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Tahta Muslim Karim
Sintesis Co/ZSM-5 mesopori menggunakan template kedua PDDA-Cl dan CTABr untuk konversi metana menjadi metanol telah dilakukan dalam penelitian ini. ZSM-5 mesopori baik yang menggunakan template kedua PDDA-Cl maupun CTABr disintesis dengan total rasio molar gel: 1 Al2O3 : 64,3469 SiO2 : 10,0768 TPA 2O : 3571,6628 H2O pada temperatur 100 0C untuk PDDA-Cl dan pada temperatur ruang untuk CTABr dalam tahap kristalisasi, dan pengarah mesopori yang digunakan sebanyak 3 g PDDA-Cl dinamakan ZSM5-PDDACl , 1,2665 g CTABr dinamakan ZSM5-30 , 2,5341 g CTABr dinamakan ZSM5-15 , 4,9242 g CTABr dinamakan ZSM5-7,5 . Penamaan sampel yang menggunakan CTABr tersebut didasarkan pada nilai rasio molar Si Al /CTABr. Keempat produk ZSM-5 mesopori dikarakterisasi dengan instrumen XRD, FTIR, SEM, EDX, BET, dan TGA. Produk konversi metana dikarakterisasi dengan GC-FID. Berdasarkan karakterisasi XRD sudut lebar, FTIR dan SEM menunjukkan bahwa ZSM-5 yang menggunakan template kedua PDDA-Cl, CTABr-15, dan CTABr-30 berhasil disintesis dengan munculnya puncak-puncak khas ZSM-5 pada pola XRD di 2? = 70-90 doublet peaks dan 220-250 triplet peaks , adanya serapan pada bilangan gelombang 550 cm-1, dan terbentuknya morfologi khas dari ZSM-5. Berdasarkan karakterisasi BET dan SEM tampak jelas bahwa ZSM5-PDDACl, ZSM5-30, ZSM5-15, dan ZSM5-7,5 menghasilkan sistem mesopori. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan adanya grafik hysteresis loop pada grafik adsorpsi isotermal dan adanya struktur kasar pada permukaan kristal ZSM-5. Tetapi, sistem mesopori yang dihasilkan pada ZSM5-PDDACl, ZSM5-30 dan ZSM5-15 tidak teratur. Sedangkan ZSM5-7,5 memiliki sedikit keteraturan. Hal tersebut dibuktikan dengan tidak adanya pola difraksi pada analisa XRD sudut rendah untuk sampel ZSM5-PDDACl, ZSM5-30, ZSM5-15, sementara sampel ZSM5-7,5 memiliki pola difraksi yang melebar di sekitar 2? = 20. Analisa EDX menunjukkan bahwa ZSM5-PDDACl, ZSM5-30, ZSM5-15 dan ZSM5-7,5 memiliki rasio Si/Al sebesar 26,69, 37,18, 12,62, dan 13,19, masing-masing. Analisa TGA menunjukkan bahwa temperatur 550 0C sudah dapat menghilangkan semua template yang digunakan. Untuk karakterisasi produk konversi, analisa GC-FID menunjukkan bahwa metanol diproduksi secara kualitatif dengan menggunakan Co/ZSM5-PDDACl, Co/ZSM5-30, dan Co/ZSM5-15, meskipun persen yield relatif sangat kecil.

Synthesis of mesoporous Co ZSM 5 using secondary template PDDA Cl and CTABr for conversion of methane to methanol have been studied. The mesoporous ZSM 5 both using secondary template PDDA Cl and using CTABr were synthesized with molar ratio of gel 1 Al2O3 64.3469 SiO2 10.0768 TPA 2O 3571.6628 H2O at temperature of 100 0C for PDDA Cl and at room temperature for CTABr in crystallization step, and the mesoporous directing agent used of 3 g PDDA Cl it named ZSM5 PDDACl , 1.2665 g CTABr it named ZSM5 30 , 2.5341 g CTABr it named ZSM5 15 , 4.9242 g CTABr it named ZSM5 7.5 . The naming of samples using CTABr based on value of molar ratio of Si Al CTABr. All products of mesoporous ZSM 5 were characterized by XRD, FTIR, SEM, EDX, BET, and TGA instruments. The product of methane conversion was characterized by GC FID instrument. Based on the characterization of wide angle XRD, FTIR, and SEM showed that ZSM 5 using secondary template PDDA Cl, CTABr 15, and CTABr 30 were successfully synthesized with the presence of the typical peaks of ZSM 5 on XRD patterns at 2 70 90 doublet peaks and 220 250 triplet peaks , the presence of band at wavenumbers around 550 cm 1, the formation of the typical morphology of ZSM 5. Based on the characterization of BET and SEM that ZSM5 PDDACl, ZSM5 30, ZSM5 15, and ZSM5 7.5 produced mesoporous system. It was showed by the presence of hysteresis loop graph on isothermal adsorption graph and the presence of rough structure on crystal surface of ZSM 5. However, the obtained mesoporous system of ZSM5 PDDACl, ZSM5 15, and ZSM5 30 were disordered. While ZSM5 7.5 has less ordered. It was evidenced by the absence of diffraction patterns on the analysis of low angle XRD for samples of ZSM5 PDDACl, ZSM5 30, and ZSM5 15, while ZSM5 7.5 sample has broad peak around 2 20. EDX analysis show that ZSM5 PDDACl, ZSM5 30, ZSM5 15, and ZSM5 7.5 have Si Al ratio of 26.69, 37.18, 12.62, 12,19, respectively. TGA analysis showed at temperature 550 0C all templates used have been eliminated. For the characterization of conversion product, GC FID analysis showed that methanol was qualitatively produced by using Co ZSM5 PDDACl, Co ZSM5 30, and Co ZSM5 15, although the yield percent was relatively very small."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Latifa Hanum Lalasari
Indonesia memiliki banyak sumber daya alam ilmenit yang dapat
dimanfaatkan lebih lanjut menjadi material mesopori Fe2O3 TiO2. Material
mesopori dengan dinding (wall) yang tersusun atas nano-kristalin TiO2 adalah
kandidat yang sangat menjanjikan dalam memberikan sumbangan yang sangat
signifikan untuk mengatasi permasalahan lingkungan dan krisis energi yang
melanda dunia. Namun demikian, hingga sekarang ini masih sulit untuk
memperoleh kombinasi sinergis dua hal utama yaitu susunan pori yang teratur
(highly-oriented) dan tingkat kristalinitas yang tinggi.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mensintesis mesopori Fe2O3 TiO2 dari
mineral ilmenit (FeTiO3) untuk aplikasi pemurnian air limbah dan pembuatan
prototipe DSSC. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah kombinasi
teknik hidrotermal dan sol−gel. Tahapan proses adalah mineral ilmenit yang telah
dihaluskan dilakukan proses dekomposisi dengan larutan basa dalam autoklaf
kemudian dilanjutkan dengan proses pelindian menggunakan asam sulfat. Larutan
TiOSO4 yang dihasilkan digunakan sebagai prekursor dalam mempersiapkan
nanopartikel TiO2 atau material mesopori Fe2O3 TiO2. Pengontrolan dalam
proses sol−gel dilakukan dengan penambahan Fe, dextrin dan triblock copolimer.
