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Rabin Hattari
The thesis is a continuing forecast stiy of the two biggest taxes managed by
Indonesian?s Directorate General of Tax (Ditjen Paak)--lncome Taxes (PPh) and
Value Added Tax (PPN). In addition, the respond hopes to assist any revenue forecaster
on forecast analysis by introducing new conventional and unconventional ways.
Currently, the Ministry of Finance (DepKeu), in this case represented by
Ditjen Pajak and Agency for Fiscal Analysis (BAF) is responsible for revenue
forecasting in Indonesia. The existing forecasting practices used by Ditjen Pajak and
BAF based on a linear relationship between tax revenue and the macroeconomic
aggregates such as GDP, inflation rate, exchange rate, and others. This approach
seems to lack the fundamental economic relation that needs to show in any fiscal
forecasting. The best alternative and common international practice is to relate tax
revenue with its proxy base. For example, logically national consumption can act as a
reliable PPN?s base. As people increasingly consume goods and services, then PPN,
which is a tax on final domestic consumptiOn, will also increase. The economic theory
behind the movement can also assist any forecaster. For example, an increase in say
PPN rate will definitely affect the revenue. However, questions such as, the
eflèctivenesS of the rate change needs to be addressed. A good revenue forecaster
should take into account any changes in economic behavior.
The thesis employs the most commOn method of revenue forecasting
technique--Baseline forecasting, which is estimating of future revenues based on
current laws andlor decrees. The two types of baseline forecasting are macro models
(aggregate models) and micro models. For PPh, the report will only forecast macro
models, because of lack of ?good and unbiased micro database (i.e., a clean and
sufficient tax return database). On the other hand, PPN?s forecast analysis will have
both micro model and macro model, because of its sufficient micro and macro
The macro methodologies for PPh are elasticity, time-series model, and
monitoring, whereas the macro models for PPN are only time-series model and
monitoring. A regression analysis between tax receipt and GDP is practiced to find
the elasticity. The elasticity model will employ a stable relationship between the
growth of tax receipts and tir growth in the tax base. In addition, a dummy variable is
used to discover whether a tax reform has any impact on revenue collection. By using
the estimated of tax elasticity and forecasted growth rate of the tax base, a forecast of
the change in tax revenue can be obtained by simply multiplying the growth rate in
the tax base by the elasticity. The elasticity approach is feasible if there have been no
changes in the tax system (in rates, exemptions, and compliance) during a sufficiently
long period to permit estimation of its value. An alternative way is to discard the
concepts of tax elasticity and buoyancy and the economic basis of the revenue
equations in general. The new method is a time series analysis that will use a
regression analysis to exploit trends and correlations in the series of data for revenue
and the proxy base, including the autocorrelation in the tax revenue series. It does not
involve the assumption of an absence of tax changes, and it requires modest types and
qualities of data. The monitoring system works as a measurement of administrative
Estimating the PPh?s elasticity, the writer employs annual PPh?s data from
1984 to 1997, by taking into account the 1994 as the tax reform year. The results on
the pPh?s elasticity, the multiple regression analysis shows a linear relationship
between independent variables in the modeI?multicollinearity problem. This is
indicated by a relatively high R2 in the regression equation with few significant t
statistics. The presence of multicollinearity implies that there is no effect of 1994 tax
refbrm in PPh collection. The new estimated PPh elasticity of tax revenue with its
proxy base will not take into account the 1994 tax reform (i.e. GDP).
The time series model for both PPh and PPN will be a regression time series
model, which will utilize a quarterly data from 1989 to 2000. The model provides a
more sophisticated description of cause-and-effect relationship between the taxes and
their proxy bases (i.e. GDP for PPh and national consumption for PPN) and the
random matute of the process that generated the sample observations of the two taxes.
The result for PPh shows a significant relationship between PPh and GÐP. However,
the PPN?s result looks logically inconsistent with no significant relationship between
PPN and national consumption.. PPN?s regression time series model is not a fit model.
