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Rezti Muthia
"Penelitian ini memaparkan tentang pemaknaan self-determination yang awalnya dipahami sebagai hak untuk merdeka dan memisahkan diri melalui Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Peoples, menjadi hak untuk menentukan nasib sendiri dalam konteks HAM bagi indigenous peoples. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif interpretif, penelitian ini mengeksplorasi perdebatan pada proses penyusunan teks deklarasi indigenous rights di PBB yang dimulai pada tahun 1984-2007. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, walaupun pemaknaan pada akhirnya diterima secara resmi sebagai self-determination yang dibatasi, masih terdapat unsur-unsur ldquo;kolonialisme berlanjut rdquo; advanced colonialism yang masih berlanjut yang menyebabkan masih sulitnya negara menerima pemaknaan self-determination yang bersifat internal. Selain itu, dipaparkan pula mengenai kondisi pengakuan masyarakat adat di Indonesia sebagai refleksi atas permasalahan terhadap pemaknaan self-determination.

This study elaborates the meaning of self determination which was originally conceived as the right to independence and secession by Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Peoples, becomes the rights to self determination in the context of rights for indigenous peoples. By using qualitative interpretive approach, this study explores the debate on the process of preparing the text of the UN Declaration on Indigenous Rights from 1984 2007. The result shows that,even though the meaning is accepted formally in form of restricted self determination, there are elements of advanced colonialism that led to the difficulty for states to accept the context of internal meaning of self determination. This study also presents the condition on recognition of ldquo masyarakat adat rdquo in Indonesia as a reflection on the problems on the meaning of self determination."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York : Routledge, 2018
342.087 2 IND
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
wei Tsai, Chih
"Indigenous hunting has always been an indigenous human rights core issue that has received high attention in the conflict between national laws and indigenous legal traditions. J.Y. Interpretation No. 803 affirmed indigenous hunting culture is a constitutional guaranteed fundamental right enjoyed by individual indigenous people. Nevertheless, the said Interpretation did not satisfy indigenous claimant’s assertions. The most critical are the collective nature of indigenous right and the aboriginal title still in the predicament of unclear concept and undetermined content. This article starts with a brief comparative law study, and then analyzes the said Interpretation, and continues with the theory of multicultural constitutionalism to make the argument based on the indigenous claims of traditional territorial rights."
Taipei: Taiwan Foundation for Democracy, 2022
059 TDQ 19:3 (2022)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anindita Nur Hidayah
Penelitian ini membahas jejaring advokasi transnasional yang dilakukan non-state actor dalam menyelesaikan konflik HAM yang muncul di dalam sebuah Negara. Dalam skripsi ini, penulis meneliti AMAN sebagai non-state actor di Indonesia dalam menyelesaikan pelanggaran hak yang dialami indigenous peoples Kepulauan Aru sebagai studi kasus. Dengan menggunakan Transnational Advocacy Network TAN dari Keck dan Sikkink sebagai model analisis, penulis berupaya menganalisis strategi advokasi transnasional yang dilakukan AMAN dalam melindungi dan menegakkan hak-hak indigenous peoples Kepulauan Aru. Hal ini dikarenakan terdapat investor yang memasuki wilayah hutan Aru yang merupakan wilayah adat indigenous peoples. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa AMAN sebagai non-state actor mampu membentuk jejaring transnasional sehingga memberikan tekanan kepada Pemerintah Indonesia dengan menggunakan 4 empat tipologi analisis taktik TAN, yaitu: information politics politik informasi , symbolic politics politik simbolik , leverage politics politik pengaruh , dan accountability politics politik tanggung jawab.

