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Wanto Rivaie
"ABSTRACT.This research studies the local-based MDGs and ARG models of poverty eradication efforts in border areas in West Borneo. The aim is to map the psycho-social economic dimensions and identify the behavior of poverty-stricken groups. Poverty in border areas is getting higher compared to other areas since they are strategically and geographically different in characteristics. The purpose of the study is to improve the policy and budgeting system of poverty eradication programs. A qualitative approach is used through the concept of planning and developing. The result shows that the high income of some people does not reduce the number of poor family in border areas. Poor areas in Sambas District are spread in 164 locations, while its development is distributed among 6373 locations. The Gross Domestic Product of Sambas District is higher than two other districts, i.e. IDR 5,287,291.21 and its Per Capita Income is 163,773.00 per month. The profile of poor people: most of them work in agricultural sector, have low education, have improper house with no lavatory, and in average have four children.
ABSTRAK.Penelitian Model Millenium Development Goals (MDG?S) ini adalah untuk mengembangkan Anggaran Responsif Gender (ARG) Berbasis Lokal, yang merupakan upaya mengurangi kemiskinan daerah perbatasan. Tujuannya adalah membuat peta dimensi-dimensi psikososial ekonomi dan mengidentifikasi sikap perilaku kelompok miskin. Kemiskinan daerah perbatasan bergerak semakin tajam dibanding daerah lain, karena ia memiliki ciri-ciri yang bernilai strategis, dan berbeda secara geografis. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk memperbaiki kebijakan dan sistem pennganggaran.Pendekatan kualitatif digunakan melalui perencanaan, dan pengembangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perolehan pendapatan yang tinggi pada sebagian masyarakat tidak mengurangi jumlah kelompok keluarga miskin. Daerah miskin di Kabupaten Sambas berjumlah 164 lokasi, dibanding 2 daerah lain, Sementara sebaran pembangunan sekitar 6373 tempat. PDB Kabupaten Sambas lebih tinggi dibanding 2 daerah yang lain yaitu sekitar Rp.5.287.291,21 dan pendapatan per kapita Rp.163.773,00 per bulan. Profil masyarakat miskin tersebut bekerja di sektor pertanian , berpendidikan rendah, rumah yang kurang layak huni, tidak ada toilet,sebagian besar beranak 4 orang."
Departement of Sosiology, FKIP, UniversitasTanjungpura, 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tengku Rika Valentina
"Abstract. So far an integrity system was designed by the State, followed by any kind of sanction, when an act of corruption had been committed; thus resulting in a systemic circle of corruption. Reconstructing corruption on the basis of text and theory cannot only be conducted editorially; but must also consider the emergent phenomena. There is something ”missed” by the State, i.e. anti corruption integrity can be initiated from local wisdoms of each region, by employing Model of National Integrity, as suggested by Jeremy Pope, and four indicators of OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) as mentioned in Components of Integrity: Data and Benchmarks for Tracking Trends in Government, adopted to generate a local-based model of national anti corruption integrity system on the lowest tier of government in West Sumatera, namely Nagari Kapau of Agam District and Nagari Ketaping of Padang Pariaman District. This research was conducted by employing the method of Grounded Theory. The result of this research shows that inside a Nagari, its apparatus, people and institutions can make join commitment by adopting the virtues of local culture in developing Nagari with integrity principle (anti corruption).
