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Muhammad Iqbal
"Participation and empowerment are two important keywords in agricultural development program. One of the agricultural programs that considerably implemented through farmer?s participation towards empowerment is Integrated Pest Management (IPM). This article reviews the reflection of the concepts and implementations of farmer?s participation and empowerment in the coffee Integrated Pest Management for Smallholder Estate Crops (IPM-SECP). It can be explained that farmers were participated only in the planning and implementation stages of the project, while monitoring and evaluation activities were solely done by the project implementing unit and other related agencies. In the planning stage, the extent of farmer?s participation can be categorized as pseudo participation since farmers only participated if they were the head of farmer?s group or local model farmers. Meanwhile, in the implementation stage, it was found that farmers had a high extent of participation in the various activities and practices of training carried out by the project. Nevertheless, farmers were empowered in terms of knowledge and skills gained, change in practices, decision-making, productivity, and environmental awareness. As a result, farmer?s participation should be anchored in all stages of planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation, so that they would be able to get immediate genuine empowerment feedback of the project impact."
Indonesian Center for Agro-socioeconomic and Policy Studies (ICASEPS), 2007
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Participation and empowerment are two important keywords in agricultural development program. One of the
agricultural programs that considerably implemented through farmer’s participation towards empowerment is Integrated
Pest Management (IPM). This article reviews the reflection of the concepts and implementations of farmer’s
participation and empowerment in the coffee Integrated Pest Management for Smallholder Estate Crops (IPM-SECP). It
can be explained that farmers were participated only in the planning and implementation stages of the project, while
monitoring and evaluation activities were solely done by the project implementing unit and other related agencies. In
the planning stage, the extent of farmer’s participation can be categorized as pseudo participation since farmers only
participated if they were the head of farmer’s group or local model farmers. Meanwhile, in the implementation stage, it
was found that farmers had a high extent of participation in the various activities and practices of training carried out by
the project. Nevertheless, farmers were empowered in terms of knowledge and skills gained, change in practices,
decision-making, productivity, and environmental awareness. As a result, farmer’s participation should be anchored in
all stages of planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation, so that they would be able to get immediate genuine
empowerment feedback of the project impact."
Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Indonesia, 2007
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kopi Sulawesi merupakan produk komoditi lokal yang memiliki harga tinggi di pasar global.
Saat ini permintaan terhadap kopi Sulawesi semakin meningkat. Adanya isu lingkungan
membuat LSM dunia menekankan pentingnya sertifikasi terhadap tanaman pertanian dimana
kopi Sulawesi salah satu yang harus disertifikasi. Sertifikasi dan tuntutan global akan kualitas
dan jumlah kopi membuat adanya dinamika yang terjadi di pasar global. Rantai kopi lokal
yang diawali oleh petani sebagai produsen, pedagang dan eksportir sebagai pendistribusi
mendapatkan pengaruh atas dinamika global yang terjadi. Atas tuntutan global dan adanya
sertifikasi kopi mengharuskan pengolahan kopi pasca panen disesuaikan dengan keinginan
pembeli dan kaidah pemrosesan kopi. Dua lokasi penelitian telah mendapatkan sertifikasi
sementara satu lokasi penelitian belum, tetapi memiliki terterampilan budidaya kopi sangat
baik. Ketiga lokasi penelitian ini mendapatkan bantuan dari buyers yang berbeda serta
disesuaikan dengan kondisi keruangan lokasi-lokasi tersebut. Dinamika global yang terjadi
memberikan pengaruh yang baik bagi masyarakat. Pengaruh yang baik tidak hanya bantuan
berupa kompensasi ? kompensasi yang diterima petani tetapi lebih menitik beratkan pada
kebermanfaatan jangka panjang bagi masyarakat.

Sulawesi coffees are the local commodities which have a high price in the global market.
Recently, demand of Sulawesi coffees are getting higher. There is an environment issue
makes the world NGOs decided that the agricultural commodity has to get the certification
which is Sulawesi coffee one of the product that has to be certified. Certification and the
global demand to the quality and quantity of Sulawesi coffees affect to the global dynamic in
global market. The local chains started from the small holder farmers as the producers, the
collectors and exporters as the distributors as well as get the impacts of global dynamic.
Based on the global demand and the certification, Sulawesi coffees must be on the good
coffee processing after the harvest and the good processing as well as followed the buyers?
procedures. Two of the fieldwork locations have been certified but the other one has not been
certified but this location actually has a good cultivation skill of coffee. Three of the
fieldwork locations have got the compensation from buyers differently and it is appropriated
with the spatial and geographic location itself. Global dynamic showed the good impacts to
the community. The good impacts are not only as the aids of compensations which received
by the small holder farmers but the highest tendency is on the long beneficial of sustainability
to the local community."
Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Joko Hantoro
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan dana desa di Kabupaten Sragen dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi partisipasi masyarakat dalam penggunaan dana desa tahun 2016. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisa kuantitatif deskriptif dan estimasi ekonometrika dengan regresi logistik. Dari sembilan faktor yang dianalisa berpengaruh positif terhadap partisipasi masyarakat adalah jenis kelamin, usia, lama tinggal di desa, tingkat pendidikan, pekerjaan, tingkat penghasilan, tingkat kepemimpinan, tingkat komunikasi dan perilaku birokrasi. Dari kesembilan faktor tersebut, mayoritas faktor yang berpengaruh signifikan adalah jenis kelamin dan tingkat pekerjaan, masing-masing tiga desa, dimana nilai probability lebih kecil dari 0,05. Uji determinasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan McFadden R-Square sebesar 0,4675 di Desa Karangtalun, 0,5532 di Desa Padas, 0,1957 di Desa Duyungan dan 0,6376 di Desa Donoyudan, dimana prosentase dari nilai tersebut sebanyak 46,75 , 55,32 , 19,57 dan 63,76 probabilitas partisipasi masyarakat dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel X dalam model, sedangkan sisanya dijelaskan oleh variabel diluar model. Tingkatan partisipasi dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teori The Ladder of Participation, penelitian di keempat desa tersebut masuk dalam tahapan kelima yaitu penentraman, dimana perangkat desa akan menampung ide, saran dan masukan dari masyarakat untuk meredam keresahan masyarakat.

This study aims to determine the implementation of village grant in Sragen Regency and the factors that influence society participation in the use of village grant in 2016. The methods used to analysis are descriptive quantitative and econometric estimation with logistic regression. Among the nine factors which is analyzed have positive influence to society participation such as gender, age, duration of stay, village level, education level, occupation, income level, leadership level, communication level, and bureaucratic behavior. From the nine factors are obtained some have majority of significant effect that are gender and occupation where the probability value was less than 0.05. The determination test is done by using McFadden R Square of 0.4675 for Karangtalun Village, 0.5532 for Padas Village, 0.1957 for Duyungan Village and 0.6376 for Donoyudan Village, whereas 46,75 , 55,32 , 19,57 and 63,76 , were probability variation of society participation can be explained by variable X inside the model, while the rest is explained by variable outside the model. The level of participation in this study uses The Ladder of Participation theory, that is appeasement in fifth stage, where the village staff will accommodate ideas, suggestions and inputs from the society to reduce the public anxiety. "
Depok: Fakultas Eknonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irsan Santoso
"Sejak lama kopi dikenal sebagai salah satu komoditas ekspor non migas unggulan Indonesia. Perkebunan kopi di Indonesia terkait dengan kehidupan Iebih dari 2 juta kepala keluarga petani termasuk pedagang pengumpul, buruh perkebunan besar dan buruh industri pengolahan kopi hingga eksportir. Ekspor komoditas ini mampu menghasilkan devisa Iebih dari $500 juta/tahun selama periode 1994-1998. PT. Putrabali Adyamulia adalah perusahaan swasta, bergerak dalam bidang perdagangan dan pengolahan kopi robusta, berskala menengah dan berorientasi ekspor. Sekarang perusahaan memproduksi 15.000 metric ton/tahun dan dari jumlah tersebut sekitar 7.000-8.000 metric ton/tahun diekspor ke pasar utama Eropa seperti Jennan, Belanda, Polandia, Hongaria sedangkan sisanya dijual di pasar dalam negeri.