Hasil penelitian dikarakterisasi menggunakan XRF, AAS, TEM/SEM, BET,
Hasil penelitian memberikan gambaran tentang potensi yang besar
terhadap ilmenit Bangka untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku dalam
pembuatan material mesopori Fe2O3 TiO2. Ilmenit terdekomposisi dengan pelarut
basa (KOH dan NaOH) membentuk fase intermediet yaitu kalium titanat dan
natrium titanat dengan morfologi yang berbentuk benang-benang halus.
Penambahan bubuk Fe dan dextrin mampu mengontrol pembentukan nanopartikel
dan meningkatkan kemurnian TiO2. Penelitian ini juga berhasil mempersiapkan
mesopori Fe2O3 TiO2 yang digolongkan sebagai bidang kristal anatase maupun
rutil dengan ukuran kristal rata-rata berkisar 5 -7 nm, energi band gab berkisar
3,00 ? 3,16 eV dan luas permukaan, SBET berkisar.100 ? 151 m2/g.;

Indonesia has many natural resources including ilmenite which could be
exploited further into mesoporous TiO2 Fe2O3 materials. Mesoporous materials
with walls composed of nano-crystalline TiO2 are very promising candidate in a
very significant contribution for solving environmental problems and energy crisis
that hit in the world. However, until now it is still difficult to obtain a synergistic
combination of two major things that the regular arrangement of pores (highlyoriented)
and a high degree of crystallinity.
This study aims to synthesize mesoporous TiO2 Fe2O3 of the ilmenite
(FeTiO3) mineral for waste water purification applications and prototyping DSSC.
The method used in the study is a combination of hydrothermal and sol-gel
techniques. Stage of the process was ilmenite mineral which has been smoothed
carried out the decomposition process using alkaline solution in the autoclave and
then followed by a leaching process using sulfuric acid. The TiOSO4 solution
obtained was used as a precursor in the preparation of TiO2 nanoparticles or
mesoporous TiO2 Fe2O3 material. Controlling the sol-gel process was done with
the addition of Fe, dextrin and triblock copolimer. The results of the study were
characterized using XRF, AAS, TEM/SEM, BET, XRD, DRS, UV-Vis apparatus.
The results of the study provided an overview of the enormous potential of
the Bangka-Indonesia ilmenite to be used as raw material in the manufacture of
mesoporous TiO2 Fe2O3 materials. Ilmenite decomposed by alkaline solvent
(KOH and NaOH) formed the intermediate phase of potassium titanate and
sodium titanate with morphology shaped by fine threads. The addition of Fe
powder and dextrin were able to control the formation nanoparticles and increase
the purity of TiO2. This study also succeeded in preparing mesoporous
TiO2 Fe2O3 classified as anatase and rutile crystal planes with an average crystal
size ranges from 5 to 7 nm, the band gap energy ranges from 3.00 to 3.16 eV and
the surface area (SBET) ranges from 100 to 151 m2/g.;Indonesia has many natural resources including ilmenite which could be
exploited further into mesoporous TiO2 Fe2O3 materials. Mesoporous materials
with walls composed of nano-crystalline TiO2 are very promising candidate in a
very significant contribution for solving environmental problems and energy crisis
that hit in the world. However, until now it is still difficult to obtain a synergistic
combination of two major things that the regular arrangement of pores (highlyoriented)
and a high degree of crystallinity.
This study aims to synthesize mesoporous TiO2 Fe2O3 of the ilmenite
(FeTiO3) mineral for waste water purification applications and prototyping DSSC.
The method used in the study is a combination of hydrothermal and sol-gel
techniques. Stage of the process was ilmenite mineral which has been smoothed
carried out the decomposition process using alkaline solution in the autoclave and
then followed by a leaching process using sulfuric acid. The TiOSO4 solution
obtained was used as a precursor in the preparation of TiO2 nanoparticles or
mesoporous TiO2 Fe2O3 material. Controlling the sol-gel process was done with
the addition of Fe, dextrin and triblock copolimer. The results of the study were
characterized using XRF, AAS, TEM/SEM, BET, XRD, DRS, UV-Vis apparatus.