Abstrak. Selama ini sebuah sistem integritas yang dirancang oleh negara, ketika suatu korupsi sudah terjadi dan baru menetapkan bentuk sanksi yang menyertainya, sehingga membuat lingkaran korupsi menjadi sistemik. Merenkonstruksi korupsi berdasarkan teks, dan teori korupsi ternyata tidak hanya ditafsirkan secara redaksional tetapi juga bisa melihat fenomena yang berkembang. Ada sesuatu yang ”luput” dari perhatian negara bahwa integritas anti korupsi ternyata bisa bermula dari kearifan lokal budaya masing-masing daerah, dengan menggunakan Model Integritas nasional yang dikemukan oleh Jeremy Pope dan empat Indikator dari OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) dalam dokumen Components of Integrity: Data and Benchmarks for Tracking Trends in Government, diadopsi untuk menciptakan sebuah model integritas nasional anti korupsi berbasis lokal pada pemerintahan terendah di Sumatera Barat yaitu Nagari Kapau Kabupaten Agam dan Nagari Ketaping Kabupaten Padang Pariaman. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Grounded Theory. Hasil penelitian menyebutkan bahwa didalam nagari, perangkat nagari dan masyarakat serta lembaga nagari bias membuat komitmen bersama dengan mengadopsi nilai-nilai budaya lokal dalam membangun nagari dengan prinsip integritas (anti korupsi)."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rachma Fitriati
"Entrepreneurship has an impact on the economic development in a country and encourages entrepreneurship education at the university level. The current research illustrates the model of entrepreneurship education applied in universities. This research uses the post-positivism approach dominated by description of qualitative analysis. The data is gathered through extensive interviews and literature research at five universities in Indonesia: Universitas Indonesia, Sekolah Tinggi Prasetiya Mulya, Universitas Ciputra, Universitas Bina Nusantara, and Universitas Trisakti (for its Master?s Degree Program in Management for Corporate Social Responsibility and Community Entrepreneurship). These universities are selected due to the unique entrepreneurship education models integrated into their vision and mission. In addition, the current research includes reviews of the entrepreneurship education models in National University of Singapore dan University Kebangsaan Malaysia. The results show that the entrepreneurship education model applied at each university has unique added values and local wisdom in accordance with each university?s vision, mission, and objectives. It is our hope that the current research may serve as a contribution for policymakers in choosing the entrepreneurship education model that best complies with the university?s vision and mission as well as with the requirements of the academia."
[place of publication not identified]: [publiser not identified], 2011
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ashari Cahyo Edi
"Abstract. In order to effectively align corporate social responsibility (CSR) with the poverty reduction agenda, corporations need to be more inclusive and collaborative with other actors. Cross-sector partnerships in the implementation of CSR have been an emerging approach and practice, as promoted by public administration scholars. Key actors in the partnerships may come from the government, civil society represented by non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and corporations. However, designing successful effective partnerships that are relevant to cross-sector dynamics and political contexts has been proven to be particularly challenging, especially in emerging economies and new democracies, such as Indonesia. This paper provides key characteristics of effective cross-sector partnerships that have been derived from an examination of three case studies in Indonesia and Tanzania. They represent cross-sector partnerships with differing scope and depth. Throughout this paper, one can observe and extract key characteristics of effective partnerships based on three case studies of which a model for each is described. In particular, characteristics utilized for assessing the effectiveness of the models include ownership, alignment and synchronization, accountability, reduced dependency, resource sharing, along with representation and legitimacy.
Abstrak. Agar tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan (TJSL) perusahaan semakin relevan dengan agenda pengurangan kemiskinan, perusahaan perlu lebih inklusif dan kolaboratif dengan aktor-aktor lain. Kemitraan lintas-pihak (cross-sector partnership) dewasa ini telah menjadi tren pendekatan dan praktik TJSL, sebagaimana dipromosikan para ahli administrasi publik. Aktor-aktor kunci yang potensial sebagai mitra perusahaan bisa berasal dari elemen pemerintah, dan masyarakat sipil yang dalam hal ini organisasi non-pemerintah. Meski demikian, mendesain kemitraan yang efektif dan relevan bagi suatu konteks dan dinamika politik ternyata merupakan tantangan tersendiri, khususnya bagi Negara seperti Indonesia sebagai kekuatan ekonomi dan demokrasi baru. Sebagai upaya menjawab tantangan itu, artikel ini membahas karakteristik kunci kemitraan lintas sektor yang efektif, yang dielaborasi dari dua studi kasus di Indonesia dan satu kasus di Tanzania. Ketiganya mewakili model kemitraan dengan jangkauan lingkup dan kedalaman keterlibatan yang berbeda. Dalam tulisan ini, karakteristik kunci dari kemitraan yang efektif ditelaah dan diperas dari pembahasan tiga studi kasus tersebut. Hasilnya adalah karakteristik-karakteristik kunci yang meliputi rasa kepemilikan, keterkaitan dan sinkronisasi, akuntabilitas, berkurangnya ketergantungan, pembagian sumber daya, serta representasi dan legitimasi."
