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Ditemukan 181296 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Zen Teguh Triwibowo
"Jaminan terhadap kemerdekaan pers sebagaimana tertuang dalam konstitusi dan Undang-Undang Nomor 40 Tahun 1999 tentang Pers tidak serta-merta menempatkan pers dalam ruang kebebasan seutuhnya untuk menjalankan tugas jurnalistik. Pers tetap dihadapkan pada ancaman, baik dari luar maupun internal. Salah satu bentuk ancaman kemerdekaan pers itu keberatan dari pihak yang merasa dirugikan atas suatu pemberitaan dan mengajukannnya ke pengadilan. Undang-Undang Pers menyebutkan, sengketa pemberitaan dapat diselesaikan dengan mekanisme hak jawab ataupun hak koreksi. Jika hal itu tidak terpenuhi, maka pihak yang merasa dirugikan dapat mengadukan ke Dewan Pers untuk dicarikan jalan penyelesaian. Pada praktiknya, sejumlah pihak itu tidak hanya mempersoalkan Undang-Undang Pers dan Kode Etik Jurnalistik, tapi juga menyertakan dalil perbuatan melawan hukum (onrechtmatige daad). Dewan Pers sesuai Undang-Undang Pers hanya bertugas untuk menyelesaikan persolan etik. Adapun dalil perbuatan melawan hukum lazimnya tidak menjadi objek pembahasan khusus dalam penyelesaian sengketa itu. Hal ini sering menjadi masalah ketika akhirnya mengadu tetap melanjutkan kasus tersebut ke pengadilan.

Guarantee the freedom of the press as stipulated in the Constitution and Act No.40 of 1999 on the Press (Indonesia Press Law) does not necessarily put the press in a room full freedom to carry out journalistic duties. The press remains faced with threats, both external (public) and internal (the press). One form of threats that press freedom is an objection from the parties who feel aggrieved over a reporting and take it to the court. Indonesia Press Law outlines that the dispute
can be resolved with the mechanisms news right of reply or the right of correction. If it is not met then the party who feels aggrieved can complain to the Press Council to find a way to completion. In practice, a number of parties who filed an objection against the press coverage was not only questioned the breach of the Press Law and the Code of Ethics of Journalism, but also included the argument of tort. News was considered against the law, but because it does not
adhere to the principles of journalism, also made without regard to decency, accuracy, and prudence. Press Council mandate granted by the Press Law only served to resolve the question of ethics. As for the argument of tort usually not is the object of specific discussion in the resolution of the dispute. This is often a problem when finally pitted continue the case to court.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Valerie Augustine Budianto
"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai produk media liability insurance yang dipercaya dapat menjadi salah satu bentuk perlindungan kebebasan pers bagi jurnalis di Indonesia. Permasalahan dalam skripsi menitikberatkan pada fakta semakin maraknya gugatan yang ditujukan kepada jurnalis karena pemberitaan yang dibuatnya, yang membuat profesi jurnalis tergolong high risk. Penulisan skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana produk ini mampu memberikan perlindungan atas gugatan terhadap jurnalis, bentuk pengalihan risiko, dan hubungan hukum yang terkandung di dalamnya, serta membandingkan keberlakuannya di Amerika Serikat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan penelitian ini adalah yuridis normatif dengan tipe penelitian deskriptif analitis. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa media liability insurance memberikan perlindungan non-litigasi berupa ganti kerugian terhadap pihak ketiga yang dirugikan oleh tertanggung, dengan opsi ruang lingkup pertanggungan yang bervariasi sesuai dengan kebutuhan tertanggung selama hal tersebut tidak dikecualikan untuk dipertanggungkan. Penelitian menunjukan bahwa keberlakuan media liability insurance membawa dampak positif bagi kebebasan pers bagi jurnalis di Amerika Serikat, sehingga Penulis menyarankan agar produk ini segera diterapkan di Indonesia karena mampu menjadi solusi yang baik untuk meningkatkan perlindungan dan kesejahteraan calon tertanggung jurnalis serta kebebasan pers di Indonesia.

