ABSTRAKDalam kinerja pemerintahan saat ini menghadapi “tekanan” dari berbagai pihak untuk
meningkatkan pelayanan publik dan meningkatkan partisipasi aktif dalam pemberian
informasi bagi masyarakat serta dituntut lebih efektif. Hal itu menyebabkan e-
Government atau pemerintahan berbasis elektronik semakin berperan penting bagi
semua pengambil keputusan. Salah satunya keputusan dalam hal pengesahan badan
hukum Yayasan. Tesis ini akan menganalisis keabsahan Surat Keputusan yang
dikeluarkan Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia dan bagaimana tanggung jawab
Notaris apabila terjadi kesalahan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis
normatif atau penelitian hukum kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian ialah bahwa agar
tercapainya tujuan pelayanan publik yang cepat, aman, dan efisien maka dalam proses
penerbitan Surat Keputusan terhadap pengesahan badan hukum tidak dilakukan
pemeriksaan kesesuaian dokumen sehingga memberikan tanggung jawab sepenuhnya
kepada Notaris sehingga menyebabkan keraguan pada keabsahan Surat Keputusan
tersebut yang seharusnya menjadi tanggung jawab Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi
Manusia dan pengamanan untuk menjaga keautentikan dalam Surat Keputusan tidak
cukup hanya menggunakan sistem QR Code tetapi juga dengan tanda tangan digital
dengan digital certificate.
ABSTRACTIn the performance of the current government faces pressure from various parties to
improve public services and increase active participation in providing information to
the public and prosecuted more effectively. It causes e-Government or electronicbased
government increasingly important role for all decision makers. One of them is
a decision in the case ratification foundation. this thesis will analyze the valdity by
the Minister of Law and Human Rights and how reponsibility of the notary in the
case of errors. Method of research is normative juridicial or legal research
literature. The results of the study is that in order to achieve the goal of public
service that is fast, secure, and efficient then in the process of issuing a decision on
the ratification of legal entities not assessment of conformity document giving full
responsibility to the notary causing doubt on the validity of the decree that should be
the responsibilty of the Minister of Law and Human Rights and safeguards to
preserve the authenticity of the decree is not enough just to use QR Code system but
also with digital signatures with digital certificate., In the performance of the current government faces pressure from various parties to
improve public services and increase active participation in providing information to
the public and prosecuted more effectively. It causes e-Government or electronicbased
government increasingly important role for all decision makers. One of them is
a decision in the case ratification foundation. this thesis will analyze the valdity by
the Minister of Law and Human Rights and how reponsibility of the notary in the
case of errors. Method of research is normative juridicial or legal research
literature. The results of the study is that in order to achieve the goal of public
service that is fast, secure, and efficient then in the process of issuing a decision on
the ratification of legal entities not assessment of conformity document giving full
responsibility to the notary causing doubt on the validity of the decree that should be
the responsibilty of the Minister of Law and Human Rights and safeguards to
preserve the authenticity of the decree is not enough just to use QR Code system but
also with digital signatures with digital certificate.]"