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Achyar Rasyidi
"Abstract. Takera Credit Cooperative has a high level of non-performing loans (NPL) at 6.60 percent with greater emphasis on financial aspects in measuring its performance. The purpose of this study includes: (1) To analyze the factors that influence the loans repayments of the members of Takera Credit Cooperative to decrease NPL below 5 percent, (2) To evaluate the performance of Takera Credit Cooperative based on the Balanced Scorecard approach, (3) To formulate the alternative policy that become priority in improving the management performance of Takera Cooperative Credit. This research paper uses the case study approach on the factors that influence the loans repayments of the members, which is analyzed using logistic regression and descriptive analysis. The performance of Takera Credit Cooperative is analyzed with AHP in weighting scoring criteria on BSC perspective. The results of this study are: (1) Loans is given to the members in the group with a "common bond". To conduct financial literacy and monitoring members whose age are above 30 years with low income, but with high loans ceiling and interests rate. Maximizing profits from lending and investment assets. (2) Encouraging members to meet obligations and utilize products. To provide rewards for active members. To create a database of members, To employ special staff for financial counseling and marketing. (3) Revising the Standard Operational Procedure on management of loans risk. Providing shuttle service for savings and loan installments. (4) To the competence of staff for education, training, and mentoring. To provide access to the staff to the strategic information through the use of management information system technology. To create individual staff performance agreement form and developing remuneration packages.
Abstrak. Koperasi Kredit Takera memiliki tingkat kredit bermasalah (NPL) yang tinggi yakni 6.60 persen dan selama ini pengukuran kinerja lebih menekankan pada aspek keuangan. Tujuan penelitian adalah: (1) Menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pengembalian kredit anggota Kopdit Takera untuk menurunkan NPL di bawah 5 persen, (2) Mengevaluasi kinerja Kopdit Takera dengan pendekatan Balanced Scorecard, (3) Merumuskan prioritas alternatif kebijakan untuk peningkatan kinerja Kopdit Takera. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus tentang faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi pengembalian pinjaman anggota, yang dianalisis dengan menggunakan regresi logistik dan analisis deskriptif. Kinerja Kopdit Takera dianalisis dengan AHP untuk penentuan kriteria pembobotan pada perspektif BSC. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: (1) kredit diberikan kepada anggota dalam satu kelompok dengan ikatan pemersatu atau "common bond". Melakukan financial literacy dan monitoring anggota yang usianya > 30 tahun dengan pendapatan rendah, tetapi plafon kredit dan suku bunga pinjamannya tinggi. Memaksimalkan keuntungan dari aset pinjaman dan investasi. (2) Mendorong anggota memenuhi kewajiban dan memanfaatkan produk-produk. Memberikan reward bagi anggota yang aktif. Membuat database anggota dan menjaring anggota baru, mempekerjakan staf khusus sebagai konseling keuangan dan pemasaran. (3) Meninjau kembali manual SOP kredit dan manjemen resiko. Menyediakan pelayanan antar jemput simpanan dan pinjaman serta angsuran. (4) Peningkatan kompetensi staf dengan alokasi anggaran khusus untuk pendidikan, pelatihan, dan mentoring. Memberikan akses ke informasi strategik kepada staf melalui penggunaan teknologi sistem informasi manajemen. Membuat formulir kesepakatan kinerja individu staf dan mengembangkan paket remunerasi"
bogor agricultural university, master programme in business and management, 2015
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muh Kadarisman
"Abstract. This research discusses how far job satisfaction is achieved, the factors that influence job satisfaction, and what needs to be done in order to increase the job satisfaction of Government Employees working at the Bogor Regency Secretariat. The objective of this research is to analyze the level of job satisfaction and the factors that influence job satisfaction, plus recommend what can be done to increase job satisfaction of Government Employees working at the Bogor Regency Secretariat. A criteria range analysis (analisis rentang kriteria) method was used to determine the level of job satisfaction of Government Employees. Results revealed that Government Employees were at a satisfied scale. The results from this research were obtained by using a factor analysis method to analyze the factors of job satisfaction of Government Employees. Eleven dominant factors were the reasons why Government Employees were satisfied with their jobs. These factors include: 1. Salary; 2. Benefits and facilities; 3. Relationship between superiors and subordinates; 4. Relationship among coworkers; 5. Development; 6. Opportunity; 7. Safety at work; 8. Education; 9. Policies within the organization; 10. Conflict resolution; and 11. Career achievements. The results of this research can be used as a suggestion for organization managements to improve the job satisfaction of Government Employees. The management can focus their attention on improving employee job satisfaction by referring to the eleven dominant factors in order to become more efficient and effective in making policies and be able to focus on the improving these job satisfaction factors.
