"Tanjung Pinang City is a transit area for troubled Indonesian overseas workers from Singapore
and Malaysia. Previous research revealed that citizens of Tanjung Pinang City criticized the
treatments given by the local government to the deported workers by reason that they were not
the citizens of the Riau Islands Province, yet the local government has to provide shelters and
funds prior to returning them to their home towns. The treatments for the deported workers in the
transit area have also raised pros and cons among the stakeholders who are in charge of handling
the deported workers. This circumstance may not occur if a special regional regulation of the
Riau Islands Province has been issued to govern the troubled Indonesian overseas workers in the
transit area. Due to this vacuum of law, this research aims to establish a mechanism in handling
the deported workers in the transit area by designing an integrative-progressive model which can
be adopted by the stakeholders. The model is to link the legal and non- legal issues and as well
as to provide the collaborative mechanisms for the stakeholders based on the approaches of the
integrative and progressive legal theory.
Kota Tanjung Pinang merupakan salah satu daerah transit bagi Tenaga Kerja Indonesia
Bermasalah/TKIB yang dideportasi dari Malaysia dan Singapura. Pada penelitian sebelumnya
menyatakan bahwa penduduk Tanjung Pinang mengkritisi layanan yang diberikan pemerintah
kota kepada warga deportasi pada dasarnya bukan warga Provinsi Kepulauan Riau. Pro
dan kontra pendapat mengenai kebijakan Pemerintah dalam menangani TKIB termasuk
penyediakan rumah penampungan dan pendanaan untuk memulangkan mereka ke kampung
halamannya. Hal ini tidak akan terjadi seandainya Pemerintah Kepulauan Riau menerbit Perda
terkait penanganan TKIB di daerah transit. Sehubungan dengan kekosongan hukum tersebut,
penelitian ini bertujuan merumuskan mekanisme penanganan TKIB di daerah transit dengan
merancang model intergratif-progersif yang dapat diadopsi oleh pihak terkait. Model tersebut
menghubungkan persoalan hukum dan non hukum serta mekanisme kolaborasi bagi pihak
terkait berdasarkan pendekatan teori hukum intergratif dan progresif."