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Slamet Rosyadi
"Abstract. Centralized approach is no longer perceived as effective in managing natural resources such as the forest. In line with the good governance movement, practices of forest resource management have changed from one-bureaucratic show into partnership. Consequently, the concept of transparency, accountability, and broader public participations should be institutionalized to improve the sustainability of forest management. By using the experience of Banyumas? forest communities as case studies, this research aims to examine the extent to which the practice of good governance in forest management develops and influences the sustainability of forest management. Since this study was been intended to reveal the process of governance practices at the level of community-based organization, it uses the descriptive-qualitative approach in its analysis. The result of this study shows that participatory forest monitoring, transparency and accountable asset utilization have been practiced by the local forestry organization in their forest management. The researcher also found that strong traditions and local leadership contributes
positively to good governance practices by providing cultural dialogue forum, social control and a spirit of volunteering.
Abstrak. Sumber daya alam seperti hutan tidak lagi efektif untuk dikelola dengan pendekatan terpusat. Sejalan dengan gerakan pemerintahan yang baik, praktik pengelolaan sumber daya hutan telah berubah dari satu-cara birokrasi kepada cara-cara kemitraan. Akibatnya, konsep transparansi, akuntabilitas, dan partisipasi publik yang lebih luas harus dilembagakan untuk meningkatkan kelestarian hutan. Dengan menggunakan pengalaman masyarakat di hutan Banyumas sebagai studi kasus, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji sejauh mana praktek gerakan pemerintahan yang baikdidalam pengelolaan hutan untuk mengembangkan dan mempengaruhi kesesuaian pengelolaan hutan. Karena penelitian ini telah dimaksudkan untuk mengungkapkan proses praktek tata kelola pada tingkat masyarakat berbasis organisasi, penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif-kualitatif dalam analisisnya. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penyertaan dalam pemantauan hutan , transparansi dan akuntabilitas dalam pemanfaatan aset telah dipraktekkan oleh organisasi kehutanan setempat dalam pengelolaan hutan. Saya juga menemukan bahwa tradisi yang kuat dan kepemimpinan lokal memberikan kontribusi positif bagi praktek tata kelola yang baik dengan menyediakan forum dialog budaya, kontrol sosial dan semangat sukarela."
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Jenderal Sudirman, Porwokerto, 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eko Sakapurnama
"The Indonesian government has pursued to establish freedom of information for their people in order to enhance good governance in the public sector by implementing the Transparency of Public Information Law Number 14 Year 2008, popularly known as UU KIP. This study is aimed at describing and drawing the factors that affected the implementation of UU KIP in Surakarta City and West Lombok Regency. This research was conducted through a mixed method of a quantitative method through surveys and a qualitative method through in-depth interviews and a focus group discussion. The research concluded that there are numerous factors which affected the implementation of UU KIP such as; political will both from central government and local leader, government ability, flaws in the UU KIP itself, minimum budget, infrastructure, and the culture of the society. UU KIP was also perceived as an Act that regulated the public information and was able to enchance public institutions? implementation of good governance. The local government is believed to be more accountable and transparant, and able to increase public participation.

Pemerintah Indonesia telah berusaha menetapkan keterbukaan informasi untuk masyarakat agar badan publik dapat mencapai good governance dengan menerapkan Undang-Undang Nomor 14 Tahun 2008 tentang Keterbukaan Informasi Publik, yang lebih dikenal sebagai UU KIP. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menggambarkan dan mencari tahu faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi implementasi UU KIP di Kota Surakarta dan Kabupaten Lombok Barat. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan mixed method yang terdiri dari metode kuantitatif melalui survey and metode kwalitatif melalui wawancara mendalam (in-depth interview) dan diskusi kelompok terfokus (focused group discussion/FGD). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa terdapat berbagai faktor yang mempengaruhi implementasi UU KIP yang terdiri dari; keinginan politik (political will) dari pemerintahan pusat dan kepala pemerintahan daerah, kemampuan pemerintah, kesalahan yang terdapat di dalam UU KIP itu sendiri, anggaran minimum, infrastruktur, dan budaya masyarakat. UU KIP juga dipersepsikan sebagai suatu undang-undang yang mengatur informasi publik dan bisa membantu badan publik memperbaiki implementasi good governance. Pemerintah daerah dianggap lebih bertanggung jawab dan transparan, dan dapat meningkatkan partisipasi publik."
