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"The aim of this research are to analyze the impact of declining tick size toward stock liquidity and changes of order strategy. Relative bid ask spread and bid ask depth were used for analyzing stock liquidity. Whether Marketable Limit Order to Total Order was maintained to analyze the changes of order strategy. The result implies that relative spread decrease after tick size declining policy and stock more liquid. But, declining of depth can not raise tock liquidity. Comparation between depth and relative spread was maintained for solving opposite results of soread. The finding is there is no significant of liquidity. deterioration of relative spread result in cheaper cost of transaction and stock execution faster than before. Therefore traders are able to change strategy from limit order to market order."
657 JATI 7:2 (2008)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sally Dwijayanti
"Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas mekanisme suspensi yang diterapkan oleh Bursa Efek Jakarta (BEJ) untuk mengurangi volatilitas return. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap saham-saham yang mengalami penghentian sementara perdagangan (suspensi) karena adanya pergerakan yang dianggap signifikan oleh BEJ sepanjang tahun 2004. Adapun periode pengamatan adalah sate hari perdagangan sebelum dan satu hari perdagangan setelah suspensi. Pengamatan akan dilakukan dengan data intrahari. Setiap satu hari perdagangan akan dibagi menjadi interval 30 menit sehingga terbentuk 10 interval.
Variabel yang diuji dalam penelitian ini meliputi volatilitas return, bid-ask spread relatif, depth to relative spread, serta nilai transaksi. Pengujian atas data-data yang dikumpulkan sepanjang periode penelitian dilakukan dengan metode statistika non parametrik maupun statistika parametrik, yaitu dengan analisis wilcoxon signed ranks test serta analisis regresi, baik regresi sederhana maupun regresi berganda.
Penelitian ini membuktikan tidak terjadi penurunan volatilitas return yang signifikan pads periode setelah suspensi. Volatilitas return terbukti dipengaruhi secara sigrnifikan oleh bid ask spread relatif dan nilai transaksi secara bersamasama. Suspensi juga tidak terbukti memengaruhi likuiditas saham secara signifikan. Variasi hid ask spread relatif dipengaruhi oleh volatilitas return dan nilai transaksi secara signifikan.

The main purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of trading halt (suspension) at Jakarta Stock Exchange (JSX). The stated purpose of this suspension is to allow investors an opportunity to react to the relevant information. When the relevant information has disseminated to market, it is expected to reduce return volatility. This study examines the effect of trading suspension at stocks with a significant price behavior at 2004. This paper makes a comparison at one trading day before and after suspension for some variable, by reconstruct at 30-minutes of each trading day.
The testing variable at this study are return volatility, relative bid-ask spread, depth to relative spread, and transaction values. Statistical tests are based on Wilcox on signed ranks test, simple regression and multiple regression analysis, at 5% significant level.
This study finds that trading suspension cannot reduce return volatility. Return volatility is affected by relative bid-ask spread and transactions value. Suspension also didn't impact the stocks liquidity. The change of liquidity is determined by return volatility and transaction values.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Suskandani Kamil
"Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh IPO Underpricing terhadap likuiditas saham di Bursa Efek Indonesia selama periode 2006-2011. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua pendekatan untuk menghitung variabel terikat (likuiditas saham), yaitu volume perdagangan saham (VOL) dan volume uang dalam perdagangan saham (DVOL). Begitu juga dalam menghitung variabel bebas (underpricing), menggunakan dua pendekatan yaitu UNDO dan UNDC. Dalam menghitung UNDO, harga saham yang digunakan adalah harga pembukaan hari pertama listing. Sedangkan untuk perhitungan UNDC, harga saham yang digunakan adalah harga penutupan hari pertama listing.
Pengujian hipotesis penelitian ini menggunakan model regresi linear berganda dengan data cross section. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 75 perusahaan yang melakukan IPO selama periode 2006-2011. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan tiga variabel kontrol, yaitu jumlah lembar saham yang ditawarkan saat IPO, harga perdana saham, dan umur perusahaan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa underpricing berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap volume perdagangan saham (VOL) di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Sedangkan untuk likuiditas dengan pendekatan volume uang (DVOL), underpricing tidak berpengaruh signifikan. Hal ini sejalan dengan penelitian yang dilakukan Zhen dan Li (2007) yang menyatakan bahwa underpricing berpengaruh positif terhadap volume transaksi. Zhen dan Li tidak menemukan hubungan yang konsisten antara underpricing dengan ukuran likuiditas lainnya.

