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Aries Susanty
"This study investigates the effect of the Brand Equity on the Customer Satisfaction and the Brand Loyalty of Starbucks
and Excelso coffee shops’ customers. Starbucks is the strongest competitor of Excelso. Data used in this study was
primary data which were collected through closed questionnaires with 1-5 Likert scale. A sample of this study was 270
respondents; 135 respondents for each brand. The study used Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) operated by LISREL
program to analyze the hypothesis. The results of this study showed that The Physical Quality, the Ideal Self-Congruence,
and the Lifestyle Congruence have a positive and significant impact on the Customer Satisfaction on Excelso and Starbucks.
Staff behaviour only have a positive and significant impact on the Customer Satisfaction in the Excelso; whereas,
brand identification only have a positive and significant impact on the Customer Satisfaction in the Starbucks. However,
in both of coffee shop brand, the Consumer Satisfaction have a positive and significant impact on the Brand Loyalty."
[Place of publication not identified]: Management Research Center (MRC) Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia and Philip Kotler Center, 2015
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aries Susanty
"This study investigates the effect of the Brand Equity on the Customer Satisfaction and the Brand Loyalty of Starbucks and Excelso coffee shops' customers. Starbucks is the strongest competitor of Excelso. Data used in this study was primary data which were collected through closed questionnaires with 1-5 Likert scale. A sample of this study was 270 respondents; 135 respondents for each brand. The study used Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) operated by LISREL program to analyze the hypothesis. The results of this study showed that The Physical Quality, the Ideal Self-Congruence, and the Lifestyle Congruence have a positive and significant impact on the Customer Satisfaction on Excelso and Starbucks. Staff behaviour only have a positive and significant impact on the Customer Satisfaction in the Excelso; whereas, brand identification only have a positive and significant impact on the Customer Satisfaction in the Starbucks. However, in both of coffee shop brand, the Consumer Satisfaction have a positive and significant impact on the Brand Loyalty."
[Place of publication not identified]: Management Research Center (MRC) Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia and Philip Kotler Center, 2015
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aries Susanty
"This study investigates the effect of the Brand Equity on the Customer Satisfaction and the Brand Loyalty of Starbucks
and Excelso coffee shops’ customers. Starbucks is the strongest competitor of Excelso. Data used in this study was
primary data which were collected through closed questionnaires with 1-5 Likert scale. A sample of this study was 270
respondents; 135 respondents for each brand. The study used Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) operated by LISREL
program to analyze the hypothesis. The results of this study showed that The Physical Quality, the Ideal Self-Congruence,
and the Lifestyle Congruence have a positive and significant impact on the Customer Satisfaction on Excelso and Starbucks.
Staff behaviour only have a positive and significant impact on the Customer Satisfaction in the Excelso; whereas,
brand identification only have a positive and significant impact on the Customer Satisfaction in the Starbucks. However,
in both of coffee shop brand, the Consumer Satisfaction have a positive and significant impact on the Brand Loyalty.
Penelitian bertujuan menguji dampak brand equity terhadap customer satisfaction dan brand loyalty pada konsumen Kedai
Kopi Excelso dan Starbucks. Dalam hal ini, Excelso merupakan kompetitor terkuat dari Starbucks. Penelitian menggunakan data
primer yang dikumpulkan melalui pengisian kuesioner tertutup menggunakan skala Likert 1-5. Total responden yang menjadi
sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 270 orang; 135 orang diantaranya merupakan konsumen dari Excelso dan 135 orang merupakan
konsumen dari Starbucks. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) dan diolah dengan
bantuan Software LISREL. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa physical quality, ideal self-congruence, dan lifestyle congruence
merupakan faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh positif secara signifikan terhadap customer satisfaction di Excelso dan Starbucks. Staff
behaviour hanya memiliki pengaruh positif secara signifikan terhadap customer satisfaction di Excelso; adapun brand identification
hanya memiliki pengaruh positif secara signifikan terhadap customer satisfaction di Starbucks. Baik di Excelso maupun di Starbucks,
customer satisfaction memiliki pengaruh positif secara signifikan terhadap brand loyalty."
