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Sheylla Azka Saffanah
"Tax treaty Indonesia-India berlaku efektif 1 Januari 1988 kini telah diamandemen dengan tax treaty Indonesia-India berlaku efektif 1 Januari 2017. Amandemen tersebut turut merubah ketentuan mengenai bentuk usaha tetap BUT . Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis perubahan ketentuan mengenai bentuk usaha tetap pada tax treaty Indonesia-India berlaku efektif 1 Januari 2017. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Perubahan ketentuan BUT tax treaty Indonesia-India yaitu dengan adanya pertambahann klausul pada pasal 5 ayat 2 huruf f, g, dan h, pasal 5 ayat 3 huruf b dan pasal 5 ayat 5 huruf c yang mana memberikan benefit bagi Indonesia yaitu lebih memberi kepastian hukum dan memperluas hak pemajakan. Atas adanya pertambahan klausul tersebut dibutuhkan tindak lanjut agar dapat mengimpelementasikan hak pemajakan ketentuan BUT yang baru, yaitu mendeteksi adanya kegiatan yang memicu penerapan ketentuan BUT serta harmonisasi antara treaty dengan hukum domestik.

Tax Treaty Indonesia India applied effectively on January, 1st 1988, now it has been amended becoming Tax Treaty Indonesia India that will be applied effectively on January, 1st 2017. This amandement also changed the provision of permanent establishment. The purpose of this research is to analyse the changes of Permanent Establishment provision on Tax Treaty Indonesia India will be Applied Effectively on January, 1st 2017. This research was using a descriptive qualitative method. Changes in permananet establishment provision reflected in additional clauses within article 5 paragraph 2 section f, g and h, article 5 paragraph 3 section b and artcile 5 paragraph 5 section c which clarifying and expanding the taxation right of the source country. Those additional clauses of permanent establishment required a follow up so that Indonesia could implemented the taxaton rights of the new permanent establishment provision through detection of activities which trigger the application of permanent establishment provision and harmonization between treaty and the domestic law. "
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cindita Vaniakauliqa Syahira
"Penelitian ini membahas pembatasan ketentuan Bentuk Usaha Tetap (BUT) aktivitas atas pemberian jasa pada tax treaty Indonesia-Jepang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis keuntungan dan kerugian yang telah didapatkan oleh Pemerintah Indonesia serta langkah yang akan dilakukan oleh Pemerintah sehubungan dengan tax treaty yang sudah berlaku efektif selama 30 tahun. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah keuntungan yang didapat oleh pemerintah yakni meningkatkan investasi, human resources, ekspor dan pemberian jasa. Sedangkan kerugian yang didapat oleh pemerintah adalah hilangnya potensi pajak. Pemerintah Indonesia sedang melakukan proses renegosiasi tax treaty dengan pihak Jepang. Tahap renegosiasi sudah sampai pada tahap perundingan. Pasal mengenai BUT salah satu pasal yang sedang dibahas secara mendalam.

This research discusses the limitation provisions of Permanent Establishment (PE) activities for the provision of services to the tax treaty between Indonesia and Japan. The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze the advantages and disadvantages that have been acquired by the Government of Indonesia and the steps to be taken by the Government in connection with the tax treaty that has been effective for 30 years. The approach used in this research is descriptive qualitative approach. The results of this study is the profit made by the government to increase investment, human resources, export and provision of services. While the losses were obtained by the government is the potential loss of tax. The Indonesian government is in the process renegotiate tax treaty with Japan. Renegotiation stage has reached the stage of negotiations. BUT article about one of the articles that are being discussed in depth."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vala Febrianty Aulianaildy
"Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis proses perumusan penurunan dividen dan suku bunga dalam tax treaty Indonesia-Belanda efektif 1 Oktober 2017. Di era globalisasi saat ini, semakin banyak transaksi antar negara atau transaksi lintas batas dengan semakin meluasnya Terjadinya transaksi lintas batas akan menyebabkan munculnya penanaman modal asing langsung (FDI) di Indonesia. Banyaknya FDI yang masuk ke Indonesia mengakibatkan terjalinnya hubungan kerjasama antar negara lain, dengan adanya kerjasama antar negara yang menyebabkan terjadinya transaksi antar negara, subjek pajak suatu negara akan mendapatkan pemasukan dari negara lain. Dengan adanya penghasilan tersebut maka perlu diatur hak-hak perpajakannya agar tidak timbul pajak berganda. P3B Indonesia-Belanda berlaku efektif sejak 1 Januari 2004 dan kini telah diubah dengan P3B Indonesia-Belanda efektif sejak 1 Oktober 2017. Dengan dilakukannya perubahan tersebut, juga terdapat perubahan beberapa ketentuan di dalamnya. Ketentuan yang mengalami perubahan adalah ketentuan tarif mengenai dividen dan bunga. Konsep yang digunakan meliputi perumusan kebijakan publik, tahapan perumusan kebijakan, tax treaty, passive income. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan studi lapangan dan dokumen. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam proses perumusan perubahan tingkat dividen bunga dalam tax treaty Indonesia-Belanda masih belum memenuhi semua tahapan kebijakan publik yang ada.

