"Penelitian ini berfokus pada kajian evaluasi atas program kader kewirausahaan pemuda yang dilalrukan oleh Kemenegpora dalam rentang waktu 2006 s/d 2009. Fokus kajiannya diarahkan pada menganalisa problem-problem yang menghambat pencapaian target tahimya kader kewirausahaan pemuda dan bagaimana strategi ke depan dalam pemberdayaan kader kewirausahaan Pemuda di Kementerian XYZ.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode evaluasi dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Dalam penelitian kaelitatif cenderung betsifilt deskristif, Natraalistik dan berbubungan dengan sifat data yang murni kualitatif. Dengan harapan agar dapat mengungkap fokus yang ingin diteliti.
Penulis menggunakan beberepa metode yang dapat dijadikan sebagai alat untuk mengumpu!kan data. Metode yang digunakan digunakan adalah: metode studi kasus wawancara, evaluasi dan kajian kepustakaan. Informan dalam penelitian ini terdiri deri 16 orang meliputi 4 orang deri Kementerian XYZ , 4 orang deri Stakeholder, 4 orang deri peserta pelatihan serta 4 orang deri peserta Iomba wirausaha pemuda berprestasi.
Dari analisis terhadap fakta yang ada, dapat disimpulkan bahwa: 1. Programprogram pemberdayaan kader kewirausahaan secara kuantitas dan kualitas belum efektif karena kader-kader yang dihasilkan belum mempunyal karakter yang kokoh sebagai wirausahawan. 2. Stntegi kentitraan oleh Kementerian XYZ dalam pemberdayaan kader kewirausahaan merupakan strategi yang tepat dalam rangka mengatasi kelemahan dan menangkap peluang yang ada, namun strategi kentitnan ini belum sepenuhnya berbasil mengingat belum bersifat kontinu sehingga tidak menyentuh makna dari pernberdayaan itu sendiri.
This research focused on the study of the evaluation on the cadre's program of youth entrepreneurship that was carried out by Kemenegpora in time extension 2006 sld 2009. The focus of his study was aimed in analytic problems that hindered the achievement of the birth target of the cadre of youth entrepreneurship and bow the program management in the future in printing the cadre of youth entrepreneurship in the Ministry of the Young Man and sport. The research method that was used in this research was the evaluation method with the qualitative approach. In the quantitative research tended was descriptive, Naturalistic and was connected with the characteristics of the pure data qualitative, In the hope that could express the focus that wanted to be researched. The writer used several methods that could be made the implement to gather the data. The method that was used was used was: the case study method, the interview, the evaluation and the study of the bibliography. The informant in this research consisted of 16 people covered 4 people from the XYZ Ministry, 4 people from Stakeholder, 4 people from participants in the training as well as 4 people from participants in the high-achieving race of the youth businessman. From the analysis towards the available fact, could be concluded that: L Empowerment programs of the cadre of entrepreneurship in a manner the quantity and the quality were not yet effective because cadres who were produced did not yet have the character that was find as wirausahawan. 2. The partnership strategy by the XYZ Ministry in empowerment of the cadre of entrepreneurship was the strategy that was exact in order to overcome the weakness and comprehend the available opportunity, but this partnership strategy fully was not yet successful considering was not yet continuous so as to not touch the meaning from the empowerment personally."