This thesis examines the media liability insurance product, which is thought to be a form of press freedom protection for journalists in Indonesia. The issue in this thesis is that more and more lawsuits are being filed against journalists as a result of the news they publish, classifying the journalist profession as high risk. The goal of this thesis is to determine how this product can protect journalists from lawsuits, the form of risk transfer, and the legal relationships contained therein, as well as to compare its validity in the United States. This research was written using a normative juridical research method with descriptive analytical research. The findings indicate that media liability insurance provides non-litigation protection in the form of compensation for third parties harmed by the insured, with options for the scope of coverage varying according to the insured's needs as long as it is not excluded from being insured. According to research, the use of media liability insurance has a positive impact on press freedom for journalists in the United States; therefore, the author recommends that this product be implemented immediately in Indonesia because it can be a good solution to improve the protection and welfare of prospective insured journalists as well as press freedom in Indonesia."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Azizah
"Penelitian ini berusaha melihat penerapan peraturan dean pers dalam pembingkaian bunuh diri di media sebagai upaya pencegahan bunuh diri. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode analisis framing yang dikembangkan oleh Robert N. Entman. Objek yang diteliti yaitu berita terkait bunuh diri yang dipublikasikan melalui media daring dengan sampel lima berita dari lima media yang berbeda, diambil dari Maret 2020 hingga Agustus 2020. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa media belum sepenuhnya menerapkan peraturan dewan pers terkait pemberitaan bunuh diri dan pemberitaan yang dilakukan belum berfokus pada upaya pencegaham bunuh diri.

This research tries to see the application of Press Council regulation about suicide coverage in media as suicide prevention. The method used is qualitative approach with framing analysis method developed by Robert N. Entman. The object under study is news articles about suicide published on online media with a sample of 5 news articles from 5 different media, taken from March 2020 to August 2020. The result of this study shows that media has not applied Dewan Pers regulation about suicide and the news coverage has not focused on suicide prevention."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chidir Ali
Bandung: Binacipta, 1978
340.159 8 CHI y
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
La Ode Zalaluddin Kapege
"Penelitian ini membahas tentang kemerdekaan pers pasca reformasi bebas dan bertanggung jawab dengan menggunakan metode analisis normatif baik dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan perbadingan hukum. Bebas dimaksud yaitu pers bebas melakukan aktifitas jurnalistiknya sesuai dengan kaidah UU Pers, UU Penyiaran dan kode etik jurnalistik. Tanggung jawab yaitu kewenangan pemerintah mengawasi kemerdekaan pers salah satunya hak atas privasi. Lahirnya UU ITE salah satu kebijakan untuk melindungi hak atas privasi. Namun kehadirannya justru menghambat kebebasan pers dalam menyampaikan informasi khususnya terhadap aktifitas pejabat publik dan informasi publik yang menyimpang dan melanggar hukum. Dalam pasal 26 ayat (3) penghapusan informasi tidak relevan di pengadilan, pasal 27 ayat (3) sanksi pidana terhadap setiap orang dengan sengaja mendistribusikan, mentransmisikan dan membuat dapat diakses informasi memuat tentang pencemaran nama baik, dan pasal 40 ayat (2b) kewenangan pemerintah dan penyelenggara sistem elektronik melakukan pencabutan akses informasi dan/atau dokumen elektronik memuat unsur melanggar hukum. Ketiga pasal tersebut memuat tentang pencemaran nama baik. Akibatnya pers yang mempunyai kewenangan menyiarkan informasi yang berkaitan dengan pencemaran nama baik dengan mengacu pada pasal 5 ayat (3) dan pasal 2 dan 9 kode etik jurnalistik akan sangat rentan terkena UU ITE. Walau demikian pers juga harus mempunyai batasan yang tidak diskriminatif dalam menyampaikan informasi pribadi agar informasi tersebut tidak disampaikan secara sensasional dan hanya mengharapkan keuntungan. Olehnya itu penulis memberikan saran memperjelas kedudukan UU Pers sebagai lex spesialis dan memperkuat kewenangan Dewan Pers melakukan pencabutan informasi melanggar hak atas privasi yang bersifat sensasional dan hanya mencari keuntungan.