This thesis aims to analyze the process of formulating a reduction in dividends and interest rates in the Indonesia-Netherlands tax treaty effective October 1, 2017. In the current era of globalization, more and more transactions between countries or cross-border transactions with the increasingly widespread occurrence of cross-border transactions will lead to the emergence of investment. foreign direct investment (FDI) in Indonesia. The large number of FDI that enters Indonesia results in the establishment of cooperative relations between other countries, with cooperation between countries that causes transactions between countries, tax subjects of a country will receive income from other countries. With this income, it is necessary to regulate the taxation rights so that double taxation does not arise. The Indonesia-Dutch Tax Treaty has been effective since January 1, 2004 and has now been amended with the Indonesia-Netherlands Tax Treaty effective October 1, 2017. With the amendment, there are also changes to several provisions in it. The provisions that have changed are the tariff provisions regarding dividends and interest. The concepts used include the formulation of public policies, stages of policy formulation, tax treaty, passive income. This research uses a qualitative approach with field studies and documents. The results of this study indicate that in the process of formulating changes in the interest dividend rate in the Indonesia-Netherlands tax treaty, all existing public policy stages have not met."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Silalahi, Gabriel Muara Thobias
"Ketentuan reduced rate yang berlaku dalam tax treaty berlaku khusus terhadap pengenaan Branch Profit Tax (BPT) pada UU PPh berdasarkan asas lex specialis derogat legi generali. Namun, dalam praktiknya kerap terjadi sengketa mengenai penerapan reduced rate yang dilakukan oleh kontraktor migas, alasannya karena penerapan reduced rate dianggap mengakibatkan ketentuan bagi hasil yang tercantum dalam Production Sharing Contract (PSC) menjadi tidak terpenuhi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kedudukan tax treaty dengan PSC agar mengetahui ketentuan mana yang harus diacu pada penyelesaian sengketa BPT Bentuk Usaha Tetap hulu migas dan mengetahui desain bagi hasil yang menciptakan kepastian hukum dalam pengenaan BPT. Metode penelitian yang digunakan berupa pendekatan kualitatif dengan melakukan studi literatur dan studi lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karena ketentuan perpajakan dalam PSC dikembalikan kepada UU PPh yang berlaku, maka ketentuan tax treaty dapat diterapkan dalam PSC berdasarkan Pasal 32A UU PPh, lalu untuk menciptakan kepastian hukum diperlukan penegasan terkait penggunaan tax treaty dalam ketentuan PSC.

