"Startup digital yang sukses dapat meningkatkan taraf hidup kesejahteraan banyak orang. Namun, bagi yang ingin merintis startup-nya, faktor kunci kesuksesan perintisan startup digital masih kompleks diketahui. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis faktor kunci kesuksesan yang berperan penting dalam tahap perintisan. Thematic Analysis (TA) adalah metode yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor keberhasilan perintisan startup digital, sedangkan metode Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM) digunakan untuk alat analisis penelitian kuantitatif. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dari 10 studi literatur terkait, wawancara dari 12 narasumber sebagai Founder/Co-Founder, dan ppengisian hasil kuesioner dari 6 pakar yang berpengalaman dalam bidang bisnis startup. Hasil identifikasi TA menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 17 faktor kunci yang menjadi faktor keberhasilan dalam perintisan startup digital, yaitu berupa: Peluang bisnis (problem), ide bisnis, tim startup, model bisnis, modal atau funding, produk/jasa, inkubator, validasi, kompetitor, marketing, penguasaan teknologi, analisis market, Founder & Co-Founder, mitra, passion, eksekusi ide, dan empati. Sedangkan temuan analisis ISM menunjukan bahwa faktor tim startup adalah faktor yang paling penting dan paling berpengaruh terhadap kesuksesan perintisan startup digital karena, berada di lingkungan independen, dan top level model hirarki kesuksesan perintisan startup digital, serta mempunyai pengaruh nilai driving power yang lebih besar dalam perintisan startup digital. Memiliki tim startup yang solid akan membuat startup digital berhasil karena, melalui tim startup-lah segala faktor terkait dapat dieksekusi dengan cepat dan mudah. Sehingga bisa berakibat pada kesuksesan perintisan dan keberlanjutan hidup startup. Temuan penelitian ini diharapkan menjadi fondasi bagi siapa saja yang tertarik untuk merintis startup digital.
Successful digital startups can improve the standard of living and well-being of many people. However, for who want to start their own startup, the key success factors in pioneering digital startups are still difficult to determine. The purpose of this research is to identify and analyze the key success factors that play an important role in the digital startup pioneering stage. Thematic Analysis (TA) is used to identify success factors for digital startup pioneering, whereas the interpretive structural modeling (ISM) method is used as a quantitative research analysis tool. Data for this study were gathered from a variety of sources, including 10 related literature studies, 12 interviews with Founders/Co-Founders of digital startups, and the results of questionnaires completed by 6 experts with startup experience. The results of TA identification show that there were 17 key success factors in pioneering digital startups, which take the form of: business opportunities (problems), business ideas, startup teams, business models, capital or funding, products/services, incubators, validation, competitors, marketing, technology mastery, market analysis, Founder & Co-Founder, partners, passion, idea execution, and empathy. While the ISM analysis findings show that the startup team factor is the most important and influential factor on the success of digital startup pioneering because, it is in an independent environment and the top-level model of the digital startup success hierarchy, it also has a greater driving power value influence in digital startup pioneering. A solid startup team is essential for the success of a digital startup because it is through the startup team that all related factors can be executed quickly and easily. As a result, startup teams have the potential to influence the success pioneering and sustainability of startup life. These findings were expected to be ground-breaking for anyone interested in launching an innovative digital startup."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2023