Management Research Center (MRC) Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia and Philip Kotler Center, 2015
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Panjaitan, Jesly Yuriaty
"Starbucks juga terkenal dengan strategi pemasaran pengalamannya. Karena kendala akses ke manajemen Starbucks, ruang lingkup studi juga terbatas pada perspektif pelanggan, bukan perspektif karyawan yang secara eksplisit menyatakan keengganan mereka untuk membantu penelitian ini. Starbucks mengharapkan pengalaman pelanggan yang sangat baik kepada pelanggan. Pengalaman pelanggannya terkait dengan kualitas layanan dari barista. Jika pengalaman pelanggan dan kualitas layanan sudah cukup baik, loyalitas merek dapat ditingkatkan. Namun demikian, Starbucks Indonesia gagal menerapkan experiential marketing. Di antara pesaingnya, Starbucks Indonesia berada di posisi ke-5. (Taufik Hidayat, 2007). Dengan demikian, penelitian ini telah dilakukan survei, namun cakupannya diperluas ke Customer Experience, Service Quality dan Brand Loyalty. Studi ini menyimpulkan bahwa Starbucks Coffee Indonesia tidak dapat menjadikan kedai kopi sebagai tempat ketiga setelah rumah dan tempat kerja seperti yang diharapkan Starbucks. (Schultz dan Dori Jones Yang, 2002)
Starbucks is also famous on its experiential marketing strategy. Due to the access constraint to Starbucks management, the scope of study is also limited to customer perspective instead of employee perspective who explicitly stated their reluctance to assist this study. Starbucks expects excellent customer experience to customer. Its customer experience is related with service quality from barista. If the customer experience and service quality has been good enough, the brand loyalty could be enhanced. Nevertheless, Starbucks Indonesia has been failed to implement the experiential marketing. Among its competitor, Starbucks Indonesia has been in 5th place. (Taufik Hidayat, 2007). Thus, this study has been performed survey, however, the scope has been enlarged to Customer Experience, Service Quality and Brand Loyalty. The study concludes that Starbucks Coffee Indonesia could not provide coffee shop to be the third place after home and work as Starbucks has been expected. (Schultz and Dori Jones Yang, 2002)."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Damanik, Laura Rosemarie
"Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui pengaruh antara kepribadian merek terhadap loyalitas merek dimediasi oleh kepuasan pelanggan Starbucks Margo City Depok. Penilitian ini menggunakan data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer didapat dengan menggunakan metode survey yaitu kuesioner. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah pelanggan Starbucks Margo City yang telah membeli antara makanan, minuman atau produk sebanyak tiga kali dalam tiga bulan terakhir. Data dianalisis menggunakan tabel frekuensi, path analysis dan uji sobel dengan SPSS 20.
Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa empat dimensi kepribadian merek, yaitu sincerity, competence, sophistication dan ruggedness, memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan. Sedangkan dimensi excitement tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap kepuasan pelanggan. Variabel kepuasan pelanggan juga memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap loyalitas merek. Hasil uji sobel juga membuktikan bahwa kepribadian merek berpengaruh terhadap loyalitas merek dimediasi kepuasan pelanggan. Kedepannya hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai bahan evaluasi terhadap sistem pemasaran Starbucks, yaitu dalam meningkatkan loyalitas merek salah satunya melalui kepribadian merek.

The purpose of this research is to understand the impact of brand personality on brand loyalty mediated by customer satisfaction on customer of Starbucks Margo City Depok. The researcher has done the research on the basis of primary and secondary data. Primary data is collected by surveys method using questionnaire. The sample of this research is Starbucks Margo City rsquo s customer who have bought either food, drink or product three times at last three month. Data was analyzed using frequency table, path anlysis and sobel test on SPSS 20.