This research discusses the freedom of the press after free and responsible reform using normative analysis methods with both a statutory and comparative legal approach. Free means that the press is free to carry out its journalistic activities in accordance with the rules of the Press Law, the Broadcasting Law and the journalistic code of ethics. Responsibility, namely the government's authority to oversee press freedom, one of which is the right to privacy. The enactment of the ITE Law is a policy to protect the right to privacy. However, its presence actually hinders press freedom in conveying information, especially on the activities of public officials and public information that deviate and violate the law. In article 26 paragraph (3) the elimination of irrelevant information in court, article 27 paragraph (3) criminal sanctions against everyone deliberately distributing, transmitting and making accessible information containing defamation, and article 40 paragraph (2b) government authority and the electronic system operator shall revoke access to information and / or electronic documents containing elements of violating the law. The three articles contain defamation. As a result, the press which has the authority to broadcast information related to defamation with reference to article 5 paragraph (3) and articles 2 and 9 of the journalistic code of ethics will be very vulnerable to being exposed to the ITE Law. However, the press must also have non-discriminatory limits in conveying personal information so that the information is not conveyed sensationally and only hopes for profit. Therefore, the authors provide suggestions to clarify the position of the Press Law as a lex specialist and strengthen the authority of the Press Council to revoke information that violates the right to privacy which is sensational in nature and only seeks profit"
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diptanala Dimitri
"Setiap warganegara memiliki hak untuk memperoleh informasi. Untuk mendukung hal tersebut, keberadaan pers menjadi penting di dalam memenuhi informasi yang berkaitan dengan kepentingan umum. Namun, tidak jarang pengungkapan informasi yang dilakukan pers dalam suatu karya jurnalistik melanggar hak privasi yang jelas dilindungi oleh Pasal 28 G ayat (1) UUD 1945. Skripsi ini membahas bagaimana perlindungan hak privasi yang terdapat di Indonesia dengan melakukan perbandingan terhadap Amerika Serikat dan Prancis. Selain itu, akan dibahas pula mengenai pertanggungjawaban pers secara perdata atas pelanggaran hak privasi yang dilakukan dikaitkan dengan Pasal 1365 KUHPerdata tentang perbuatan melawan hukum.
Pokok permasalahan tersebut dijawab dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif yang menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa Indonesia memang mengakui keberadaan hak privasi dalam beberapa peraturan perundang-undangan. Namun pengaturannya, khususnya terkait dengan pers, masih belum spesifik dan perlu diatur lebih lanjut. Pengungkapan terhadap hal-hal yang berkenaan dengan hak privasi memang diperbolehkan, namun harus diatur dalam undang-undang. Pers yang melanggar hak privasi dapat dituntut ganti rugi dengan Pasal 1365 KUHPerdata, terutama atas dasar melanggar kepatutan dan pihak yang bertanggung jawab tidak terbatas pada Perusahaan Pers saja.

Each citizen has the right of information. In order to support this matter, the role of the press has become important to give any information related to public interest. However, in certain cases, the disclosure of information which had been gathered by press within journalistic works violates the right of privacy which is protected under Article 28 G section 1 Indonesia's Constitution 1945. This thesis discusses the protection of privacy right in Indonesia compared to those in the United States of America and France. Furthermore, this thesis discusses the civil liability if the press regarding violation of privacy right which associates with Article 1365 of Indonesia's Civil Code concerning tort claim.
The principal problem is answered by using normative judicial method which brings into conclusion that Indonesia has recognized the right of privacy through several regulations. However, there is no exact rule about the right to privacy itself and it is important to make further regulation. The disclosures against matters related to privacy are allowed as long as it is governed by law. Press who violates someone's right to privacy can be liable for damages as it is stated under Article 1365 of Indonesia's Civil Code, especially on the basis of violation of equity (appropriateness).