institute for research and empowerment (IRE), Yogyakarta, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Said Muhammad Zulfitri
"Abstract. The regional income of the Berau Regency has been depending on the mining sector for last five years. Unfortunately, both the value and quality of the mining sector are continuously declining. These conditions threaten the economic sustainability of the Berau Regency. The eco-tourism sector, if developed by proper management especially in terms planning, may be the best way to accommodate those threats. Scenario Planning is one of suitable planning approaches that are much more capable to accommodate the complexity and the uncertainty in comparison to the conventional approach. Scenario Planning is seldom used in Indonesia, especially in tourism planning. Scenario Planning in this research paper is using the TAID method that includes tracking, analyzing, imaging and deciding. Data were collected by interviews, secondary data and observation in order to fulfill tracking step. The output of tracking step will be analyzed by cross-impact analysis in order to build scenarios in analyzing step. The output of analyzing step is used to make a vision and formulate the strategies. This paper offers four alternatives of strategies, which are Dissemination, Optimization, Strengthening and Reform. This paper also provides descriptions of the conditions of the Derawan Islands District in the next 10 years through the lenses of different perspectives of planning approach. This can be used as one of the considerations for the government to develop eco-tourism in the Derawan Islands District.
Abstrak. Pendapatan regional Kabupaten Berau bergantung pada sektor tambang pada lima tahun terakhir. Faktanya, Kualitas dan Nilai batubara terus menurun. Kondisi ini menjadi ancaman tersendiri terhadap keberlanjutan perekonomian di Kabupaten Berau. Pada tulisan ini disebutkan bahwa pengembangan ekowisata melalui manajemen yang tepat khususnya pada level perencanaan merupakan upaya yang bijak untuk menjawab ancaman tersebut. Perencanaan Skenario merupakan salah satu pendekatan yang relevan pada kasus ini, karena lebih mampu mengakomodir tingginya kompleksitas dan ketidakpastian ekowisata jika dibandingkan dengan pendekatan perencanaan konvensional lain seperti Perencanaan Strategis. Penggunaan Perencanaan Skenario dalam perencanaan pariwisata di Indonesia terbilang langka. Perencanaan Skenario pada tulisan ini menggunakan metode TAID yaitu tracking, analyzing, imaging dan deciding. Data pada tulisan ini dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, data sekunder dan observasi untuk memenuhi tahapan tracking. Keluaran tahapan tracking dianalisis menggunakan cross-impact untuk membangun skenario di tahapan analysing. Keluaran tahapan analysing menjadi input perumusan visi dan strategi pada tahap imaging dan deciding. Tulisan ini menawarkan empat alternatif strategi pengembangan ekowisata, yaitu Diseminasi, Optimalisasi, Penguatan dan Reformasi serta menggambarkan kondisi kepariwisataan Kecamatan Kepulauan Derawan satu dekade kedepan melalui sudut pandang pendekatan perencanaan berbeda. Hal ini dapat menjadi konsiderans pemerintah dalam mengembangkan ekowisata di Kecamatan Kepulauan Derawan."