The result of this study is four dimensions of brand personality, sincerity, competence, sophistication and ruggedess, have significant impact to customer satisfaction. Whereas dimension excitement didn rsquo t have an impact on customer satisfaction. Variable customer satisfaction has a significat impact on brand loyalty. The result of sobel test proved the impact of brand personality on brand loyalty mediated by customer satisfaction. On the future the result of this study can be used as an evaluation for marketing system of Starbucks, that is to increase brand loyalty on of them through brand personality.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indri Seskjuai Kustjiptafelia
"Saat ini bisnis kafe tumbuh pesat terutama di kota besar. Hanya kurang dari 5 tahun sejak Starbucks pertama dibuka di Indonesia, kebiasaan konsumen SES AB dalam mengunjungi kafe berkembang dengan sangat pesat. Fungsi kale tidak lagi seperti 5 tahun yang lalu, saat ini kafe lebih cenderung kearah tempat tujuan ketiga setelah rumah dan kantor, dimana konsumen tidak sekedar datang untuk minum kopi tetapi juga sebagai tempat untuk berbisnis, bertemu teman dan relasi, atau sebagai tempat beristirahat seteiah mengalami kelelahan. Kale sudah merupakan gaya hidup di kaiangan masyarakat urban khususnya mereka yang berasal dari SES AB, yang mau menyisihkan uangnya yang tidak sedikit untuk sekedar mampir ke kafe.
Melihat semakin meningkatnya permintaan akan kafe, tidak mengherankan jika semakin hail semakin banyak kafe yang mencoba beroperasi, baik itu kafe lokal maupun kafe yang merupakan merek asing yang mencoba peruntungannya di Indonesia. Salah satu kafe yang paling pesat perkembangannya adalah Starbucks, saat ini Starbucks telah membuka 49 gerai kafe yang tersebar di 6 kota besar di Indonesia. Starbucks yang memiliki reputasi kuat di tingkat internasional berhasil menunjukkan kekuatan mereknya di Indonesia, hal ini tentu saja tidak terlepas dari strategi pemasaran yang dilakukannya.
Karya akhir ini bertujuan untuk melihat kekuatan merek Starbucks dibandingkan dengan 5 kompetitor utamanya di Indonesia. Tiga tujuan utama yang akan digali melalui karya akhir ini yaitu, tujuan yang pertama ialah melihat faktorfaktor pembangun brand equity, terutama pada variabel perceived quality dan brand association, tujuan kedua ialah menghitung brand equity dari 6 pemain utama dalam bisnis ini menggunakan metode Customer Based Brand Equity (CBBE). Sedangkan tujuan yang terakhir adalah met ihat segmentasi dari konsumen kafe.
Karya akhir ini menggunakan metode eksploratory untuk mencari bahan rujukan dari berbagai sumber agar dapat mendalami permasalahan yang akan diteliti dan deskriptif yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan basil dari penelitian secara terstruktur dan sistematis. Tahap pengumpulan data melalui 3 tahap yaitu pertama tahap kualitatif menggunakan indepth interview yang bertujuan untuk menggali informasi yang iebih mendalam mengenai profit orang-orang yang biasa mengunjungi kafe, kebiasaan mereka dalam mengunjungi kale dan menggali informasi mengenai atribut yang melekat dengan kafe. Informasi ini kemudian akan dipakai untuk membangun kuesioner yang akan digunakan pada tahap kedua, yaitu tahap kuantitatif. Pada tahap ini 100 responden yang merupakan target market dari Starbucks dipilih sebagai sample menggunakan Non probability sampling, analisa dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik validitas dan realibilitas, means, weighting, cross tabulation dan Brand Map®. Selanjutnya tahap ketiga merupakan tahap kualitatif mengunakan indept interview yang bertujuan untuk menentukan segmentasi dari konsumen kafe.
