ABSTRAKTermotivasi dari debat mengenai konsolidasi bank dan prediksi mengenai
hubungan konsentrasi perbankan dan stabilitas bank, penelitian ini
menginvestigasi pengaruh konsentrasi industri perbankan terhadap stabilitas bank
di Indonesia periode 2005-2012. Dengan menggunakan random effect model,
terbukti bahwa konsentrasi industri perbankan berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan
terhadap stabilitas bank. Hasil tersebut sesuai dengan teori concentration-fragility.
Namun, hubungan tersebut ternyata hanya terjadi pada ukuran bank besar dimana
mengindikasikan terdapat perilaku Too-Big-To-Fail (TBTF) pada bank-bank
besar di Indonesia.
ABSTRACTMotivated by the debate regarding the consolidations of banks and conflicting
predictions about the relationship between bank concentration and banking
stability, this research investigates the effect of concentration in banking industry
towards banking stability in Indonesia during 2005-2012 period. By using random
effect model, it is proven that there is significantly negative effect of
concentration in banking industry to banking stability. Those results are consistent
with the concentration-fragility theory. However, this result only accured on big
banks which indicates the Too-Big-To-Fail (TBTF) behavior on big banks in
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014