The monitoring analysis for both PPh and PPN serves as a management tool
that Ditjen Pajak can employ. It provides a flmdarnental inputs to both short- and
Long-term Ditjen Pajak planning.
PPN is the only tax that can accommodate micro model. The writer employs a
micro data that is input-output table, a statistical framework of indonesian economic
activities in a given period. Later, the writer will estimate the PPNs base before
estimating future revenue.
me shortcomings are lack of in depth economic study, statisticai problems
(e.g. multicollinearity, simultaneous equation problem, low confidence interval, and
fimited number of observations), and lack of scenario adjustments (e.g. impact of
WTC incident on the tax revenue).
The recommendations to counter these shortcomings are:
1. Setup the economic framework that accompanies any revenue forecasting
2. Expand the number observations to stabilize the elasticity3s multiple regression
model and regression time series model.
3. Setup a clean and reliable tax revenue database, which includes discretionary
changes eflèct for tax revenue.
4. Setup a statistics of income database, a database of sample of tax return. This is
important for niicrosiniulation modeling.
5. Includes performance targeting measurement, such as audit rate, percentage of
collection, and others as a monitoring tool.
6. Setup a sepaiate database for personal and corporate income taxes. These two
taxes have very different characters.
7. Take into account any endogenous and exogenous adjustments.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurul Fajri Aulia
"Laporan magang ini membahas tentang analisis efektifitas manajemenPajak Pertambahan Nilai PPN terhadap pemenuhan kewajiban PPN PTABC, yang bergerak di jasa penunjang migas, khususnya di bidang seismicdata processing. Penulis menggunakan metode observasi dan wawancarauntuk melakukan analisis tersebut.
Hasil analisis merekomendasikan bahwaPT ABC sebaiknya memperbaiki manajemen PPN perusahaan dengan caramenangani permasalahan terkait PPN tersebut, seperti pembuatan asesmenyang lebih ketat terhadap calon klien, peningkatan kepatuhan pajak dari sisiPT ABC, pembuatan flowchart proses bisnis, dan perbaikan sistem dan SDMPT ABC.

This internship report elaborates the analysis of Value Added Tax VAT management effectiveness to the compliance of VAT obligation on PTABC, whose industry is in oil and gas service, specifically in seismic dataprocessing. The author uses the observation and interview method to performthe analysis.
The result of the analysis recommends that PT ABC shouldimprove its VAT management by resolving the VAT issues, such as, strongerassessments for the future clients, increase of PT ABC rsquo s compliance level, themaking of business process flowchart, and improving system and humanresources in the company.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahajeng Mentariningtyas
"Laporan magang ini membahas mengenai kasus sengketa pajak yang dialami oleh PT SASA yang berkaitan dengan pengkreditan Pajak Masukannya atas perolehan Barang Kena Pajak BKP dan Jasa Kena Pajak JKP yang terdiri dari barang modal dan non-barang modal. Pokok permasalahan sengketa karena pihak Pemeriksa melakukan pemeriksaan kepada perusahaan atas pelaporan Surat Pemberitahuan Masa yang lebih bayar di tahun 2011. Hasil pemeriksaan yang dilakukan Fiskus menyatakan bahwa Pajak Masukan atas perolehan yang dilakukan PT SASA pada tahun 2011 tidak dapat dikreditkan sehingga pihak Fiskus menerbitkan Surat Ketetapan Pajak Kurang Bayar SKPKB . PT SASA pun mencoba untuk melakukan upaya hukum untuk mempertahankan argumennya hingga ke pengadilan pajak. Laporan magang ini menjelaskan analisis penulis terhadap hasil putusan persidangan yang akan diterbitkan Pengadilan Pajak di masa mendatang.