Depok: Department of Administration Sciences, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Indonesia, 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Hingga saat ini Indonesia masih menghadapi masalah korupsi atas keuangan negara yang masih tinggi meskipun upaya perbaikan sistem laporan keuangan yang berkualitas sudah diterapkan. Di sisi lain, dengan sistem desentralisasi dan pemilihan langsung atas lembaga legislatif dan eksekutif pemerintahan, divided government akan mendorong terjadinya proses checks and balances yang juga dapat mengurangi korupsi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat peran sistem pelaporan keuangan sebagai bentuk dari good governance dan peran divided government terhadap korupsi. Dengan tidak menggunakan variabel korupsi yang berupa persepsi karena bersifat subjektif dan cenderung bias, studi ini menggunakan data korupsi yang bersifat inkracht sehingga dapat menggambarkan kasus korupsi yang sebenarnya terjadi.
Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa good governance dengan indikator opini BPK yang diperoleh pemerintah kabupaten/kota belum bersifat substantif menggambarkan penggunaan keuangan negara. Akibatnya korupsi masih tetap terjadi pada wilayah yang sudah memperoleh opini terbaik. Sedangkan divided government yang seharusnya mendorong adanya checks and balances justru memunculkan ruang untuk negosiasi dan membuat peluang terjadinya korupsi semakin besar. Terlepas dari hal itu, upaya pemberantasan korupsi pada era pertama presiden Jokowi lebih baik dibandingkan periode sebelumnya.

Indonesia still faces the problem of corruption in the country's finances which are still high even though efforts to improve the quality of the financial report system have been implemented. Furthermore, with a decentralized and direct election system of the legislative and executive institutions, divided government will encourage the process of checks and balances which can reduce corruption. This study aims to investigate the role of financial reporting systems as a representation of good governance and the role of divided government against corruption. Instead of using corruption perception variables which are subjective and susceptible to be biased, this study uses inkracht corruption data that can describe corruption cases that actually occur.
The results of the study show that good governance approached by Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia (Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan - BPK) opinion indicators obtained by district/city governments have not been substantively describing the use of state finances. As a result, corruption still occurs in the regions even for those which have obtained the best opinion. Whereas divided government, which should encourage checks and balances, promotes situations for negotiations and makes the chances of corruption occurring even greater. Despite on that fact, efforts to eradicate corruption in President Jokowi's first era were better than the previous government.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Departed from the innovative programs during the period of Joko Widodo in Surakarta that are still made as the model of the local public service reform, this article aims to discover and analyze the innovations of the Municipal Government of Surakarta (as known as Solo), the revitalization of the traditional market and the management of the street vendors, under the leadership of Joko Widodo (known also as Jokowi) as the mayor (2005 ? 2012) by using to Sound Governance Model. The research uses positivist approach through several data collection techniques, such as, in-depth interview with the program performing actors in the local government and the beneficiary actors; observation; and literature review. The data was collected throughout 2012 ? 2013 after Joko Widodo is no longer the incumbent Mayor, in order that the information of the innovations sustainability can be noticed. The outcome was analyzed as univariate and descriptively towards the dimensions of Sound Governance Model. The study suggests that there is a novel approach in running the innovative program of the traditional market revitalization and the street vendors management through an adaptive environmental development without discarding the orientation toward society-empowerment in Surakarta. Even so, the manifestation of the sound governance has not been related to the refinement of the positive impact for the stakeholders like traders, due to lack grounded from their substantive needs, poor performance management, and also the lacking stakeholder engagement in the program monitoring and evaluation. In contrast to previous existing reports, this research also suggests that the coherence between leadership and administrative capacity is inevitable for the sustainability of the innovation practices.

