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Paulus Wirutomo
"Abstract. The development concept applied so far has received criticisms since it is too sectoral- and growth-oriented. This study offers a proposition that social development must – instead, get a central emphasis through developing the fundamental aspects of society, i.e.: structure, culture, and social process. By using data from qualitative research (document study, in depth interview, FGD, and observation) the writing attempts to give an illustration on how Solo Government Central Java Province conducts social development especially for street vendors. The study shows that the inclusive value- and participatory-based social development has been practiced at a certain level in Solo. The article concludes that the local government of Solo has conducted social development by relying more on structural development, through which cultural and social processes are also developed. Furthermore, there have also been dynamic, reciprocal interactions among all aspects in the social development (self-reinforcing) process in Solo. It is the basic message of this writing that, any policy study must direct its concern more towards fundamental elements of societal life, i.e. “structure, culture, and social process” ."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Paulus Wirutomo
"The development concept applied so far has received criticisms since it is too sectoral and growth oriented. This study offers a proposition that social development must instead, get a central emphasis through developing the fundamental aspects of society, i.e.: structure, culture, and social process. By using data from qualitative research (document study, in depth interview, FGD, and observation) the writing attempts to give an illustration on how Solo Government Central Java Province conducts social development especially for street vendors. The study shows that the inclusive value- and participatory-based social development has been practiced at a certain level in Solo. The article concludes that the local government of Solo has conducted social development by relying more on structural development, through which cultural and social processes are also developed. Furthermore, there have also been dynamic, reciprocal interactions among all aspects in the social development (self-reinforcing) process in Solo. It is the basic message of this writing that, any policy study must direct its concern more towards fundamental elements of societal life, i.e. structure, culture, and social process"
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arung Lamba
"Abstract. Irian Jaya study aims to analyse the flexibility and productivity of the urban informal sector of regional economy in Jayapura. The approach used is qualitative in nature. The findings of the study show that the informal sector in Jayapura is very flexible in recruiting human resources of varying backgrounds (gender, age, education, even capital). The study also finds that the productivity of the sector is very high as the profit gained by the informal sector actors is significantly higher than the cost. Factors attributing to the flexibility of the informal sector in Jayapura are labour and demand whereas factors attributing to productivity are labour and demand, which are positively correlated, and flexibility, which is negatively correlated. "
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Prakoso Bhairawa Putera
"Abstract. This article analyses the observation of science & technology (Iptek) and innovation policies in activities of science and technological research, development, and implementation. Science & technology and innovation policies become an important study subject since in some countries this field gives positive effect to competitiveness of a nation. Qualitative approach was selected in studying science & technology and innovation policy in Indonesia since its appropriation with the objective of portraying national policy in science & technology and innovation. Method employed was content analysis qualitative with framing analysis, which in this study refers to concept of science & technological research, development, and implementation. The results of this study shows that national policy of Indonesia during 2000-2011 period were less supportive to development, research, diffusion, and implementation of technology in regions, proven by evidence that there was only few policies supporting the system implementation of science & technological research, development, and implementation in Indonesia.
Abstrak. Artikel ini menguraikan tinjauan kebijakan ilmu pengetahuan & teknologi (iptek) dan inovasi dalam kegiatan penelitian, pengembangan, dan penerapan iptek. Kebijakan iptek dan inovasi menjadi penting untuk dikaji karena dibeberapa negara bidang ini memberikan pengaruh terhadap daya saing suatu negara. Pendekatan kualitatif dipilih untuk mengkaji kebijakan iptek dan inovasi di Indonesia karena sesuai dengan tujuan untuk memberikan gambaran mengenai potret kebijakan nasional bidang iptek dan inovasi. Metode yang dipergunakan adalah analisis isi “content analysis” yang bersifat kualitatif dengan pembingkaian “framing analysis” yang dalam studi ini kerangkanya merujuk pada konsep penelitian, pengembangan, dan penerapan iptek. Berdasarkan hasil studi ini terungkap bahwa kebijakan nasional Indonesia selama periode 2000–2011 kurang berpihak pada pengembangan, riset, difusi, dan penerapan teknologi di daerah, terbukti dengan keberadaan kebijakan terkait pelaksanaan sistem penelitian, pengembangan, dan penerapan iptek di Indonesia yang masih sangat minim."
