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Kalvin Edo Wahyudi
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kinerja program sertifikasi guru di Jember. Fokus penelitian adalah ukuran dari hasil pencapaian sasaran dan dampak yang diharapkan. Hasil pencapaian sasaran diukur dengan analisis deskriptif. Pencapaian dampak yang dimaksud mengacu pada dampak program sertifikasi guru terhadap mutu pendidikan. Pengukuran dampak berisi 3 langkah analisis (komparatif, asosiatif, time series). Data diperoleh melalui “documentary collecting model” di 52 sekolah (SMPN dan SMAN) di Jember. Sampel dipilih berdasarkan prinsip “representativeness” dengan teknik “disproportionate stratified area random sampling”. Hasil dari analisis deskriptif menunjukkan bahwa pencapaian target produksi memiliki kinerja positif yang rendah. Hasil pengukuran dampak menunjukkan bahwa program sertifikasi guru memiliki dampak positif yang rendah terhadap kualitas pendidikan. Jadi, penelitian ini tidak hanya bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kinerja program sertifikasi guru, tetapi juga untuk menawarkan beberapa model penelitian sederhana untuk mengukur kinerja program (model untuk mengukur hasil pencapaian sasaran dan dampak yang diharapkan).

This research aims to evaluate teacher certification program performance in Jember. The focus of attention is measurement of the output of target achievement and the intended impact one. Output target achievement was measured by descriptive analysis. Intended impact achievement refers to the impact of teacher certification program to the education quality. Impact measurement contains 3 steps analysis (comparative, associative, time series). Data were gathered by documentary collecting model in 52 schools (SMPN and SMAN) in Jember. The disproportionate stratified area random technique was used to choose representative samples. The result of descriptive analysis showed that the output target achievement has a low positive performance. The result of impact measurement showed that the teacher certification program has a low positive impact to the education quality. So, this research does not only aim at evaluating teacher certification program performance, but also offers some simple research models for measurement of program performance (output target achievement and intended impact one measurement models)."
Depok: Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Jember, 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Heru Kurnianto Tjahjono
"Abstract. This experimental study aims to examine the impact of distributive and procedural justice towards affective commitment in every context or situation that is configurational. The meta-analysis, concluded by Hartman, Yale, and Galle (1999), explained that researches on fairness in general was conducted in the context of unfairness. This particular study examined various situations to form a configuration of distributive justice, procedural justice, and subjective perspective of social capital as moderating variable. This study involved 268 subjects in one class relation to performance appraisal's policy. The findings show that both distributive and procedural justice are vital predictors. Similarly, the configuration of these variables play a role in explaining affective commitment. Another important finding is that social capital, as a subjective perspective, plays a significant role in explaining affective commitment.
Abstrak. Penelitian eksperimen ini bertujuan menguji pengaruh keadilan distributif dan keadilan prosedural terhadap komitmen afektif dalam berbagai konteks/ situasi yang bersifat konfigurasional. Meta análisis yang dilakukan Hartman, Yale & Galle, (1999) menjelaskan bahwa penelitian keadilan pada umumnya dilakukan dalam konteks ketidakadilan. Penelitian ini melakukan pengujian dari berbagai situasi sehingga membentuk konfigurasi keadilan distributif, keadilan prosedural dan perspektif subjektif modal sosial sebagai variabel moderasi. Penelitian melibatkan 268 subjek dalam kelas terkait dengan kebijakan penilaian kinerja. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa keadilan distributif dan keadilan prosedural merupakan prediktor penting. Demikian pula konfigurasi kedua variabel tersebut berperan dalam menjelaskan komitmen afektif. Hal penting lainnya, modal sosial sebagai perspektif subjektif berperan signifikan dalam menjelaskan komitmen afektif."
muhammadiyah university, faculty of economy and business, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Handry Imansyah
"This research is intended to identify changes of key sectors in CO2 emission over the period of 1990-1995. This research uses input-output method for mapping of the biggest polluting industry. By identifying the highest output multiplier, CO2 emission and change of final demand can be known from each of sectors. The research results show that there is emission reduction in the fifteen key sectors over 1990-1995, but there is no significant change in the five key sectors that are still the highest polluters.

Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengidentifikasi perubahan sektor kunci dalam emisi CO2 selama periode 1990-1995. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode input-output untuk pemetaan industri dengan polusi terbesar. Dengan mengidentifikasi pengganda output tertinggi, emisi CO2 dan perubahan permintaan akhir dapat diketahui dari masing-masing sektor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada pengurangan emisi di lima belas sektor-sektor kunci selama 1990-1995, tetapi tidak ada perubahan yang signifikan dalam lima sektor kunci yang masih sebagai penghasil polusi terbesar."
