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"Trafficking in persons, aspecially in women and children, is one of the transnational crime, which is now concerned by the international community. It has been stipulated in the Supplementing Protocol to the UN Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime, 2000. Trafficking has hereby a wider sense, including recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, or receipt ofpersons, by means of the threat or use of the force, or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, for the purpose of exploitation. This become one of the problems in the efforts of law enforcement, due to lack of regulations. Another problem is the different perspective of some countries looking at trafficking as a transnational crime, that need an international cooperation to combat it."
340 JHPJ 24:1 (2006)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hermaini Siswati
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Arsha
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Enggarani Laufria
Tesis ini membahas hasil penelitian tentang analisis Penanganan Tindak PidanaPerdagangan Orang Oleh Penyidik Dittipidum Bareskrim Polri. Penelitian inidilakukan dengan metode analisis deskriptif-kualitatif yang bersumber dari dataprimer dan sekunder melalui teknik wawancara, observasi dan telaahan dokumen.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan saat ini tindak pidana perdagangan orang TPPO telahberkembang menjadi suatu kejahatan kemanusiaan lintas batas negara yangterorganisasi transnational organized crime , sehingga memerlukan kerjasama darinegara-negara di dunia. Keadaan geografis, ekonomi dan sosilogis menjadikanIndonesia berpotensi sebagai negara pencarian korban maupun tujuan TPPO.Keadaan sebagian penduduk Indonesia yang berpendidikan rendah dan miskinmerupakan penyebab utama penduduk nekat menjadi pekerja migram di luar daerahtinggal ataupun diluar negeri, meskipun dengan cara yang illegal. Kerentanan inidimanfaatkan oleh para pelaku perdagangan orang dan calo. Karenanya moduskejahatan perdagangan orang dengan merekrut dan mengirim pekerja migran illegalpaling sering terjadi di Indonesia. Dittipidum Polri selama ini telah melakukanberbagai upaya untuk memberantas TPPO baik melalui upaya preemtif, preventifmaupun represif. Dalam praktiknya, kendala yang dihadapi penyidik Polri antara lainadalah: 1 lokasi kejahatan yang berbeda-beda meliputi dalam dan luar negeri; 2 keterbatasan kewenangan penyidik untuk melakukan pemeriksaan di luar negerisehingga mendapat tantangan dari pihak yang berwenang dan pihak pendukungkejahatan di negara terkait; 3 Keterangan calo yang berbelit-belit tentang pelakuutama, atau bahkan calo tidak kenal sama sekali; 4 korban yang tidak mau bersaksikarena takut atau berada dibawah tekanan baik sosial, ekonomi maupun psikologis.Kendala tersebut menghambat penyidik untuk mendapatkan bukti sehingga kesulitanuntuk menjerat pelaku dan pihak terkait dengan UU TPPO. Karenanya sebagianpenyidik menggunakan KUHP, UU Perlindungan Anak dan UU Perlindungan TKI diLuar Negeri, dan tidak dapat mengungkap dan memberantas TPPO secarakomprehensif dan tuntas. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan oleh Dittipidum BareskrimPolri di masa mendatang antara lain adalah dengan cara: 1 meningkatkan saranapendukung, pengetahuan, dan kapasitas penyidik dengan cara berpastisipasi padaberbagai workshop dan pelatihan; 2 terus mendorong penegak hukum melakukankoordinasi dan kerjasama dengan berbagai instansi di dalam negeri, dan juga terusmeningkatkan kerjasama antar negara dan dengan organisasi internasional sepertiAATIP.

This thesis discusses the results of research on the analysis of Crime Handling ofTrafficking in Persons by Dittipidum Bareskrim Polri Investigators This research isdone by descriptive qualitative analysis method that comes from primary andsecondary data through interview technique, observation and document review. Theresults show that the current crime of trafficking in persons TPPO has evolved intoan organized transnational organized crime, thus requiring cooperation fromcountries in the world. Geographic, economic and socio political conditions makeIndonesia a potential as a search for victims and the destination of TPPO. Thecondition of some poor and poorly educated Indonesians is the main cause of thereckless population to become migrant workers outside of residence or abroad, albeitin an illegal manner. This vulnerability is used by traffickers and brokers. Hence thecrime mode of trafficking in persons by recruiting and sending illegal migrantworkers is most common in Indonesia. Dittipidum Polri has been doing variousefforts to eradicate TPPO either through preemptive, preventive or repressive efforts.In practice, the obstacles faced by Police investigators include 1 different crimelocations within and outside the country 2 the limitations of the investigator 39 sauthority to conduct an overseas examination so as to be challenged by theauthorities and the crime supporting parties in the country concerned 3 Theintricately scaled up scalper 39 s notes about the main perpetrator, or even the brokersdo not know the main prepertrators at all 4 victims who do not want to testify forfear or are under social, economic and psychological pressure. These obstaclesprevent the investigators from obtaining evidence so that it is difficult to trap theperpetrators and parties related under TPPO Law. Therefore, some investigators usethe Criminal Code, Child Protection Law and Protection Act for Overseas Workers,and can not disclose and combat TPPO comprehensively and thoroughly. Efforts thatcan be undertaken by the Dittipidum Baerskrim Polri in the future are among others 1 increasing the supporting facilities, knowledge, and investigator capacity byparticipating in various workshops and trainings 2 continue to encourage lawenforcement to coordinate and cooperate with various agencies in the country, andalso to improve cooperation between countries and with international organizationssuch as AATIP"