The objective of this research is to examine the effect of IPO Underpricing on stock liquidity in the Indonesian Stock Exchange during the period 2006-2011. This study used two approaches to calculate the dependent variable (stock liquidity), which are trading volume and volume of money in stock trading. In calculating the independent variable (underpricing), this study also uses two approaches, they are UNDO and UNDC. In calculating an UNDO, the share price used is the opening price of the first day of listing. In UNDC calculating, stock price used is the closing price of the first day of listing.
The hypothesis testing of this study using a multiple linear regression model with cross section data. The samples in this study were 75 companies. This study also used three control variables: the number of shares offered, the initial price of the stock, and firm age.
The results showed that underpricing is positively significant to trading volume (VOL) at the Indonesian Stock Exchange. The research also found that underpricing has no significant relation to the volume of money (DVOL). This is consistent with research conducted Zhen and Li (2007) which states that the underpricing positively related to the volume of transactions. Zhen and Li did not find any consistent relation between underpricing and other liquidity measures.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohammad Irwan Setyawan
"Penelitian ini mengenai hubungan likuiditas dan return di pasar modal terus mengalami perkembangan sejak pertama kali dilakukan oleh Amihud dan Mendelson (1986) terutama dalam hal ukuran yang digunakan. Penelitian kali ini dilakukan untuk menguji persistensi ada tidaknyan premi likuiditas di Indonesia dengan mempelajari portofolio berdasarkan tiga ukuran likuiditas, yakni zeros, amihud dan FHT. Berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan, peneliti menemukan bahwa permintaan premi likuiditas terjadi pada saat krisis finansial. Selain itu, peneliti juga menemukan bahwa investor dalam mengkoreksi keputusan investasi mereka setiap enam minggu.

Research on the relationship of liquidity and return on capital markets has been developing since the first conducted by Amihud and Mendelson (1986), especially in terms of the measurement used. This study is conducted to examine the persistence liquidity premiums in Indonesia by studying a portfolio based on three measures of liquidity, zeros, Amihud, and FHT. Based on the analysis, found that the demand for liquidity premium exists on the financial crisis. In addition, it is also found that investorsadjust their investment decision in every six weeks."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bagas Kurniawan
"Penelitian ini membandingkan model CAPM dan Fama-French tiga faktor model untuk melihat dampak net Trading, order imbalace, dan likuiditas premium investor asing dan domestik di pasar modal Indonesia. Portofolio net trading dan order imbalance diestimasi dengan pendekatan quoted spread (Roll, 1984). Adapun likuikitas premium dihitung berdasarkan Amihud (2002). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa market risk premium, size effect dan value effect secara konsisten berpengaruh positif terhadap return saham di pasar modal Indoensia. Net trading investor asing maupun domestik berpengaruh signifikan positif terhadap return saham. Pengaruh order imbalance ditemukan hanya pada investor asing. Selain itu, transaksi asing cenderung mampu mendapatkan return lebih besar pada saham-saham yang ilikuid sedangkan transaksi domestik cenderung mampu menghasilkan return lebih tinggi pada saham yang likuid.

This study compares the CAPM and Fama-French three factor models to estimates the impact of Net Trading, Order Imbalace, and premium liquidity of foreign and domestic investors in the Indonesian Capital Market. Net trading portfolios and imbalance orders are estimated using the quoted spread Roll (1989) approach. The premium liquidity is calculated based on Amihud (2002). The results showed that the market risk premium, size effect and value effect consistently had a positive effect on stock returns in the Indonesian Capital Market. Net trading by foreign and domestic investors has a significant positive effect on stock returns. The influence of imbalance orders is found only on foreign investors. In addition, foreign transactions tend to be able to get greater returns on iliquid stocks, while domestic transactions tend to produce higher returns on liquid stocks.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mei Nurtika Hamidah
"Penelitian ini meneliti hubungan antara likuiditas saham dengan proksi zero daily return dan kinerja perusahaan (Tobin’s Q) dengan variabel kontrol book value to assets, firm age, risiko idiosinkratik, dan volatilitas operating income. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode data panel yang seimbang dengan jumlah observasi sebanyak 75 firm-years observations. Untuk mengkontrol likuiditas endogen maka digunakan Two Stage Lest Square (2SLS) dan menggunakan langkahlangkah alternatif likuiditas.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan dengan saham yang likuid memiliki kinerja yang lebih baik. Namun likuiditas tidak meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan secara signifikan di sekitar terjadinya desimalisasi. Selain itu, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa adanya pengaruh yang positif antara likuiditas dan kinerja perusahaan bukan dikarenakan likuiditas premium, sentimen investor, maupun feedback effect.