This internship report discusses about tax dispute case in PT SASA regarding its Value Added Tax VAT -in of acquiring taxable goods and services of capital goods and non capital goods which can not be credited. The point of dispute is assessor Director General of Tax DGT doing tax audit for PT SASA based on Tax Return that stated PT SASA has overpayment of VAT in 2011. The tax audit resulting VAT-in of PT SASA can not be credited in 2011 and DGT issued Tax Underpayment Assessment Letter. PT SASA tries to defend its argument and right and take the case to the tax court. This internship report explains the writer rsquo;s analysis of tax court decision that will be issued by the tax court in the future."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shelly Juwita
"Penelitian ini membahas mengenai Analisis Pajak Pertambahan Nilai Kontraktor Perjanjian Karya Pengusaha Batubara (PKP2B) Generasi Tiga. Perlakuan perpajakannya khususnya pengenaan PPN atas penjualan dan pembelian batubara terjadi inkonsistensi di lapangan, baik oleh Wajib Pajak maupun oleh Dirjen Pajak. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa posisi ketentuan perpajakan sebagaimana yang tertuang dalam PKP2B harus diaplikasikan secara lex specialis.
Penjualan atau pembelian batubara, seharusnya bukanlah barang kena pajak atau tidak dikenakan PPN, yang oleh karenanya tidak menimbulkan adanya kredit pajak dan berimplikasi pada tidak adanya kompensasi maupun restitusi terhadap kelebihan pembayaran pajak. Untuk lebih mengikat Wajib Pajak, Dirjen Pajak perlu untuk menerbitkan aturan yang lebih tinggi terhadap persoalan inkonsistensi ini, misalkan dalam bentuk Undang-undang, sehingga inkonsistensi tidak lagi terjadi baik di tingkat Wajib Pajak maupun Dirjen Pajak.

This research covers the analysis of Value Added Tax (VAT) for The Third Generation of Coal Corporation Agreement. The inconsistency in VAT imposition practice on Coal Trading is happened either by Tax Payer or Directorate General of Taxation. The research showed that the tax provisions as contained in Coal Corporation Agreement should be applied in lex specialist. Coal trading should not classified as taxable goods or subjected to VAT, therefore it would not cause the tax credit and the tax overpayment would not cause tax compensation and restitution. To bind the Tax Payer, DGT needs to publish the regulation for these inconsistencies, so this will not happen in the future, both in Tax Payer area and DGT area."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wilda Yunita
"Laporan ini bertujuan untuk membahas mengenai proses penyelesaian dan analisis terhadap pokok sengketa Pajak Pertambahan Nilai yang berhubungan dengan penyerahan yang dipungut sendiri pada PT. XYZ, sebuah perusahaan kelapa sawit terintegrasi. Sengketa pajak dimulai dari adanya selisih perhitungan antara pihak PT. XYZ dengan Direktorat Jenderal Pajak terkait Lebih Bayar yang diajukan oleh PT. XYZ atas PPN Masa Desember 2013. Direktorat Jenderal Pajak menganggap bahwa status PPN atas PT. XYZ adalah Kurang Bayar karena dianggap peningkatan kuantitas dalam kurun waktu satu tahun tidak wajar sehingga perlu dilakukan koreksi atas penyerahan sepanjang tahun dengan menggunakan Analisis Kewajaran Produksi Kelapa Sawit. Atas perbedaan perhitungan PPN ini, PT. XYZ telah memberikan penjelasan kepada Direktorat Jenderal Pajak, sejak Januari 2015 hingga mengajukan proses keberatan pada April 2015 dan banding pada Juli 2016. Hasil banding menetapkan bahwa koreksi dari pihak Direktorat Jenderal Pajak tidak tepat sehingga Pengadilan Pajak memutuskan untuk tetap mempertahakan pendapat PT. XYZ atas PPN Lebih Bayar. Dari analisis yang dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa PT. XYZ telah melakukan prosedur penyelesaian sengketa pajak sesuai dengan SE-10/PJ.7/2008, 202/PMK.03/2015, dan UU Nomor 14 Tahun 2002. Hasil analisis juga menyimpulkan bahwa perhitungan pajak yang dilakukan oleh Pemeriksa Pajak maupun Peneliti Keberatan harus didasarkan pada dokumen dan data penyerahan yang secara aktual terjadi di lapangan. Perhitungan pajak tidak dapat dilakukan hanya berdasarkan analisis kewajaran berdasarkan standard perkebunan kelapa sawit sebagaimana diterbitkan dalam buku Teknologi Budidaya Kelapa Sawit tanpa mempertimbangkan kondisi perusahaan. Maka dari itu, diharapkan kedepannya pihak Direktorat Jenderal Pajak, khususnya pengawas dan peneliti pajak, dapat menghitung penyerahan dengan menggunakan bukti yang valid dan menghindari pendapat yang bersifat asumtif.

