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Ahmad Qurtubi
"Abstract. This research is intended to analyze learning organization (LO) in improving academic services quality in Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. It is conducted through a mixed-method approach. The qualitative data analysis employed is the model of Miles and Huberman. There are three phases involved in this method, namely data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. Whereas, the quantitative data employed is the double regression analysis. At the end of the research, it is shown that UIN Syarif Hidayatullah can be considered as a learning organization. Its system processes, such as Learning Audit and Reviewing and Learning Development have contributed to the learning improvement, better educational program and learning self reviewing, and personal mastery is the characteristics shown by UIN Syarif Hidayatullah which is important in its acknowledgement as learning organization. UIN Syarif Hidayatullah is considered as an organization encouraging innovation, risk taking or creativity at a wider organizational level. It has a required good balance between local innovation and strategic objectives of the system. The quantitative analysis has also proven UIN Syarif Hidayatullah as a learning organization. Systemic thinking, mental models, personal mastery, shared vision, tim learning, trust, commitment, and effective communication channels are adopted, all of which have positive impact to the academic services quality."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Abstract. Achieving excellent quality academic and administrative services is one of the efforts of the Indonesia University of Education (UPI) in building its Academic Information System (SIAK) under UPI Directorate of Information and Communication that was established on 6 July 2007. The use of Information and Communication Technology (TIK) for a system of information and academic services in higher education institution is an urgent necessity to increase the reputation of higher education institution both nationally and globally. This research aims to discover the relation, influences and analyzes the quality of academic information system quality toward user satisfaction in the Indonesia University of Education. The research use Gap Analysis and Structural Equation Model (SEM). Gap analysis results show a gap between performance and user expectation but average result of user satisfaction variable shows that respondents are satisfied with the academic information system implementation. SEM analysis result show that all research variables and indicators have significant relations, also that the academic information system quality (system quality, information quality and service quality (toward user satisfaction has a significant impact. Research discovery shows the necessity of periodical evaluation by the academic information system administrator with user participation, to ensure users need fulfillment.
Abstrak. Pencapaian pelayanan akademik dan tata kelola yang berkualitas salah satu upaya Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) membangun Sistem Informasi Akademik (SIAK) yang berada pada Direktorat Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi UPI yang didirikan pada tanggal 6 Juli 2007. Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) menjadi sistem informasi pada layanan akademik di peguruan tinggi menjadi kebutuhan yang sangat penting untuk meningkatkan reputasi perguruan tinggi baik di dalam negeri maupun global. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari hubungan, pengaruh dan menganalisa kualitas sistem informasi akademik terhadap kepuasan pengguna di Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis Gap dan Structural Equation Model (SEM). Hasil anilisis Gap menunjukan masih terdapat kesenjangan
antara kinerja dengan harapan pengguna tetapi hasil dari nilai rata-rata variabel kepuasan pengguna menunjukan bahwa responden merasa puas dengan implementasi sistem informasi akademik. Hasil analisis SEM menunjukan bahwa semua variabel dan indikator yang diteliti memiliki hubungan yang signifikan, begitu juga pengaruh dari kualitas sistem informasi akademik (kualitas sitem, kualitas informasi dan kualitas layanan) terhadap kepuasan pengguna memiliki pengaruh yang cukup besar. Temuan penelitian menunjukan perlu evaluasi secara berkala dari pengelola sistem informasi akademik dengan melibatkan pengguna, agar dapat memastikan bahwa kebutuhan pengguna terpenuhi."
Bogor: Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences Bogor Agricultural University, 2015
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anwar Sanusi
"Abstract. There are three specific objectives outlined in this paper, the first objective is to identify and describe existing condition of institutional arrangement of public services in several local governments, the second objective is to examine problems and challenges in providing public services in the areas of investment, the last is to provide recommendations on institutional models and strategies or innovations which can be applied in order to improve performance in investment services; undertanding how regional goverment institutions can contribute significantly to improve investment for economic growth. Qualitative method was employed to evaluate the effectiveness of increasing customer satisfactions, reducing red-tape, and improving coordination amongst government institutions, an in- depth interviews conducted with resource persons as respresentatives from stakeholders, including government officials, businessmen (entrepreneurs), and experts from local universities. By evaluating City Government of Batam as the best practice in the institutional arrangement for investment, the main potential contribution of this study is to provide valid information about the most crucial problems and challenges in institutional arrangement for investment affairs in local government to which their investment target could be achieved by using the institutional model provided.