Depok: Universitas Indonesia. Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Human trafficking as a form of contemporary slavery evidently is not fractured by ages, and in fact, it continues to take place in various operation modes. Based on various information sources from the print as well as electronics media and supported by the research data, this phenomenon evidently is increasing all over the world, including Indonesia and often caused casualties especially towards women and children. This research was based from the concern towards the law enforcement on the case of human trafficking in Indonesia, and accordingly emerges the identification of the problems that cover the followings: the condition of women and children human trafficking in Indonesia, regulating this action as an action that is prohibited based on various applicable regulations in Indonesia, the aspect of law enforcement, including the prospect of Draft on Elimination of Human Trafficking which at the current moment is in the process of legalization. To answer these problems, the writer used the bibliography law research method, which is supported by material books and secondary data that is analyzed using the qualitative method and presented in analytical descriptive. From the research, it is discovered that women and children trafficking cases that are currently occurring in Indonesia are intended to obtain economic and sexual exploitation. Further, it is also found that there are various instruments of law and human rights, both national and international, which have classified this action as an act that is prohibited and resulting in a criminal punishment, and besides, the current Draft has also been structured adequately from the formulation aspect and expected to be applied maximally in its implementation. Moreover, in relation with the weakness of the law enforcement, it turns out that there is only a few cases brought before the court, and if it is then processed, the punishment that is sentenced for the criminal is very minimize. Based on this research results, the writer would like to view a recommendation, so that the government as well as related agency could increase the law enforcement towards the case of human trafficking especially women and children, have a tight supervision in various vulnerable territories for this type of case, strengthened the international, government agency, and NGO co-ordination and co-operation, as well as immediately legalize the Draft on Elimination of Human Trafficking."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Minimnya akses pengetahuan dan pendidikan dan faktor ekonomi yang menghimpit membuat perempuan dewasa dan anak-anak perempuan menjadi korban trafficking. sebagaimana yang dilaporkan pemerintah Malaysia, bahwa 4.268 pekerja seks komersial di Malaysia berasal dari Indonesia. dengan demikian memutus rantai kejahatan tidak bisa hanya dengan prioritas satu oknum saja, melainkan memutus mata rantainya dari sumber perekrutan sindikat perdagangan manusia yaitu perekrut tenaga kerja. diplomasi Internasional yang telah dilakukan oleh pemerintah Indonesia dan Malaysia dengan cara program pengulangan tenaga kerja Indonesia dan penyaluran tenaga kerja melalui satu jalur yakni jalur pintu legal merupakan upaya advokasi pemerintah atas pemenuhan hak-hak perempua dalam instrumen gender Internasional."
323 JP 20:2(2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dessy Rismawanharsih
"Penelitian ini membahas kebijakan-kebijakan kriminal di negara anggota ASEAN yaitu Brunei Darussalam, Filipina, Indonesia, Kamboja, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, Singapura, dan Vietnam tentang perdagangan manusia dan perdagangan narkoba. Bermula dari fakta yang menggambarkan bahwa kawasan Asia Tenggara merupakan kawasan yang rentan terhadap ancaman transnational organized crimes atau yang selanjutnya disebut sebagai TOCs, terutama dalam bentuk perdagangan manusia dan perdagangan narkoba. Dalam lalu lintas perdagangan manusia, negara-negara di kawasan Asia Tenggara yang tergabung dalam ASEAN ini tak hanya sebagai negara transit sebagaimana yang umum diketahui selama ini, namun juga sudah mengarah ke negara asal dan negara tujuan. Begitu pula dengan perdagangan narkoba dunia yang sudah mengidentifikasi keberadaan Segitiga Emas Asia Tenggara yaitu Laos, Myanmar, dan Thailand sebagai salah satu kawasan penghasil narkoba khususnya yang berjenis opium terbesar di dunia.
Menanggapi segala permasalahan itu, setiap negara anggota ASEAN merumuskan kebijakan kriminal pada taraf nasionalnya. Pembuatan kebijakan kriminal tak lepas dari lingkungan kebijakan itu sendiri seperti tingkat ekonomi dan demokrasi di samping juga ancaman TOCs terkait. Setelah kebijakan kriminal dibentuk, substansinya diimpelementasikan oleh stakeholders (pemangku kepentingan) yang termasuk di dalamnya adalah polisi sebagai agen penegak hukum.

This research is about criminal policy on human trafficking and drug trafficking in Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippine, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam as the country members of ASEAN. It starts with the fact that the South-East Asia is the vulnerable region to transnational organized crimes threat, particularly human trafficking and drugs trafficking. In human trafficking cases, country members of ASEAN not only happen to be the transit countries but also as the origin and destination countries. Furthermore, countries in South-East Asia are also identified as the significant drugs producers. As we know, South-East Asia possed the infamous Golden Triangle which consists of Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand as the world major opium producers.
Regarding the situation, each of ASEAN country members has their own criminal policy. The national criminal policy making is influenced by many factors such as economic and democracy rate within a country. Whenever the criminal policy is completely formed, there are stakeholders who implement it and police officers are one of the criminal policy stakeholders.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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