Abstrak. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisia tingkat kepuasan kerja, dan factor-factor yang mempengaruhi kepuasan kerja, serta merekomendasikan upaya-upaya bagi peningkatan kepuasan kerja SDM Aparatur pada Sekretariat Kabupaten Bogor. Untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan kerja SDM Aparatur digunakan metode analisis rentang kriteria. Hasilnya menunjukkan kepuasan kerja SDM Aparatur berada pada rentang skala puas. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan factor analisis untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor kepuasan kerja SDM Aparatur, berupa sebelas factor dominan yang menjadi sumber kepuasan kerja SDM Aparatur yaitu 1. Gaji; 2. Tunjangan dan fasilitas; 3. Hubungan atasan dengan bawahan; 4. Hubungan antar rekan kerja; 5. Pengembangan; 6. Kesempatan; 7. Keselamatan kerja; 8. Pendidikan; 9. Kebijakan organisasi; 10. Penyelesaian konflik; dan 11. Prestasi kerja. Hasil penelitian tersebut berimplikasi terhadap upaya-upaya manajemen organisasi untuk meningkatkan kepuasan kerja SDM Aparatur."
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Berbagai isu strategik yang memengaruhi kinerja pemerintahan daerah di Indonesia sangat kompleks seperti halnya pada pemerintahan daerah di negara lain, sebagaimana diungkapkan pada hasil penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya, antara lain kemampuan fiskal, latar belakang pimpinan daerah sebagai entrepreneur, dan kapasitas manajemen memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja pemerintahan daerah. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk melakukan investigasi terhadap isu-isu strategik lainnya yaitu karakteristik daerah, public entrepreneurship, lingkungan strategik, serta penegakan etika dan akuntabilitas apakah sangat penting dan pasti pengaruhnya terhadap kinerja pemerintahan daerah. Sebagai tahap awal penelitian menyeluruh terkait pengaruh public entrepreneurship terhadap kinerja pemerintahan daerah, pemetaan perlu dilakukan untuk memastikan tingkat kepentingan dan kepastian dari asumsi strategik tersebut dengan pendekatan Strategy Assumption Surfacing Test (SAST) yang melibatkan pakar secara terbatas melalui penyebaran kuesioner dan Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Hasil olah data atas jawaban kuesioner mengindikasikan variabel karakteristik pemerintahan daerah dan elemen-elemennya (aset daerah, kapasitas fiskal, kapasitas manajemen dan perilaku kewirausahaan), public entrepreneurship (inovasi, kreativitas, proaktivitas, risk-taking dan orientasi kepentingan publik) merupakan asumsi strategik yang penting dan cukup pasti pengaruhnya terhadap kinerja pemerintahan daerah di Indonesia.

Various strategic issues that have an effect towards the performance of local governments in Indonesia are very complex just like the local governments in other countries, as investigated on previous researches. These strategic issues, which include the fiscal capacity, the background of the local leaders as entrepreneurs, and the capacity of management, would have significant influence towards the performance of local governments. This research tries to conduct the investigation towards other strategic issues i.e. the characteristics of local governments, the public entrepreneurship, the strategic environment, and the enforcement of ethics and accountability of bureaucracy, which is both very important and very certain in terms of the influence towards the performance of local governments. As the initial phase of thorough research is related to the influence of public entrepreneurship towards the performance of local government, the mapping needs to be conducted in order to ensure the level of importance and certainty of the strategic issues with the use of the Strategic Assumption Surfacing Test (SAST) approach involving the selected experts through limited Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The results of data processing would give an overview that the characteristics of local governments and its elements (the regional assets, the fiscal capacity, the capacity of management and entrepreneurial behavior), the public entrepreneurship (innovation, the creativity of the individuals within bureaucracy, proactiveness, risk-taking and public-oriented) are the strategic issues, which are important and certainly influence the performance of local governments in Indonesia."