Abstrak. Ada tiga tujuan tertentu yang digariskan di dalam makalah ini, tujuan pertama adalah untuk mengenali dan menjelaskan kondisi yang ada sekarang dari susunan kelembagaan pelayanan publik di beberapa pemerintahan daerah, tujuan kedua adalah untuk mempelajari masalah-masalah dan tantangan-tantangan di dalam hal penyediaan pelayanan publik di daerah-daerah tujuan penanaman modal, tujuan terakhir adalah mengajukan rekomendasi di dalam hal model kelembagaan dan strategi atau inovasi yang dapat diterapkan untuk meningkatkan kinerja pelayanan penanaman modal; pemahaman bagaimana lembaga-lembaga pemerintah daerah dapat menyumbang secara bermakna untuk meningkatkan penanaman modal demi bertumbuhnya ekonomi, mengurangi birokrasi dan meningkatkan koordinasi di antara lembaga-lembaga pemerintah. Metode kualitatif digunakan untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas peningkatan kepuasan pelanggan dan meningkatkan koordinasi antar lembaga pemerintah, wawancara mendalam dilakukan dengan para narasumber yang mewakili para pemangku kepentingan, termasuk pejabat pemerintah, pengusaha, dan para ahli dari universitas-universitas setempat. Dengan mengevaluasi Pemerintah Kota Batam sebagai penerapan terbaik dari penataan kelembagaan di dalam hal penanaman modal, kontribusi utama penelitian ini adalah penyediaan informasi yang sahih mengenai masalah-masalah dan tantangan-tantangan yang paling penting yang dihadapi penataan kelembagaan untuk urusan penanaman modal di pemerintah daerah dalam rangka mencapai target penanaman modal melalui penggunaan modal penataan kelembagaan yang tersedia."
Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Wijaya Putra University, 2013
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Slamet Rosyadi
"Abstract. Centralized approach is no longer perceived as effective in managing natural resources such as the forest. In line with the good governance movement, practices of forest resource management have changed from one-bureaucratic show into partnership. Consequently, the concept of transparency, accountability, and broader public participations should be institutionalized to improve the sustainability of forest management. By using the experience of Banyumas? forest communities as case studies, this research aims to examine the extent to which the practice of good governance in forest management develops and influences the sustainability of forest management. Since this study was been intended to reveal the process of governance practices at the level of community-based organization, it uses the descriptive-qualitative approach in its analysis. The result of this study shows that participatory forest monitoring, transparency and accountable asset utilization have been practiced by the local forestry organization in their forest management. The researcher also found that strong traditions and local leadership contributes
positively to good governance practices by providing cultural dialogue forum, social control and a spirit of volunteering.
Abstrak. Sumber daya alam seperti hutan tidak lagi efektif untuk dikelola dengan pendekatan terpusat. Sejalan dengan gerakan pemerintahan yang baik, praktik pengelolaan sumber daya hutan telah berubah dari satu-cara birokrasi kepada cara-cara kemitraan. Akibatnya, konsep transparansi, akuntabilitas, dan partisipasi publik yang lebih luas harus dilembagakan untuk meningkatkan kelestarian hutan. Dengan menggunakan pengalaman masyarakat di hutan Banyumas sebagai studi kasus, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji sejauh mana praktek gerakan pemerintahan yang baikdidalam pengelolaan hutan untuk mengembangkan dan mempengaruhi kesesuaian pengelolaan hutan. Karena penelitian ini telah dimaksudkan untuk mengungkapkan proses praktek tata kelola pada tingkat masyarakat berbasis organisasi, penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif-kualitatif dalam analisisnya. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penyertaan dalam pemantauan hutan , transparansi dan akuntabilitas dalam pemanfaatan aset telah dipraktekkan oleh organisasi kehutanan setempat dalam pengelolaan hutan. Saya juga menemukan bahwa tradisi yang kuat dan kepemimpinan lokal memberikan kontribusi positif bagi praktek tata kelola yang baik dengan menyediakan forum dialog budaya, kontrol sosial dan semangat sukarela."
