"Latar belakang: Bau mulut merupakan kondisi yang umum terjadi dan dapat berdampak negatif pada kualitas hidup seseorang. Melalui YouTube, banyak orang dapat mengakses informasi kesehatan gigi dan mulut.
Tujuan: Untuk menganalisis kualitas informasi, kelengkapan konten, dan reliabilitas video YouTube mengenai bau mulut berbahasa Indonesia.
Metode: Studi cross-sectional yang mengikuti petunjuk PRISMA flow diagram. Total terdapat 300 video dengan 3 kata kunci pencarian, yaitu “Bau mulut”, “Bau napas tidak sedap”, dan “Bau mulut busuk”. Semua video dicatat jumlah likes, dislikes, views, hari sejak upload, durasi, interaction index, viewing rate, dan kategori sumber (healthcare professional, pribadi, edukasi, profit companies). Video score digunakan untuk menilaii kualitas informasi, kelengkapan konten dan untuk mengkategorikan video menjadi "poor", “good", dan "excellent". DISCERN digunakan untuk menilai reliabilitas video.
Hasil: Dari 105 video yang dianalisis, sebanyak 68 video (64,8%) diunggah oleh pengguna pribadi. Secara umum, video dikategorikan “buruk” dan realibilitasnya rendah. Video yang bersumber dari healthcare professional menunjukkan kualitas, kelengkapan konten, dan reliabilitas informasi yang paling tinggi. (p<0,05, uji Kruskal Wallis). Tidak ada perbedaan signifikan dalam jumlah views pada video berdurasi kurang dari dan lebih dari 4 menit. Terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada jumlah views video kurang dari dan lebih dari 6 menit. (p<0,05, uji Mann Whitney). Semakin lama durasi maka semakin tinggi kualitas dan reliabilitas video, tetapi semakin sedikit ditonton.
Kesimpulan: Dalam penelitian ini, video mengenai bau mulut yang baik adalah yang diunggah oleh healthcare professional. Secara umum, video YouTube mengenai bau mulut dikategorikan “poor” menurut kualitas dan kelengkapan kontennya. Pengguna YouTube cenderung menyukai video berkualitas rendah dibandingkan berkualitas tinggi yang menggambarkan bahwa penonton tidak dapat membedakan antara konten yang reliabel dan berpotensi bias.
Background: Bad breath is a common condition and can harm the quality of life. Through YouTube, many people can access oral health information. Objective: To analyze the quality of information, comprehensiveness of the content, and YouTube video’s reliability regarding bad breath in Indonesian. Methods: A cross-sectional study that following PRISMA flow diagrams. Total of 300 videos were collected based on three search keywords, "Bad breath", "Unpleasant breath", and "Oral malodor". All videos are recorded the number of likes, dislikes, views, duration, interaction index, viewing rate, and source category (healthcare professional, personal, education, and profit companies). Video scores represent the value of information quality, comprehensiveness of content, and to categorize videos as "poor”, “good," and "excellent". DISCERN was used to assess video reliability. Results: From the 105 videos analyzed, 68 (64.8%) were uploaded by personal users. In general, videos are categorized as "poor" and have low reliability. Videos sourced from healthcare professionals show the highest quality, comprehensiveness of the content, and reliability (p <0.05, Kruskal Wallis test). There’s no significant difference in the number of viewers for video’s duration less than and more than 4 minutes. But, there’s a considerable difference in the number of viewers for video’s duration less than and more than 6 minutes (p <0.05, Mann Whitney test). The longer the duration, the higher the video's quality and reliability, but the less watched. Conclusion: In this study, videos were categorized as “good” uploaded most by healthcare professionals. In general, YouTube videos about bad breath were categorized as “poor” according to the quality and comprehensiveness of the content. YouTube users tend to like lower quality videos over high quality which illustrates that viewers cannot differentiate between reliable and potentially biased content."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2021