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fahnissa Amalia
Skripsi ini membahas tentang peran model panopticism Dewan Pers dalam pengendalian sosial kejahatan di media siber serta proses self regulation media siber. Melalui metode field research, peneliti mencoba menjelaskan model panopticism yang dibentuk atas adanya relasi antara Dewan Pers, Asosiasi Pers AMSI dan AJI serta Unsur Masyarakat dalam pengendalian berita kejahatan di media siber. Hasil menunjukkan empat ciri panopticism yang dimiliki oleh Dewan Pers, AMSI, AJI dan unsur Masyarakat berperan untuk terbentuknya regulation di media siber indonesia.

This thesis discusses the role of panopticism model of Press Council in social control of crime in cyber media and the self regulation process of cyber media. Through field research method, the researcher tried to explain the panopticism model formed on the relationship between Press Council, Press Association AMSI and AJI and Elements of society in controlling crime news in cyber media.The results show four characteristics of panopticism possessed by the Press Council, AMSI, AJI and the elements of society that plays a role on the formation of self regulation in Indonesias 39 cyber media."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mochammad Aryo Bimo Dwi Putranto
"[Dewasa ini muncul berbagai kasus penuntutan mengenai pembukaan rahasia bank di ranah publik oleh Pers dan pembukaan informasi tersebut dianggap mengancam kepentingan negara. Pembukaan rahasia bank khususnya dalam hal ini yang dimiliki pejabat publik. Padahal seharusnya pembukaan rahasia bank tersebut merupakan tolak ukur bagi pengawasan masyarakat terhadap aparatur-aparatur negara yang melakukan tindak pidana seperti korupsi atau praktek pelanggaran hukum lainnya dan Pers muncul sebagai media yang mengakomodir kebutuhan masyarakat tersebut. Dalam mengakses informasi bukan hanya Pers lembaga swadaya masyarakat seperti Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) juga memiliki kesulitan dalam mendapatkan suatu informasi publik berkaitan suatu instansi pemerintahan atau pejabat-pejabat publiknya.
;Today appeared various prosecution case regarding the opening of bank secrecy in the public domain by the Press and the opening of such information that considered threatening the interests of the state. Opening of bank secrecy, especially in this case owned by public officials. When it should be the opening of bank secrecy is a benchmark for public scrutiny of apparatus - state apparatus of committing criminal offenses such as corruption or other unlawful practices and releases emerge as a medium that accommodate the needs of the public. In accessing information not only the Press, NGOs such as Indonesia Corruption Watch ( ICW ) also have difficulty in obtaining a public information regarding any public authority or public officials.
;Today appeared various prosecution case regarding the opening of bank secrecy in the public domain by the Press and the opening of such information that considered threatening the interests of the state. Opening of bank secrecy, especially in this case owned by public officials. When it should be the opening of bank secrecy is a benchmark for public scrutiny of apparatus - state apparatus of committing criminal offenses such as corruption or other unlawful practices and releases emerge as a medium that accommodate the needs of the public. In accessing information not only the Press, NGOs such as Indonesia Corruption Watch ( ICW ) also have difficulty in obtaining a public information regarding any public authority or public officials.
;Today appeared various prosecution case regarding the opening of bank secrecy in the public domain by the Press and the opening of such information that considered threatening the interests of the state. Opening of bank secrecy, especially in this case owned by public officials. When it should be the opening of bank secrecy is a benchmark for public scrutiny of apparatus - state apparatus of committing criminal offenses such as corruption or other unlawful practices and releases emerge as a medium that accommodate the needs of the public. In accessing information not only the Press, NGOs such as Indonesia Corruption Watch ( ICW ) also have difficulty in obtaining a public information regarding any public authority or public officials.
, Today appeared various prosecution case regarding the opening of bank secrecy in the public domain by the Press and the opening of such information that considered threatening the interests of the state. Opening of bank secrecy, especially in this case owned by public officials. When it should be the opening of bank secrecy is a benchmark for public scrutiny of apparatus - state apparatus of committing criminal offenses such as corruption or other unlawful practices and releases emerge as a medium that accommodate the needs of the public. In accessing information not only the Press, NGOs such as Indonesia Corruption Watch ( ICW ) also have difficulty in obtaining a public information regarding any public authority or public officials.
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Schut, G. H. A.
Deventer: Kluwer, 1981
346 SCH o
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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