strait (off Tanjung Berakit). It is evident that pending maritime boundaries can spark problems between Indonesia and Malaysia. The dispute over the Ambalat Block in 2005 and 2009 and an incident in the waters off Tanjung Berakit on 13 August 2010 are two significant examples. This paper discusses the incident in the waters off Tanjung Berakit, but will be preceded by a description of the principles of coastal States? maritime entitlement pursuant to international law of the sea. Following the discussion, this paper provides suggestions for settling maritime boundaries in the area from technical/geospatial and legal perspectives."
University of Indonesia, Faculty of Humanities, 2011
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lina Puryanti
"This paper aims to show the dynamics of the Indonesian ? Malaysian border area in Sebatik Island, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Take into account as a background is the territorial dispute between Indonesia and Malaysia over the Ligitan and Sipadan Islands which were awarded to Malaysia by the decision of the ICJ (International Court of Justice) in 2002, which was followed by the dispute over the Ambalat sea block in 2005. Sebatik Island is geographically very strategic since it faces the disputed areas. Therefore the concerns of the Indonesian state with regard to the island pertain to issues of nation-state sovereignty and territorial security, which she tries to safeguard through intensive campaigns. Research conducted in Sebatik in 2009 showed how people willingly reinforced the state by incorporating its programs, despite their ambiguous position as people in a border area, which support they used subsequently in negotiating with the state for their own local purpose."
University of Indonesia, Faculty of Humanities, 2011
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Masita Rf
"Pondok Pesantren Tassbeh Baitul Qur’an adalah salah satu pondok pesantren yang terkenal dengan program pengabdiannya terhadap masyarakat di Pinrang Sulawesi Selatan. Pondok Pesantren Tassbeh Baitul Qur’an merupakan pesantren modern (khalafiyah) yang dalam proses pendidikannya terdapat pendidikan formal dan non formal. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan wawancara secara langsung serta observasi. Fokus bahasan dalam penelitian ini adalah sejarah dan perkembangan Pondok Pesantren Tassbeh Baitul Qur’an, bagaimana kondisi pesantren saat ini, dan program pendidikan apa saja yang ada dalam Pondok Pesantren Tassbeh Baitul Qur’an. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pesantren modern yang terdapat di Kabupaten Pinrang dengan melihat program pendidikan yang diselenggarakan oleh pesantren tersebut. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori pendidikan pesantren menurut Achmad Muchaddam Fahham dan juga teori lima elemen dasar pondok pesantren seperti yang dikemukakan oleh Zamakhsyari Dhofier . Temuan dari penelitian ini adalah Pondok Pesantren Tassbeh Baitul Qur’an dibangun atas dasar inisiatif serta swadaya dari masyarakat, adapun program pendidikan formal yaitu Madrasah Tsanawiyah Tassbeh. Kemudian Program pendidikan non formal yaitu program binaan pondok dan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler.

Tassbeh Baitul Qur'an Islamic Boarding School is an Islamic boarding schools that is famous for its community service programs in Pinrang, South Sulawesi. Tassbeh Baitul Qur'an Islamic Boarding School is a modern Islamic boarding school (khalafiyah) which in its educational process includes formal and non-formal education. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with direct interviews and observation. The focus of the discussion in this research is the history and development of the Baitul Qur'an Tassbeh Islamic Boarding School, what is the current condition of the pesantren, and what educational programs are in the Baitul Qur'an Tassbeh Islamic Boarding School. The purpose of this research is to describe the modern pesantren in Pinrang Regency by looking at the educational programs organized by the pesantren. The theory used is the theory of pesantren education according to Achmad Muchaddam Fahham and also the theory of the five basic elements of Islamic boarding schools as proposed by Zamakhsyari Dhofier. The results from this study are that the Tassbeh Baitul Qur'an Islamic Boarding School was built on the basis of initiative and self-help from the community, while the formal education program is Madrasah Tsanawiyah Tassbeh. Then the non-formal education program, namely the cottage program and extracurricular activities."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pontianak: Balai Kajian Sejarah dan Nilai Tradisional Pontianak, 2018
300 JSB
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library
Persaingan dan konflik, serta kerukunan dan persaudaraan antara Dayak dan Melayu mewarnai ruang publik di Kalimantan Barat. Kedua kelompok utama (mayoritas) di Kalimantan Barat menjalani hubungan pasang dan surut. Keadaan inilah yang selalu menarik diamati, khususnya dalam konteks identitas. Penulis ingin melihat bagaimana identitas berkelindan di balik isu bipolaritas Dayak-Melayu. Tulisan ini merupakan hasil pemikiran yang diperkuat dengan data pendukung. Data tersebut diperoleh dari berbagai sumber dokumentasi dan terbitan, yang di antaranya menunjukkan bahwa di balik perbedaan identitas antara Dayak dan Melayu dapat ditemukan pula persamaan pada beberapa unsur. Kedua identitas itu tumbuh di ruang yang sama dan sebagian darinya berasal dari sumber atau asal-usul yang sama. Proses selanjutnya memperlihatkan penerimaan dan penggunaan identitas budaya menjadi bahan untuk pengonstruksian bangunan identitas kelompok. Pada mulanya, identitas Dayak digunakan secara terpaksa, sedangkan identitas Melayu diterima dengan terbuka. Seiring perjalanan waktu, kedua identitas itu dipakai oleh dan untuk dua kelompok yang berbeda. Masing-masing memperkuat identitas dengan perubahan-perubahan tertentu pada unsur-unsur budaya yang sudah ada. Identitas budaya Dayak dan Melayu tetap cair tetapi gerakan perubahan itu cenderung ke arah yang berlawanan dan memperlebar jarak di antara keduanya. Itu pulalah yang menyebabkan rivalitas berkelanjutan, sehingga persoalan yang kecil dapat menjadi besar."
Kalimantan Barat: Balai Pelestarian Nilai Budaya Kalimantan Barat, 2018
900 HAN 1:2 (2018) (1)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Svann Langguth
"This article discusses various early sources on the Indonesian archipelago. It
starts with the status of knowledge before the first voyage of the Portuguese
to the Moluccas from accounts of travellers to insular Southeast Asia in the
Middle Ages and the picture on world maps European cartographers produced.
Comparing that view with text sources and the resulting geographic material of
the first expeditions by the Portuguese provides an insight into contemporary
mechanisms of knowledge transfer. Certain effects can be traced and are repeated
on different levels of access to the original facts mainly because most maps were
drawn up in Europe but based on the geographic description provided by text
accounts. An abundance and multiplication of failures and mistakes is evident
and is partly related to the scarcity of sources and due to reproduction techniques."
University of Indonesia, Faculty of Humanities, 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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