Reduced rate provisions in tax treaty are applicable to the imposition of Branch Profit Tax (BPT) of the Income Tax Law based on the lex specialis derogat legi generali principle. However, in practice there are often tax disputes regarding the application of reduced rates towards BPT by oil and gas contractors because the implementation of reduced rates is presumed to result in the non-fulfillment of the production sharing provisions stated in the Production Sharing Contract (PSC). This study aims to analyze the comparison of legal position between tax treaty and PSC in order to find out which provisions should be referred to in the dispute resolution of BPT imposition towards oil and gas Permanent Establishments and to know the production sharing design that creates legal certainty in BPT imposition. The research method used is a qualitative approach by conducting literature studies and field studies. The result of this research indicates that because tax provisions in the PSC are based on the prevailing Income Tax Law, therefore tax treaty provisions can be applied toward PSC based on Article 32A of the Income Tax Law, and then to create legal certainty it is necessary to affirm in the PSC clauses the use of tax treaty provisions."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sinaga, Efraint Pangondian
"Penelitian ini membahas permasalahan mengenai pengenaan pajak penghasilan terhadap badan asing pada bentuk usaha tetap (BUT) melalui penerapan persetujuan penghindaran pajak berganda (P3B) di Indonesia. Undang-undang pajak penghasilan memberlakukan pembedaan tarif antara badan usaha asing berbentuk BUT dan badan usaha asing yang tidak berbentuk BUT. Pada umumnya kegiatan atau usaha yang dijalankan oleh subjek pajak luar negeri di Indonesia sering memicu terjadinya pengenaan pajak berganda oleh negara sumber maupun negara domisili subjek pajak luar negeri. Oleh karena itu penulis hendak menganalisis mengenai keberadaan BUT dalam peraturan perpajakan di Indonesia serta penerapan P3B di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis-normatif, yakni penelitian kepustakaan yang dilakukan terhadap aturan-aturan hukum tertulis maupun tidak tertulis dengan tipe penelitian deskriptif. Simpulan yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah pemajakan terhadap BUT menurut UU PPh bisa didasarkan pada tarif tertentu sebagaimana yang telah diatur dalam Keputusan Menteri Keuangan dan tarif umum Pasal 17 dan 23 UU PPh. Namun terhadap kegiatan usaha yang belum memenuhi syarat BUT maka pemajakannya mengacu kepada Pasal 26 UU PPh serta kewajiban perpajakannya menjadi tanggung jawab subjek pajak dalam negeri yang membayarkan penghasilan kepada subjek pajak luar negeri. Selanjutnya melalui keberadaan P3B bertujuan untuk memitigasi pajak berganda dengan menyelaraskan definisi pajak, menetapkan basis pajak, menetapkan hak pemajakan, dan mengatur mekanisme yang akan digunakan untuk menghilangkan pajak berganda dengan melalui metode unilateral dan multilateral. P3B yang disepakati mengacu pada aturan perjanjian yang berkembang didunia saat ini yakni UN Model dan OECD Model.

This research discusses issues regarding to the imposition of income tax on foreign entities in the permanent establishment (PE) through the application of the double taxation avoidance agreement (tax treaty). The law of tax income applies a tariff distinction between foreign business entities in the form of PE and foreign business entities that are not in the form of PE. In general, activities or businesses carried out by foreign tax subjects in Indonesia often trigger the occurrence of double taxation by the source country or the domicile country of the foreign tax subject. Therefore, the author wants to analyze the existence of PE in tax regulations in Indonesia and the application of tax treaty in Indonesia. This research uses a juridical-normative research method, named library research conducted on written and unwritten legal rules with descriptive research type. The conclusions obtained from this research are taxation of permanent establishment according to the Income Tax Law in Indonesia can be based on certain tariffs as stipulated in the Decree of the Minister of Finance and general tariffs Article 17 and 23 of the Income Tax Law. However, for business activities that do not meet the PE requirements, the taxation refers to Article 26 of the Income Tax Law and the tax obligations are the responsibility of domestic tax subjects who pay income to foreign tax subjects. Furthermore, the existence of the tax treaty aims to mitigate double taxation by harmonizing the tax definition, establishing a tax base, determining taxation rights, and regulating the mechanism that will be used to eliminate double taxation through unilateral and multilateral methods. The agreement of tax treaty refers to the agreement rules that are developing in the world today, namely the UN Model and OECD Model.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wika Maharisa