This study discussed transnational advocacy network on indigenous peoples rsquo rights. In this thesis, the writer analyzed AMAN as non state actor in Indonesia and its advocacy to address human rights violation of indigenous peoples in Kabupaten Kepulauan Aru. Using Transnational Advocacy Network TAN of Keck and Sikkink as frame of thought, the writer analyzed the transnational advocacy conducted by AMAN to protect and maintain the rights of indigenous peoples in Kepulauan Aru. The finding of this study showed that AMAN as non state actor is able to conduct a transnational network. AMANS succeed giving pressure to Indonesia government by using four typology of TAN tactics, which are information politics, symbolic politics, leverage politics, and accountability politics."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hutapea, Hudson
"Tesis ini membahas tentang legal standing masyarakat adat yang belum atau tidak ditetapkan sebagai kesatuan masyarakat hukum melalui peraturan daerah (perda) karena menjadi masalah tentang bagaimana dapat membuktikan kedudukan hukumnya di hadapan Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara ketika memperjuangkan tanah ulayat. Sebagaimana yang penulis teliti pada putusan kasasi Mahkamah Agung RI Nomor 584 tahun 2022 yang pada pokoknya menegaskan bahwa legal standing Masyarakat Hukum Adat (MHA) harus dibuktikan secara hukum melalui Perda yang merujuk pada ketentuan Pasal 67 ayat (1) dan (2) UU Kehutanan Nomor 41 Tahun 1999. Bentuk penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian hukum normatif dengan metode deskriptif analitis dimana teori teori hukum digunakan sebagai pisau analisis dalam membedah putusan hakim. Sebagai simpulan terdapat perbedaan pendapat antara penetapan ketua pengadilan TUN yang harusnya jadi pintu masuk masyarakat adat lolos dismissal sebagai kesatuan MHA dengan majelis hakim yang mengadili perkara sengketa yang berkesimpulan masyarakat adat harus terlebih dahulu mendapatkan pengakuan Perda. Kemudian bagi masyarakat adat yang belum mendapatkan pengakuan Perda dapat menggunakan pasal 6 ayat 2 Perma No 2 tahun 2016 tentang Pedoman Beracara dalam Sengketa Penetapan Lokasi Pembangunan untuk Kepentingan Umum pada Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara Sebagai dasar pelaksana “self determination” (menentukan nasib sendiri) untuk pembuktian legal standing sebagai kesatuan MHA. Masyarakat Adat harus menyusun bukti bukti dalam gugatan tentang unsur unsur syarat kesatuan MHA sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 6 ayat 2 Perma No 2 Tahun 2016 untuk selanjutnya dibuktikan dan diuji di Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara, jadi tidak perlu harus ada Perda.

This thesis discusses the legal position of indigenous peoples who have not been or have not been established as a legal community unit through regional regulations (perda) because it becomes a problem of how to maintain their legal standing before the State Administrative Court when fighting for communal land. As the author examines the cassation decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia Number 584 of 2022 which in essence emphasizes that the legal position of Indigenous Peoples (MHA) must be legally proven through a Regional Regulation which refers to the provisions of Article 67 paragraph (1) and (2) of the Forestry Law Number 41 of 1999. The form of research used is normative legal research with descriptive analytical methods where legal theories are used as an analytical knife in dissecting judge's decisions. For example, there is a difference of opinion between submitting the head of the TUN court which should be so that the entrance of indigenous peoples passes dismissal as an MHA Association and the panel of judges adjudicating lawsuits that conclude that indigenous peoples must first obtain recognition from a regional regulation. Then for indigenous peoples who have not received regional regulation recognition, they can use article 6 paragraph 2 of Perma No. 2 of 2016 concerning Guidelines for Proceeding in Disputes on Determining Development Locations for the Public Interest in the State Administrative Court as the basis for implementing "self-determination" to prove legal standing as a unit MHA. Indigenous peoples must compile evidence in a lawsuit regarding the elements of the MHA unitary requirements as stipulated in Article 6 2 Perma No 2 of 2016 to be further proven and tested at the State Administrative Court, so there is no need for a regional regulation."
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agus Warsito
"Penulisan tesis ini berangkat dari Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 35/PUU-X/2012 terkait uji meteri beberapa pasal dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 41 Tahun 1999 tentang Kehutanan karena dianggap bertentangan dengan ketentuanketentuan yang ada dalam UUD Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945. Salah satu putusan penting Mahkamah Konstitusi adalah mengubah Pasal 1 angka 6 dengan menghapus kata "negara" sehingga menjadi ?hutan adat adalah hutan yang berada dalam wilayah masyarakat hukum adat?. Dengan putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi tersebut, status hutan adat dipulihkan kembali menjadi salah satu obyek hak ulayat dalam wilayah masyarakat hukum adat. Dengan banyaknya pengakuan atau klaim dari masyarakat hukum adat atas hutan adat, maka diperlukan analisis mengenai pemulihan hutan adat sebagai hak ulayat pasca Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 35/PUU-X/2012, khususnya terkait kriteria kepemilikan hutan adat sebagai hak ulayat dalam konsep negara kesatuan, status kepemilikan atas tanah dan izin pada hutan adat serta mekanisme dan peran pemerintah dalam rangka pemulihan hutan adat sebagai hak ulayat. Metodologi yang digunakan yaitu studi normatif dan empiris dengan model deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa untuk membuktikan kepemilikan hutan adat sebagai hak ulayat masyarakat hukum adat diperlukan penelitian terhadap keberlangsungan penguasaan dan penggunaan hutan adat baik sebagai tempat tinggal maupun tempat memenuhi kebutuhan hidup seharihari dan tidak hanya sekedar pengakuan atau klaim semata. Hasil penelitian tersebut merupakan salah satu dasar pengakuan masyarakat hukum adat dan hak ulayatnya oleh Pemerintah Daerah melalui Peraturan Daerah, dan selanjutnya menjadi rujukan bagi Pemerintah Pusat untuk menetapkan hutan adat sebagai hak ulayat masyarakat hukum adat. Dengan penetapan hutan adat sebagai hak ulayat tidak ternyata menghapus hak-hak pihak lain atas tanah maupun izin yang diperoleh sebelum penetapan hutan adat. Kesimpulan penting dari hasil analisis yaitu penetapan hutan adat sebagai hak ulayat harus sesuai prinsip-prinsip negara kesatuan dengan batasanbatasan yang telah ditentukan baik dalam UU Kehutanan maupun UU tentang Peraturan Dasar Pokok-pokok Agraria.