Indonesian Institute of Science(LIPI), Jakarta, 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agustinus Fatem
"Abstract. Community empowerment has ample opportunity for accomplishment in the decentralization era and through the implementation of regional and special autonomy in Papua. This research analyzes the influence of community empowerment on community participation in village development in the Jayapura Regency and establishes a model for community empowerment and participation in regional development, using the quantitative approach. Primary data is collected from respondents through questionnaires, interview guides, and on-site observation. Respondents are chosen using the cluster sampling technique (with two or more respondents) to determine sample areas (districts and villages), and respondents from sample villages are chosen using the proportional random sampling technique. Field data is processed and analyzed using the structural path analysis technique and the qualitative-descriptive analysis. According to research findings: (1) participation in village development is influenced by community empowerment, which is shaped by conducive situation, community capacity, and community protection (2) the participatory dimensions in village development are planning, implementation, utilization, and maintenance, and evaluation is partially determined by the significant influence from conducive situation and community capacity. It is our hope that this review on community empowerment and participation in development can contribute to transforming community members into the main agents of development, therefore leading to a development that is ?from, by, and for? the community."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ashari Cahyo Edi
"Abstract. In order to effectively align corporate social responsibility (CSR) with the poverty reduction agenda, corporations need to be more inclusive and collaborative with other actors. Cross-sector partnerships in the implementation of CSR have been an emerging approach and practice, as promoted by public administration scholars. Key actors in the partnerships may come from the government, civil society represented by non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and corporations. However, designing successful effective partnerships that are relevant to cross-sector dynamics and political contexts has been proven to be particularly challenging, especially in emerging economies and new democracies, such as Indonesia. This paper provides key characteristics of effective cross-sector partnerships that have been derived from an examination of three case studies in Indonesia and Tanzania. They represent cross-sector partnerships with differing scope and depth. Throughout this paper, one can observe and extract key characteristics of effective partnerships based on three case studies of which a model for each is described. In particular, characteristics utilized for assessing the effectiveness of the models include ownership, alignment and synchronization, accountability, reduced dependency, resource sharing, along with representation and legitimacy.
Abstrak. Agar tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan (TJSL) perusahaan semakin relevan dengan agenda pengurangan kemiskinan, perusahaan perlu lebih inklusif dan kolaboratif dengan aktor-aktor lain. Kemitraan lintas-pihak (cross-sector partnership) dewasa ini telah menjadi tren pendekatan dan praktik TJSL, sebagaimana dipromosikan para ahli administrasi publik. Aktor-aktor kunci yang potensial sebagai mitra perusahaan bisa berasal dari elemen pemerintah, dan masyarakat sipil yang dalam hal ini organisasi non-pemerintah. Meski demikian, mendesain kemitraan yang efektif dan relevan bagi suatu konteks dan dinamika politik ternyata merupakan tantangan tersendiri, khususnya bagi Negara seperti Indonesia sebagai kekuatan ekonomi dan demokrasi baru. Sebagai upaya menjawab tantangan itu, artikel ini membahas karakteristik kunci kemitraan lintas sektor yang efektif, yang dielaborasi dari dua studi kasus di Indonesia dan satu kasus di Tanzania. Ketiganya mewakili model kemitraan dengan jangkauan lingkup dan kedalaman keterlibatan yang berbeda. Dalam tulisan ini, karakteristik kunci dari kemitraan yang efektif ditelaah dan diperas dari pembahasan tiga studi kasus tersebut. Hasilnya adalah karakteristik-karakteristik kunci yang meliputi rasa kepemilikan, keterkaitan dan sinkronisasi, akuntabilitas, berkurangnya ketergantungan, pembagian sumber daya, serta representasi dan legitimasi."
institute for research and empowerment (IRE), Yogyakarta, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Natalia Widiasari
"Abstract. Towards the end of implementation period of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), it is important to understand how far we have achieved it, what the best practice is and what has gone wrong. Looking at the achievement figure, it describes that we have not been far away from our starting point. Lack of power and ability are the main reasons. So it is time to look around. The country has many huge industries that have power and competency. The country has legal protection to ask the industries to cooperate, to coordinate and work together towards achieving MDGs. Industries, obligatory by law, and also some of them motivated by altruism must perform corporate social responsibility activities. This research describes the ongoing synergies that occurred in many ways in order to create better society and environment, which will lead to MDGs achievement.
Abstrak. Menjelang akhir periode pelaksanaan Tujuan Pembangunan Milenium (Millenium Development Goals-MDGs), penting untuk mengetahui seberapa jauh pencapaiannya, hal terbaik yang telah dilakukan, dan apa saja yang keliru. Grafik pencapaian menampilkan bahwa sebenarnya kita masih berada dekat dengan titik awal ketika program dicanangkan. Kurangnya kekuatan dan kemampuan adalah alasan utama, maka sekarang ini adalah saatnya melihat lingkungan sekitar. Negara ini memiliki banyak industri besar yang memiliki kekuatan dan kompetensi. Negara juga memiliki payung hukum untuk mendorong sektor industri agar mau bekerjasama, berkoordinasi dan bahu membahu mencapai tujuan-tujuan yang terangkum dalam MDGs. Sektor industri, diwajibkan oleh hukum, dan beberapa juga termotivasi oleh aliran altruistik, harus menunjukkan kinerja kegiatan tanggung jawab sosial. Penelitian menjabarkan sinergi yang terlaksana dalam berbagai kegiatan, dalam rangka menciptakan kondisi masyarakat dan lingkungan yang lebih baik. Sehingga, pada akhirnya akan berujung pada pencapaian MDGs."