Center for Administrative Studies, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Indonesia, 2013
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Susiati B. Hirawan
"The changes in sectors and linkages in Indonesian economy have been changing thus affecting the structure. This study aims to evaluate the changes in the nation's economic structure by focusing on the development of intra/inter sectors and intra/inter regions linkage using interregional Input-Output (IRIO) model in 1995 and 2000 data. The model analyzes the changes by applying the concept of technical coefficient stability, testing changes on the coefficients, and exploring the basic IRIO model. The study found that there has been a significant decrease of relative relationship between sectors and regions in Indonesian economy albeit of seemingly insignificant. Further, the analysis in intro and inter regions showed that an increase in intra regions relationship has not been significant meanwhile the decrease of inter regions relationship has been significant. The studies also revealed that industry was a high potential sector in national development priorities not only because of its high multiplier but also its role in strengthening and increasing the interactions of intra/inter sectors and intra/inter regions. "
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2007
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Berbagai isu strategik yang memengaruhi kinerja pemerintahan daerah di Indonesia sangat kompleks seperti halnya pada pemerintahan daerah di negara lain, sebagaimana diungkapkan pada hasil penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya, antara lain kemampuan fiskal, latar belakang pimpinan daerah sebagai entrepreneur, dan kapasitas manajemen memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja pemerintahan daerah. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk melakukan investigasi terhadap isu-isu strategik lainnya yaitu karakteristik daerah, public entrepreneurship, lingkungan strategik, serta penegakan etika dan akuntabilitas apakah sangat penting dan pasti pengaruhnya terhadap kinerja pemerintahan daerah. Sebagai tahap awal penelitian menyeluruh terkait pengaruh public entrepreneurship terhadap kinerja pemerintahan daerah, pemetaan perlu dilakukan untuk memastikan tingkat kepentingan dan kepastian dari asumsi strategik tersebut dengan pendekatan Strategy Assumption Surfacing Test (SAST) yang melibatkan pakar secara terbatas melalui penyebaran kuesioner dan Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Hasil olah data atas jawaban kuesioner mengindikasikan variabel karakteristik pemerintahan daerah dan elemen-elemennya (aset daerah, kapasitas fiskal, kapasitas manajemen dan perilaku kewirausahaan), public entrepreneurship (inovasi, kreativitas, proaktivitas, risk-taking dan orientasi kepentingan publik) merupakan asumsi strategik yang penting dan cukup pasti pengaruhnya terhadap kinerja pemerintahan daerah di Indonesia.

Various strategic issues that have an effect towards the performance of local governments in Indonesia are very complex just like the local governments in other countries, as investigated on previous researches. These strategic issues, which include the fiscal capacity, the background of the local leaders as entrepreneurs, and the capacity of management, would have significant influence towards the performance of local governments. This research tries to conduct the investigation towards other strategic issues i.e. the characteristics of local governments, the public entrepreneurship, the strategic environment, and the enforcement of ethics and accountability of bureaucracy, which is both very important and very certain in terms of the influence towards the performance of local governments. As the initial phase of thorough research is related to the influence of public entrepreneurship towards the performance of local government, the mapping needs to be conducted in order to ensure the level of importance and certainty of the strategic issues with the use of the Strategic Assumption Surfacing Test (SAST) approach involving the selected experts through limited Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The results of data processing would give an overview that the characteristics of local governments and its elements (the regional assets, the fiscal capacity, the capacity of management and entrepreneurial behavior), the public entrepreneurship (innovation, the creativity of the individuals within bureaucracy, proactiveness, risk-taking and public-oriented) are the strategic issues, which are important and certainly influence the performance of local governments in Indonesia."
Bogor: Faculty of Technology Bogor Agricultural University, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Joko Mariyono
"Abstract. Inefficiency is one of major causes of low performance in Indonesian rice production. This study measures the technical efficiency of rice production in five Indonesian regions and examines its determining factors. A stochastic frontier production function is used to reflect best practice production given certain levels of input use with equal amounts of technology. Unbalanced panel data on input-output rice production consisting of 358 farm operation in 2003, 2008 and 2013 are employed for estimating frontier production functions. The results indicate that variation in rice production across the five main regions is due primarily to variation in technical efficiency. Sources of variation within technical inefficiency include household characteristics, composition of labour and tractor use. Of the five regions investigated, rice production on Java is the most efficient. Technical efficiency of rice production increases over time in all five regions but remains low overall. This study concludes that there is considerable room for productivity improvements in Indonesian rice-based agribusiness through increases in technical efficiency.