This thesis departs from the decision of the Constitutional Court number 35/PUU-X/2012 related judicial test several articles in Law No. 41 of 1999 on Forestry because it is contrary to the provisions contained in the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945. With the decision of the Constitutional Court, the status of indigenous forests restored into one of the objects within the jurisdiction of communal rights of indigenous peoples. With so many confessions or claims of indigenous people on indigenous forests, it would require an analysis of the recovery of the communal rights of indigenous forest after the Constitutional Court decision number 35/PUU-X/2012, particularly related to the ownership criteria as communal rights of indigenous forest in the concept of the unitary state, status of land ownership and permissions on indigenous forests and the mechanisms and the role of government in order to recovery the communal rights of indigenous forest. The methodology used is normative study with qualitative descriptive models. The results of the study showed that to prove ownership of indigenous forests as communal rights of indigenous people needed research on the sustainability of communal tenure and forest use either as a residence or a place to meet the needs of everyday life and not just a mere acknowledgment or claim. The results of these studies is one of the basic recognition of customary laws and communal rights by local governments through local legislation, and subsequently became a reference for the central government to establish communal rights of indigenous forest as indigenous peoples. The determination of customary rights of indigenous forest as it turns out doesn?t remove the rights of other to land and permission obtained before the establishment of indigenous forests. Important conclusion from the analysis is the determination of the communal rights of indigenous forest should be according to the principles of the unitary state with the limits specified either in the forestry laws and regulation laws on agrarian basis points.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Samson, Colin
"Indigenous peoples have gained increasing international visibility in their fight against longstanding colonial occupation by nation-states. Although living in different locations around the world and practising highly varied ways of life, indigenous peoples nonetheless are affected by similar patterns of colonial dispossession and violence. In defending their collective rights to self-determination, culture, lands and resources, their resistance and creativity offer a pause for critical reflection on the importance of maintaining indigenous distinctiveness against the homogenizing forces of states and corporations. This timely book highlights significant colonial patterns of domination and their effects, as well as responses and resistance to colonialism. It brings indigenous peoples? issues and voices to the forefront of sociological discussions of modernity. In particular, the book examines issues of identity, dispossession, environment, rights and revitalization in relation to historical and ongoing colonialism, showing that the experiences of indigenous peoples in wealthy and poor countries are often parallel and related. With a strong comparative scope and interdisciplinary perspective, the book is an essential introductory reading for students interested in race and ethnicity, human rights, development and indigenous peoples? issues in an interconnected world.--"
Cambridge : Polity Press , 2017
323.11 SAM i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Smith, Linda Tuhiwai, 1950-
"o the colonized, the term 'research' is conflated with European colonialism; the ways in which academic research has been implicated in the throes of imperialism remains a painful memory. This essential volume explores intersections of imperialism and research - specifically, the ways in which imperialism is embedded in disciplines of knowledge and tradition as 'regimes of truth.' Concepts such as 'discovery' and 'claiming' are discussed and an argument presented that the decolonization of research methods will help to reclaim control over indigenous ways of knowing and being.
Now in its eagerly awaited second edition, this bestselling book has been substantially revised, with new case-studies and examples and important additions on new indigenous literature, the role of research in indigenous struggles for social justice, which brings this essential volume urgently up-to-date."--Pub. desc.