Bogor: Faculty of Technology Bogor Agricultural University, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Daud M Liando
"Abstract. The research aims to analyze the influence of population administrative policy implementation on the quality of ID card service in South Minahasa District. The variables used are policy standards and objectives, policy resources, inter-organizational communication, the characteristics of the implementation agencies, the economic, social and political environment, and response of the implementers. The result shows that the implementation of population administrative policy is very much determined by the communication factor. One of the factors causing the inefficiency of ID card service is the inadequate role of society in the implementation of population administrative policy. The implementation agencies from the Office of Population and Civil Administration must ceaselessly build both vertical and horizontal communications with South Minahasa people.
Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Pengaruh Implementasi Kebijakan Administrasi Kependudukan Terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan Kartu Tanda Penduduk di Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan. Variabel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu ukuran-ukuran dasar dan tujuan kebijakan, sumber-sumber kebijakan, komunikasi antar organisasi, karakteristik badan-badan pelaksana, kondisi sosial, politik, dan ekonomi, dan kecenderungan pelaksana. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa implementasi kebijakan administrasi kependudukan sangat ditentukan oleh faktor komunikasi. Salah satu faktor yang menyebabkan belum optimalnya kualitas pelayanan Kartu Tanda Penduduk adalah lemahnya peran masyarakat dalam implementasi kebijakan administrasi kependudukan. Diperlukan komunikasi secara terus-menerus bagi implementor di Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil Kabupaten Minahasa selatan baik komunikasi yang bersifat vertical maupun komunikasi yang bersifat horizontal."
Departement of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Sam Ratulangi, 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Heru Nurasa
"Abstract. This research focused on the influence of both simultaneous and partial administrative reform towards the community's participation in rural development within the National Program of Rural Self-help Community Empowerment (NPR-SCE) in the Province of West Java. This study used a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods. The findings of this research revealed that the community's participation increased inthe development of rural areas through four major activities included in the administrative reform. The results of this research aimed at increasing the participation of the community in rural development through administrative reform, which can be introduced and explained by good governance.
Abstrak. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada pengaruh reformasi administrasi, baik secara simultan maupun parsial, terhadap partisipasi masyarakat dalam pembangunan pedesaan dalam program nasional pedesaan swadaya masyarakat pemberdayaan (npr-sce) di propinsi jawa barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kombinasi penelitian, yaitu metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan partisipasi masyarakat dalam pembangunan pedesaan melalui reformasi administrasi yang dilakukan terdapat dalam empat kegiatan utama. Hasil penelitian ini adalah meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat dalam pembangunan pedesaan melalui reformasi administrasi, dapat dijelaskan melalui perkenalan pendekatan tata kelola pemerintahan yang baik."
Department of Public Administration Sciences, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences,Universitas Padjadjaran, 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Joko Mariyono
"Abstract. Inefficiency is one of major causes of low performance in Indonesian rice production. This study measures the technical efficiency of rice production in five Indonesian regions and examines its determining factors. A stochastic frontier production function is used to reflect best practice production given certain levels of input use with equal amounts of technology. Unbalanced panel data on input-output rice production consisting of 358 farm operation in 2003, 2008 and 2013 are employed for estimating frontier production functions. The results indicate that variation in rice production across the five main regions is due primarily to variation in technical efficiency. Sources of variation within technical inefficiency include household characteristics, composition of labour and tractor use. Of the five regions investigated, rice production on Java is the most efficient. Technical efficiency of rice production increases over time in all five regions but remains low overall. This study concludes that there is considerable room for productivity improvements in Indonesian rice-based agribusiness through increases in technical efficiency.
