Abstrak Latar belakang: Insomnia umum ditemukan pada pasien gagal ginjal terminal yang menjalani hemodialisis. Insomnia berdampak negatif pada aspek fisiologis, fisik, psikologis dan sosial, bahkan menjadi ancaman kematian bagi pasien. Faktor biologis, psikologis dan gaya hidup serta dialisis diduga menjadi penyebab insomnia pada populasi ini. Metode: Menggunakan rancangan penelitian Cross Sectional, sampel 105 responden, melalui consecutive sampling technique. Insomnia dievaluasi dengan menggunakan The Minimal Insomnia Symptom Scale (MISS). Hasil: Insomnia dialami oleh 54 responden (51,4%), insomnia berhubungan signifikan dengan kram otot (p value=0,047), nyeri, (p value=0,034), stress (p value=0,005), sleep hygiene (p value = 0,018), dan strategi koping (p value = 0,015). Strategi koping merupakan faktor yang dominan berhubungan dengan insomnia (p value= 0,015; OR: 2,9), kesemua faktor tersebut 97% berpeluang mempengaruhi insomnia. Rekomendasi: diperlukannya penelitian lanjutan mengenai intervensi yang dapat meningkatkan strategi koping untuk menurunkan angka insomnia pada pasien gagal ginjal terminal yang menjalani hemodialsis. Kata kunci: hemodialisis, gagal ginjal terminal, insomnia, strategi koping.
Abstract Background: Insomnia is commonly occur in end stage kidney disease patients who undergoing hemodialysis. Insomnia has negative impacts on physiological, physical, social, psychological aspects and furthermore, cause death threats in those patients. There are various factors are related to insomnia in this population, which are biological, psychological and lifestyle, dialysis. Method:This study used a Cross Sectional design, recruited 105 patients, selected by consecutive sampling technique. Insomnia was evaluated by using The Minimal Insomnia Symptom Scale (MISS). Results: Insomnia was experienced by 54 respondents (51.4%) and had significant associated with muscle cramps (p value=0.047), pain (p value=0.034), stress (p value=0.005), sleep hygiene (p value=0.018), and coping strategies (p value=0.015). Coping strategies was the dominant factor associated with insomnia (p value= 0,015; OR: 2.9), all these factors have 97% the chance to determine insomnia. Recommendation: further research needs to focus on interventions which may improve coping strategies to reduce insomnia incidence in end stage kidney diseases patients who undergoing hemodialsis. Keyword:hemodialysis, end stage kidney disease, insomnia, coping strategy
Physiological decline in the elderly can affect the quality of life of the elderly. These physiological changes can lower the nervous system, which can lead to sleep disturbances and cognitive changes in the elderly. Physiological changes also make some changes to the activity patterns of the elderly. Elderly people tend to experience decreased activities in daily life. Increased physical activity in the form of physical exercise can be one of the interventions given to overcome sleep disorders. This case study aims to implement evidence-based intervention in elderly with insomnia using the Floor Seated Exercise Program. This intervention was carried out seven times with a duration of 30-40 minutes online in the elderly with a nursing diagnosis of insomnia. The results of this intervention indicate that physical exercise can improve the quality of sleep in the elderly, reduce levels of depression and improve cognitive development in the elderly. This increase can be seen with changes in the Geriatric Depression Scale score, the Pisttsburgh Sleep Quality Index and the Mini Mental Status Exam. Nurses can optimize this exercise by monitoring the movements performed in order to get maximum results while still seeing the condition of the elderly.