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Jenderal Sudirman, Porwokerto, 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Azhar Kasim
"Quality improvement in public service has become a major concern in government institutions in their effort to provide the public with maximum service. It is also a major concern for Samsat (One-Roof System) institutions in Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, Bekasi (Jabodetabek). The purpose of this study is to analyze the quality level of the service provided by Mobile Samsat units in Jabodetabek. The study uses the quantitative approach in order to illustrate the gap between consumer expectation of public service and consumer perception of the actual service, based on five dimensions: reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangibility. Measurement results of the five dimensions show that customers find the service provided by Mobile Samsat in Jabodetabek to be unsatisfactory."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Heru Kurnianto Tjahjono
"Secara umum studi ini menggambarkan fenomena keadilan karir dan pentingnya karir bagi kepuasan dan komitmen anggota kepolisian. Pengujian ini sekaligus menjelaskan apakah karir dalam praktek manajemen SDM yang bersifat transaksional berperan penting menjelaskan level komitmen yang lebih tinggi, yaitu komitmen afektif. Secara spesifik studi ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan beberapa hal, pertama untuk menguji dampak keadilan distributif karir dan keadilan prosedural karir pada kepuasan karir dan komitmen afektif. Kedua adalah menguji dampak kepuasan karir pada komitmen afektif. Tujuan ketiga adalah menggambarkan fenomena keadilan karir baik distributif dan prosedural, kepuasan karir dan komitmen afektif pada organisasi kepolisian di tingkat resort (Polres) di provinsi X. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah SEM yang dioperasikan dengan program AMOS. Populasi penelitian ini adalah 134 anggota kepolisian resort (Polres). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa keadilan distributif dan keadilan prosedural adalah prediktor kuat yang menjelaskan kepuasan karir. Demikian pula kedua keadilan karir dan kepuasan karir adalah prediktor kuat kepuasan komitmen.

In general, this study describes the phenomenon of career's fairness and the importance of career for the satisfaction and commitment of members of the police in organization. This test also explains whether a career in human resource management practices explain the higher level of commitment, namely affective commitment. Specifically, first to conduct further testing of the impact of career distributive and career procedural fairness on career satisfaction and affective commitment. The second was to test the impact of career satisfaction on the affective commitment. The third was to describe the condition of career fairness, career satisfaction and affective commitment at the police resort organization in province X. The data analysis technique used in this study is SEM which is operated through the AMOS software program. The population of this research was 134 officers of police resort organization. The results indicated that career distributive and procedural fairness are strong predictor to explain career satisfaction. Then both of career fairness type and career satisfaction are predictor to explain affective commitment."
Yogyakarta: Faculty of Economics and Bussiness Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, 2015
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Heru Kurnianto Tjahjono
"Abstract. This experimental study aims to examine the impact of distributive and procedural justice towards affective commitment in every context or situation that is configurational. The meta-analysis, concluded by Hartman, Yale, and Galle (1999), explained that researches on fairness in general was conducted in the context of unfairness. This particular study examined various situations to form a configuration of distributive justice, procedural justice, and subjective perspective of social capital as moderating variable. This study involved 268 subjects in one class relation to performance appraisal's policy. The findings show that both distributive and procedural justice are vital predictors. Similarly, the configuration of these variables play a role in explaining affective commitment. Another important finding is that social capital, as a subjective perspective, plays a significant role in explaining affective commitment.
Abstrak. Penelitian eksperimen ini bertujuan menguji pengaruh keadilan distributif dan keadilan prosedural terhadap komitmen afektif dalam berbagai konteks/ situasi yang bersifat konfigurasional. Meta anĂ¡lisis yang dilakukan Hartman, Yale & Galle, (1999) menjelaskan bahwa penelitian keadilan pada umumnya dilakukan dalam konteks ketidakadilan. Penelitian ini melakukan pengujian dari berbagai situasi sehingga membentuk konfigurasi keadilan distributif, keadilan prosedural dan perspektif subjektif modal sosial sebagai variabel moderasi. Penelitian melibatkan 268 subjek dalam kelas terkait dengan kebijakan penilaian kinerja. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa keadilan distributif dan keadilan prosedural merupakan prediktor penting. Demikian pula konfigurasi kedua variabel tersebut berperan dalam menjelaskan komitmen afektif. Hal penting lainnya, modal sosial sebagai perspektif subjektif berperan signifikan dalam menjelaskan komitmen afektif."