The results of the study provided an overview of the enormous potential of
the Bangka-Indonesia ilmenite to be used as raw material in the manufacture of
mesoporous TiO2 Fe2O3 materials. Ilmenite decomposed by alkaline solvent
(KOH and NaOH) formed the intermediate phase of potassium titanate and
sodium titanate with morphology shaped by fine threads. The addition of Fe
powder and dextrin were able to control the formation nanoparticles and increase
the purity of TiO2. This study also succeeded in preparing mesoporous
TiO2 Fe2O3 classified as anatase and rutile crystal planes with an average crystal
size ranges from 5 to 7 nm, the band gap energy ranges from 3.00 to 3.16 eV and
the surface area (SBET) ranges from 100 to 151 m2/g.;Indonesia has many natural resources including ilmenite which could be
exploited further into mesoporous TiO2 Fe2O3 materials. Mesoporous materials
with walls composed of nano-crystalline TiO2 are very promising candidate in a
very significant contribution for solving environmental problems and energy crisis
that hit in the world. However, until now it is still difficult to obtain a synergistic
combination of two major things that the regular arrangement of pores (highlyoriented)
and a high degree of crystallinity.
This study aims to synthesize mesoporous TiO2 Fe2O3 of the ilmenite
(FeTiO3) mineral for waste water purification applications and prototyping DSSC.
The method used in the study is a combination of hydrothermal and sol-gel
techniques. Stage of the process was ilmenite mineral which has been smoothed
carried out the decomposition process using alkaline solution in the autoclave and
then followed by a leaching process using sulfuric acid. The TiOSO4 solution
obtained was used as a precursor in the preparation of TiO2 nanoparticles or
mesoporous TiO2 Fe2O3 material. Controlling the sol-gel process was done with
the addition of Fe, dextrin and triblock copolimer. The results of the study were
characterized using XRF, AAS, TEM/SEM, BET, XRD, DRS, UV-Vis apparatus.
The results of the study provided an overview of the enormous potential of
the Bangka-Indonesia ilmenite to be used as raw material in the manufacture of
mesoporous TiO2 Fe2O3 materials. Ilmenite decomposed by alkaline solvent
(KOH and NaOH) formed the intermediate phase of potassium titanate and
sodium titanate with morphology shaped by fine threads. The addition of Fe
powder and dextrin were able to control the formation nanoparticles and increase
the purity of TiO2. This study also succeeded in preparing mesoporous
TiO2 Fe2O3 classified as anatase and rutile crystal planes with an average crystal
size ranges from 5 to 7 nm, the band gap energy ranges from 3.00 to 3.16 eV and
the surface area (SBET) ranges from 100 to 151 m2/g., Indonesia has many natural resources including ilmenite which could be
exploited further into mesoporous TiO2 Fe2O3 materials. Mesoporous materials
with walls composed of nano-crystalline TiO2 are very promising candidate in a
very significant contribution for solving environmental problems and energy crisis
that hit in the world. However, until now it is still difficult to obtain a synergistic
combination of two major things that the regular arrangement of pores (highlyoriented)
and a high degree of crystallinity.
This study aims to synthesize mesoporous TiO2 Fe2O3 of the ilmenite
(FeTiO3) mineral for waste water purification applications and prototyping DSSC.
The method used in the study is a combination of hydrothermal and sol-gel
techniques. Stage of the process was ilmenite mineral which has been smoothed
carried out the decomposition process using alkaline solution in the autoclave and
then followed by a leaching process using sulfuric acid. The TiOSO4 solution
obtained was used as a precursor in the preparation of TiO2 nanoparticles or
mesoporous TiO2 Fe2O3 material. Controlling the sol-gel process was done with
the addition of Fe, dextrin and triblock copolimer. The results of the study were
characterized using XRF, AAS, TEM/SEM, BET, XRD, DRS, UV-Vis apparatus.
The results of the study provided an overview of the enormous potential of
the Bangka-Indonesia ilmenite to be used as raw material in the manufacture of
mesoporous TiO2 Fe2O3 materials. Ilmenite decomposed by alkaline solvent
(KOH and NaOH) formed the intermediate phase of potassium titanate and
sodium titanate with morphology shaped by fine threads. The addition of Fe
powder and dextrin were able to control the formation nanoparticles and increase
the purity of TiO2. This study also succeeded in preparing mesoporous
TiO2 Fe2O3 classified as anatase and rutile crystal planes with an average crystal
size ranges from 5 to 7 nm, the band gap energy ranges from 3.00 to 3.16 eV and
the surface area (SBET) ranges from 100 to 151 m2/g.]"
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siregar, Eveline
"Pembangunan serta kemajuan yang ada sejalan dengan perkembangan teknologi yang semakin modern menyebabkan pencemaran yang meningkat di bumi. Pencemaran yang timbul di lingkungan antara lain adalah pencemaran tanah, pencemaran udara dan pencemaran air. Penggunaan deterjen merupakan salah satu penyebab terjadinya pencemaran air. Penggunaan deterjen tersebut pada akhirnya akan mempercepat bertambahnya konsentrasi fosfat dalam badan air buangan, sehingga memicu pertumbuhan alga. Salah satu cara untuk mengurangi kadar fosfat di perairan adalah dengan membuat adsorben untuk mengadsorpsi fosfat secara efektif. Adsorben ini dibuat berukuran mesopori yang mengandung besi dan aluminium oksida. Besi oksida berperan sebagai material aktif yang dapat menyerap fosfat dengan kapasitas yang tinggi sedangkan aluminium oksida sebagai pemberi luas permukaan yang besar. Pembuatan adsorben ini menggunakan kitosan sebagai cetakan atau template pembentuk rongga berukuran mesopori. Adsorben logam mesopori yang mengandung besi dan aluminium oksida dapat menyerap fosfat secara efektif, dengan pengaruh kandungan besi, adsorben terbaik adalah 50 FeAl yang komposisinya mengandung 50% Fe dan 50%Al, dengan adsorpsi fosfat sebesar 72,87%. Pada percobaan pengaruh pH diperoleh kondisi optimum pada pH 2 dengan persen adsorpsi 91,97%. Waktu optimum untuk menyerap fosfat adalah 360 menit. Adanya pengaruh.

