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Cecilia Natapura
"Abstract. The study is to find out the major type of institutional investors who own the biggest fund in the capital
market and to study their behaviors which can affect the market. There are three types of investors: intuitive
investors, emotional investors, and rational investors. To analyze the main factor of decision making, the researcher
used Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and spread questionnaires to several Indonesian fund managers. The
result shows that most institutional investors are rational (55%), 45% are emotional and none of them are intuitive.
The main factor influencing them to make an investment decision is the country?s economic conditions (25.12%),
along with accounting information (liquidity, rentability, solvability, and quality of financial reports)."
Universitas Indonesia, Departemen Ilmu Administrasi, 2009
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cecilia Natapura
"The study is to find out the major type of institutional investors who own the biggest fund in the capital market and to study their behaviors which can affect the market. There are three types of investors: intuitive investors, emotional investors, and rational investors. To analyze the main factor of decision making, the researcher used Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and spread questionnaires to several Indonesian fund managers. The result shows that most institutional investors are rational (55%), 45% are emotional and none of them are intuitive. The main factor influencing them to make an investment decision is the country’s economic conditions (25.12%),
along with accounting information (liquidity, rentability, solvability, and quality of financial reports).
[s.l]: [s.n], 2009
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rega Tadeak Hakim
Logistik bantuan Relief Logistics memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam kesuksesan operasi penanggulangan bencana Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan kelancaran aktivitas logistik bencana adalah dengan penempatan lokasi fasilitas logistik gudang penyimpanan bantuan bencana yang dapat menjangkau korban bencana dengan terlebih dahulu mengidentifikasi kriteria kriteria yang menjadi pertimbangan penentuan lokasi Dalam tesis ini dilakukan proses pemilihan alternatif lokasi untuk fasilitas gudang logistik bencana yang dapat melayani korban banjir di wilayah Jakarta Timur Metode yang digunakan adalah Analytical Hierarchy Process yang merupakan metode pengambilan keputusan dengan menyederhanakan problem yang kompleks menjadi susunan hirarki dengan bantuan perangkat lunak Expert Choice Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kerentanan suatu wilayah terhadap bencana menjadi skala prioritas dalam penentuan lokasi gudang logistik bencana dan yang menjadi lokasi prioritas adalah Kelurahan Cipinang Besar Utara.

Relief logistics has a critical role in the success of disaster relief operations One way to improve the smoothness of relief logistics activities is the strategic placement of storage facilities to make sure that it reaches the disaster victims by first identifying a set of criteria to be considered in determining a location In this thesis the process of selecting alternative locations for storage facilities that can serve victims of flooding in East Jakarta is simulated The method used is Analytical Hierarchy Process which is a method of decision making by simplifying a complex problem into a hierarchical structure with the help of Expert Choice software The analysis showed that the level of disaster vulnerability of an area became a priority in determining the location for relief logistics storage facilities and the prioritized location is Cipinang Besar Utara village. , Relief logistics has a critical role in the success of disaster relief operations One way to improve the smoothness of relief logistics activities is the strategic placement of storage facilities to make sure that it reaches the disaster victims by first identifying a set of criteria to be considered in determining a location In this thesis the process of selecting alternative locations for storage facilities that can serve victims of flooding in East Jakarta is simulated The method used is Analytical Hierarchy Process which is a method of decision making by simplifying a complex problem into a hierarchical structure with the help of Expert Choice software The analysis showed that the level of disaster vulnerability of an area became a priority in determining the location for relief logistics storage facilities and the prioritized location is Cipinang Besar Utara village. ]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Feri Haldi
"Gerakan tanah merupakan bencana alam yang banyak menimbulkan kerugian harta benda, korban jiwa maupun luka-luka, kerusakan properti dan juga infrastruktur. Salah satu cara untuk mengurangi kerugian tersebut adalah dengan melakukan pemetaan potensi bencana gerakan tanah (slide hazard zonation). Pemetaan potensi bencana gerakan tanah dilakukan di Kabupaten Bandung Barat yang merupakan salah satu daerah di Indonesia dengan frekuensi keterjadian gerakan tanah yang tinggi. Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Pada penelitian ini digunakan 15 faktor pemicu terjadinya gerakan tanah, yaitu sudut lereng, arah lereng, kelas lereng, elevasi, elevasi relatif, Stream Power Index (SPI), Topographic Wetness Index (TWI), Normalized Differential Vegetation Index (NDVI), kerapatan liniasi, jarak terhadap liniasi, litologi, jenis tanah, curah hujan, kerapatan sungai, dan juga jarak terhadap sungai. Sedangkan faktor risiko gerakan tanah berupa penggunaan lahan, kerapatan bangunan, dan juga jarak terhadap jalan. Kabupaten Bandung Barat secara umum memiliki potensi kerentanan gerakan tanah moderate dengan persentase area sebesar 17,37%. Sedangkan kelas very low menyusun sekitar 15,97% luas daerah penelitian, low 16,96%, moderately high 16,75%, high 16,73%, dan juga very high 16,19%. Sedangkan untuk risiko gerakan tanah Kabupaten Bandung Barat didominasi area dengan tingkat moderately high dengan persentase area sebesar 22,36%. Sedangkan kelas very low menyusun sekitar 15,95% luas daerah penelitian, low 16,79%, moderate 18,70%, high 15,57%, dan juga very high 10,59%. Untuk potensi bencana gerakan tanah, Kabupaten Bandung Barat didominasi oleh tingkat moderate dengan persentase area sebesar 18,41%. Sedangkan kelas very low menyusun sekitar 15,22% luas daerah penelitian, low 15,20%, moderately high 16,88%, high 17,14%, dan juga very high 17,12%.