Abstrak. Inefisiensi merupakan salah satu penyebab utama rendahnya kinerja agribisnis bebasis padi di Indonesia. Studi ini
mengukur efisiensi teknis produksi padi di lima wilayah Indonesia dan meneliti faktor-faktor yang menentukan efisiensi. Fungsi produksi frontier stokastik digunakan untuk menduga produksi terbaik pada tingkat penggunaan input dan teknologi tertentu dengan jumlah yang sama. Data panel input-output produksi padi yang terdiri dari 358 agribisnis padi pada tahun 2003, 2008 dan 2013 digunakan untuk memperkirakan fungsi produksi frontier. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variasi produksi padi di lima wilayah utama terutama disebabkan oleh perbedaan efisiensi teknis. Sumber variasi dalam inefisiensi teknis meliputi karakteristik rumah tangga petani, komposisi tenaga kerja dan traktor digunakan. Dari lima wilayah penelitian, produksi padi di Jawa adalah yang paling efisien. Efisiensi teknis produksi padi meningkat dari waktu ke waktu di semua lima wilayah namun tetap rendah secara keseluruhan. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa ada cukup peluang untuk memperbaiki produktivitas agribisnis padi Indonesia melalui peningkatan efisiensi teknis."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kalvin Edo Wahyudi
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kinerja program sertifikasi guru di Jember. Fokus penelitian adalah ukuran dari hasil pencapaian sasaran dan dampak yang diharapkan. Hasil pencapaian sasaran diukur dengan analisis deskriptif. Pencapaian dampak yang dimaksud mengacu pada dampak program sertifikasi guru terhadap mutu pendidikan. Pengukuran dampak berisi 3 langkah analisis (komparatif, asosiatif, time series). Data diperoleh melalui “documentary collecting model” di 52 sekolah (SMPN dan SMAN) di Jember. Sampel dipilih berdasarkan prinsip “representativeness” dengan teknik “disproportionate stratified area random sampling”. Hasil dari analisis deskriptif menunjukkan bahwa pencapaian target produksi memiliki kinerja positif yang rendah. Hasil pengukuran dampak menunjukkan bahwa program sertifikasi guru memiliki dampak positif yang rendah terhadap kualitas pendidikan. Jadi, penelitian ini tidak hanya bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kinerja program sertifikasi guru, tetapi juga untuk menawarkan beberapa model penelitian sederhana untuk mengukur kinerja program (model untuk mengukur hasil pencapaian sasaran dan dampak yang diharapkan).

This research aims to evaluate teacher certification program performance in Jember. The focus of attention is measurement of the output of target achievement and the intended impact one. Output target achievement was measured by descriptive analysis. Intended impact achievement refers to the impact of teacher certification program to the education quality. Impact measurement contains 3 steps analysis (comparative, associative, time series). Data were gathered by documentary collecting model in 52 schools (SMPN and SMAN) in Jember. The disproportionate stratified area random technique was used to choose representative samples. The result of descriptive analysis showed that the output target achievement has a low positive performance. The result of impact measurement showed that the teacher certification program has a low positive impact to the education quality. So, this research does not only aim at evaluating teacher certification program performance, but also offers some simple research models for measurement of program performance (output target achievement and intended impact one measurement models)."
Depok: Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Jember, 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muh. Kadarisman
"Abstract. The research aims to analyze the effect of Bogor Regency’s Regional Representatives Council members’
professionalism and competence on their performance. The research uses a quantitative approach and employs
the descriptive method. Findings suggest that Bogor Regency’s Regional Representatives Council members’
professionalism and competence directly influence their performance in a positive and significant manner. Result of
this research also show that with increasing competence of members of parliament, it will has an impact on improving
the performance of legislators—that is because they are a higher priority on support capabilities are more conducive
to understanding the rules and duties of their employment. Study recommends that include other factors besides the
professionalism and competence of members of parliament in order to measure performance improvement legislators."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Henny Saraswati
"Abstract. The achievement of the banking sector's lending product is not consistently followed by the same level of achievement of other products. Therefore, it is important to observe customer segmentation, figuring out customer satisfaction, and to find out the influence of customer satisfaction toward the customer's willingness to cross-sell and providing recommendations on each segmentation. The purpose of this research paper is to identify individual debtor segment, identifying the influence of debtor's satisfaction toward cross-selling willingness and providing recommendations, as well as to become a business strategy reference for companies. We investigate the service quality (reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangible) to observe the level of both satisfaction and loyalty of the debtors. The research is conducted with 93 respondents. The analytical method that is applied in this research paper is descriptive statistics, cross tabulation, and regression analysis. The research results indicate that the biggest number of debtors is on the low-interest loan segment on service and trade businesses, while for the medium-interest loan and high-interest loan the biggest number is on the trade businesses. In general, each segmentation is willing to cross-sell. However, the high-interest loan segment is more willing to cross-sell. On both low-interest loan and medium-interest loan segments, the debtors are willing to recommend the company's products to their relations. However, the debtors on the high-interest loan tend to be unwilling to do so. The results of this research also clarifies the theory that debtor's satisfaction has a significant relation with the willingness to cross-sell and providing recommendations (customer's loyalty). This may also help managers to provide a proper service for different debtor's segmentation.