This study examines the relationship between stock liquidity using daily zero returns as its proxy and firm performance (Tobin's Q) with book value of assets, firm age, idiosyncratic risk, and volatility of operating income as control variables. Moreover, this study uses balanced panel data methods by number of observations as much as 75 firm-years observations. In order to control the endogenous liquidity, this study uses Two Stage Least Square (2SLS) and alternative measures of liquidity.
Results of this study indicate that firms with liquid stocks have better performance although liquidity does not improve firm performance significantly around the decimalization. In addition, this study found that a positive influence between liquidity and firm performance is not due to liquidity premium, investor sentiment, and the feedback effect.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farid Wahyu Aji
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh likuiditas saham terhadap mispricing saham di Indonesia. Likuiditas saham diukur dengan mengunakan tiga ukuran yaitu, amihud illiquidity, amihud risk dan share turnover. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan regresi berganda dan panel data dengan sampel sebanyak 92 perusahaan yang tercatat di bursa efek Indonesia selama periode 2004-2011.
Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa ukuran (size) perusahaan berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap mispricing saham. Book to market ratio perusahaan berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap mispricing saham. Likuiditas saham dengan ukuran amihud illiquidity berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap mispricing saham.
Likuiditas saham dengan ukuran amihud risk berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap mispricing saham. Namun Likuiditas saham dengan ukuran share turnover berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap mispricing saham.

The objective of this research is to analyze the effect of stock liquidity on stock mispricing at indonesia stock exchange. This Research uses multiple regression and panel data with 92 company listed at Indonesia Stock Exchange taken as a sample.
The result of this research shows that size and book to market ratio have negative effect and significantly influence stock mispricing. Stock Liquidity measured by amihud illiquidity shows that liquidity has negative effect and significantly influence stock mispricing.
Stock Liquidity measured by amihud risk also shows that liquidity has negative effect and significantly influence stock mispricing. However, Stock Liquidity measured by share turnover shows that liquidity has positive effect and significantly influence stock mispricing.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irsyad Mohammad Abbas
"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh likuiditas dan karakteristik perusahaan terhadap struktur modal perusahaan non-keuangan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Variabel yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan karakteristik perusahaan adalah market to book, operating return, depreciation, logaritma natural dari harga penutupan rata-rata saham, dan logaritma natural dari aset perusahaan, sedangkan rata-rata ukuran likuiditas variabel yang digunakan adalah illiquidity, quoted spread, effective spread, dan stock turnover.
Dari 3 (tiga) variabel pengukur struktur modal, hanya variabel stock turnover konsisten dan signifikan berpengaruh terhadap book leverage dan market leverage. Hal ini terkait dengan teori pecking order, dimana perusahaan berusaha tidak melakukan pembiayaan ekuitas dikarenakan akan terjadi transfer nilai dari pemegang saham lama ke pemegang saham baru. Sedangkan iIliquidity tidak memiliki hubungan terhadap struktur modal perusahaan nonkeuangan. Hubungan signifikansi yang terjadi pada proksi illiquidity tidak mempengaruhi book leverage dan market leverage. Variabel quoted spread dan effective spread berpengaruh hanya pada market leverage.

This research was conducted to determine the effect of the liquidity and company characteristics of the capital structure of non-financial companies listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Variables used to describe the characteristics of the company are market to book, operating return, Depreciation ratio, natural logarithm of average closing stock price, and natural logarithm of firm assets, while the average variable liquidity measure used are illiquidity, quoted spread, effective spread, and stock turnover.