Malang: Faculty of Administrative Science Universitas Brawijaya, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"As a result of the multidimensional crisis and global financial crisis, small medium enterprises (UKM) have become an alternative solution for economic and employment problems. The present research is focused on the development strategy for the tapis cloth industry in Bandar Lampung; the researcher analyzes the internal and external environmental factors considered to be the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in the development of the tapis industry in Bandar Lampung, formulates a development strategy, and devises a set of priority-based alternative strategies. The methods used are the SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threats) analysis and the AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process). Research results show that the development requires additional capital, a location for the industry center, and standardized quality in all processing locations. Businesspeople involved in the industry must be encouraged to participate in trainings and seminars in order to build networks. They must also be thoroughly familiar with the application of management and promotional strategies that use leaflets, brochures, and other promotional media. Facilities in business locations and buildings must be improved, product quality must be standardized, and the market must be expanded."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The purpose of this research paper is to analyze the implementation of corporate governance at the Regional Development Banks, or locally known as Bank Pembangunan Daerah, in Indonesia. The focus of this study is on the role and the position of the governing body or board as well as the relations between governance in micro context and macro condition in the framework of institutional theory. The kind of paradigm that is used in this research paper is the post-positivist paradigm by using mixed methods. To analyze the implementation of corporate governance, this research paper is using several key actors: BOD's Size, Board of Commissioners Size, Board of Independent Commissioners Size, Audit Committee's Size, Block-holder Ownership, Risk Monitoring Committee, and Nomination and Remuneration Committee. The results of this research paper indicate that Bank Pembangunan Daerah merely fulfill the requirements of important tools in the implementation of corporate governance. In the end, this will influence the manageability of risk management and compliance process. This condition has positioned the importance of the existence of board in the form of both board of commissioners and board of directors in the management and the achievements of the performance of Bank Pembangunan Daerah (BPDs). In the perspective of corporate governance theorizing that is related to the institutional approach, board can be the balancing power in the context of the diversity of agents that display the relationship patterns not only in the micro-level that involve principal, management, and employees, but also in the macro condition such as legal system in the forms of regulations, social and cultural system, and political system in the form of relations between companies and both legislative and executive institutions. This is related to the strong influence of bureaucracy and political institutions that demonstrate the emergence of conflicting objectives and political interference in the management of Bank Pembangunan Daerah. This condition emerges as the consequences of the existence of Bank Pembangunan Daerah as regional-owned enterprises (BUMDs) that has dual functions, namely as a business enterprise that focuses on making profits as well as an agent of regional development and providing services to the public.

Penelitian ini menganalisis pelaksanaan corporate governance pada Bank Pembangunan Daerah. Kajian difokuskan pada peran dan kedudukan board serta hubungan antara tata kelola pada konteks mikro dan kondisi makro dalam kerangka pendekatan institutional theory. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma post positivs dengan menggunakan mix method. Untuk menganalisis pelaksanaan corporate governance, penelitian ini menggunakan proksi: BOD Size, Board of Commisioner Size, Board of Independent Commisioner Size, Audit Commite Size, Blockholder Ownership, Risk Monitoring Committee, dan Nomination and Remuneretion Committee. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Bank Pembangunan Daerah baru sebatas memenuhi ketentuan pemenuhan organ-organ penting dalam pelaksanaan corporate governance. Hal ini pada akhirnya mempengaruhi pengelolaan manajemen risiko (risk management) dan compliance process. Kondisi ini memposisikan pentingnya keberadaan board dalam wujud dewan komisaris maupun direksi dalam pengelolaan dan pencapaian kinerja Bank Pembangunan Daerah (BPD). Dalam perspektif teorisasi corporate governance yang terkait dengan pendekatan institusional, board dapat menjadi kekuatan penyeimbang dalam konteks keberagaman aktor (agent) yang menunjukkan pola hubungan tidak saja dalam tataran mikro yang melibatkan pemilik (principal), management, dan pekerja, tetapi juga kondisi makro seperti sistem hukum dalam bentuk regulasi, sistem sosial dan budaya, dan sistem politik dalam bentuk hubungan antara perusahaan dengan lembaga legislatif dan eksekutif. Hal ini berkaitan dengan kuatnya pengaruh birokrat dan institusi politik yang menunjukkan munculnya conflicting objective dan political interference dalam pengelolaan Bank Pembangunan Daerah. Kondisi ini muncul sebagai konsekuensi dari keberadaan Bank Pembangunan Daerah sebagai Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD) yang memiliki fungsi ganda yaitu sebagai entitas bisnis yang berorientasi pada pencapaian keuntungan dan juga sebagai agent of regional development dan melayani kepentingan masyarakat."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Paulus Wirutomo