Sejak tahun 2000 terjadi over supply kopi robusta menyebabkan harga kopi jenis ini terus menurun dibandingkan harga kopi jenis arabika yang cenderung tinggi di pasar dunia. Indonesia sebagai salah satu produsen kopi robusta terbesar di dunia mengalami dampak terbesar dari rendahnya harga kopi tersebut. Harga yang rendah itu semakin menyulitkan kehidupan para petani kopi Indonesia terutama di Lampung yang dikenal sebagai penghasil kopi robusta terbesar di Indonesia. Di tingkat petani harga biji kopi robusta hanya berkisar Rp. 3.500,- sampai Rp 4.000,-. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perkembangan dan prospek ekspor PT. PA ke Eropa rnengingat terjadinya kelebihan pasokan kopi dunia dan kondisi lingkungan internal (kekuatan dan kelemahan) yang dimiliki perusahaan serta kondisi lingkungan ekstemal (peluang dan ancaman) yang dihadapi perusahaan. Kemudian merekomendasikan strategi bisnis yang dianggap paling sesuai untuk diterapkan PT. PA dari basil penelitian ini. Landasan teori yang digunakan adalah alasan pertunya perdagangan internasional, pengertian manajemen strategi dan pemasaran internasional. Untuk mengevaluasi lingkungan ekstemal menggunakan analisis lingkungan jauh dari Pierce dan Robinson yakni factor ekonomi, factor social, factor politik dan factor ekologi. Dan analisis lingkungan industri dari Porter yakni ancaman pendatang baru, tekanan produk pengganti, kekuatan tawar menawar pembeii, kekuatan tawar menawar pemasok dan rivalitas antar pesaing. Sedangkan evaluasi factor internal menggunakan analisis pendekatan fungsional yaitu fungsi pemasaran, keuangan, penelitian dan pengembangan, operasi, SDM dan fungsi-fungsi lainnya yang ada dalam perusahaan. Dalam penelitian ini akan digunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Penelitian dilakukan untuk menganalisa lingkungan industri dengan pendekatan Five Forces dari Porter dan menggunakan metode evaluasi faktor-faktor lingkungan internal dan esktemal yang mempengaruhi aktivitas bisnis eskpor perusahaan. Selanjutnya dilakukan penilaian faktor-faktor tersebut dengan pendekatan metode analisis SWOT untuk memperoleh gambaran obyektif tentang peluang dan ancaman serta kekuatan dan kelemahan yang dimiliki perusahaan. Dengan strategi yang baik, memungkinkan perusahaan untuk dapat lebih hemat, fleksibel dan lebih terfokus dalam menyediakan barang dan jasa yang lebih efektif kepada bermacam-macam konsumen. Strategi yang benilai dan baik bagi perusahaan dapat mempertahankan keunggulan yang dimiliki seat ini dan menanamkan bibit keunggulan di masa depan. Untuk menjaga daya saing produknya di pasar Eropa selain hares memperhalikan kondisi internal perusahaan, lingkungan di dalam negeri dan negara sasaran jugs senantiasa mempertahankan keunggulan bersaing agar dapat bertahan dan tumbuh di pasar intemasional dalam jangka panjang.
Analisa regresi linear sederhana memperlihatkan bahwa tidak ada pengaruh dad over supply kopi dunia terhadap volume ekspor kopi Indonesia ke negara tujuan utama Eropa tetapi sebaliknya ada pengaruh dari over supply kopi dunia terhadap nilai ekspor kopi Indonesia ke negara tujuan utama Eropa. Berdasarkan hasil analisis SWOT disimpulkan bahwa posisi bisnis perusahaan berada dalam posisi retrenchment (pendutan) melalui captive company. Meskipun demikian karena fundamental keuangan yang cukup baik, dalam jangka pendek yang dapat dilakukan oleh perusahaan adalah dengan menerapkan strategi differensiasi berupa peruaahan dari cara pengolahan biji kopi robusta yang menghasilkan biji kopi komersial menjadi biji kopi specialty yang bernilai tambah lebih dan memiliki harga yang lebih baik. Dalam jangka panjang perusahaan masih mampu merubah posisi ini dengan strategi diversifikasi yang menghasilkan biji kopi arabika atau pengalihan tanaman kopi menjadi tanaman kakao/lada. Ada temuan penting dari hasil analisis bahwa walaupun perbaikan mutu biji kopi robusta dipandang merupakan prioritas utama yang harus diperhatikan dalam upaya peningkatan harga tetapi bagi perusahaan usaha tersebut tidak berarti apapun tanpa kemampuan manajerial direksi perusahaan dalam memantau perkembangan harga komoditi ini di bursa London melalui pengambilan posisi "tahan° atau "jual" stok yang dimiliki. Differensiasi maupun diversifikasi produk memerlukan proses yang cukup panjang sehingga jika strategi ini tidak dapat dilaksanakan maka strategi antisipatif terbaik yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan mendiversifikasi pasar yakni berfokus pada usaha mencari pasar di negara-negara non tradisional peminum kopi.