Nowadays, development and technological advances cause the earth is getting more polluted. Some problems arise in environment are soil pollution, gas pollution and water pollution. The use of detergents is one of the sources that cause water pollution. For example, the use of detergents will increase phosphate concentration to wastewater streams, that will accelerate the growth of algae. One of the method to reduce phosphate is to make adsorbent to adsorp phosphate effectively. The size of adsorbent is mesoporous and it contains iron and aluminium oxide. Iron oxide is as an active material which have high phosphate adsorption capacity while aluminium oxide provides a large specific surface area. Mesoporous adsorbent which contain iron and aluminium oxide can adsorp phosphate effectively, by the effect of iron content, the best adsorbent is 50 FeAl which contains 50% Fe and 50% Al with phosphate adsorption is 72,87%. For the effect of pH, phosphate adsorption is 91,97%. Optimum time needed to adsorp phosphate from solution is 360 minutes. The effect of anion interferences by chloride and bicarbonate show no significant on the adsorption of phosphate."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alyaa Saira Shiddiqah
"Alkuna merupakan hidrokarbon tak jenuh yang memiliki setidaknya satu ikatan rangkap tiga C C yang berperan penting sebagai bahan baku untuk menghasilkan berbagai senyawa organik yang bermanfaat dengan membentuk ikatan baru C-C, C-H atau C-X. Proses hidrogenasi alkuna menjadi senyawa alkena sangat penting dalam sintesis senyawa organik khususnya di bidang industri polimer. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan hidrogenasi pada senyawa difenilasetilena sebagai model senyawa alkuna dengan menggunakan NaBH4 sebagai sumber hidrogen serta katalis bimetalik NiCo yang diembankan pada karbon mesopori sebagai penyangga katalis. Karbon mesopori disintesis dengan metode cetakan lunak menggunakan surfaktan pluronik F-127 sebagai template organik, phloroglucinol dan formaldehida sebagai prekursor karbon, serta HCl sebagai katalis asam. Karbon mesopori kemudian dimodifikasi dengan penambahan bimetalik NiCo dengan metode impregnasi basah menggunakan Ni(NO3)2.6H2O dan Co(NO3)2.6H2O sebagai prekursor. Hasil sintesis karbon mesopori, Ni/MC dan NiCo/MC kemudian dikarakterisasi menggunakan FTIR, XRD, SEM-EDX, TEM dan SAA. Berdasakan analisis SAA didapatkan diameter pori MC, Ni/MC dan NiCo/MC berturut-turut sebesar 12,8 nm, 13,4 nm dan 12,7 nm yang menunjukan katalis berukuran mesopori. Reaksi hidrogenasi difenilasetilena dilakukan dengan variasi waktu (2 jam, 4 jam dan 6 jam) dan variasi suhu (30oC dan 50oC). Sisa katalis yang digunakan dikarakterisasi menggunakan FTIR, sedangkan produk hasil reaksi kemudian dikarakterisasi menggunakan GCMS. Hasil analisis menunjukan kondisi optimum diperoleh pada suhu 50oC selama 4 jam dengan persen konversi sebesar 37,6% dan persen yield sebesar 62,3% untuk cis-stilbene dan 9,2% untuk trans-stilbene dengan selektivitas terhadap pembentukan cis-stilbene sebesar 87,1%.

Alkynes are unsaturated hydrocarbons that have at least one C≡C triple bond which plays an important role as raw material for producing various useful organic compounds by forming new C-C, C-H or C-X bonds. The hydrogenation process of alkenes to become alkenes is very important in the synthesis of organic compounds, especially in the polymer industry. In this study, hydrogenation was carried out on diphenylacetylene compounds as a model for alkyne compounds using NaBH4 as a source of hydrogen as well. NiCo bimetallic catalyst which is carried on mesoporous carbon as catalyst support. Mesoporous carbon was synthesized by the soft mold method using pluronic F-127 surfactant as an organic template, phloroglucinol and formaldehyde as carbon precursors, and HCl as an acid catalyst. Mesoporous carbon was then modified by adding bimetallic NiCo by wet impregnation method using Ni(NO3)2.6H2O and Co (NO3) 2.6H2O as precursors. The results of the synthesis of mesoporous carbon, Ni / MC and NiCo / MC were then characterized using FTIR, XRD, SEM-EDX, TEM and SAA. Based on the SAA analysis, it was found that the pore diameters of MC, Ni / MC and NiCo / MC were 12.8 nm, 13.4 nm and 12.7 nm respectively, which indicated the mesoporous size of the catalyst. The hydrogenation reaction of diphenylacethylene was carried out with variations in time (2 hours, 4 hours and 6 hours) and temperature variations (30oC and 50oC). The remaining catalyst used was characterized using FTIR, while the reaction product was characterized using GCMS. The results of the analysis showed that the optimum conditions were obtained at 50oC for 4 hours with a percent conversion of 37.6% and yield of 62.3% for cis-stilbene and 9.2% for trans-stilbene with a selectivity to the formation of cis-stilbene of 87,1%."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Ali Ibrahim