Dari basil analisa riset pemasaran yang dibantu dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak SPSS versi 13,0 dan Brand Map® diperoleh beberapa temuan penting. Bahwa atribut pembentuk perceived quality adalah; rasa kopi yang nikmat, kopi terbaik, makanannya enak, pegawainya cepat, pegawai ramah dan tabu produk, penampilan pegawai menarik, pesanan sesuai dengan yang dipesan, selalu bersih dan rapi, dan memiliki jam buka yang sesuai. Sedangkan atribut pembentuk brand image ialah: lokasi strategis, layout dan kursi yang nyaman, membuat betah berlama-lama, suasana nyaman dan tidak ramai, musiknya enak, memiliki area smoking terpisah, bisa memesan sesuai sclera, tersedia minuman lain, harganya sesuai, tersedia wvi-fr, dan menunjukkan status.
Dalam penghitungan CBBE, nilai tertinggi di antara 6 kafe yang diteliti ternyata ditempati oleh Starbucks, dengan nilai yang sangat jauh meninggalkan pesaing-pesaingnya. Untuk urutan selanjutnya secara berurutan ditempati oleh Coffee Bean, Bakoel Koine, Oh la Ia, Excelso, dan Gloria Jeans. Sementara dari basil analisa Brand Map® tampak bahwa Starbucks bersaing ketat dengan Coffee Bean, Bakoel Koffie bersaing dengan Gloria Jeans dan Excelso, sementara Oh La La tidak memiliki kompetitor terdekat. Sementara kafe yang memberikan Iayanan kopi terbaik dengan rasa kopi nikmat dan menyediakan musik yang enak masih merupakan posisi yang belum diisi oleh 6 pemain utama di bisnis ini.
Adapun dalam analisa segmentasi didapat 4 segmen konsumen kafe yaitu: hedonis yang mewakili konsumen yang mengunjungi kafe untuk bertemu dengan teman-temannya, si pekerja dengan memindahkan kegiatan kantornya ke kafe, coffee lovers yang mencari kenikmatan meminum kopi, dan si sibuk yang ingin menyegarkan tubuhnya tanpa perlu menghabiskan banyak waktu.
Hasil dari penelitian karya akhir ini memberikan beberapa pengetahuan balk bagi pelaku bisnis yang bergerak dalam bidang kafe, bagi peneliti, masyarakat umum dan akademisi. Bagi pelaku bisnis tentu saja dapat mendapatkan informasi mengenai atribut yang berpengaruh untuk memperkuat merek mereka yang pada akhirnya dapat tetap eksis pada industii yang berhubungan dengan gaya hidup, yang biasanya cepat berubah. Bagi peneliti, karya akhir ini membuat pengetahuan akan kekuatan sebuah merek bertambah, sementara bagi masyarakat umum dan Para akademisi, hal dapat semakin memperjclas bahwa kekuatan merek dapat berpengaruh besar pads gaya hidup khususnya uniuk masyarakat kelas atas dengan melihat keberhasilan dari Starbucks yang daiam waktu singkat merubah kebiasaan konsumcn kelas atas daiam mengunjungi kafe.

Recently, the business of cafe is grow so fast in urban area. Within only less than 5 years since the Starbucks open firstly in Indonesia, the habit of consumer from in visiting the cafe grows so fast. The function of the cafe is not like five years ago, this time the cafe disposed to the third aim side after house and office, where the consumers not only come to drink coffee, but the cafe also as the business place, hang out with the friends and relation, or as the resting place after they feel tired. The cafe has already become a life style in urban community especially for the community from the SES AB, who are able to spend !heir much money for only come to the cafe.
Looking at the demand of cafe which growing faster; it is not course amazement if there are many cafes are operate in every days event it is the local cafe or the foreign brands which are tried their fortunes in Indonesia, one of the success cafe is Starbucks. Today Starbucks has opened 49 cafes in 6 major cities in Indonesia. Starbucks which has high reputation in the international level is success to present their brand strength in Indonesia, this point of course not released from their marketing strategies.
This study is to see the strength of Starbucks and compared with 5 main competitors in Indonesia. Three main purposes will be explained in this paper, they are. the first purposes is to see the building factors of brand equity, mainly on the perceived quality variable and brand association, the second purpose is counting the brand equity from 6 main players in this business using the Customer Based Brand Equity (CBBE) method And the last purpose is to find the segmentation of the cafe's consumer.
