"[Asam galat merupakan zat polifenol dengan kemampuan sitotoksik. Studi
sebelumnya menunjukkan turunan asam galat mampu menghambat pertumbuhan
sel kanker. Sampai saat ini, belum banyak studi yang mempelajari turunan alkil
ester galat dan turunan metoksi galat terhadap pertumbuhan kanker kolon. Tujuan
dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui aktivitas sitotoksik turunan alkil ester
galat dan metoksi galat pada sel kanker kolon. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan
desain eksperimental secara in vitro. Kemampuan sitotoksik asam galat dan
turunannya diuji pada sel HCT116 (sel kanker kolon) dengan menggunakan MTS
assay. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis untuk mendapatkan IC50 setiap
senyawa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan modifikasi asam galat menjadi senyawa
metil galat, propil galat, butil galat, t-butil galat, amil galat, oktil galat dan ketiga
turunan metoksi galat tidak menunjukkan peningkatan aktivitas sitotoksik dengan
peningkatan konsentrasi yang diuji. Dari semua senyawa yang memiliki
kecenderungan menghambat, heptil galat memiliki aktivitas yang paling baik.
Disimpulkan, metil galat, propil galat, butil galat, t-butil galat, amil galat, dan oktil
galat merupakan turunan alkil galat yang tidak aktif. Etil galat, isobutil galat,
isoamil galat, dan heptil galat merupakan turunan alkil galat yang memiliki aktivitas
sitotoksik pada sel kanker kolon. Ketiga tur;Gallic acid is a polyphenol with anticancer activity. Previous studies had shown that
the derivatives of gallic acid had cytotoxic activity in cancer cell. To date, few
studies evaluated the activity of alkyl ester derivatives of gallic acid and methoxy
derivatives of gallic acid in colon cancer cell. The objective of this study was to
examine the cytotoxic activity of alkyl ester derivatives and methoxy derivatives of
gallic acid in colon cancer cell. This study was conducted in in-vitro study in
HCT116 colon cancer cell. Cytotoxic activity of gallic acid and its derivatives were
evaluated in HCT116 colon cancer cell using MTS (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-
5-(3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium) assay. Data from
this experiment was analyzed to obtain IC50 of each compound. The result showed
that modification of gallic acid to methyl gallate, propyl gallate, butyl gallat, t-butyl
gallate, pentyl gallate, octyl gallate and three methoxy derivatives of gallic acid did
not increase cytotoxic activity in all concentrations tested. Among all derivatives of
gallic acid, heptyl gallate has the best cytotoxic activity. In conclusion, methyl
gallate, propyl gallate, butyl gallate, t-butyl gallate, pentyl gallate, and octyl gallate
are alkyl ester derivatives of gallic acid with no cytotoxic activity. Ethyl gallate,
isobutyl gallate, isopentyl gallate, and heptyl gallate are active derivatives of gallic
acid. All methoxy derivatives of gallic acid do not show any cytotoxic activity in
colon cancer cell.;Gallic acid is a polyphenol with anticancer activity. Previous studies had shown that
the derivatives of gallic acid had cytotoxic activity in cancer cell. To date, few
studies evaluated the activity of alkyl ester derivatives of gallic acid and methoxy
derivatives of gallic acid in colon cancer cell. The objective of this study was to
examine the cytotoxic activity of alkyl ester derivatives and methoxy derivatives of
gallic acid in colon cancer cell. This study was conducted in in-vitro study in
HCT116 colon cancer cell. Cytotoxic activity of gallic acid and its derivatives were
evaluated in HCT116 colon cancer cell using MTS (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-
5-(3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium) assay. Data from
this experiment was analyzed to obtain IC50 of each compound. The result showed
that modification of gallic acid to methyl gallate, propyl gallate, butyl gallat, t-butyl
gallate, pentyl gallate, octyl gallate and three methoxy derivatives of gallic acid did
not increase cytotoxic activity in all concentrations tested. Among all derivatives of
gallic acid, heptyl gallate has the best cytotoxic activity. In conclusion, methyl
gallate, propyl gallate, butyl gallate, t-butyl gallate, pentyl gallate, and octyl gallate
are alkyl ester derivatives of gallic acid with no cytotoxic activity. Ethyl gallate,
isobutyl gallate, isopentyl gallate, and heptyl gallate are active derivatives of gallic
acid. All methoxy derivatives of gallic acid do not show any cytotoxic activity in
colon cancer cell., Gallic acid is a polyphenol with anticancer activity. Previous studies had shown that
the derivatives of gallic acid had cytotoxic activity in cancer cell. To date, few
studies evaluated the activity of alkyl ester derivatives of gallic acid and methoxy
derivatives of gallic acid in colon cancer cell. The objective of this study was to
examine the cytotoxic activity of alkyl ester derivatives and methoxy derivatives of
gallic acid in colon cancer cell. This study was conducted in in-vitro study in
HCT116 colon cancer cell. Cytotoxic activity of gallic acid and its derivatives were
evaluated in HCT116 colon cancer cell using MTS (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-
5-(3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium) assay. Data from
this experiment was analyzed to obtain IC50 of each compound. The result showed
that modification of gallic acid to methyl gallate, propyl gallate, butyl gallat, t-butyl
gallate, pentyl gallate, octyl gallate and three methoxy derivatives of gallic acid did
not increase cytotoxic activity in all concentrations tested. Among all derivatives of
gallic acid, heptyl gallate has the best cytotoxic activity. In conclusion, methyl
gallate, propyl gallate, butyl gallate, t-butyl gallate, pentyl gallate, and octyl gallate
are alkyl ester derivatives of gallic acid with no cytotoxic activity. Ethyl gallate,
isobutyl gallate, isopentyl gallate, and heptyl gallate are active derivatives of gallic
acid. All methoxy derivatives of gallic acid do not show any cytotoxic activity in
colon cancer cell.]"