ABSTRAKPraktek Kerja Profesi Apoteker di Apotek Kimia Farma No.202 Kejayaan Depok bertujuan untuk menerapkan tugas dan tanggung jawab Apoteker dalam pengelolaan apotek, memiliki wawasan, pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan pengalaman praktis untuk melakukan praktek kefarmasian di Apotek, serta memiliki gambaran nyata tentang permasalahan praktek kefarmasian. Pengelolaan sediaan farmasi, alat kesehatan, dan bahan medis habis pakai di Apotek Kimia Farma 202 Depok sudah berjalan baik sesuai ketentuan perundangan. Pelayanan farmasi klinik yang dilakukan di Apotek Kimia Farma 202 Depok meliputi pengkajian resep, dispensing, PIO, konseling, dan home pharmacy care. Tugas khusus berupa analisis resep Tuberkulosis pengobatan fase lanjutan pada pasien dewasa. Tujuan tugas khusus tersebut untuk memahami talaksana pengobatan Tuberkulosis, melakukan kajian resep sesuai dengan kelengkapan administratif, kesesuaian farmasetik, dan pertimbangan klinis serta melihat ketepatan pengobatan dalam resep pasien.
ABSTRACTInternship Profession of Apothecary at Apotek Kimia Farma No. 202 Depok has aims to implement the duties and responsibilities of pharmacists in management of pharmacy, have insight, knowledge, skills, and practical experience of pharmacy to carry out the practice of pharmacy in drugstore, as well as figuring out a real picture about the problems of pharmacy practice. Managerial management encompass the management of pharmaceutical preparations, medical devices, and medical consumable materials in Apotek Kimia Farma 202 Depok has been running well in accordance with Indonesia regulations. Pharmaceutical care conducted in Apotek Kimia Farma 202 Depok involving prescription assessment, dispensing, drug information service or PIO, counseling, and home pharmacy care. Special task given in the form of Tuberculosis prescription analysis at continuation phase in adult patient. The aims of this special task are to understand Tuberculosis treatment guidelines, conduct prescribe analysis in accordance with administrative completeness, pharmaceutical suitability, and clinical judgment, as well as determined the accuracy of prescribed medication in patient. "