Berangkat dari program inovasi semasa kepemimpinan Joko Widodo di Surakarta yang tetap dijadikan model bagi reformasi pelayanan bagi masyarakat daerah, artikel ini bertujuan mengungkap dan menganalisis program-program inovasi Pemerintahan Kota Surakarta, revitalisasi pasar tradisional dan penataan pedagang kaki lima (PKL), semasa kepemimpinan Joko Widodo sebagai walikota (2005 ? 2012) menurut Model Sound Governance. Dengan pendekatan positivist melalui teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara mendalam terhadap para aktor di pemerintahan kota yang menjalankan program dan aktor penerima manfaat, observasi, dan studi kepustakaan, data dikumpulkan pada kurun waktu 2012 ? 2013 setelah Joko Widodo tidak menjadi walikota agar informasi keberlanjutan program inovasi tampak. Hasilnya dianalisis secara univariat secara deskriptif terhadap dimensi-dimensi Sound Governance. Hasil kajian menunjukkan terdapat kebaruan pendekatan dalam pelaksanaan program inovasi revitalisasi pasar tradisional dan penataan PKL melalui daya adaptif terhadap perkembangan lingkungan tanpa meninggalkan orientasi pada pemberdayaan masyarakat di Kota Surakarta. Pun demikian, manifestasi sound governance tersebut belum bertalian dengan peningkatan dampak positif bagi para pemangku kepentingan, seperti pedagang, karena tidak beranjak dari kebutuhan riil mereka dan kekeliruan pengelolaan kinerja, juga miskin pelibatan dalam monitoring dan evaluasi program. Berbeda dengan kajian dan pemberitaan secara umum, telaah ini juga menunjukkan bahwa koherensi antara kepemimpinan dan kapasitas administrasi menjadi tak terelakkan bagi keberlangsungan praktik inovasi."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wulan Dwi Mentari
Penelitian ini membahas penerapan konsep good governance dalam salah satu program unggulan Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga (Kemenpora) RI yaitu program Kota Layak Pemuda (KLP) yang terfokus pada penerapan tiga elemen utama dari good governanceyaitu transparansi, akuntabilitas, dan partisipasi dalam salah satu program unggulan Kota Bandung untuk menuju Kota Layak Pemuda yaitu Program Inovasi Pembangunan dan Pemberdayaan Kewilayahan (PIPPK) yang dalam pelaksanaannya melibatkan stakeholders dan berbagai elemen masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi penerapan tiga elemen good governancedalam pelaksanaan program KLP studi kasus PIPPK di Kota Bandung, mengorelasikan elemen-elemen tersebut dalam praktik good governance, dan menganalisis penerapan tiga elemen tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif analisis deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, studi literatur, dan studi dokumentasi. Informan penelitian terdiri dari pemuda Kota Bandung, Dispora Kota Bandung dan Kemenpora RI. Kota Bandung menjadi kota percontohan karena memenuhi indikator yang ditetapkan oleh Kemenpora yaitu adanya Peraturan Daerah (Perda) tentang kepemudaan (regulasi), tersedianya ruang berekspresi dan kreasi (infrastruktur), keaktifan organisasi dan komunitas pemuda (kelembagaan), dan kemandirian pemuda dalam bidang UMKM (Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah).

This study discusses the application of the concept of good governance in one of the flagship programs of the Indonesian Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora), namely the Youth Friendly City Program (KLP) in Bandung which focuses on applying the three main principles of good governance in one of flagship program of Bandung City namely Innovation Development Program and Regional Empowerment (PIPPK). First, the principle of agreement that applies aspects of the importance of aspects of public communication by the government and the right of the community to obtain clear and accurate information. Second, the principle of participation that sees community participation in bureaucratic processes and decision making. Third, the principle of accountability in implementing it answers the needs and asks policy actors. This study aims to discuss and analyze the application of the three elements of good governance in the implementation of the KLP program in Bandung City, and to improve these elements in good governance practices. This study uses descriptive qualitative analysis. Data collection is done by interviews, literature studies, and documentation studies. The research informants consisted of young people from Bandung City, Services of Youth and Sports Bandung City, Bandung City Government and Indonesian Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairs. The city of Bandung is a pilot city because it fulfills the indicators determined by Kemenpora, namely representing Regional Regulations (Perda) on youth (regulations), the availability of expression and creation space (infrastructure), activeness of youth organizations and organizations (safety), and youth independence in the UMKM sector (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises)."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohammad Febrian Jufril
"Penelitian ini membahas mengenai Inspektorat Pengawasan dan Pemeriksaan Khusus Badan Narkotika Nasional (BNN) dalam melaksanakan Investigasi pemeriksaan khusus, penegakan kode etik dan disiplin pegawai di lingkungan BNN dalam rangka Good Governance. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Inspektorat Pengawasan dan Pemeriksaan Khusus dalam melaksanakan tugas dan fungsinya serta menganalisis bagaimana upaya mengatasi kendala-kendala yang dihadapi. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Good governance dan konsep Sistem Pengendalian Internal (SPIP). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah melalui pendekatan kualitatif. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini bahwa Inpektorat Pengawasan dan Pemeriksaan Khusus melalui tugas dan fungsinya berperan dalam mengatasi tiga dari sembilan kendala dalam mewujudkan good governance yaitu pelanggaran kode etik dan disiplin, pengalahgunaan wewenang, dan praktik Kolusi Korupsi dan Nepotisme yang diimplementasikan melalui pelaksanaan Audit Investigasi/Pemeriksaan Khusus, Audit Dengan Tujuan Tertentu (ADTT) serta Penegakan Kode Etik dan Disiplin. Disamping itu ditemukan pula kendala-kendala yang harus segera diatasi Inspektorat Pengawasan dan Pemeriksaan Khusus yaitu belum memiliki Standard Operational Procedure (SOP), dukungan pegawai masih sedikit dan belum memiliki kompetensi yang memadai, belum mengusulkan Daftar Susunan Pegawai, dan belum mengajukan rencana kebutuhan anggaran, rencana program kegiatan, serta belum dirumuskannya Indikator Kinerja Utama.