"Khusus untuk Bentuk Usaha Tetap (BUT) di Indonesia dikenakan pajak atas sisa laba setelah pajak yang diatur dalam UU PPh Pasal 26 ayat (4) atau biasa disebut dengan Branch Profit Tax (BPT). Menjadi pertanyaan bagaimana penghitungan BPT untuk BUT yang atas penghasilannya dikenakan final, salah satunya adalah yang menjalankan usaha konstruksi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana penghitungan Pajak Penghasilan (PPh) Badan dan BPT atas BUT yang menjalankan usaha jasa konstruksi. Dari studi kasus terhadap beberapa Putusan Pengadilan Pajak terkait sengketa penghitungan BPT sehubungan dengan penghitungan dasar pengenaan pajaknya, terdapat perbedaan pendapat antara Direktorat Jenderal Pajak (DJP) di satu sisi dengan Wajib Pajak dan Majelis Hakim di sisi lain. DJP berpendapat bahwa penghitungan BPT untuk BUT yang menjalankan usaha jasa konstruksi adalah berdasarkan Penghasilan Kena Pajak menurut pembukuan setelah dikoreksi fiskal dikurangi PPh Final, sedangkan Wajib Pajak dan Majelis Hakim beranggapan bahwa penghitungan Penghasilan Kena Pajak adalah menggunakan Norma Penghasilan Neto dikurangi PPh Final. Analisis perlakuan perpajakan atas penghitungan BPT tersebut dilakukan dengan menganalisis pendapat yang dikemukakan masing-masing pihak pada tiga contoh kasus yang diambil dalam penulisan ini. Dari hasil analisis menunjukkan atas PPh Badan dari BUT yang menjalankan usaha jasa konstruksi adalah dikenakan final menurut PPh Pasal 4 ayat (2) dan untuk penghitungan BPT adalah dengan menggunakan Norma Penghasilan Neto sesuai dengan Pasal 26 ayat (4) UU PPh dikurangi PPh Final.

Permanent Establishment (PE) in Indonesia is imposed tax for the income after tax that regulated in the Income Tax Act Article 26 Paragraph (4) or commonly called the Branch Profit Tax (BPT). The question is how the BPT calculations for PE on income subjected to the final tax, one of which is running business of the construction services. The purpose of this study was to determine how the calculations of the Corporate Income Tax and the BPT of PE which runs business of construction services are. From the case studies of several Tax Court Decisions related dispute of BPT calculation with respect to the calculation of its taxable base, there are differences of opinions between the Directorate General of Taxation (DGT) on one side with the Taxpayers and the Judges on the other side. DGT found that the taxable income for BPT calculation for PE which running business of construction services is based on the bookkeeping after fiscal correction and deducted by Final Income Tax, while the Taxpayers and the Judges argued that the calculation of taxable income is using deemed profit deducted by Final Income Tax. Analysis of the tax treatment on BPT calculation is done by analyzing the opinions expressed on each side of three case examples taken in this research. The results from the analysis indicate that the Corporate Income Tax of PE which runs business of construction services is subjected to Final Income Tax under Income Tax Act Article 4 paragraph (2) and for the calculation of BPT is using deemed profit deducted by Final Income Tax in accordance with Article 26, paragraph (4) of Income Tax Act."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amanda Salsabila
"Pengadilan Pajak merupakan lembaga yang memiliki kewenangan dalam memutus perkara terkait sengketa pajak dan menjalankan fungsi perlindungan hukum bagi Wajib Pajak yang mencari keadilan di bidang perpajakan. Namun, fenomena yang terjadi hingga saat ini bahwa disparitas putusan Pengadilan Pajak atas kasus serupa masih sering terjadi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis alasan terjadinya perbedaan dan kepastian hukum pada putusan banding yang dikeluarkan oleh Pengadilan Pajak atas sengketa Branch Profit Tax BUT migas dengan mengambil dua putusan Pengadilan Pajak BUT X No. PUT-108978.36/2011/PP/M.XVIB Tahun 2019 dan PUT- 006362.36/2018/PP/M.IA Tahun 2020. Metode penelitian yang digunakan berupa pendekatan kualitatif dengan melakukan studi literatur dan studi lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan yang terjadi pada kedua putusan tersebut disebabkan oleh perbedaan interpretasi Hakim dalam memahami konsep bagi hasil yang tertera dalam Production Sharing Contract Sanga Sanga serta pemanfaatan tax treaty dalam menetapkan tarif Branch Profit Tax dan kepastian hukum dari putusan tersebut masih belum terpenuhi baik dari sisi konsistensi putusan dan belum didasarkan pada ketentuan hukum yang jelas.