This paper is using exploratory method to looking for the reference material from many sources to deepen the problems that will be searched and the descriptive that will be used in explaining the result of the research structure and systematically. The step of data collecting used three phases they are : first phase, the qualitative used in-depth interview to reach the information about the people profiles that usually come to the cafe, their habitual in visiting the cafe and to get information about the adhere attribute of cafe. Then this information will be used for building up the questioner that will be used for the second step, the quantitative phase. For this phase a hundred respondent of the target market of Starbucks chosen as the sample using non probability sampling. Analysis in this research using the validity and reliability techniques, means, weighting, cross tabulation and Brand Map ®. The next, third phase is qualitative study using in-dept interview for the purposes to determine segmentation from cafe consumer.
From the result of the marketing analysis research which is helped by using soft equipments SPSS verse 13.0 and Brand Map ® achieved many important finding. Attribute of perceived quality are : the nice taste of coffee, best coffee, nice food, the fast employee, the friendly employee and know the product, the good performance, the order is same as ordered, always clean and neat, and has the suitable open time, while the attribute of brand image are strategies location, nice chair and layout, comfortable to stay long, comfortable situation, nice music, has separable smoking area, can order as the own taste, present another drink, the suitable price, present and showing the status.
In calculating CBBE, the highest rank between 6 analyzed cafe, in fact is occupied by Starbucks, with the highest rank leaved another competitor, the next rank queue by Coffee Been, Bakoel Koffie, Oh La La, Excelso, and Gloria Jeans.
While the brand map Cr7 result analysis shows that Starbucks 's main competitor is the Coffee Bean, Bakoel Koffe competitive with Gloria Jeans and & Celso, while Oh La La has not near competitor. While the cafe that give the best services with the nice taste coffee and present the nice music still as an opportunity since not be filled by another six main player in this business.
In the segmentation analysis there are 4 segment of cafe consumers, they are : Hedonis that represent consumer that visiting the cafe to hangout with the friends, the workers which moved their office activities to the cafe, coffee lovers that looking for the enjoyment to the coffee, and the busy man who wants to refresh their self without spend their much time.
The result of this work give some good know ledges for the business man who concentrate in the cafe side, for the writer, public community and the academics. For the business man of course can get the information about the attribute that influence for stressing them the final can be exists in life style industries, that usually can move vastly. For the researcher this last work make the knowledge to increase the strength of the brand, while for the public community and the academics, this points can resemble that the strength brand can be influenced in Iife style especially for SES AB community by seeing the successful of Starbucks which in the short time change high consumers habitual in visiting the cafe."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pradika Ferhan
"Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat sikap responden terhadap Starbucks sebagai suatu green brand yang berujung kepada perilaku loyalitas. Starbucks dijadikan studi kasus utama penelitian ini dengan alasan karena Starbucks merupakan salah satu brand coffeeshop yang paling gencar melakukan green movement. Penelitian ini menargetkan konsumen Starbucks yang tergolong loyal dan berdomisili di daerah Jabodetabek, dengan jumlah responden mencapai 391 orang.
Penelitian ini menggunakan berbagai macam variabel untuk diteliti, seperti utilitarian environmental benefits, warm glow benefits, dan green transparency sebagai tiga variabel independen utama yang memiliki pengaruh terhadap green perceived value konsumen, yang kemudian berdampak pada self-brand connection dan berujung pada brand loyalty.
Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah structural equation modeling agar dapat mengukur pengaruh hubungan variabel penelitian secara simultan. Setelah penelitian dilakukan, hasil menunjukkan bahwa ketiga variabel independen utama mempengaruhi green perceived value yang juga berperan sebagai mediasi antara ketiga variabel independen dengan brand loyalty melalui variabel self-brand connection.

