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Diajeng Ayuningtyas Dewi
Persamaan regresi Tanaka-Johnston merupakan metode analisis ruang periode gigi bercampur yang banyak digunakan, namun keakuratannya masih diragukan pada ras yang berbeda. Tujuan: Mengembangkan modifikasi persamaan Tanaka-Johnston untuk anak Indonesia Deutero-malayid. Metode Penelitian: Pencetakan model studi pada 190 orang yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Pengukuran lebar mesiodistal gigi menggunakan kaliper digital pointed-jaw dengan keakuratan 0,01mm. Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan ukuran gigi antara laki-laki dan perempuan, sedangkan tidak berbeda antara regio kanan dan kiri. Ukuran mesiodistal gigi kaninus-premolar anak Indonesia Deutero-malayid menunjukkan perbedaan terhadap hasil persamaan Tanaka-Johnston. Kesimpulan: Untuk anak Indonesia Deutero-malayid, persamaan SarViD lebih tepat diimplementasikan dibandingkan persamaan Tanaka-Johnston.

Tanaka Johnston regression equation is widely used mixed dentition analysis, however the accuracy is questionable when used in different racial groups. Aim To develop Tanaka Johnston equation modification in Indonesian Deutero malayid children. Method The mesiodistal tooth widths of 190 model study were measured using digital caliper pointed jaw with accuracy 0,01mm. Results There were mesiodistal tooth width differences between male and female, and no differences between right and left region. The actual size of canine premolar Indonesian children show differences with the predicted size from Tanaka Johnston equation. Conclusion For Indonesian Deutero malayid children, SarViD regression equation were more accurate to be implemented than Tanaka Johnston equation."
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hanny Kurnia
"Model studi digital 3D diperkenalkan seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi digital. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menilai keandalan model studi digital yang dipindai dengan menggunakan perangkat pemindai laser yang dikembangkan oleh STEI ITB. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membandingkan model studi digital 3D dengan model studi konvensional. Dua belas subyek dengan geligi berjejal ringan sampai sedang dicetak sebanyak dua kali dengan menggunakan alginat dan polyvinylsiloxane. Cetakan alginat dicor untuk menghasilkan model studi konvensional dan cetakan polyvinylsiloxane dipindai untuk menghasilkan model studi digital. Kemudian dilakukan pengukuran lebar mesiodistal gigi dan indeks ketidakteraturan Little (LII) pada model studi konvensional secara manual dengan kaliper digital dan pada model studi digital secara digital. Lalu analisa Bolton dilakukan pada masing-masing studi model menggunakan data pengukuran lebar gigi. Setiap pengukuran dilakukan dua kali untuk menguji variasi antar pengukuran (uji intra-observer). Pengukuran pada model studi konvensional dan digital dibandingkan dengan menggunakan uji t tidak berpasangan. Ditemukan tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara pengukuran lebar mesiodistal gigi pada model studi konvensional dengan model studi digital (p>0.05). Uji t tidak berpasangan juga tidak menemukan perbedaan bermakna antara model studi konvensional dan digital pada analisa Bolton (p=0.603) dan LII (p=0.894). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengukuran pada model studi digital sama akurat dengan model studi konvensional.