universitas katolik atma jaya, faculty of business administration and communication science, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Titi Muswati Putranti
"Abstract. The purpose of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is to reduce the emission of greenhouse gas through carbon credit. The mechanism allows projects or business enterprises related to the reduction of carbon emission in developing countries to receive the Certified Emission Reduction (CER). The current research uses the qualitative approach and analyzes policies on Value-Added Taxes (PPN) and the Income Tax (PPh) to determine the ones appropriate for CER transactions in Indonesia. India?s policies of PPN and PPh on CER transactions are used as a benchmark to analyze tax policies on CER transactions in Indonesia. The current research shows that, in regard to PPN taxable objects, CER is the equivalent of a marketable security or collateral. Article 4 Clause (2) Point d in UU PPN Indonesia states that marketable securities are categorized as non-taxable goods; therefore, in accordance with UU PPN, a CER transaction is exempt from PPN. PPh laws and regulations state that the income from CER sales in Indonesia is subject to the income tax. To support the policy on carbon emission reduction, the government can issue a policy in which PPN is not levied on imported machines or equipments used in technology transfer activities, and thus facilitate the growth of CDM projects."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ita Prihantika
"Abstract. This paper explores the leadership style of a direct-elected Mayor in the new era of local administration. Solo city,
under the leadership of Mayor Joko Widodo, along with his political partner, Vice Mayor F.X. Hadi Rudyatmo, is currently
referred to as practicing the best local government. The leadership of the political partner is perceived to be a role model of
leadership style in the new era. A step by step guidance of cognitive mapping introduced by Ackerman et. al. (1992) is applied
to construct the cognitive map and causal map of the Mayor’s policies on regional competitiveness. Meanwhile, the NUMBER
method developed by Kim (2000 and 2005) is used to convert the causal map into a dynamic model system of the City
Mayor’s policies. Many pro-people related policies and programs are believed to be important factors in enhancing regional
competitiveness during the leadership of Mayor Joko Widodo. This study contributes to provide a role model of regional
leaders’ best practice overview in building the area, particularly building the regional competitiveness."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diah Diana Sulistyorini
"Abstract. Credit disbursement is an investment decision in the banking business. Therefore, the concept of "high risk high return" becomes the focus of banks in managing credit. One of the effort of these banks to manage risk and enhancing/ increasing returns is forming their portfolio. This research was conducted in one of the state banks in Indonesia, which has the goal of increasing lending in the retail and commercial segments. Single Index Model is used to find the optimal composition of the economic sector. This model recommends economic sectors into the portfolio on the basis of Excess Return to Beta, which represents the difference between the rates of return in the form of interest income with a risk-free asset returns, divided by beta sectors of the economy itself. The results showed that the return portfolio can be improved and the risks derived using that approach. Banking business purpose is the return and growth so that the portfolio optimization needs to be supported with other parameters when the economic sectors that are not recommended put in a portfolio. Analysis of the performance of RAROC is a performance metric that of performance that computes net profit after adjusting for potential losses than capital allocation, can be used to help the formation of portfolios that received the return and risk are still in line with expectations.
Abstrak. Penyaluran kredit merupakan investment decision dalam bisnis perbankan. Oleh sebab itu konsep " high risk high return" menjadi fokus perbankan dalam mengelola kredit. Salah satu upaya perbankan mengelola risiko dan meningkatkan return adalah membentuk portofolio. Penelitian ini dilakukan di salah satu bank pemerintah di Indonesia yang mempunyai target meningkatkan penyaluran kredit di segmen retail dan commercial. Single Index Model digunakan untuk mencari komposisi optimal dari sektor ekonomi. Model ini merekomendasi sektor ekonomi yang masuk ke dalam portofolio atas dasar Excess Return to Beta yang merupakan selisih antara tingkat return berupa pendapatan bunga dengan return asset bebas risiko (SBI) dibagi dengan beta sektor ekonomi itu sendiri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa return porofolio dapat ditingkatkan dan risiko diturunkan dengan menggunakan pendekatan tersebut. Tujuan bisnis perbankan adalah return dan growth sehingga optimalisasi portofolio perlu didukung dengan parameter lain ketika sektor ekonomi yang tidak direkomendasikan dimasukkan ke dalam portofolio. Analisis RAROC yaitu suatu metrik kinerja yang menghitung keuntungan bersih setelah disesuaikan dengan potensi kerugian dibanding alokasi modalnya digunakan untuk membantu pembentukan portofolio sehingga return dan risiko yang diterima masih sesuai dengan harapan."
bogor agricultural university, faculty of economics and management sciences, 2015
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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