To the colonized, the term "research" is conflated with colonialism; academic research steeped in imperialism remains a painful reality. This essential volume explores intersections of imperialism and research - specifically, the ways in which imperialism is embedded in disciplines of knowledge and tradition as "regimes of truth.
This essential volume explores the ways in which imperialism is embedded in disciplines of knowledge, and argues that the decolonization of research methods will help reclaim control over indigenous ways of knowing and being. This eagerly awaited second edition includes substantial revisions, with important additions on new indigenous literature and the role of research in indigenous struggles for social justice, bringing this best-selling book up to date"
London: Zed Books, 2012
305.800 SMI d
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Million, Dian, 1950-
""Self-determination is on the agenda of Indigenous peoples all over the world. This analysis by an Indigenous feminist scholar challenges the United Nations-based human rights agendas and colonial theory that until now have shaped Indigenous models of self-determination. Gender inequality and gender violence, Dian Million argues, are critically important elements in the process of self-determination. Million contends that nation-state relations are influenced by a theory of trauma ascendant with the rise of neoliberalism. Such use of trauma theory regarding human rights corresponds to a therapeutic narrative by Western governments negotiating with Indigenous nations as they seek self-determination. Focusing on Canada and drawing comparisons with the United States and Australia, Million brings a genealogical understanding of trauma against a historical filter. Illustrating how Indigenous people are positioned differently in Canada, Australia, and the United States in their articulation of trauma, the author particularly addresses the violence against women as a language within a greater politic. The book introduces an Indigenous feminist critique of this violence against the medicalized framework of addressing trauma and looks to the larger goals of decolonization. Noting the influence of humanitarian psychiatry, Million goes on to confront the implications of simply dismissing Indigenous healing and storytelling traditions. Therapeutic Nations is the first book to demonstrate affect and trauma's wide-ranging historical origins in an Indigenous setting, offering insights into community healing programs. The author's theoretical sophistication and original research make the book relevant across a range of disciplines as it challenges key concepts of American Indian and Indigenous studies"--"
Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 2013
323.119 MIL t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nitis Kinasih
"Ilustrasi merupakan salah satu unsur penting dalam sebuah buku bacaan untuk para anak-anak yang baru belajar membaca. Buku Pim en Mien (1925) karya Jan Ligthart dan Hindericus Scheepstra adalah salah satu buku yang digunakan sebagai bahan bacaan pada masa Hindia Belanda. Dalam buku tersebut terdapat ilustrasi-ilustrasi masyarakat pribumi yang digambar oleh Cornelis Jetses, seorang ilustrator terkenal di kalangan buku anak-anak pada masa Hindia Belanda. Penelitian ini membahas sosok pribumi dalam ilustrasi-ilustrasi karya Jetses dalam buku Pim en Mien (1925) dengan fokus pada peran dan posisi sosok pribumi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode sejarah dengan pendekatan poskolonial. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat tujuh dikotomi oposisi biner yang terdapat pada ilustrasi-ilustrasi tersebut. Selain itu, peran pribumi yang digambarkan oleh Jetses adalah sebagai pembantu yang bekerja untuk keluarga Eropa. Sosok pribumi juga hanya dijadikan figuran dalam ilustrasi karya Cornelis Jetses dalam buku Pim en Mien (1925). Penelitian ini menyimpulkan meskipun buku belajar membaca ini untuk anak-anak namun melalui ilustrasi dan narasinya tidak lepas dari ideologi dan praktik kolonial. Selain itu, anak-anak juga diperkenalkan dengan sosok-sosok pribumi yang merupakan bagian dari rumah tangga bangsa Eropa (Belanda) di Hindia Belanda.

An illustration is one of the essential elements in a reading book for children just learning to read. The book Pim en Mien (1925) by Jan Ligthart and Hindericus Scheepstra is one of the books used as reading material during the Dutch East Indies. The book contains illustrations of indigenous people drawn by Cornelis Jetses, a famous illustrator among children's books during the Dutch East Indies. This research discusses the figure of the native in the illustrations by Jetses in the book Pim en Mien (1925), focusing on the role and position of the native figure. This research is qualitative research using historical methods with a postcolonial approach. The result of this research is that there are seven binary opposition dichotomies contained in the illustrations. In addition, the role of natives depicted by Jetses is as servants who work for European families. The indigenous figure is also only used as an extra in the illustrations by Cornelis Jetses in the book Pim en Mien (1925). This research concludes that although this learning-to-read book is for children, through its illustrations and narrative, it cannot be separated from colonial ideologies and practices. In addition, children are also introduced to indigenous figures who are part of European (Dutch) households in the Dutch East Indies."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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