Abstrak. Inefisiensi merupakan salah satu penyebab utama rendahnya kinerja agribisnis bebasis padi di Indonesia. Studi ini
mengukur efisiensi teknis produksi padi di lima wilayah Indonesia dan meneliti faktor-faktor yang menentukan efisiensi. Fungsi produksi frontier stokastik digunakan untuk menduga produksi terbaik pada tingkat penggunaan input dan teknologi tertentu dengan jumlah yang sama. Data panel input-output produksi padi yang terdiri dari 358 agribisnis padi pada tahun 2003, 2008 dan 2013 digunakan untuk memperkirakan fungsi produksi frontier. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variasi produksi padi di lima wilayah utama terutama disebabkan oleh perbedaan efisiensi teknis. Sumber variasi dalam inefisiensi teknis meliputi karakteristik rumah tangga petani, komposisi tenaga kerja dan traktor digunakan. Dari lima wilayah penelitian, produksi padi di Jawa adalah yang paling efisien. Efisiensi teknis produksi padi meningkat dari waktu ke waktu di semua lima wilayah namun tetap rendah secara keseluruhan. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa ada cukup peluang untuk memperbaiki produktivitas agribisnis padi Indonesia melalui peningkatan efisiensi teknis."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muh. Kadarisman
"Abstract. The research aims to analyze the effect of Bogor Regency’s Regional Representatives Council members’
professionalism and competence on their performance. The research uses a quantitative approach and employs
the descriptive method. Findings suggest that Bogor Regency’s Regional Representatives Council members’
professionalism and competence directly influence their performance in a positive and significant manner. Result of
this research also show that with increasing competence of members of parliament, it will has an impact on improving
the performance of legislators—that is because they are a higher priority on support capabilities are more conducive
to understanding the rules and duties of their employment. Study recommends that include other factors besides the
professionalism and competence of members of parliament in order to measure performance improvement legislators."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wulan Dwi Mentari
Penelitian ini membahas penerapan konsep good governance dalam salah satu program unggulan Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga (Kemenpora) RI yaitu program Kota Layak Pemuda (KLP) yang terfokus pada penerapan tiga elemen utama dari good governanceyaitu transparansi, akuntabilitas, dan partisipasi dalam salah satu program unggulan Kota Bandung untuk menuju Kota Layak Pemuda yaitu Program Inovasi Pembangunan dan Pemberdayaan Kewilayahan (PIPPK) yang dalam pelaksanaannya melibatkan stakeholders dan berbagai elemen masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi penerapan tiga elemen good governancedalam pelaksanaan program KLP studi kasus PIPPK di Kota Bandung, mengorelasikan elemen-elemen tersebut dalam praktik good governance, dan menganalisis penerapan tiga elemen tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif analisis deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, studi literatur, dan studi dokumentasi. Informan penelitian terdiri dari pemuda Kota Bandung, Dispora Kota Bandung dan Kemenpora RI. Kota Bandung menjadi kota percontohan karena memenuhi indikator yang ditetapkan oleh Kemenpora yaitu adanya Peraturan Daerah (Perda) tentang kepemudaan (regulasi), tersedianya ruang berekspresi dan kreasi (infrastruktur), keaktifan organisasi dan komunitas pemuda (kelembagaan), dan kemandirian pemuda dalam bidang UMKM (Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah).

This study discusses the application of the concept of good governance in one of the flagship programs of the Indonesian Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora), namely the Youth Friendly City Program (KLP) in Bandung which focuses on applying the three main principles of good governance in one of flagship program of Bandung City namely Innovation Development Program and Regional Empowerment (PIPPK). First, the principle of agreement that applies aspects of the importance of aspects of public communication by the government and the right of the community to obtain clear and accurate information. Second, the principle of participation that sees community participation in bureaucratic processes and decision making. Third, the principle of accountability in implementing it answers the needs and asks policy actors. This study aims to discuss and analyze the application of the three elements of good governance in the implementation of the KLP program in Bandung City, and to improve these elements in good governance practices. This study uses descriptive qualitative analysis. Data collection is done by interviews, literature studies, and documentation studies. The research informants consisted of young people from Bandung City, Services of Youth and Sports Bandung City, Bandung City Government and Indonesian Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairs. The city of Bandung is a pilot city because it fulfills the indicators determined by Kemenpora, namely representing Regional Regulations (Perda) on youth (regulations), the availability of expression and creation space (infrastructure), activeness of youth organizations and organizations (safety), and youth independence in the UMKM sector (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises)."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Haula Rosdiana, 1971-
"There has been no research that particularly and comprehensively analyzes state levies policy on fishery sector in Indonesia, although this is very important. The minapolitan (fisheries cities) program will support food sovereignty, at the same time functions as economic growth center in the regions. High state levies will impede fishery sector productivity, however on the other side, there must be state protection to maintain environmental sustainability and prevent excessive exploitations of natural resources. The state must also keep fishery product ruling in its own country by protecting it from the invasion of fishery product imports. Therefore state levies must be put in a balance position between budgetair (source of state finance) and regulerend (tools to manage state policy in the economic and social field) functions. Another newness offered by this research is the development of ?the cost of taxation? concept into ?the cost of state levies? concept. The development is grounded by an analysis that Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) has similar characteristics with taxation. In addition, the various state levies eventually cause compliance costs, in the form of direct money cost, time cost as well as psychological cost.