muhammadiyah university, faculty of economy and business, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Daud M Liando
"Abstract. The research aims to analyze the influence of population administrative policy implementation on the quality of ID card service in South Minahasa District. The variables used are policy standards and objectives, policy resources, inter-organizational communication, the characteristics of the implementation agencies, the economic, social and political environment, and response of the implementers. The result shows that the implementation of population administrative policy is very much determined by the communication factor. One of the factors causing the inefficiency of ID card service is the inadequate role of society in the implementation of population administrative policy. The implementation agencies from the Office of Population and Civil Administration must ceaselessly build both vertical and horizontal communications with South Minahasa people.
Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Pengaruh Implementasi Kebijakan Administrasi Kependudukan Terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan Kartu Tanda Penduduk di Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan. Variabel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu ukuran-ukuran dasar dan tujuan kebijakan, sumber-sumber kebijakan, komunikasi antar organisasi, karakteristik badan-badan pelaksana, kondisi sosial, politik, dan ekonomi, dan kecenderungan pelaksana. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa implementasi kebijakan administrasi kependudukan sangat ditentukan oleh faktor komunikasi. Salah satu faktor yang menyebabkan belum optimalnya kualitas pelayanan Kartu Tanda Penduduk adalah lemahnya peran masyarakat dalam implementasi kebijakan administrasi kependudukan. Diperlukan komunikasi secara terus-menerus bagi implementor di Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil Kabupaten Minahasa selatan baik komunikasi yang bersifat vertical maupun komunikasi yang bersifat horizontal."
Departement of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Sam Ratulangi, 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agustinus Fatem
"Abstract. Community empowerment has ample opportunity for accomplishment in the decentralization era and through the implementation of regional and special autonomy in Papua. This research analyzes the influence of community empowerment on community participation in village development in the Jayapura Regency and establishes a model for community empowerment and participation in regional development, using the quantitative approach. Primary data is collected from respondents through questionnaires, interview guides, and on-site observation. Respondents are chosen using the cluster sampling technique (with two or more respondents) to determine sample areas (districts and villages), and respondents from sample villages are chosen using the proportional random sampling technique. Field data is processed and analyzed using the structural path analysis technique and the qualitative-descriptive analysis. According to research findings: (1) participation in village development is influenced by community empowerment, which is shaped by conducive situation, community capacity, and community protection (2) the participatory dimensions in village development are planning, implementation, utilization, and maintenance, and evaluation is partially determined by the significant influence from conducive situation and community capacity. It is our hope that this review on community empowerment and participation in development can contribute to transforming community members into the main agents of development, therefore leading to a development that is ?from, by, and for? the community."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tomkinson, Ray
"Despite the pressure for local councils to follow the lead of the private sector and develop shared service and partnership arrangements, the barriers in terms of culture, differences in priorities across councils and lack of experience are formidable - yet this is the most likely source of meeting government targets for reduced overheads and improved organizational effectiveness. By using extensive case studies drawn from across local councils in England, Ray Tomkinson explains the implications of sharing service delivery, addresses concerns about loss of control and accountability, and demonstrates the potential advantages. He shows how to set up collaborative ventures, formal partnerships, shared service centres or special purpose vehicles, while pointing out possible pitfalls, thus enabling senior managers to follow all the necessary project steps to create an appropriate shared service. It seeks to examine the evidence of the cost, effectiveness and quality improvements achieved from sharings. This ground-breaking book has been written for everyone in local government; it explores the political and cultural barriers, and legislative/legal framework for joint workings, explains how to find an appropriate governance vehicle, and how to gain the commitment of partners. It deals with political and managerial concerns, risk aversion and parochial issues, and the possible impact on the reputation and performance of both sharers. Shared Services in Local Government is the only comprehensive study for the UK and it will ensure any public sector organization pursuing this route is able to approach the task of creating a shared service with a real understanding of the issues involved."
London: Routledge, 2016
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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