"Karbon mesopori berhasil disintesis menggunakan metode template lunak dengan Pluronic F-127 sebagai agen struktural; phloroglucinol dan formaldehida sebagai prekursor karbon. Karbon mesopori yang berhasil disintesis kemudian dimodifikasi menggunakan etilendiamin, yang kemudian diimpregnasi dengan nanopartikel Ni. Hasil modifikasi dan impregnasi tersebut dikarakterisasi dengan FTIR, SEM-EDX, BET, dan XRD. Pengujian kapasitas adsorpsi MC, Ni-MC, MC-EDA, dan Ni-EDA MC dilakukan dengan mengalirkan gas CO2 selama 5, 10, dan 15 menit untuk melihat kemampuan adsorpsi CO2. Bahan Ni-MC dan Ni-EDA MC kemudian digunakan sebagai katalis dalam reaksi Hidrogenasi, yaitu reaksi antara molekul hidrogen (H2) dengan unsur atau senyawa lain yang melibatkan suatu katalis. Reaksi hanya dapat berlangsung jika terdapat Ni(0) sebagai pusat aktif pada karbon mesopori. Berbagai parameter katalis yang digunakan meliputi; variasi suhu, variasi jumlah katalis, dan variasi waktu. Proses reaksi hidrogenasi menggunakan reaktor aliran dan dianalisis menggunakan instrumen GC-TCD. % rendemen yang diperoleh dari katalis Ni-MC dan Ni-EDA MC berturut-turut adalah 3,54% dan 3,86% pada suhu 873 K. Pada variasi jumlah katalis, % rendemen diperoleh bahan Ni-MC dengan massa katalis 0,02 g sebesar 4,37% sedangkan Ni-EDA MC diperoleh % rendemen sebesar 4,45% dengan massa katalis 0,03 gr. Untuk melihat hambatan katalis dilakukan dengan variasi waktu. Bahan Ni-MC optimum diuji selama 30 menit dengan rendemen 13,32%, sedangkan MC Ni-EDA optimum pada rentang waktu 40 menit dengan rendemen 13,26%.

Mesoporous carbon was successfully synthesized using the soft template method with Pluronic F-127 as a structural agent; phloroglucinol and formaldehyde as carbon precursors. The successfully synthesized mesoporous carbon was then modified using ethylenediamine, which was then impregnated with Ni nanoparticles. The results of these modifications and impregnations were characterized by FTIR, SEM-EDX, BET, and XRD. The adsorption capacity of MC, Ni-MC, MC-EDA, and Ni-EDA MC was tested by flowing CO2 gas for 5, 10, and 15 minutes to see the CO2 adsorption ability. Ni-MC and Ni-EDA MC materials are then used as catalysts in Hydrogenation reactions, namely reactions between hydrogen molecules (H2) with other elements or compounds involving a catalyst. The reaction can only take place if there is Ni(0) as the active center on the mesoporous carbon. Various parameters of the catalyst used include; variations in temperature, variations in the amount of catalyst, and variations in time. The hydrogenation reaction process uses a flow reactor and is analyzed using the GC-TCD instrument. The % yields obtained from Ni-MC and Ni-EDA MC catalysts were 3.54% and 3.86% at a temperature of 873 K, respectively. In the variation of the amount of catalyst, the % yield was obtained for Ni-MC material with a catalyst mass of 0.02 g of 4.37% while Ni-EDA MC obtained % yield of 4.45% with a catalyst mass of 0.03 g. To see the catalyst resistance is done with time variations. The optimum Ni-MC material was tested for 30 minutes with a yield of 13.32%, while the optimum Ni-EDA MC was tested for a period of 40 minutes with a yield of 13.26%."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alif Muhammad Basyir
"Pada pemerosesan industri tekstil banyak menggunakan air, zat pewarna juga bahan kimia campuran yang berdampak pada timbulnya limbah cair tekstil [1]. Salah satu komponen limbah berbahaya yang terkandung dalam limbah cair tekstil adalah logam-logam berat seperti kadmium (Cd), timbal (Pb), tembaga (Cu), dan seng (Zn) [1]. Contoh langkah untuk mencegah pencemaran logam berat cair adalah menggunakan material mesopori silika seperti SBA-15 karena memiliki luas permukaan, diameter, serta volume pori yang besar serta struktur heksagonal teratur sehingga dapat diaplikasikan sebagai adsorben logam berat. Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan analisis studi kepustakaan sintesis mesopori SBA-15 dengan metode sol-gel serta fungsionalisasi CPTMS yang telah berhasil dilakukan dan dilanjutkan menganalisis kemampuan serapannya pada logam berat kadmium (Cd), tembaga (Cu), seng (Zn), dan timbal (Pb). Tipikalnya, menyintesis SBA-15 dilakukan menggunakan Tetraethyl Orthosilicate (TEOS) sebagai prekursor dan Triblock Copolymer Pluronic 123 (P-123) sebagai surfaktan. Kemudian, hasil produk SBA-15 dilakukan fungsionalisasi CPTMS dengan metode post grafting. Hasil karakterisasi memperlihatkan, pada perhitungan BET dibanding sampel SBA-15 murni, sampel SBA-15 CPTMS mengalami penurunan parameter diameter pori dari 29,203 menjadi 28,521 Å, volume pori dari 265,161 menjadi 199,694 cm3/gr dan luas permukaan spesifik dari 831,996 menjadi 711,061 m2/gr, pada pengujian SAXS, sampel SBA-15 CPTMS tidak terdapat perbedaan signifikan dengan SBA-15 dengan tetap memperlihatkan puncak bidang (100), bidang (110) dan bidang 200, pada pengamatan TEM, sampel SBA-15 CPTMS tetap mempertahankan bentuk heksagonalnya, dan pada pengujian FTIR, terlihat adanya gugus klorida (-Cl) pada gelombang 500 cm 1 yang menunjukkan proses fungsionalisasi CPTMS berhasil dilakukan. Sementara, hasil pengujian serapan logam berat dengan AAS memperlihatkan fungsionalisasi CPTMS tidak memiliki selektivitas yang baik pada logam berat kadmium (Cd) dan seng (Zn) karena penurunan nilai persentase penyerapan. Namun, perhitungan kapasitas adsorpsi memperlihatkan bahwa diseluruh sampel pengujian logam berat terjadi peningkatan kapasitas adsoprsi sampel SBA-15 CPTMS bila dibandingkan dengan SBA-15 murni.