Landslide is a natural disaster that causes a huge loss in properties, fatalities, and public utilities. One of the ways to decrease those loss is by mapping the landslide susceptibility area (landslide hazard zonation). The landslide susceptibility mapping was applied in West Bandung Regency because the area has high landslide occurence frequency. The method used in this research is the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). There are 15 landslide triggering factors considered in this research, such as: slope angle, slope aspect, slope curvature, elevation, relative elevation, Stream Power Index (SPI), Topographic Wetness Index (TWI), Normalized Differential Vegetation Index (NDVI), lineaments density, distance to lineaments, lithology, soil types, rainfall intensity, drainage density, and distance to drainage. As for the risk triggering factors, there are land use, building density, and distance to roads. In general, landslide hazard in West Bandung Regency is in moderate class with 17,37% total area. The very low class is about 15,97% of total area, low 16,96%, moderately high 16,75%, high 16,73%, and very high 16,19%. Besides, the landslide risk in West Bandung Regency dominated by moderately high class with 22,36% total area. The very low class is about 15,95% total area, low 16,79%, moderately 18,70%, high 15,57%, and very high 10,59%. Finally, the landslide susceptibility in West Bandung Regency dominated by moderate class with 18,41% total area. The very low class is about 15,22% total area, low 16,20%, moderately high 16,88%, high 17,14%, and very high 17,12%."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pasaribu, Berton
"Kondisi ketenagakerjaan kita saat ini menunjukkan masih tingginya jumlah pengangguran yaitu sebanyak 9.43 juta orang atau setara dengan 8.46%. Disertai dengan kualitas dan kompetensi tenaga kerja yang menganggur di indonesia masih relatif rendah sebanyak 4.92 juta orang atau setara dengan 52.17% berpendidikan lulusan SLTP. Artinya lebih dari 50% kualitas tenaga kelja yang menggangur didomlmtsi lulusan SLTP kebawah. Sementara kondisi lernbaga pelatihan kerja belum begitu memadai sehingga lu1usan pelatihan kerja belum sesuai dengan kebutuhan pasar ke!ja dengan kata lain adanya mismatch antara lulusan pelatihan kerja dengan kebutunan pasar kerja.
Salah satu kebijakan pemerintah untuk menanggulangi pengangguran di Indonesia adalah dengan melaksanakan program 3inl. Kebijakan program 3in1 mernpakan strategi terobosan untuk menggandeng dan memberdayakan lembaga pelatihan, Jembaga sertlfikasi dan lembaga penernpatan menjadi sistem yang terkoordinasi secara terpadu dalam mengurangi pengangguran. Ketiga lembaga terkait harus dilaksanakan dalam satu koordinasi secara terpadu namun dalarn pelaksanaannya koordinasi antara ketiga lernbaga beturn beijalan secara maksimal.
Tujuan penelitian dalam tesis ini adalah menggambarkan kondisi pelaksanaan program 3inl untuk kebutuhan tennga kerja dalam negeri yang telah berjalan saat ini, serta merumuskan altematif kebijakan 3lnl untuk kebutuhan tenaga kerja dalam negeri. Metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk merumuskan altematif kebijakan 3inl untuk kebutuhan tenaga kerja dalam negeri dilakukan melalui metode AHP (The Analytic Hierarchy Process).
Berdasarkan basil analisa diketahui bahwa selama ini upaya yang dilakukan dalam mengatasi pengangguran masih bersifat partial dan sektoral artinya bahwa masing-rnasing Jembaga masih beljaian sendiri-sendiri tanpa menjalin koordinasi atau hubungan kemitraan yang menimbuikan sinergisitas.

A number of unemployment in Indonesia is about 9.43 million people or equivalent to 8.46% from total of Indonesia labor forces. In the other hand their qualities and competencies are still low, it is around 4.92 million people or equivalent to 52.17% under junior high school graduations. It means more than 500.4 of fndonesia labor forces are dominated under junior high school graduations. While the Vocational Training Centers (VTC) in Indonesia have not been in good condition, so that the graduations of VTC are not appropriate with the industry needs. In other word there are mismatch between the vrs graduations with work market needs.