For a long time coffee known as one of commodity export the non preeminent oil and gas of Indonesia. Plantation coffee related in Indonesia with the life more than 2 million family head of farmer of is inclusive of compiler merchant, big plantation labor and industrial labor of processing coffee till exporter. Export this commodity able to yield the foreign exchange more than $ 500 million I year during period 1994-1998. PT. Putrabali Adyamulia is private enterprise, moving in the field of commerce and have processing coffee the robusta, middle scale to and orient the exporting. Now company produce 15.000 metric ton I year and from the amount about 7.000-8.000 metric ton 1 year exported to especially Europe market like Germany, Dutch, Poland, Hungarian while the rest sold by a domestic market. Since year 2000 happened the over supply coffee the robusta cause the price coffee this type of non-stopped compared to by downhill of price coffee the type arabika which tend to high in world market. Indonesia as one of producer coffee the biggest robusta in world experience of the biggest impact from lowering the coffee price. That low price progressively complicate the life of all farmer coffee the Indonesia especially in Lampung which is known as by a producer coffee the biggest robusta in Indonesia. In storey level of farmer of seed price copy the robusia only gyrate the Rp. 3.500,- until Rp 4.000,-. This research aim to to know the growth and prospect export the PT. PA to Europe remember the happening of excess supply coffee the internal environmental condition and world (strength and weakness) owned by the environmental company also condition of external (opportunity and threat) faced by the company. Later; then recommend the business strategy assumed most appropriate to be applied by PT. PA from this research result.
Basis for theory used by is reason of the importance of international trade, congeniality of management of international marketing and strategy. To evaluate the environment external use the environmental analysis far from Pierce and Robinson namely economic factor, factor social, political factor and factor ecology and environmental Analysis is industrial the than Porter namely new corner threat, pressure of substitution product, strength drive a bargain the buyer, strength drive a bargain the supplier and rivality usher the competitor. While internal evaluation factor use the functional approach analysis that is marketing function, finance, research and development, operate for the, existing other SDM function and in company. In this research will be used by a descriptive method qualitative. Research done to analyze the industrial environment with the approach of Five Forces from Porter and use the method evaluate.the internal environmental factors and external influencing activity of business of export company. Is hereinafter done by a the factors assessment with the method approach analyze the SWOT to obtain get the objective picture about opportunity and threat and also strength and weakness owned by the company. With the good strategy, enabling company to earn more economical, flexible and more focused in providing more effective service and goods to all kinds of consumer. Valuable strategy and both for company can maintain the excellence owned in this time and inculcate the excellence seed in future. To take care of the its product competitiveness in Europe market of besides have to pay attention to the internal condition of company, environmental in country and target state also ever maintain the excellence compete so that can hold out and grow in international market on a long term. Analyze the linear regression modestly show that there no influence from over supply coffee the world to volume export the Indonesia coffee to especial target state of Europe but on the contrary there is influence from over supply coffee the world to value export the Indonesia coffee to especial target state of Europe. Pursuant to result analyze the SWOT concluded by that position of company business stay in the position retrenchment (penciutan) of through captive company. Nevertheless because good enough finance fundamental, in short-range which can be conducted by company is by applying strategy differentiation in the form of change from way of seed processing coffee the robusta yielding commercial coffee seed become the seed coffee the valuable specialty add more and own the better price. On a long term company still able to change this position with the strategy diversified yielding seed coffee the arabika or transfer of crop coffee to become the crop cocoa/peppercorn. There is important finding from result analyze that although repair of quality of seed coffee the robusta looked into to represent the especial priority which must be paid attention to in the effort make-up of price but for the effort company meaningless any without ability of managerial of board of directors of company in watching this commodity price growth in stock London through position intake " hold up" or " sell the" stock owned. Differentiation and also product diversification need the process which long enough so that if this strategy is unworkable hence best strategy anticipative which can be done by diversifying market namely focus at effort searching market in nations of non traditional drunkard coffee.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alif Dimassajid
"Pasca ditetapkannya Keppres Nomor 17 Tahun 2023 tentang Penetapan Berakhirnya Status Pandemi Corona Virus Desease 2019, nyatanya kebiasaan untuk bekerja di luar kantor seperti di kafe, menjadi kebiasaan yang dilanjutkan pasca masa pandemic. Fenomena bekerja dari kafe menjadikan kafe sebagai tempat ketiga produktif atau Productive Third Place bagi para pekerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik pekerja sebagai konsumen yang diukur dari usia, jenis pekerjaan, domisili tempat tinggal, dan lokasi bekerja terhadap pilihan coffee shop sebagai tempat bekerja. Untuk mengetahui hal tersebut metode tabulasi silang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik konsumen terhadap karakteristik site dan situation dari masing masing coffee shop. Hasil yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif dengan tujuan jawaban dijelaskan secara menyeluruh. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar konsumen adalah pekerja usia produktif antara 24-39 tahun yang berdomisili di Jakarta Selatan. Adapun motif para konsumen memilih tempat work from coffee dilihat dari site yaitu café yang memiliki fasilitas penunjang yang lengkap dari variasi tempat duduk, variasi meja, variasi sumber pencahayaan, layanan internet, layanan stop kontak, pengatur suhu ruangan, toilet, dan kesediaan lahan parkir. Selain itu, aspek situation juga turut menjadi pertimbangan konsumen yang dilihat dari aksesibilitas tinggi dan berada di sekitar kawasan jasa dan usaha.

