ABSTRAKBanyaknya pekerja migran perempuan yang menjadi korban tindak kekerasan di
Negara tempat mereka bekerja mengakibatkan pekerja migran tersebut mengalami
gangguan biopsikososial. Dengan pendekatan kualitatif, tesis ini menggambarkan
tentang proses pemulihan biopsikososial di Rumah Perlindungan dan Trauma
Center (RPTC) terhadap pekerja migran perempuan korban tindak kekerasan serta
faktor pendukung dan penghambatnya selama proses pemulihan berlangsung.
Dalam pelaksanaannya, pemulihan tersebut menangani permasalahan korban dari
aspek fisik/biologis, psikologis dan sosialnya yang dilakukan oleh beberapa
profesi yaitu perawat, psikolog serta pekerja sosial dengan terintegrasi
berdasarkan dengan tahapan-tahapan dalam intervensi sosial dari tahap
engagement, assessment, planning, Implementation, Evaluation, Termination
sampai ke follow up. Pemulihan Biopsikososial ini bertujuan untuk memulihkan
kondisi klien kedalam kondisi normal sebelum kembali ke keluarga dan
lingkungan masyarakat di daerah asalnya.
ABSTRACTMany of female migrant workers who experience the acts of violence in the
country where they work has resulted bio-psycho-social disorders. With a
qualitative approach, this thesis describes the bio-psycho-social rehabilitation
process at Home Protection and Trauma Center (RPTC) against women migrant
workers that have become the victims of violence action. In addition to that, this
research also observes the barrier and its supporting factors for the recovery
progress. In this regard, the recovery is to address the problems in multi-levels
treatment; physical/biological, psychological and social. This treatment is
performed by multi-professions, namely, nurses, psychologists and social workers
respectively. It is practiced in integrated stages of social intervention, starting
from engagement, assessment, planning, implementation, evaluation, termination
and to enclose them with follow up(s). Bio-psycho-social rehabilitation aims to
restore the normal conditions of the client's before returning to their family and
community in their original place."