The results of the study show that of the three variables measuring capital structure, only stock turnover variable consistent and has significant effect on book leverage and market leverage. It is associated with the pecking order theory, where companies are trying not undertake equity financing due to a transfer of value from existing shareholders to new shareholders. While iIliquidity have no relationship to the non-financial corporate capital structure. Significance of relationships that occur in illiquidity proxy does not affect the book leverage and market leverage. quoted spreads and effective spreads variable only on the market leverage effect.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fachrial Banyu Asmoro
"[Dalam pasar keuangan, mendapatkan suatu abnormal return merupakan suatu hal
yang diinginkan oleh semua investor baik itu investor skala besar, skala kecil, trader,
maupun oleh perusahaan efek dalam hal ini broker. Berbagai macam teknik dalam
melakukan suatu transaksi dilakukan oleh para investor, untuk mendapatkan
abnormal return, mulai dengan melakukan suatu riset untuk mendapatkan intrinsic
value dari sebuah perusahaan sampai dengan melakukan suatu tindak kejahatan
dalam pasar keuangan. Tindak kejahatan yang terjadi dalam pasar keuangan dapat
bermacam-macam bentuknya mulai dari penipuan dalam bertransaksi sampai dengan
manipulasi pasar. Dalam hal menanggulangi kerugian yang mungkin didapatkan oleh
masing-masing pelaku keuangan, para otoritas dalam negeri membuat bermacammacam
regulasi. Namun dalam hal ini, tindakan manipulasi pasar merupakan
tindakan kejahatan yang sangat sulit untuk dibuktikan, seperti yang telah
diungkapkan oleh Jarrow (1992). Tesis ini mengukur tingkat volatilitas dan likuiditas
sebagai proksi untuk indikasi manipulasi pasar dalam bursa saham Indonesia. Dalam
meneliti manipulasi pasar, volatilitas dan likuiditas dijadikan sebuah acuan yang
dapat menggambarkan perilaku dari investor untuk menipu investor lainnya dalam
mendapatkan abnormal return. Metode pengukuran yang digunakan adalah dengan
mengukur order cancellation dari masing-masing jenis saham seperti yang telah
dilakukan oleh Chan dan Ma (2014). Dengan demikian dapat dianalisis pengaruh
order cancellation ini dalam tindakan kejahatan manipulasi pasar yang berupa orderbased
manipulation;In financial markets, getting an abnormal return is something that is desired by all
investors both large-scale investors, small-scale traders, as well as by the company in
this case securities broker. Various techniques in performing a transaction carried out
by the investor, to obtain abnormal return, started by doing some research to get the
intrinsic value of a company until committing a crime in the financial markets.
Crimes that occurred in the financial markets vary from fraud in transactions through
market manipulation. In terms of handling the losses that is gained by each of the
financial actors, the authorities in the country make the various regulations. But in
this case, the action of market manipulation is very difficult to prove, as has been
revealed by Jarrow (1992). This thesis measures the volatility and liquidity levels as a
proxy for an indication of market manipulation in the Indonesian stock market. In
researching market manipulation, volatility and liquidity can be used as a reference
for describing the behavior of other investors to defraud investors in obtaining
abnormal returns. Measurement method used is to measure the cancellation order of
each type of shares as has been done by Chan and Ma (2014). Thus it can be analyzed
the effect of this cancellation order in the criminal market manipulation in the form of
an order-based manipulation;In financial markets, getting an abnormal return is something that is desired by all
investors both large-scale investors, small-scale traders, as well as by the company in
this case securities broker. Various techniques in performing a transaction carried out
by the investor, to obtain abnormal return, started by doing some research to get the
intrinsic value of a company until committing a crime in the financial markets.
Crimes that occurred in the financial markets vary from fraud in transactions through
market manipulation. In terms of handling the losses that is gained by each of the
financial actors, the authorities in the country make the various regulations. But in
this case, the action of market manipulation is very difficult to prove, as has been
revealed by Jarrow (1992). This thesis measures the volatility and liquidity levels as a
proxy for an indication of market manipulation in the Indonesian stock market. In
researching market manipulation, volatility and liquidity can be used as a reference
for describing the behavior of other investors to defraud investors in obtaining
abnormal returns. Measurement method used is to measure the cancellation order of
each type of shares as has been done by Chan and Ma (2014). Thus it can be analyzed
the effect of this cancellation order in the criminal market manipulation in the form of
an order-based manipulation;In financial markets, getting an abnormal return is something that is desired by all
investors both large-scale investors, small-scale traders, as well as by the company in
this case securities broker. Various techniques in performing a transaction carried out
by the investor, to obtain abnormal return, started by doing some research to get the
intrinsic value of a company until committing a crime in the financial markets.
