ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilakukan untuk meneliti pengaruh destination brand experience (DBE) terhadap satisfaction, intention to revisit dan intention to recommend pada youth travelers domestik yang melakukan destinasi ketempat-tempat pariwisata di wilayah Malang Raya. Penelitian ini akan menguji peran langsung komponen destination brand experience (DBE) yang terdiri dari empat dimensi, yaitu sensory, affective, behavioural, dan intellectual DBE, dan menguji peran satisfaction sebagai faktor mediasi pada destinasi dalam menentukan intensitas revisit dan rekomendasi worth-of-mouth. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 114 oresponden yang berusia 16-30 tahun yang pernah melakukan destinasi wisata ke Malang Raya pada satu tahun terakhir
ABSTRACTThis research is aimed to show the effect of destination brand experience (DBE) towards satisfaction, intention to revisit and intention to recommend on domestic youth travelers who travel to destinations in Malang Raya. This research will examine direct role of destination brand experience (DBE) that consist of four dimensions; sensory DBE, affective DBE, behavioural DBE, and intellectual DBE, and examine the role of satisfaction as mediated factor with the destination determining intention to revisit dan worth-of-mouth recommendation. The research is targeted to 114 respondents that have criteria such as 16-30 years old and have been visited destinations in Malang Raya in less than one year;This research is aimed to show the effect of destination brand experience (DBE) towards satisfaction, intention to revisit and intention to recommend on domestic youth travelers who travel to destinations in Malang Raya. This research will examine direct role of destination brand experience (DBE) that consist of four dimensions; sensory DBE, affective DBE, behavioural DBE, and intellectual DBE, and examine the role of satisfaction as mediated factor with the destination determining intention to revisit dan worth-of-mouth recommendation. The research is targeted to 114 respondents that have criteria such as 16-30 years old and have been visited destinations in Malang Raya in less than one year, This research is aimed to show the effect of destination brand experience (DBE) towards satisfaction, intention to revisit and intention to recommend on domestic youth travelers who travel to destinations in Malang Raya. This research will examine direct role of destination brand experience (DBE) that consist of four dimensions; sensory DBE, affective DBE, behavioural DBE, and intellectual DBE, and examine the role of satisfaction as mediated factor with the destination determining intention to revisit dan worth-of-mouth recommendation. The research is targeted to 114 respondents that have criteria such as 16-30 years old and have been visited destinations in Malang Raya in less than one year]"