This study discusses about the Inspectorate of Special Supervision and Inspection of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) in carrying out special investigation, code of ethics enforcement and discipline of BNN employees in the context of Good Governance. This study aims to analyze the Inspectorate of Special Supervision and Examination in carrying out its duties and analyzing how efforts to overcome the obstacles faced. This study uses the Good Governance and SPIP theory. The research method used a qualitative approach. The conclusion of this study is the Inpectorate of Special Supervision and Inspection through its duties plays a role in overcoming three of the nine obstacles in realizing good governance, namely violations of the code of ethics and discipline, abuse of authority, and practices of Collusion, Corruption and Nepotism. Besides that, there are also obstacles that must be addressed immediately by the Inspectorate of Special Supervision and Examination, which does not yet have a Standard Operational Procedure (SOP), employee support is still small and does not have adequate competence, has not proposed a List of Employee Arrangements, and has not yet proposed a budget plan. planned program activities, as well the formulation of the Main Performance Indicators."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Strategik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Berbagai isu strategik yang memengaruhi kinerja pemerintahan daerah di Indonesia sangat kompleks seperti halnya pada pemerintahan daerah di negara lain, sebagaimana diungkapkan pada hasil penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya, antara lain kemampuan fiskal, latar belakang pimpinan daerah sebagai entrepreneur, dan kapasitas manajemen memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja pemerintahan daerah. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk melakukan investigasi terhadap isu-isu strategik lainnya yaitu karakteristik daerah, public entrepreneurship, lingkungan strategik, serta penegakan etika dan akuntabilitas apakah sangat penting dan pasti pengaruhnya terhadap kinerja pemerintahan daerah. Sebagai tahap awal penelitian menyeluruh terkait pengaruh public entrepreneurship terhadap kinerja pemerintahan daerah, pemetaan perlu dilakukan untuk memastikan tingkat kepentingan dan kepastian dari asumsi strategik tersebut dengan pendekatan Strategy Assumption Surfacing Test (SAST) yang melibatkan pakar secara terbatas melalui penyebaran kuesioner dan Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Hasil olah data atas jawaban kuesioner mengindikasikan variabel karakteristik pemerintahan daerah dan elemen-elemennya (aset daerah, kapasitas fiskal, kapasitas manajemen dan perilaku kewirausahaan), public entrepreneurship (inovasi, kreativitas, proaktivitas, risk-taking dan orientasi kepentingan publik) merupakan asumsi strategik yang penting dan cukup pasti pengaruhnya terhadap kinerja pemerintahan daerah di Indonesia.

Various strategic issues that have an effect towards the performance of local governments in Indonesia are very complex just like the local governments in other countries, as investigated on previous researches. These strategic issues, which include the fiscal capacity, the background of the local leaders as entrepreneurs, and the capacity of management, would have significant influence towards the performance of local governments. This research tries to conduct the investigation towards other strategic issues i.e. the characteristics of local governments, the public entrepreneurship, the strategic environment, and the enforcement of ethics and accountability of bureaucracy, which is both very important and very certain in terms of the influence towards the performance of local governments. As the initial phase of thorough research is related to the influence of public entrepreneurship towards the performance of local government, the mapping needs to be conducted in order to ensure the level of importance and certainty of the strategic issues with the use of the Strategic Assumption Surfacing Test (SAST) approach involving the selected experts through limited Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The results of data processing would give an overview that the characteristics of local governments and its elements (the regional assets, the fiscal capacity, the capacity of management and entrepreneurial behavior), the public entrepreneurship (innovation, the creativity of the individuals within bureaucracy, proactiveness, risk-taking and public-oriented) are the strategic issues, which are important and certainly influence the performance of local governments in Indonesia."