The purpose of this study is to observe how respondent rsquo s attitude towards Starbucks as a green brand, and how it later influences their loyalty behaviors. This study focuses on Starbucks because it is one of the leading coffeeshop in terms of green movement and initiatives. This study targets Starbucks consumers who are considered loyal to the brand and who reside in Jabodetabek, with the total number of respondents up to 391.
There are various variables that are used in this study, such as utilitarian environmental benefits, warm glow benefits, and green transparency as the main independent variables which are considered to have an effect on green perceived value, which later on also influences self brand connection of Starbucks consumers , and ultimately affects the brand loyalty of their consumers.
This study uses structural equation modeling as its main methodology, as it is able to calculate the significance of every relationship simultaneously. This study results in the first three independent variables significantly affected green perceived value, in which it is also found to affect brand loyalty through self brand connection.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deepraj Kaur
Dalam ilmu perilaku konsumen, hal-hal yang dapat meningkatkan brand loyalty adalah brand affect, kepuasan konsumen, dan disconfirmation. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah konsumen lanjut usia di Indonesia lebih menggunakan afeksi atau kognisinya dalam meningkatkan brand loyalty apabila kepuasan mereka juga turut diperhatikan. Responden penelitian ini adalah lansia Indonesia N= 344 yang mengisi self-report kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepuasan konsumen merupakan mediator dalam hubungan brand affect terhadap brand loyalty. Namun demikian, disconfirmation tidak terbukti memengaruhi atau meningkatkan kesetiaan konsumen lansia. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa faktor afeksi pada konsumen lansia lebih berperan daripada faktor kognisi dalam mempengaruhi kesetian mereka menggunakan produk. Oleh karena itu, pemasar perlu mendesain produk yang tepat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen lansia sehingga mereka puas dan setia dalam menggunakan produk.

In consumer behaviour science, it is argued that brand affect, consumer satisfaction, and disconfirmation influence brand loyalty. This study aims to investigate whether brand affect predict brand loyalty in older adult consumers if the relationship is mediated by consumer satisfaction and moderated by disconfirmation. Therefore, we would like to know if older adult consumers are likely to use their affect or their cognitive to be loyal to a brand if their satisfaction is also measured. There were 344 older adult consumers participated in this study by filling in self report questionnaires. The results showed that consumer satisfaction increased the relationship between brand affect and brand loyalty on older adult consumers. However, disconfirmation did not influence that relationship. It can be concluded that older adult consumers were more likely to use their affection than their cognition to be loyal to a brand. Therefor, marketers should design better produk that suit with older consumers so they can satisfy and loyal to the product."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Suci Defina Sari
Tesis ini membahas pengaruh brand personality congruence dan customeremployee congruence terhadap customer satisfaction melalui media personal interaction, relationship satisfaction dan loyalty to employee. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan analisa SEM. Responden nasabah adalah salah satu perbankan syariah di Indonesia.
Adapun hasil dari penelitian yang dilakukan bahwa brand personality
congruence dan customer-employee congruence mempunyai pengaruh terhadap customer satisfaction. Media yang paling mempengaruhi customer satisfaction adalah relationship satisfaction dan loyalty to employee. Sehingga bagi perusahaan jasa, karyawan menjadi faktor penting karena representatif dari perusahaan dan menjadi kunci terjadinya kepuasan konsumen. Perusahaan harus memberikan
sarana untuk menunjang kompetensi karyawan saat berhadapan dengan konsumen.;

This thesis explores the influence of brand personality congruence and
customer-employee congruence on customer satisfaction through personalized media interaction , relationship satisfaction and loyalty to the employee . This research is a quantitative study using SEM analysis . Respondents are customers of one of Islamic banking in Indonesia.
The results of the research showed that brand personality congruence and customer-employee congruence have an influence on customer satisfaction. Media most affect customer satisfaction and loyalty is the relationship to employee satisfaction. So for a service company, the employee becomes an important factor because they representative of the company and a key to the customer?s satisfaction. Service Company should provide this gracious employee competence when dealing with consumers;This thesis explores the influence of brand personality congruence and
customer-employee congruence on customer satisfaction through personalized
media interaction , relationship satisfaction and loyalty to the employee . This
research is a quantitative study using SEM analysis . Respondents are customers of
one of Islamic banking in Indonesia.