Three-dimensional digital study models were introduced following advances in digital technology. This study was carried out to assess the reliability of digital study models scanned by laser scanning device assembled by STEI ITB. The aim of this study was to compare digital study models and conventional models. Twelve sets of dental impressions were taken from patients with mild to moderate crowding. The impressions were taken twice, one with alginate and the other with polyvinylsiloxane. The alginate impressions were made into conventional models and the polyvinylsiloxane impressions were scanned to produce digital models. Mesiodistal tooth width and Little?s irregularity index (LII) were measured manually with digital callipers on the conventional models and digitally on digital study models. The Bolton analysis was performed on each study models. Each method was carried out twice in order to check for intra-observer variability. The reproducibility (comparison of the methods) was assessed by using independent samples t test. Mesiodistal tooth width between conventional and digital models were not significantly different (p>0.05). Independent samples t test did not identify statistically significant differences for Bolton analysis and LII (p=0.603 for Bolton and p=0.894 for LII). The measurements on digital study models are as accurate as the measurements on conventional study models.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Stefani Andini Harsetyowati
"Latar Belakang : Dentin hipersensitif (DH) sering pada pasien dengan peradangan periodontal kronis, karena permukaan akar terpapar akibat proses penyakit. Penggunaan pasta gigi saat menyikat gigi terbukti efektif menghilangkan plak gigi sebagai penyebab utama peradangan periodontal.
Tujuan: Menganalisis peran penyikatan gigi dengan pasta gigi yang mengandung sodium bicarbonate, sodium fluoride dan potassium nitrate terhadap DH disertai peradangan periodontal. Metode: Uji eksperimental klinis, membandingkan dua kelompok dengan perbedaan perlakuan.
Hasil: Terdapat penurunan sensitifitas dan peradangan periodontal pada kedua kelompok.
Kesimpulan: Penurunan tingkat sensitifitas lebih besar pada kelompok penelitian.

Background : Dentine Hypersensitivity is commonly found in patient with periodontal inflammation, due to exposed root surface as a result of disease process. Usage of toothpaste while brushing teeth is proven effective at removing plaque as major cause of inflammation.
Objective: Analyze the role of tooth brushing using toothpaste containing sodium bicarbonate, sodium fluoride and potassium nitrate for dentine hypersensitivity with periodontal inflammation.
Methods: Experimental clinical trial comparing two treatment groups with differences.
Results: There is decreased sensitivity and inflammation in both groups.
Conclusion: Greater decreased sensitivity is found in study group.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ranindra Anandita

Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan gambaran deskriptif mengenai parenting self efficacy pada ibu yang melakukan perkawinan campuran dan memiliki anak toddler. Pengukuran parenting self efficacy dilakukan secara kuantitatif dengan menggunakan alat ukur Self Efficacy for Parenting tasks Index – Toddler Scale (SEPTI-TS) dari Coleman (1998) yang telah diadaptasi ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Jumlah partisipan dalam penelitian ini ialah sebanyak 41 orang dengan kriteria yaitu ibu Indonesia yang menikah dengan warga negara asing dan memiliki anak toddler (12-36 bulan). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa sebagian besar partisipan memiliki penilaian yang positif terhadap kemampuannya dalam menjalankan tugas parenting. Kemudian apabila dilihat berdasarkan domain yang ada pada alat ukur SEPTI-TS, diketahui bahwa partisipan memiliki skor rata-rata tertinggi pada domain teaching dan skor rata-rata terendah pada domain discipline


The study was conducted to gain the description about parenting self efficacy among mother who do mixed marriages who have a toddler; and want to know which domain has the highest and the lowest parenting self efficacy. Measurement of parenting selfefficacy performed quantitatively using Self Efficacy for Parenting Tasks Index - Toddler Scale (SEPTI-TS) from Coleman (1998) that has been adapted into Bahasa Indonesia. The number of participants in this study is 41 Indonesian mothers who is married to foreign nationals and have a toddler (12-36 months). The results showed that most of the participants have positive evaluation of the ability to perform tasks of parenting. The result also showed that participants get the highest average score in the domain of teaching and lowest average scores on the domain discipline.

Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Zikri
"Penelitian ini berfokus kepada kebijakan Keimigrasian tentang pemberian izin tinggal tetap bagi perkawinan campuran dan dampaknya terhadap perubahan sosial. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menjawab faktor-faktor yang melatarbelakangi lahirnya kebijakan pemberian izin tinggal tetap bagi perkawinan campuran dan bagaimana dampak kebijakan ini terhadap perubahan sosial.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan proses induktif yang bertujuan mendeskripsikan objek dari hasil penelitian. Teknik wawancara mendalam dilakukan untuk mengumpulkan data dan informasi yang sedalam-dalamnya mengenai kebijakan pemberian izin tinggal tetap bagi perkawinan campuran dan dampaknya terhadap perubahan sosial kepada 5 (lima) responden sebagai narasumber yakni Kepala Sub Direktorat alih status keimigrasian, Direktur Penyidikan dan Penindakan Keimigrasian, Kepala Seksi Penggunaan Tenaga Kerja Asing, Ketua Umum Asosiasi Perkawinan Campuran Indonesia, Pelaku Perkawinan campuran.
Peneliti mengaplikasikan kebijakan Keimigrasian tentang pemberian izin tinggal tetap bagi perkawinan campuran berdasarkan teori kebijakan sebagai prinsip-prinsip yang mengatur tindakan dan diarahkan pada tujuan tertentu. Sedangkan dampaknya terhadap perubahan sosial didasarkan kepada teori perubahan sosial akan terus berlangsung sepanjang manusia berinteraksi dan bersosialisasi.
Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa faktor-faktor yang melatarbelakangi kebijakan keimigrasian tentang pemberian izin tinggal tetap bagi perkawinan campuran dan dampaknya terhadap perubahan sosial ini adalah Faktor tuntutan persamaan hak warganegara Indonesia yang menikah dengan orang asing dan Faktor diskriminasi terhadap pemberian izin tinggal bagi keluarga perkawinan campuran. Kebijakan izin tinggal tetap bagi perkawinan campuran akan berdampak terhadap meningkatnya perkawinan campuran, dan Perubahan gaya hidup atau lifestyle dan juga modusmodus dengan kedok pernikahan campuran yang digunakan orang asing dengan maksud dan tujuan tertentu dengan motif bervariasi sesuai dengan tempat / daerah tinggal. Kontradiksi pasal tentang bekerja/usaha didalam undang-undang keimigrasian dengan undang-undang tenaga akan berimbas terhadap ketahanan nasional bangsa sehingga harus segera dilakukan harmonisasi.