The Tax Court is an institution that has the authority to decide cases related to tax disputes and carries out the function of legal protection for taxpayers seeking justice in the taxation sector. However, the phenomenon that has occurred up to now is that the disparity of court decisions on similar cases is still common. This study aims to analyze the reasons for the differences and the law in the appeal decision issued by the Tax Court on the Profit Tax dispute of the BUT Oil and Gas Branch by taking two decisions of the BUT X Tax Court No. PUT-108978.36/2011/PP/M.XVIB Year 2019 and PUT- 006362.36/2018/PP/M.IA Year 2020. The research method used is a qualitative approach by conducting literature studies and field studies. The results of the study indicate that the differences between the two decisions are caused by differences in the interpretation of the judge in understanding the concept of profit sharing stated in the Production Sharing Contract Sanga Sanga and the use of tax treaties in setting the Branch Profit Tax rate and the legal certainty of the decision has not been fulfilled either from in terms of consistency of decisions and not yet based on clear legal provisions."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andy Syah Putra Kho
"Perhitungan branch profit tax (BPT) untuk BUT Usaha Jasa Konstruksi dilakukan berdasarkan pembukuan yang sudah dikoreksi fiskal. Terdapat ambiguitas di dalam pelaksanaan perhitungan dasar pengenaan branch profit tax tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dasar pengenaan branch profit tax BUT usaha jasa konstruksi ditinjau dari asas certainty. Penelitian ini juga melakukan analisis di dalam penerapan dasar penganaan branch profit tax pada BUT X. Hasil dari penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa kepastian hukum atas kepastian subjek dan objek telah terpenuhi dalam pengenaan branch profit tax BUT usaha jasa konstruksi. Namun kepastian hukum dalam dasar pengenaan branch profit tax BUT usaha jasa konstruksi masih belum terpenuhi karena menimbulkan ambiguitas. Diperlukan aturan khusus dan aturan pelaksanaan perhitungan branch profit tax terhadap BUT usaha jasa konstruksi.

Branch profit tax (BPT) calculation on construction service permanent establishment should be calculated based on accounting method and fiscal correction. There is an issue of ambiguity in implementation of branch profit tax base for construction service permanent establishment. This research use qualitative approach. This research aims to analyze branch profit tax base onconstruction service permanent establishment in tems of certeinty principle. This research also analyze implementation of branch profit tax base on BUT X. The result of this research shows that certainty principle has been fulfilled on tax subjct and tax object. However, the policy has not fulfilled the certainty principle in implementation of branch profit tax base. The government should regulate special policy or implementation instruction to impelementate branch profit tax calculation on construction service permanent establishment."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ayu Hapsari Prabanto
"Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis apakah Peraturan Direktur Jenderal Pajak Nomor 10/PJ/2017 merupakan bentuk dari tax treaty override atau tidak dan kendala apa saja yang timbul dalam penerapan P3B berdasarkan peraturan tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik analisis data kualitatif. Secara legislatif, PER-10/2017 adalah tax treaty override karena ketentuan yang mewajibkan WP untuk menyampaikan Surat Keterangan Domisili SKD bertentangan dengan ketentuan pada P3B, sedangkan secara yudisial tax treaty override tidak terjadi. Terdapat tiga kelompok kendala dalam penerapan P3B berdasarkan PER-10/2017, yaitu kendala dalam penerbitan SKD, kendala dalam pengembalian pajak lebih bayar kepada WP, dan kendala berupa ketidakpatuhan WP. Untuk mengatasi tax treaty override secara legislatif, pemerintah disarankan untuk meninjau kembali ketentuan yang mewajibkan penyampaian SKD, melakukan sosialisasi secara berkala kepada pihak KPP, dan mengeluarkan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan terkait penerapan P3B untuk mengisi kekosongan peraturan penerapan P3B. Untuk mengatasi kendala penerapan P3B berdasarkan PER-10/2017, yang disarankan untuk dilakukan antara lain adalah untuk meninjau kembali ketentuan yang mewajibkan penyampaian SKD, meningkatkan sosialisasi kepada withholder terkait kewajiban menyampaikan SKD, peningkatan koordinasi dengan negara lain mengenai informasi status residen WPLN oleh pemerintah, melengkapi PMK 187/2015 dengan ketentuan batasan waktu, dan peningkatan kuantitas dan kualitas pemeriksa.