After the Presidential Decree Number 17 of 2023 concerning Determination of the End of the Corona Virus Disease 2019 Pandemic Status applied, in fact the habit of working outside the office such as in a cafe, became a habit that was continued after the pandemic. The phenomenon of working from cafes makes cafes a productive third place for workers. This study aims to determine the characteristics of workers as consumers as measured by age, type of work, domicile of residence, and work location on the choice of coffee shop as a place of work. To find out this, the cross-tabulation method was used to identify consumer characteristics for the site and situation characteristics of each coffee shop. The results obtained were analyzed using descriptive analysis with the aim of explaining the answers thoroughly. The results of this study indicate that most consumers are workers of productive age between 24-39 years who live in South Jakarta. As for the motives of consumers to choose a place to work from coffee, seen from the site, namely a café that has complete supporting facilities, from a variety of seats, a variety of tables, a variety of lighting sources, internet services, socket outlet services, room temperature control, toilets, and availability of parking space. In addition, the situation aspect is also a consideration for consumers, seen from high accessibility and being around service and business areas."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Faracitra Akuwalifah Kusumadewi
"Hydrogren recovery dari off-gas di hydrocracking unit dengan metode adsorpsi merupakan salah satu proses yang dapat meningkatkan efektivitas pada unit refinery. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat karbon aktif dari limbah ampas kopi yang akan digunakan sebagai adsroben pada proses hydrogen recovery. Limbah ampas kopi dipilih menjadi bahan baku bioadsorben karena memiliki kadar lignoselulosa yang baik serta mudah didapatkan di Indonesia. Metode aktivasi limbah ampas kopi adalah aktivasi kimia dengan ZnCl2 sebagai activating agent pada suhu 600°C.
Luas permukaan karbon aktif diuji dengan metode BET dan bilangan Iod, sementara morfologi dan kompisisinya akan diuji dengan metode SEM-EDX. Uji kapasitas adsorpsi karbon aktif dilakukan dengan campuran gas metana dan hidrogen untuk mengetahui kemampuan karbon aktif dalam proses recovery hidrogen. Uji adsorpsi dilakukan pada gas metana dan hidrogen murni pada suhu 20°C serta campuran CH4/H2 pada keadaan isotermal 10-30°C dengan tekanan 1 6 bar.
Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa karbon aktif berbahan dasar ampas kopi memiliki luas permukaan sebesar 728,07 m2/g dan bilangan iodin sebesar 2248 mg/g. Uji adsorpsi menunjukkan bahwa karbon aktif yang dihasilkan pada penelitian ini dapat mengadsorpsi gas CH4 murni 2,4 kali lebih banyak daripada gas H2 murni. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa karbon aktif yang dihasilkan pada penelitian ini dapat digunakan untuk pemisahan CH4/H2.

Hydrogen recovery from off gas of hydrocracking unit by adsorption is one of the process that could increase the efficiency process of refinery unit. The purpose of this research is to make coffee grounds based activated carbon bioadsorbent that will be used in hydrogen recovery proses. Coffee ground is selected as bioadsorbent because it has high lignocellulose content and easily obtained in Indonesia.The carbon was prepared by chemical activation using ZnCl2 at temperature 600°C.
The surface area of produced activated carbon was measured using BET and Iodine number, while its surface morfology and composition were characterized using SEM EDX. The adsorption capacity of activated carbon and its selectivity will be tested using hydrogen methane gas mixture adsorption to determine the ability of activated carbon in separating hydrogen from methane. The test was carried out on pure methane and hydrogen gas at 20oC and a mixture of CH4 H2 mole ratio 4 1 at 10°C, 20°C and 30°C and pressures from 1 to 6 bar.
The results of this study show that the activated carbon can be successfully produced having specific surface area of 728.07 m2 g and iodin number of 2248 mg g. The result shown that the adsorption of pure CH4 gas at the same pressure was 2.4 times greater than pure H2. The adsorption test indicates that the produced activated carbon might be used for hydrogen methane separation.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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