This research focuses on immigration policy on granting permanent residency to mixed marriages and their impact on social change. This study was conducted to address the factors behind the birth of granting permanent residency policy for mixed marriages and how these policies impact on social change.
This study used a qualitative research methodology to approach the inductive process which aims to describe the object of the research. Mechanical depth interviews were conducted to collect data and information about policies deepest granting permanent residency to mixed marriages and their impact on social change to 5 (five) of respondents as the guest speaker Deputy Director over immigration status, the Director of Investigation and Immigration Enforcement, Chief Use of Foreign Workers section, Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Mixed Marriage, Marriage Performers mix.
Researchers apply immigration policy on granting permanent residency to marriage as a policy mix based on the theory of the principles that govern the actions and directed at a specific purpose. While the impact on social change based on the theory of social change will continue to take place throughout humans interact and socialize.
From the results of the study found that the factors underlying the immigration policy on granting permanent residency to mixed marriages and their impact on social change is the factor demand equal rights of Indonesian citizens married to foreigners and discrimination factor against granting a residence permit for a mixed marriage families. Permanent residency policy for mixed marriages will have an impact on increasing intermarriage, and changes in lifestyle or lifestyle and also the modes under the guise of a mixed marriage with a foreigner who used a specific purpose with the motif varies according to the place / area to stay. Contradictions article about work / effort in the immigration laws by labor legislation will impact on national security of the nation and should be done immediately harmonization.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Traumatic usually in children because falls and the treatment is moderate. Frequency of traumatic is 7-13% from all traumatic case in primary dentition. Avultion is one of its and the treatment is replantation. This treatment needs an accurate examination. The function of primary dentition is for bite, talk and estetics expecially for the children in the growth and development stage. In this case the patient is a girl 3 1/2 years old, with incisive central upper jaw avultion because of falls replantation is the choise treatment, replantation be done 4 hours after falls. The clinical result after 5 month is no luxation, and the radiographic interpretation is good bone healing in incisive central."
Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 2003
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indah Dwinursanty
Unilateral posterior crossbite is commonly seen in mixed dentition, but it couldn't be self corrected. If this condition is not treated properly, it could lead to asymmetric face. Asymmetric face with unilateral posterior crossbite could make the treatment process more difficult. The objective of this study is to find out the relationship between transversal skeletal asymmetry and unilateral posterior crossbite. Patients older than 13 years with skeletal asymmetric face, who had never undergone orthodontic treatment or facial sugery were selected. The sample consisted of 15 females and 6 males (15 - 32 years old). Anteroposterior cephalogram was used for determining the difference between right and left of antegonial and the deviation of menton. Criteria for asymmetry were more than 3 mm on Antegonial and 2 mm or more on Menton. Mid Sagital Reference (MSR) was used as reference line. Unilateral posterior crossbite could be seen in the dental model. The data was analyzed using Mann Whitney test. It was revealed that from 21 samples, 38.1% was found to have unilateral posterior crossbite with majorly involving four posterior teeth. Conclusion: There is no relationship between transversal skeletal asymmetry and unilateral posterior crossbite (p > 0,05)."
Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Impaction of the permanent maxillary canine is a relative common problem in orthodontic and paedodontic practice. The diagnostic of canine impaction depends upon through understanding of clinical and radiological examination. There are several approaches available for the treatment of these cases. Combination of surgical intervention and orthodontic treatment is one of the choices. The purpose of this case report is to present a case management of a maxillary permanent canine impaction located in the labial surface with vertical position in an 11 years old child. This impacted teeth was brought into the normal position by a combination of surgery and fixed orthodontic treatment."
Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 2003
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Retno Widayati
"In the mutilated case in adults, generally malocclusion is often accompanied by less support of periodontal tissues, such as alveolar bone resorption and gingival resession. The treatment of orthodontic is to arrange the teeth into good position and good occlusion, but is widely known to increase the alveolar bone resorption. In handling such case, ortodontist needs to look at factors which do not increase exixting alveolar bone resorption and gingival resession. In this case report, it will be reported orthodontic treatment on mutilated case which are accompanied by alveolar bone resorption and gingival resesion on a patient of 45 years and 4 months of age."
Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 2002
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Indonesian Journal of Dentistry 2006; Edisi Khusus KPPIKG XIV: 388-392
Bottle-feeding period more than one year may influence the occlusion and will disturb the formation of strong muscle jaw. This effect will give an adverse result to permanent teeth. The type of malocclusion resulted from bad oral habit, may vary, depends on the type of oral habit, intensity, duration and frequency. The purpose of this study was to observe the relationship between duration of bottle-feeding and occlusion of primary teeth. The following occlusion relationship examined were overbite, overjet, caninus relationship, and terminal plane. The design of this study was cross-sectional analytic, which was carried out in pre-school children aged between 3-5 years old. The duration of bottle-feeding was categorized in 24 months, 25-36 months, 37-48 months, and >48 months. Overbite and overjet were measured from the cast using a digital caliper. Caninus relationship and terminal plane were also measured from the cast. The result of Pearson Correlation test revealed a weak relationships between the period of bottle-feeding and overbite (0,329) and overjet (r=0,372), whereas the result of Chi-Square test, used to investigate the correlation between caninus (r=0,111) and terminal plane was not statistically significant (r=0,170). Anova test was carried out to observe the difference of overbite and overjet affected by duration of bottle feeding. The result demonstrated an increase of overbite and overjet if duration of bottle-feeding was prolonged. Turkey HSD test result on bottle-feeding duration and overbite shows significant differences between group of <24 months, 25-36 months, and groups of 37-48 months, >48 months duration. Mean while Tukey HSD test result on bottle-feeding duration on overjet shows significant differences between group of <24 months, group 37-48 months, and >48 months duration. "
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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