The results of the research showed that brand personality congruence and
customer-employee congruence have an influence on customer satisfaction. Media
most affect customer satisfaction and loyalty is the relationship to employee
satisfaction. So for a service company, the employee becomes an important factor
because they representative of the company and a key to the customer?s satisfaction.
Service Company should provide this gracious employee competence when dealing
with consumers;This thesis explores the influence of brand personality congruence and
customer-employee congruence on customer satisfaction through personalized
media interaction , relationship satisfaction and loyalty to the employee . This
research is a quantitative study using SEM analysis . Respondents are customers of
one of Islamic banking in Indonesia.
The results of the research showed that brand personality congruence and
customer-employee congruence have an influence on customer satisfaction. Media
most affect customer satisfaction and loyalty is the relationship to employee
satisfaction. So for a service company, the employee becomes an important factor
because they representative of the company and a key to the customer?s satisfaction.
Service Company should provide this gracious employee competence when dealing
with consumers;This thesis explores the influence of brand personality congruence and
customer-employee congruence on customer satisfaction through personalized
media interaction , relationship satisfaction and loyalty to the employee . This
research is a quantitative study using SEM analysis . Respondents are customers of
one of Islamic banking in Indonesia.
The results of the research showed that brand personality congruence and
customer-employee congruence have an influence on customer satisfaction. Media
most affect customer satisfaction and loyalty is the relationship to employee
satisfaction. So for a service company, the employee becomes an important factor
because they representative of the company and a key to the customer’s satisfaction.
Service Company should provide this gracious employee competence when dealing
with consumers, This thesis explores the influence of brand personality congruence and
customer-employee congruence on customer satisfaction through personalized
media interaction , relationship satisfaction and loyalty to the employee . This
research is a quantitative study using SEM analysis . Respondents are customers of
one of Islamic banking in Indonesia.
The results of the research showed that brand personality congruence and
customer-employee congruence have an influence on customer satisfaction. Media
most affect customer satisfaction and loyalty is the relationship to employee
satisfaction. So for a service company, the employee becomes an important factor
because they representative of the company and a key to the customer’s satisfaction.
Service Company should provide this gracious employee competence when dealing
with consumers]"
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elgine Harits
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami hubungan antar empat dimensi yang ada pada kerangka konsep customer-based brand equity (CBBE) dalam konteks acara edukasi dan juga untuk mengetahui jenis hubungan yang ada diantara dimensi event brand value (EBV) dan event brand loyalty (EBL). Analisis jalur digunakan dalam penelitian ini untuk menguji ke-6 pernyataan hipotesis. Setelah melakukan pengolahan data kuisioner dengan bantuan perangkat lunak IBM SPSS Statistics 21 (N = 298), hasil penelitian mengindikasikan bahwa seluruh konstruk dapat dinyatakan valid dan reliabel. Dimensi event brand loyalty (EBL), dipengaruhi secara langsung oleh dimensi event brand image (EBI), event brand value (EBV), dan terlebih secara kuat oleh event brand quality (EBQ). Penelitian ini berguna bagi pihak-pihak penyelenggara acara edukasi (seperti seminar) yang ingin meningkatkan event brand equity serta penelitian ini turut memperkaya literatur ilmiah untuk pengembangan profesi humas.

This research aimed to understand relationship between dimensions that exist on customer-based brand equity (CBBE) concept in the context of educational event and to examine the relationship between event brand value and event brand loyalty. Path analysis technique was used to test the 6 hypothetical statements. Questionnaires were analyzed (N = 298), results indicated that all questions on the questionnaire was valid and reliable to test the 4 constructs. Event brand loyalty (EBL) was proven directly affected by event brand image (EBI), event brand value (EBV), and moreover, proven highly influenced by event brand quality (EBQ). This research is useful for educational events organizers that care about event brand equity and also contributes to the development of public relations profession."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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