Crimes that occurred in the financial markets vary from fraud in transactions through
market manipulation. In terms of handling the losses that is gained by each of the
financial actors, the authorities in the country make the various regulations. But in
this case, the action of market manipulation is very difficult to prove, as has been
revealed by Jarrow (1992). This thesis measures the volatility and liquidity levels as a
proxy for an indication of market manipulation in the Indonesian stock market. In
researching market manipulation, volatility and liquidity can be used as a reference
for describing the behavior of other investors to defraud investors in obtaining
abnormal returns. Measurement method used is to measure the cancellation order of
each type of shares as has been done by Chan and Ma (2014). Thus it can be analyzed
the effect of this cancellation order in the criminal market manipulation in the form of
an order-based manipulation, In financial markets, getting an abnormal return is something that is desired by all
investors both large-scale investors, small-scale traders, as well as by the company in
this case securities broker. Various techniques in performing a transaction carried out
by the investor, to obtain abnormal return, started by doing some research to get the
intrinsic value of a company until committing a crime in the financial markets.
Crimes that occurred in the financial markets vary from fraud in transactions through
market manipulation. In terms of handling the losses that is gained by each of the
financial actors, the authorities in the country make the various regulations. But in
this case, the action of market manipulation is very difficult to prove, as has been
revealed by Jarrow (1992). This thesis measures the volatility and liquidity levels as a
proxy for an indication of market manipulation in the Indonesian stock market. In
researching market manipulation, volatility and liquidity can be used as a reference
for describing the behavior of other investors to defraud investors in obtaining
abnormal returns. Measurement method used is to measure the cancellation order of
each type of shares as has been done by Chan and Ma (2014). Thus it can be analyzed
the effect of this cancellation order in the criminal market manipulation in the form of
an order-based manipulation]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Antonius Budi Atmoko
"Mekanisme perdagangan yang digunakan pada setiap pasar modal akan mempengaruhi proses pembentukan harga. Kebijakan fraksi harga merupakan salah satu bentuk pengaturan mekanisme perdagangan yang akan mengubah perilaku pembentukan harga. Fraksi harga merupakan satuan perubahan minimum yang ditetapkan dalam suatu pasar reguler. Bursa Efek Jakarta merupakan suatu bursa yang menganut bentuk pasar yang quote driven, BEJ mengeluarkan kebijakan perubahan fraksi harga pada tanggal 3 Juli 2000 dari Rp.25,- menjadi Rp.5,- untuk seluruh jenis saham yang diperdagangkan. Tujuan kebijakan ini adalah meningkatkan likuiditas dan menurunkan volatilitas perdagangan.
Kebijakan ini dilakukan pada saat bursa mengalami penurunan volume transaksi yang sangat drastis. Polemik merebak diantara pelaku pasar yang mendukung maupun meminta peninjauan kebijakan ini. Sebagian pelaku pasar beranggapan kebijakan ini menyebabkan pasar menjadi semakin tidak bergairah dan tidak menarik lagi.
Likuiditas pasar merupakan suatu istilah yang sulit untuk didefinisikan dan diukur. Secara umum, likuiditas pasar merupakan suatu sifat yang menunjukkan kemudahan dan kecepatan untuk mengubah bentuk suatu instrumen keuangan ke dalam bentuk lainnya dalam biaya yang normal. Penelitian ini menggunakan market spread, market depth dan volume transaksi sebagai indikator likuiditas pasar.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya ketidaktepatan kebijakan dengan menyamaratakan fraksi harga untuk seluruh jenis saham. Pada saham dengan harga tinggi rnenghasilkan penurunan likuiditas untuk ketiga indikator. Keiompok saham dengan harga diantara Rp.500,~ - Rp.5.000,- memiliki potensi peningkatan harga dengan kebijakan ini namun rendahnya fraksi menyebabkan kondisi yang diharapkan tidak terjadi. Pada keiompok harga terendah, terjadi peningkatan likuiditas walaupun kondisi ini lebih disebabkan oleh faktor lain di luar fraksi harga."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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