Bogor: Faculty of Technology Bogor Agricultural University, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tjip Ismail
"Abstract. Together with the implementation of local autonomy, Indonesia implemented the concept of fiscal decentralization,
manifested through the local government’s authority to collect tax and retribution. The implementation process of such policy,
however, still triggers certain problems, such as people’s perception of tax as burdensome obligation without any right of
counter-achievement (compensation) for its payment. This research aims to study the paradigm change of local tax, viewed
from three aspects: (1) the paradigm shift of local tax in Indonesian governance system, (2) new paradigm of local tax, (3) the
effect of local tax paradigm change toward local developments. The approach used is qualitative with data collection techniques
of observation, in-depth interview and literature study. The result shows that the paradigm change of local tax is necessary since
there is a spectrum of democracy development in society due to the fact that the revenue from local retribution is less than the
revenue from local tax. As a consequence, local tax paradigm should be altered i.e. local tax must give counter-achievement
for the related tax sectors. Hence, local tax paradigm change shall increasingly influence the taxpayers to obediently fulfill their
obligation of paying local tax since they may directly enjoy the benefit of their tax."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Qurtubi
"Abstract. This research is intended to analyze learning organization (LO) in improving academic services quality in Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. It is conducted through a mixed-method approach. The qualitative data analysis employed is the model of Miles and Huberman. There are three phases involved in this method, namely data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. Whereas, the quantitative data employed is the double regression analysis. At the end of the research, it is shown that UIN Syarif Hidayatullah can be considered as a learning organization. Its system processes, such as Learning Audit and Reviewing and Learning Development have contributed to the learning improvement, better educational program and learning self reviewing, and personal mastery is the characteristics shown by UIN Syarif Hidayatullah which is important in its acknowledgement as learning organization. UIN Syarif Hidayatullah is considered as an organization encouraging innovation, risk taking or creativity at a wider organizational level. It has a required good balance between local innovation and strategic objectives of the system. The quantitative analysis has also proven UIN Syarif Hidayatullah as a learning organization. Systemic thinking, mental models, personal mastery, shared vision, tim learning, trust, commitment, and effective communication channels are adopted, all of which have positive impact to the academic services quality."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muh Tang Abdullah
"Abstract. The research aims to describe the profile andrestructuring process of organizational structure of Maros District government. The research uses the theory of organization, concept of local bureaucracy and local government to enrich the study. Through the method of qualitative research and the data analysis technique of interactive model, the research finds that the organizational restructuring of local government was conducted through new formation, merging, division, and removal, either in the structural position, or regional working unit itself. The study also shows the presence of several structural positions and working units that have more than one function. This indicates that the restructuring and functioning of local government organizations has not reflected the rationality of local bureaucracy and shows the complexity of the functions inherent in the organizational structure of local government.
Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan proses restruktrurisasi dan profil struktur organisasi pemerintahan daerah Kabupaten Maros. Penelitian menggunakan teori organisasi, konsep birokrasi pemerintah daerah (local bureaucracy), konsep pemerintahan daerah (local government) dan perspektif mengenai local bureaucracy untuk memperkaya kajian ini. Melalui metode penelitian kualitatif dan teknik analisis data model interaktif, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa restrukturisasi organisasi pemerinatah daerah dilaksanakan dengan cara pembentukan baru, penggabungan, pemisahan, dan penghapusan, baik pada jabatan struktural maupun satuan perangkat daerah itu sendiri. Hasil kajian menunjukan pula adanya beberapa jabatan dalam struktur dan satuan perangkat daerah yang memiliki lebih dari satu fungsi. Hal ini menandakan bahwa pembangunan struktur dan fungsi organisasi pemerintahan daerah belum mencerminkan rasionalitas birokrasi lokal serta menunjukkan adanya kompleksitas fungsi yang melekat pada suatu struktur organisasi pemerintah daerah."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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