Abstrak. Belum ada penelitian yang secara khusus dan komprehensif menganalisis kebijakan pungutan negara atas sektor perikanan di Indonesia. Padahal, hal ini sangat penting karena program minapolitan akan mendukung kedaulatan pangan, sekaligus sebagai growth economic center di daerah. Biaya pungutan negara yang tinggi akan mendistorsi produktivitas sektor perikanan, namun di sisi lainnya, harus ada proteksi negara untuk melindungi kelestarian lingkungan serta menghindari eksploitasi sumber daya alam yang berlebihan. Negara juga harus menjadikan produk perikanan berdaulat di negara sendiri dengan menjaga serbuan impor produk-produk perikanan. Karena itulah, kebijakan pungutan negara harus ditempatkan dalam posisi yang selaras antara fungsi budgetair dan regulerend. Kebaharuan lain dari penelitian ini adalah pengembangan konsepsi cost of taxation menjadi cost of state levies yang dilatari analisis bahwa terdapat Penerimaan Negara Bukan pajak (PNBP) yang menyerupai karakteristik pajak. Selain itu, beragamnya pungutan negara pada akhirnya juga akan menimbulkan compliance cost, baik dalam bentuk direct money cost, time cost maupun psycological cost."
Department of Administration Sciences, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Silaban, Himsar
"Joint Business Group (KUBE) is one of Social Welfare Programs (PROKESOS) created by the Ministry of Social Affairs to build the skills of solving problem, fulfilling daily needs and developing self-potentials of the poor. The success of KUBE depends on various aspects, one of which is the service provider, i.e. government officials who implement KUBE program in the field. The research was conducted in areas that have implemented KUBE. The research locations were determined based on purposive technique in Galih Pakuan village, Bulu Limbangan Sub-district, Garut District, West Java, and Purworejo village, Negeri Katon Sub-district, Pesawaran District, Lampung. The data were collected through interviews, using guidelines of interview, observation, and document-study. The collected data were analyzed using the techniques of qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis. The result shows that the task implementation and coordination among parties in KUBE program were not effective. To improve the effectiveness of task implementation, the job description and recruitment pattern of supervisors need to be redesigned, while to improve the effectiveness of coordination, communication among parties need to be more intensified.

Kelompok Usaha Bersama (KUBE) sebagai suatu pendekatan Program Kesejahteraan Sosial ternyata belum memberikan manfaat secara optimal bagi peningkatan keberdayaan dan kesejahteraan sosial keluarga miskin. Berhasil tidaknya KUBE tergantung pada berbagai aspek, salah satunya adalah aspek pemberi layanan yaitu aparatur pemerintah yang mengimplementasikan Program KUBE di lapangan. Penelitian dilakukan di wilayah-wilayah yang telah melakukan implementasi Program KUBE. Lokasi penelitian yang ditentukan berdasarkan teknik purposive adalah Desa Galih Pakuan, Kecamatan Bulu Limbangan Kabupaten Garut, Jawa Barat dan Desa Purworejo, Kecamatan Negeri Katon, Kabupaten Pesawaran, Lampung. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara menggunakan pedoman wawancara, observasi, dan pemanfaatan dokumen. Data yang telah terkumpul dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan tugas dan koordinasi antar pihak dinilai kurang efektif. Untuk meningkatkan efektivitas pelaksanaan tugas sebaiknya uraian pekerjaan dan pola rekrutmen pendamping ditinjau ulang.Sedangkan untuk meningkatkan efektivitas koordinasi sebaiknya komunikasi antar pihak lebih diintensifkan."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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