This thesis aims to analyse whether Directorat General of Tax Rule Number 10 PJ 2017 is a form of tax treaty override and what problems arise from tax treaty application based of PER 10 2017. The research method used in this study is descriptive qualitative. Legislatively, PER 10 2017 is a tax treaty override because the provision in it that requires tax payers to submit Certificate of Domicile COD contradicts with provisions in tax treaty, yet judicially there are not tax treaty override. There are three groups of obstacles in treaty application based on PER 10 2017, which are obstacles in COD Publishing, tax refund, and noncompliance by tax payers. To resolve legislative tax treaty override, it is advised that the government review the provision about submitting COD, socialize periodically to tax offices, and to publish a Regulation of Ministry of Finance to fill in the policy about tax treaty application. To resolve obstacles in tax treaty application based on PER 10 2017, what is suggested to be done is for the government to improve socialization to withholders about the obligation to submit COD, improve coordination with other countries about residency of tax payers, add a provision about time limits in PMK 187 2015, improve the quantity and quality of auditors, and make tax treaty application more strict in order to make sure that tax payers apply the provisions in tax treaty as is. "
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Related to economic globalization era, many big scale companies make decision to hold their business in other countries. Indonesia as developing country also includes the nation actively conducts their efforts to attract investors. As the consequences of the business, many big scale companies develop their business in Indonesia. The form of business activities that many conducted by the big scale companies is branch (permanent establishment).
The income tax on the permanent establishment ("PE") operation actually represent great potential tax object, but the enforcement on its tax imposition still has not optimal yet. Therefore, the loss of fiscal potential contained in each BUT activity should be anticipated by Directorate General of Taxation by formulating the efforts that may be conducted by the Directorate General of Taxation in supporting the optimization of the income tax revenue on this PE. Moreover, the hindrances facing the tax imposition on this PE revenue should be identified carefully in order to seek the proper handling efforts.
The determination of the profit amount on the companies will be fit with the actual condition and is not conducted hypothetically if carried in resident country. However, in case the business is conducted in the source country, its consequences that the source country also requires the cost in order that the business may operate. Therefore, the source country also should be given the taxing right on the business income gained by PE in the source country. How far the taxing right of the source country on the income from its region is determined by some criterion. The main criteria of PE is a "fixed place of business", namely there is a permanent place to conduct the business activities in the source country.
The purpose of this thesis is to describe the treatment of income tax imposition on PE in Indonesia, arising issues and efforts that may be conducted by the Directorate General of Taxation in order that the collection of income tax on PE is more optimum.
The used research method in this thesis writing is descriptive analytical method. The research was conducted through interviews with some tax official and tax officers, tax consultants, taxpayers and the potential taxpayers. The document investigation was conducted based on the scientific works and the tax regulations either based on the law, its implementation terms, or terms contained in tax treaties.
Based on the research conducted in the field it was known that Badora Tax. Office had no sufficient capabilities to be able to identify BUT especially for the activity type of service provider. The difficulty to detect PE existence of the activity type of service provider also can not separated by the existing weaknesses in Badora Tax Office it self.
From analysis result was obtained conclusion that activity type of activity type of service provider actually represents the very potential tax object, but it was not explored optimally, as hindered by the low understanding especially concerning international tax (especially on PE) and the minimum English language ability in the tax officers, and the limited staff fully understanding the type of business of each PE taxpayer.
On the above conclusion, that it is suggested to improve the English language capability and the understanding on the international tax knowledge, it is better to hold the special education periodically and in sustainable way."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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