In the textile industry, production process is widely used water, dyes and chemicals that have an impact on the emergence of textile liquid waste [1]. Examples of hazardous waste components contained in textile liquid waste are heavy metals mainly derived from colouring agents such as cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn) [1]. Efforts that can be made to prevent the water pollution containing liquid heavy metals is to use silica mesoporous materials such as SBA-15 because it has a large surface area, pore diameter, pore volume and ordered hexagonal structure so that it can be applied as heavy metals adsorbents. In this research, an analysis of the literature review of SBA-15 mesoporous materials synthesis using sol-gel method and CPTMS functionalization has been successfully carried out and continued by analysing its adsorption ability in heavy metals such as cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), and lead (Pb). Typically, synthesizing SBA-15 is carried out using Tetraethyl Orthosilicate (TEOS) as a precursor and Triblock Copolymer Pluronic 123 (P-123) as a surfactant. Then, the results of the SBA-15 product were carried out CPTMS functionalization with the post grafting method. The characterization results show, in the BET calculation compared to pure SBA-15 samples, SBA-15 CPTMS samples decreased pore diameter parameters from 29,203 to 28,521 Å, pore volume from 265,161 to 199,694 cm3/gr and specific surface area from 831,996 to 711,061 m2/gr, in the SAXS test, the SBA-15 CPTMS sample was not significantly different from the SBA-15 while still showing peak plane (100), plane (110) and plane (200), on TEM observations, SBA-15 CPTMS samples remained maintaining its hexagon shape, and in the FTIR test, a chloride group (-Cl) in the 500 cm-1 wave showed a successful CPTMS functionalization. Meanwhile, the results of heavy metal adsorption testing with AAS showed that CPTMS functionalization did not have good selectivity on cadmium (Cd) and zinc (Zn) heavy metals due to a decrease in the percentage of adsorption. However, the adsorption capacity calculation shows that throughout the heavy metal test sample there is an increase in the adsorption capacity of the SBA-15 CPTMS sample when compared to the pure SBA-15."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Iqlima Amelia
"Sintesis karbon mesopori secara soft template dan hard template dari berbagai prekursor karbon; phloroglucinol, glukosa, dan hidrolisat tandan kosong kelapa sawit (TKKS) telah dilakukan. Pluronic F127 dan silica gel digunakan sebagai cetakan pada sintesis karbon mesopori soft template dan hard template, secara berturut-turut. Material karbon mesopori kemudian diimpregnasi dengan logam Ni dan direduksi menggunakan gas H2 sehingga membentuk Ni/mesoporous carbon (Ni/MC). Karakterisasi material dengan FTIR menunjukkan bahwa gugus organik pada soft templated mesoporous carbon (ST MC) menghilang setelah proses karbonisasi dan pada hard templated mesoporous carbon (HT MC) setelah proses desilikasi, mengindikasikan bahwa proses tersebut efektif dalam penghilangan template yang digunakan. Berdasarkan analisis SEM, material karbon memiliki morfologi seperti serpihan dengan tambahan sebaran butiran halus setelah impregnasi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis XRD untuk ST MC dan HT MC, terdapat difraksi khas karbon grafit pada 2θ 25⁰ dan 44⁰. Kemudian terdapat tambahan difraksi setelah impregnasi pada 2θ 45⁰ dan 52⁰ yang bersesuaian dengan Ni(0), mengindikasikan bahwa impregnasi berhasil dilakukan. Analisa luas permukaan menunjukkan bahwa material karbon memiliki luas permukaan dan distribusi pori yang bervariasi. Material selanjutnya digunakan sebagai katalis dalam reaksi karboksilasi fenilasetilena dengan karbon dioksida. Analsis HPLC menunjukkan hasil terbaik pada suhu reaksi 85⁰C dan waktu reaksi 8 jam dengan menggunakan katalis HT Ni/MC phloroglucinol dan garam MgCl2. Yield pembentukan produk asam fenil propiolat pada kondisi tersebut adalah 2,2 %.