Abstrak. Pencapaian kredit yang tinggi dalam sektor perbankan tidak selalu diikuti oleh pencapaian yang tinggi pada produk lainnya. Oleh karena itu penting untuk melihat segmen konsumen, mengetahui kepuasan konsumen, dan mengetahui pengaruh kepuasan konsumen terhadap kesediaan konsumen untuk melakukan cross selling dan merekomendasi pada masing-masing segmen. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi segmen debitur perorangan, mengidentifikasi pengaruh kepuasan debitur terhadap kesediaan cross selling dan merekomendasi, serta dapat menjadi referensi strategi bisnis untuk perusahaan. Kami meneliti kualitas layanan (reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, dan tangible) untuk melihat tingkat kepuasan dan loyalitas debitur. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 93 responden. Metode analisis yang digunakan yaitu statistik deskriptif, tabulasi silang, dan analisis regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah debitur terbesar pada segmen kredit rendah yaitu bidang usaha jasa dan perdagangan, sedangkan pada segmen kredit sedang dan segmen kredit tinggi yaitu bidang usaha perdagangan. Pada umumnya semua segmen bersedia untuk melakukan cross selling namun segmen kredit tinggi lebih bersedia untuk melakukan cross selling. Pada segmen kredit rendah dan segmen kredit sedang bersedia untuk merekomendasikan produk perusahaan kepada relasinya, namun pada segmen kredit tinggi cenderung tidak bersedia. Hasil penelitian ini juga semakin memperjelas teori bahwa kepuasan debitur memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan kesediaan melakukan cross selling dan merekomendasi (loyalitas konsumen). Hal ini juga dapat membantu manajen memberikan pelayanan yang tepat kepada segmen debitur yang berbeda."
bogor agricultural university, graduate program in management and business, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arif Wahyu Hidayat
"Abstract. This study aims to analyze the influence of corporate governance structure on underpricing when firms perform an Initial Public Offering (IPO). This study is based on the signaling theory, stating that the existence of proper corporate governance structure at the time the firm conducting IPO will give the firm a high quality signal to potential investors. The corporate governance structure tested includes the size of Board of Commissioners (BOC), the level of independence of the Board of Commissioners, and the existence of an audit committee. The hypothesis testing is done using a multiple regression model with a sample of 95 observations from firms doing IPOs listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the period of 2005-2012. The results of this study provide empirical evidence that: (1) the size of Board of Commissioners is negatively correlated and affects underpricing, (2) the level of independence of the Board of Commissioners has no effect on underpricing, (3) the existence of an audit committee has no effect on underpricing, (4 ) corporate governance structure (the BOC size, the independence of the Board of Commissioners, and the existence of audit committees) simultaneously has a positive and significant correlation to underpricing.
Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmenganalisis pengaruhstruktur corporate governance terhadap underpricing pada saat perusahaan melakukan Initial Public Offering (IPO). Penelitian ini didasarkan pada teori sinyal (signaling theory) yang menyatakan bahwa keberadaan struktur corporate governance yang baik pada saat perusahaan melakukan IPO akan memberikan sinyal kualitas perusahaan yang tinggi kepada investor potensial. Struktur corporate governance yang diuji meliputi jumlah anggota dewan komisaris, tingkat independensi dari dewan komisaris, dan keberadaan komite audit. Pengujian hipotesis dilakukan menggunakan model regresi berganda dengan sampel 95 observasi dari perusahaan yang melakukan IPO yang tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia selama periode 2005-2012. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan bukti empiris bahwa: (1) jumlah anggota dewan komisaris berkorelasi negatif dan berpengaruh terhadap underpricing, (2) tingkat independensi dari dewan komisaris tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap underpricing, (3) keberadaan komite audit tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap underpricing, (4) struktur corporate governance (jumlah anggota dewan komisaris, independensi dewan komisaris, dan keberadaan komite adit) secara simultan memiliki korelasi positif dan signifikan terhadap underpricing."
bank of indonesia, department of management and financial, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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