This report explains the Value-Added Tax dispute resolution related to self-collected VAT of PT. XYZ, an integrated palm oil company. Tax dispute starts from the different argument between the PT. XYZ and the Directorate General of Taxation due to tax overpayment status on PT. XYZ rsquo;s VAT return period December 2013. However, the Directorate General of Taxation considers the status of VAT over PT. XYZ is underpaid because they thought significant increase within one year is suspicious, so it is necessary to make correction towards sales throughout the year by using Fairness Analysis on Palm Oil Production. The result of the analysis in this report show that sales should not calculated using fairness analysis, but using the actual data occurs in field, especially in the palm oil industry such as daily data production and sales of Fresh Fruit Bunches and sales of processed product of Fresh Fruit Brunches, which are Crude Palm Oil and Palm Kernel, each day because the price may vary every day so it can not be calculated using the annualized approach. Therefore, it is expected that in the future, the Directorate General of Taxation can calculate the whole sales by using valid evidence and avoid the unreliable assumption."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ridho Atma Mulia
"[Bidang pertahanan dan keamanan negara merupakan salah satu aspek yang diperhatikan oleh pemerintah Indonesia. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari upaya Pemerintah dengan memberikan insentif berupa pembebasan PPN atas penyerahan dan impor
komponen atau bahan senjata dan amunisi dan juga atas penyerahan senjata dan amunisi. Diberikannya insentif ini diharapkan mampu memenuhi kebutuhan perlengkapan pertahanan dan keamanan khususnya senjata dan amunisi. Skripsi ini membahas mengenai insentif pembebasan PPN tersebut ditinjau dari manfaatnya bagi PT (Persero) PINDAD selaku pihak produsen yang dilibatkan untuk mencapai tujuan insentif tersebut dan eksternalitasnya di masyarakat (its costs to society). Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Hasil
penelitian menemukan bahwa insentif pembebasan PPN ini tidak hanya menimbulkan potensi manfaat bagi PT (Persero) PINDAD tetapi juga menimbulkan costs bagi pihak produsen tersebut.

The field of national defense and security is one aspect that is considered by the Indonesian government. It can be seen from the efforts of the Government by providing incentives in the form of VAT exemption on the transfer and import of components or materials of weapons and ammunition, and also on the transfer of weapons and ammunition. The granting of this incentive is expected to fulfill the needs of defense and security supplies, especially weapons and ammunition. This research discusses about the VAT exemption incentives in terms of benefits for PT (Persero) PINDAD as the producers involved to achieve the purposes of these incentives and externalities on society (its costs to society). This research is
quantitative with descriptive design. The study found that this VAT exemption is not only poses a potential benefits for PT (Persero) PINDAD but also raises the costs.;The field of national defense and security is one aspect that is considered by the
Indonesian government. It can be seen from the efforts of the Government by
providing incentives in the form of VAT exemption on the transfer and import of
components or materials of weapons and ammunition, and also on the transfer of
weapons and ammunition. The granting of this incentive is expected to fulfill the
needs of defense and security supplies, especially weapons and ammunition.