Synthesis of soft templated and hard templated mesoporous carbon from various carbon precursors; phloroglucinol, glucose, and empty palm oil shell hidrolisate, has been conducted successfully. Pluronic F127 and silica gel were used as template in the sythesis of soft and hard templated mesoporous carbon, respectively. The materials were then impregnated with Ni and reduced under H2 flow to form Ni/Mesoporous Carbon (Ni/MC). Characterization with FTIR shows that the organic groups in Soft Templated Mesoporous Carbon (ST MC) disappear after the carbonization process and in Hard Templated Mesoporous Carbon (HT MC) after the desilication process, indicating that the process is effective in template removal. Based on the SEM analysis, carbon materials have flakes-like morphology with the addition of fine grain spreads after impregnation. Based on the results of XRD analysis for ST MC and HT MC, there are a typical graphite carbon diffractions on 2θ of 25 and 44 ⁰. There are also additional diffraction peaks at 2θ of 45 and 52⁰ after impregnation which correspond with Ni(0), indicating that the Ni impregnation was successfully performed. The analysis of the surface area indicates that carbon materials have various surface area and pore distribution. The materials are subsequently used as a catalyst in the carboxylation reaction of phenylacetylene with carbon dioxide. HPLC analysis shows the best resultis obtained at reaction temperature of 85 ⁰ _C and time of 8 hour using MgCl2 salt and HT Ni/MC phloroglucinol catalyst. Yield of phenyl propiolic acid formation as product of carboxylation obtained on optimum condition is 2,2%.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aulia Dyah Hutami Kawigraha
"Karbon mesopori telah disintesis dengan menggunakan metode soft-templating dengan menggunakan phloroglucinol sebagai prekursor karbon dan pluronic F127 sebagai template untuk membentuk pori dengan ukuran meso pada struktur karbon. Karbon mesopori kemudian diimpregnasi dengan logam nikel, dengan menggunakan Ni NO3 2. Setelah diimpregnasi, material selanjutnya diuji kemampuan katalisisnya untuk reaksi asetilen dengan CO2. Reaktor yang digunakan adalah lsquo;batch reactor rsquo; dari gelas kaca. Hasil BET membuktikan adanya hysteresis loop dan isotherm adsorpsi tipe IV dengan diameter pori sebesar 7,46 nm. Dengan instrumen EDX dibuktikan bahwa impregnasi nikel berhasil dengan masing-masing persen nikel untuk reduksi dengan etilen glikol pelarut air 34,48, etilen glikol pelarut air:etanol 0,02, NaBH4 0,9 dan gas H2 1,73. Pola XRD dari karbon mesopori yang direduksi dengan NaBH4 dan H2 menunjukan tidak ada perubahan pada struktur karbon mesopori, puncak 2 = 24,44 dan 43,18 hal ini membuktikan bahwa impregnasi logam tidak merubah struktur karbon mesopori. Pada uji aplikasinya, hasil analisa HPLC menunjukan puncak untuk baru pada waktu retensi 3,625 menit. Kondisi optimum didapatkan pada suhu 25 dan waktu 3 jam.

Mesoporous carbon has been synthesized using the soft templating method using phloroglucinol as carbon precursor and pluronic F127 as a template to form meso size pores on carbon structure. The mesoporous carbon is then impregnated with nickel metal, using Ni NO3 2. After impregnation, the material was further tested for its catalysis capacity for acetylene reactions with CO2. The reactor used is a 39 batch reactor 39 made of glass. The BET results prove the existence of hysteresis loop and IV type adsorption isotherm with a pore diameter of 7.46 nm. With EDX instrument it is proved that nickel impregnation succeeds with each percent of nickel, reduction using ethylene glycol with water as the solvent 34,48, ethylene glycol with water ethanol as the solvent 0,02, NaBH4 0,9 and H2 gas 1,73. XRD patterns of mesoporous carbon reduced with NaBH4 and H2 showed no change in mesoporous carbon structure, peak 2 24.44 and 43.18 This proves that metal impregnation does not alter the mesoporous carbon structure. In the application test, HPLC analysis shows a new peak at retention time of 3,625 minutes. The optimum condition was obtained at 25 and 3 hours.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tania Priantini
"Material karbon mesopori berhasil disintesis melalui metode soft template dengan menggunakan formaldehida dan floroglusinol sebagai sumber karbon, pluronic F127 sebagai SDA, dan asam klorida sebagai katalis. Dilakukan pengujian awal terhadap karbon mesopori hasil sintesis sebagai adsorben zat warna Acid Red 119. Proses sintesis karbon mesopori melibatkan reaksi polimerisasi formaldehida dengan floroglusinol pada soft template F127 dalam pelarut etanol:air. Analisis termal gravimetri menunjukkan kestabilan termal karbon mesopori hingga mencapai suhu 900 0C. Karakterisasi dengan XRD menunjukkan adanya dua puncak pada 2θ = 22,020 dan 2θ = 42,420 yang menandakan material karbon. Isoterm adsorpsi N2 pada karbon mesopori menunjukkan adanya hystersis loop pada rentang P/P0 sekitar 0,45-0,85 yang merupakan karakter dari padatan mesopori. Karbon mesopori hasil sintesis memiliki ukuran diameter pori yang seragam, yaitu sebesar 8,863 nm. Karakterisasi dengan SEM menunjukkan bentuk grass-like dengan ukuran yang seragam. Variasi kondisi adsorpsi yaitu konsentrasi awal, pH, dan waktu kontak dilakukan untuk menentukan kondisi optimum adsorpsi Acid Red 119 pada karbon mesopori. Kondisi optimum adsorpsi Acid Red 119 dengan menggunakan 10 mg karbon mesopori tercapai pada pH 3 dengan waktu kontak selama 60 menit dan kosentrasi awal larutan sebesar 200 ppm. Karbon mesopori hasil sintesis memiliki kapasitas adsorpsi (Qe) sebesar 217,7389 mg/g. Pemodelan isoterm adsorpsi Freundlich sangat sesuai untuk menjelaskan proses adsorpsi zat warna Acid Red 119 pada karbon mesopori dengan nilai konstanta Freundlich (Kf) sebesar 9,8946 L/g. Daya adsorpsi karbon mesopori hasil sintesis lebih besar dibandingkan karbon aktif komersial, yaitu 1,53 kali lipat.