"Abstract. The development concept applied so far has received criticisms since it is too sectoral- and growth-oriented. This study offers a proposition that social development must – instead, get a central emphasis through developing the fundamental aspects of society, i.e.: structure, culture, and social process. By using data from qualitative research (document study, in depth interview, FGD, and observation) the writing attempts to give an illustration on how Solo Government Central Java Province conducts social development especially for street vendors. The study shows that the inclusive value- and participatory-based social development has been practiced at a certain level in Solo. The article concludes that the local government of Solo has conducted social development by relying more on structural development, through which cultural and social processes are also developed. Furthermore, there have also been dynamic, reciprocal interactions among all aspects in the social development (self-reinforcing) process in Solo. It is the basic message of this writing that, any policy study must direct its concern more towards fundamental elements of societal life, i.e. “structure, culture, and social process” ."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Juni Woro
"Abstract. Research indicates that accountability system has not been effectively implemented yet and the pattern is found out to be bureaucratic. In order to revitalize this system, we should emphasize and pay more attention on: (1) the improvement of capacity in strategic planning formulation process, and (2) the effectiveness of performance monitoring and evaluation. To accelerate both, the support of proper Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) and e-Government system is of vital importance. This research result, that revitalization for accountability system that emphasizes the need to establish a new functional institutions, namely GAPURA KOTA model.
Abstrak.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, pelaksanaan sistem akuntabilitas belum efektif dan terdapat kecenderungan pola yang birokratis. Dalam rangka untuk merevitalisasi sistem ini, sebaiknya menekankan dan membayar perhatian lebih : (1) peningkatan kapasitas dalam proses perumusan perencanaan strategis, dan (2) efektivitas dari tindakan pengawasan dan evaluasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan model pembangunan institusi yang berdasarkan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Hasil penelitian ini, mengusulkan revitalisasi akuntabilitas yang menekankan kebutuhan untuk membangun lembaga-lembaga fungsional baru, yaitu model GAPURA KOTA"
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rutiana Dwi Wahyuningsih
"Abstract. In the case of Karanganyar Regency, this study identify that al­though the public aspire to have an adequate understanding about the APBD, the access for obtaining the information is very limited. Data collection methods used in this research were: (1) documents study on the Local Government Development Plan (RKPD) and the Regional Budget (APBD); (2) semi open-ended questionnaires; (3) in-depth interviews; and (4) focus group discussions. The data then analyzed using descriptive analysis and interpretive analysis methods. This paper recognizes the potency of ICT in developing the forum for public access and deliberation related to the budget information; while also identifies the challenges facing the implementation of ICT for the local budget accountability and the development of budget information literacy among the public.
Abstrak. Dalam kasus di Kabupaten Karanganyar, penelitian ini mengidentifikasi bahwa, walaupun masyarakat berkeinginan untuk memiliki pemahaman mengenai APBD, akses untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai APBD sangat terbatas. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu: (1) studi literature pada dokumen Rencana Kerja Pemerintah Daerah (RKPD) dan Anggaran Penerimaan dan Belanja Daerah (APBD); (2) kuesioner semi-terbuka; (3) wawancara mendalam; dan (4) focus group discussions. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan analisis intepretasi. Dari penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa potensi TIK dalam mengembangkan forum untuk akses publik dan musyawarah berkaitan dengan informasi anggaran; dan juga mengidentifikasi tantangan yang dihadapai dalam mengimplementasikan ICT untuk akuntabilitas anggaran daerah dan pengembangan informasi literasi anggaran di masyarakat."
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Sebelas Maret, 2013
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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