This research discusses about the VAT exemption incentives in terms of benefits for
PT (Persero) PINDAD as the producers involved to achieve the purposes of these
incentives and externalities on society (its costs to society). This research is
quantitative with descriptive design. The study found that this VAT exemption is not
only poses a potential benefits for PT (Persero) PINDAD but also raises the costs.;The field of national defense and security is one aspect that is considered by the
Indonesian government. It can be seen from the efforts of the Government by
providing incentives in the form of VAT exemption on the transfer and import of
components or materials of weapons and ammunition, and also on the transfer of
weapons and ammunition. The granting of this incentive is expected to fulfill the
needs of defense and security supplies, especially weapons and ammunition.
This research discusses about the VAT exemption incentives in terms of benefits for
PT (Persero) PINDAD as the producers involved to achieve the purposes of these
incentives and externalities on society (its costs to society). This research is
quantitative with descriptive design. The study found that this VAT exemption is not
only poses a potential benefits for PT (Persero) PINDAD but also raises the costs., The field of national defense and security is one aspect that is considered by the
Indonesian government. It can be seen from the efforts of the Government by
providing incentives in the form of VAT exemption on the transfer and import of
components or materials of weapons and ammunition, and also on the transfer of
weapons and ammunition. The granting of this incentive is expected to fulfill the
needs of defense and security supplies, especially weapons and ammunition.
This research discusses about the VAT exemption incentives in terms of benefits for
PT (Persero) PINDAD as the producers involved to achieve the purposes of these
incentives and externalities on society (its costs to society). This research is
quantitative with descriptive design. The study found that this VAT exemption is not
only poses a potential benefits for PT (Persero) PINDAD but also raises the costs.]
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indra Himawan Adlan
"Skripsi ini membahas fakta yang mendasari pertimbangan Hakim dalam memutus sengketa Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN) pada perusahaan pembiayaan terkait perkara diskon asuransi dan penjualan barang yang ditarik kembali. Pendekatan penulisan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Transaksi diskon asuransi terutang PPN pada skema transaksi pembiayaan konsumen sedangkan transaksi penjualan barang yang ditarik kembali dapat terutang PPN pada transaksi sewa guna usaha dengan hak opsi. Sengketa ini disebabkan perbedaan interpretasi hukum sehingga memerlukan manajemen sengketa pajak berupa pembentukan aturan baru atau revisi aturan menggunakan peraturan yang sifatnya mengikat ke luar seperti Peraturan Presiden, Peraturan Menteri Keuangan, dan Peraturan Direktur Jenderal Pajak

This thesis discusses facts which underpin the Judge?s verdict in Value Added
Tax (VAT) disputes on matters related finance company insurance discounts and sale
repossessed goods. It uses descriptive qualitative approach. VAT is levied on insurance
discount in consumer financing transaction scheme, while VAT on the sale of repossessed
goods can be levied in a finance lease transaction. This tax disputes are caused by different
legal interpretation, thus it needs tax dispute management by forming a new rule or
amendment of the existing rules using the rules which have legal binding force to the
society such as Peraturan Presiden, Peraturan Menteri Keuangan, and Peraturan Direktur
Jenderal Pajak
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gilang Kusumabangsa
"Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi pemungutan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN) atas perdagangan melalui sistem elektronik (PMSE) bagi pemungut berdasarkan asas pemungutan pajak "The Four Maxims". Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan teknik wawancara terhadap 11 narasumber yang berasal dari Pemungut PPN PMSE dan Otoritas Pajak serta analisis dokumen berupa data pembayaran dan pelaporan PPN PMSE.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemungutan PPN PMSE di Indonesia telah memenuhi asas keadilan, kenyamanan dan efisiensi berdasarkan "The Four Maxims". Namun pemungutan PPN PMSE di Indonesia belum memenuhi asas kepastian meliputi ketidakpastian definisi di dalam peraturan, status hukum pemungut, mekanisme penentuan Dasar Pengenaan Pajak, prosedur perpajakan, dan pengenaan sanksi.