Mesoporous carbon material was successfully synthesized through soft-template method by using formaldehyde and phloroglucinol as carbon sources, pluronic F127 as SDA, and hydrochloric acid as catalyst. Preliminary test as adsorbent was carried out to adsorption of Acid Red 119 dyes. The synthesis process of mesoporous carbon involved polymerization of formaldehyde with phloroglucinol in soft-template F127 with the mixture of ethanol and water solvent. The thermogravimetric analysis showed resulted mesoporus carbon is stable up to 900 0C. XRD characterization resulted two identity peaks at 2θ = 22.020 and 2θ = 42.420 as the evidence of carbon material structure. The isotherm of N2 adsorption in mesoporous carbon exhibited hysterisis loop in P/P0 of 0.45-0.85 range which indicates the character of mesoporous solid material. This material has homogeneous pore sizes of 8.863 nm. SEM images showed the uniform grass-like structures on the surface of the bulk carbon. Adsorption conditions, i.e. contact time, intial dye concentration, and pH solution were studied to evaluate the optimum condition of Acid Red 119 adsorption onto mesoporous carbon. The optimum condition of Acid Red 119 adsorption using 10 mg of mesoporous carbon was reached at pH 3 for 60 minutes and 200 ppm of initial dye concentration. The adsorption capacity (Qe) of synthesized mesoporous carbon reaches 217.7389 mg/g. The adsorption of Acid Red 119 into mesoporous carbon can be described by Freundlich isotherm adsorption with the Freundlich constant (Kf) value of 9.8946 L/g. Adsorption capacity of mesoporous carbon is 1.53 times higher than that of commercial activated carbon.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rafi Aulia Yudistira
"Dengan pertumbuhan industrialisasi yang masif di era ini, fenomena pelepasaan zatzat polutan berbahaya ke lingkungan mengalami peningkatan yang cukup pesat. Salah satu zat polutan yang banyak digunakan di berbagai sektor industri adalah 4-nitrofenol. Pelepasan 4-nitrofenol dari berbagai aktivitas industri dapat dengan mudah mengontaminasi sumber air dan ekosistem, yang kemudian masuk ke dalam tubuh manusia dan menyebabkan berbagai isu kesehatan. Salah satu metode penanganan 4- nitrofenol yang efektif adalah melalui mekanisme reduksi dengan NaBH4, dan salah satu jenis katalis yang menarik perhatian untuk digunakan pada proses ini karena kemampuan transfer elektronnya yang baik adalah NiFe2O4. Pada percobaan ini, dilakukan sintesis NiFe2O4 mesopori terdekorasi logam Cu sebagai katalis untuk reaksi reduksi 4-nitrofenol. NiFe2O4 mesopori disintesis dengan menggunakan SBA-15 sebagai hard template dan melalui metode nanocasting. SBA-15 kemudian dihilangkan dari NiFe2O4 sebelum dilakukan tahap dekorasi. Dekorasi Cu dilakukan dengan penambahan prekursor Cu ke NiFe2O4 yang kemudian direduksi dengan menggunakan NaBH4. Hasil sintesis kemudian dikarakterisasi dengan FTIR, XRD, XRF, TEM, dan BET. Hasil karakterisasi menunjukkan keberhasilan sintesis material. Akitvitas katalitik diuji pada reaksi reduksi 4-nitrofenol. Cu terbukti memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap aktivitas NiFe2O4. Model kinetika orde pseudo-satu menunjukkan dalam 16 menit NiFe2O4 memiliki nilai konstanta laju 0,004 min-1 dengan %reduksi sebesar 6,35%. Sementara itu, Cu/NiFe2O4 (0,125) memperoleh nilai persentase reduksi sebesar 34,549% dalam 16 menit dengan konstanta laju k = 0,028 min-1 , dan Cu/NiFe2O4 (0,25) sebesar 98,68% dengan nilai k = 0,213 min-1 . Cu/NiFe2O4 (0,5) menunjukkan aktivitas yang jauh lebih baik, yaitu %reduksi 100% dalam interval waktu hanya 40 detik. Hal ini menunjukkan makin banyak jumlah Cu di dalam komposit, aktivitas katalitik terhadap reaksi reduksi 4-nitrofenol makin baik.

With the massive growth of industrialization in this era, the phenomenon of releasing harmful pollutants into the environment has increased rapidly. One of the pollutant substances that are widely used in various industrial sectors is 4-nitrophenol. The release of 4-nitrophenol from various industrial activities can easily contaminate water sources and ecosystems, which then enter the human body and cause various health issues. One of the effective methods of handling 4-nitrophenol is through the reduction mechanism with NaBH4, and one type of catalyst that attracts attention to be used in this process because of its good electron transfer ability is NiFe2O4. In this experiment, Cu metal-decorated mesoporous NiFe2O4 was synthesized as a catalyst for the reduction reaction of 4-nitrophenol. Mesoporous NiFe2O4 was synthesized by using an SBA-15 as hard template and through nanocasting method. SBA-15 was then removed from NiFe2O4 before the decoration stage. Cu decoration was carried out by the addition of Cu precursor to NiFe2O4 which was then reduced using NaBH4. The synthesis results were then characterized by FTIR, XRD, XRF, TEM, and BET. The characterization results showed the success of the material synthesis. The catalytic activity was tested on the reduction reaction of 4-nitrophenol. Cu was shown to have a positive influence on the activity of NiFe2O4. The pseudo-first-order kinetics model shows that in 16 min NiFe2O4 has a rate constant value of 0.004 min-1 with a %reduction of 6.35%. Meanwhile, Cu/NiFe2O4 (0.125) obtained a percentage reduction value of 34.549% in 16 min with a rate constant of k = 0.028 min-1, and Cu/NiFe2O4 (0.25) of 98.68% with a value of k = 0.213 min-1. Cu/NiFe2O4 (0.5) showed much better activity, i.e. 100% reduction % in a time interval of only 40 seconds. This shows that the greater the amount of Cu in the composite, the better the catalytic activity towards the reduction reaction of 4-nitrophenol."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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