One of government policy to overcome the unemployment in Indonesia is to implement the 3inl program. The 3inl program policy is a penetration strategy for linking and empowering the training. certification and placement institutions to be in one integrated system in decreasing unemployment. The three institutions must be carried out ln one coordination but in the implementation its coordination has not been carried out comprehensively.
The purpose of this research is to describe the current condition of 3inl program implementation for the domestic labor demands and to formulate the alternative of3inl policy for the domestic labor demands. Research method of formulating the alternative of 3inl policy for the domestic labor demands uses AHP method (The Analytic Hierarchy Process).
Based on the analysis result, it is found that untfl now the efforts which have been done in handling unemployment arc still in partial or sector manner. It means that each institutions still run by themselves without coordination or relationship which emerge a good synergy.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rudy Chandra
"Abstract. The first objective of this study is to analyze what kind of sector industry which is selected by foreign investor
in Indonesia. Second, to analyze what kind of financial firm characteristic of stocks which is selected by foreign investor.
This study used a quantitative approach by using secondary data from financial reports and historical data from Indonesian
Stock Exchange. Researcher used multivariate regression to analyze the correlation between stocks selected by foreign
investor with financial firm characteristic. Based on the result, foreign investor are overweight stocks from Consumer
Goods Industry. Dividend yield, beta, and book to market are financial firm characteristic which is significantly influence
the stock selection by foreign investor."
Trimegah Securities, 2010
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sugeng Soedibjo
"This research aimed to give illustration of profit achievement through determination of premium income based on technical assumptions that could be controlled by the company. This model could generally be used as a management tool to take the decision and to arrange the company work planning through allocation of company?s resources. The research was carried out at BRIngin Life Syariah (BLS) company. The results of this study showed that premium income achievement to reach the break even point depended on the kind of insurance products marketed, the operational cost, the investment yield and the risk level of clients. Based on the analyses of profit testing and sensitivity, the product of Tabarru? produced a better break even point and profit indicator than the insurance products that had the savings element. The results showed that the product of Tabarru with the operational cost between IDR 247,500.0 - IDR302,500.00 per year would reach the break even point between 3.60?5.26 a year. The savings products that had the same operational costs could reach the break even point at 3.91?5.47 a year."
[Place of publication not identified]: Teknik Asuransi BRIngin Life, 2009
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erwin Harinurdin
"Abstract. This research was carried out to research the behavior of the company’s tax compliance especially the big
company that was registered in the Large Tax Ofce in Jakarta. The design of this research was the survey research
by using the instrument of the questionnaire. The data in the analysis by using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)
with the LISREL program 8,54. This research found proof that was the same as the research beforehand Bradley
(1994), Bobek (2003), Lussier (200), Sihaan (2005) and Mustikasari (2007) those are (1) the Perception of the
control behavior have positive and signicant the professional intention to the tax compliance. (2) the professional
intention have inuential tax positive and signicant of the company’s tax compliance, (3) the Perception of the
condition for the company’s have positive and signicant of the company’s tax compliance, (4) the Perception of
the company’s facilities have positive and signicant the company’s tax compliance, (5) the Perception of the
Climate Organization have positive and signicant of the company’s tax compliance. Whereas the variable (6) the
perception of the control behavior have not signicant was directly of the company’s tax compliance."
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Billyawan Sugiantoro
"Abstract. The aim of the research is to study the perception of the operational employees toward the result
of functional analysis in Micro Banking District Center, Jakarta of PT Bank Mandiri, Tbk (Persero). The
research is descriptive and uses quantitative approach. The data were collected by spreading questionnaires,
using stratified random sampling technique. The result of the research shows that the perceptions of the Bank
Mandiri?s employees toward functional analysis result is ranging ?good?. However improvement in the aspects
of compensation, facility completeness and compatibility, and educational suitability are still needed."
Universitas Indonesia, Departemen Ilmu Administrasi FISIP UI, 2010
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Akhmal Khairi
"Abstract. The legal foundation change on the local governance affects the change of status, role, and function
of the sub-district’s head. In the past a sub-district’s head is the person in full charge of an area, however now
he is only part of local apparatuses who get his authority if there is a delegation from the Regent/Mayor. To
increase the role of the sub-district head in its area, the local government of Depok did some empowerment
efforts. The research aims to analyze the sub-district head empowerment done by the local government of
Depok by doing case study in three sub-districts in Depok, i.e. Beji, Sukmajaya, and Pancoran Mas. The
paradigm of the research is positivistic with qualitative technique of data collecting thorugh in-depth interview
and literature study. The result of the research shows that the empowerment done by the local government
of Depok is not optimal. The sub-district organization is merely considered complimentary, therefore has les
strategic authority."
Lembaga Kemitraan dan Pembangunan Sosial, 2010
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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