This research aims to evaluate the Value-added Tax (VAT) collection on trading through the electronic system (TTES) from the TTES VAT Collector’s perception, based on "The Four Maxims" tax collection principle. This research uses a qualitative research method with a case study approach. Data was collected using interview techniques with 11 respondents from TTES VAT Collectors and tax authorities and document analysis in the form of TTES VAT payment and report data.
The results showed that TTES VAT collection in Indonesia has fulfilled the equality, convenience and efficiency principles based on "The Four Maxims". However, the collection of TTES VAT in Indonesia has failed to meet the criterion of certainty, owing to uncertainties in the definition, the legal status of the collector, the method for calculating the tax basis, tax procedures, and the enforcement of fines.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penerapan e-faktur sebelum dan sesudah pemusatan PPN dan faktor yang menyebabkan e-faktur tidak dapat mengakomodir aturan pemusatan PPN hingga mendorong terjadinya ketidakpatuhan pajak. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif untuk menganalisis lebih dalam fenomena penerapan e-faktur terkait pemusatan PPN.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara keseluruhan e-faktur telah memberikan kemudahan kepada PKP dalam menjalankan kewajiban perpajakannya. Namun, e-faktur memiliki kelemahan yaitu tidak dapat menyediakan sarana pelaporan untuk membetulkan data PPN cabang setelah pemusatan sehingga mempengaruhi perilaku PKP dari patuh menjadi tidak patuh.

This study aims to analyze the application of e-faktur before and after VAT centralization and the factors that cause e-faktur to not accommodate the VAT centralization rules to encourage tax non-compliance. This study uses qualitative methods to deep analyze into the phenomenon of the application of e-faktur related to VAT centralization.
The result of the study indicates that overall e-faktur has provided convenience to PKP in carrying out their tax obligations. However, e-faktur has the disadvantage of not being able to provide a report to correct branch’s VAT data after centralization, thus alters PKP behavior from being obedient to non-compliance.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vera Indah Sari
Hingga saat ini, realisasi penerimaan perpajakan masih belum mencapai target. Hal ini sering dikaitkan dengan penghindaran pajak maupun penggelapan pajak yang dilakukan oleh Wajib Pajak. DJP yang bertugas untuk memenuhi penerimaan pajak seringkali bersengketa dengan Wajib Pajak mengenai Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak tersebut. Salah satu jenis pajak yang disengketakan adalah mengenai Pajak Pertambahan Nilai. Skripsi ini menganalisis sengketa PPN antara Wajib Pajak dengan DJP yang diselesaikan di Pengadilan Pajak. Pendekatan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif-deskriptif melalui 10 putusan banding tahun 2012-2016. Setelah dilakukan analisis terhadap kasus-kasus tersebut, Penulis menemukan bahwa terdapat dua pokok sengketa PPN yaitu mengenai Dasar Pengenaan Pajak dan Pajak Masukan yang disebabkan oleh perbedaan interpretasi peraturan, perbedaan penafsiran data, dan perbedaan kepentingan. Selain itu, Pengadilan Pajak menyelesaikan sengketa berdasarkan bukti berupa dokumen, peraturan, pengakuan para pihak, dan keyakinan Hakim.

Until now, the realization of tax revenue in Indonesia still has not reached the target. However, this issue is often associated with tax avoidance and tax evasion by the Tax Payer. The Directorate General of Tax DGT who has the responsibility to meet the target of tax revenue is often disputed with the Tax Payer regarding the Tax Payer Compliance. One of the disputed types of taxes is on Value Added Tax.This study analyzes 10 ten appeals of Value Added Tax case from 2012 2016 in Indonesia using qualitative descriptive approach. After analyzing these cases, the result shows that there are two main principal of VAT disputes concerning Tax Base and Input Tax due to differences in regulatory interpretations, differences in interpretation of data, and different interests. In addition, the Tax Court resolves disputes based on evidence in the form of documents, regulations, confessions of the parties, and the judge 39 s conviction."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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