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Kuglin, Fred A.
"Changes in the world economic climate have fundamentally altered not only the way products are created, but also the way businesses form and thrive. Large organizations once grew by swallowing whole the smaller companies with which they worked. Now, growth for both large and small companies is fostered and nurtured by strategic alliances. This timely book illustrates five types of strategic alliances and how to structure them to achieve the goals of the component companies. Drawing from industries such as communications, healthcare, appliances, and defense, the book covers: * How to determine the right type of alliance, and structure it to meet each company's stated goals * Sharing knowledge and building inter-company teams * Successfully ending an alliance Filled with sample legal documents and agreements, frameworks and guidelines, the book is an essential resource for companies considering strategic alliances."
New York: [American Management Association, ], 2002
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Henry Udoko
Aliansi strategis atau perikatan kerjasama antara dua atau lebih perusahaan dapat
menjadi wahana bagi para pihak untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan dari pihak lain.
Terjadinya alih pengetahuan tersebut sangat dipengaruhi oleh kemauan masingmasing
pihak untuk memberi dan menerima. Penelitian tentang alih pengetahuan
telah banyak dilakukan dengan menguji berbagai faktor-faktor yang
mempengaruhi, diantaranya adalah niat dan motivasi belajar, absorptive capacity,
kemenarikan mitra, ambiguity, kualitas hubungan, dan protectiveness. Namun
demikian, belum dilakukan penelitian yang secara simultan memeriksa pengaruh
karakter dari partner yakni attractiveness dan protectiveness berikut niat belajar
dari pihak penerima terhadap alih pengetahuan. Tulisan ini meneliti pengaruh
attractiveness, intent dan protectiveness terhadap alih pengetahuan. Penelitian
pada level individu terhadap tujuh aliansi strategis perusahaan minyak di
Indonesia dalam bentuk JOB/BOB Pertamina dengan berbagai perusahaan lain,
menemukan attractiveness mitra mempengaruhi intent perusahaan untuk
menerima pengetahuan dan intent sangat berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap
alih pengetahuan. Meskipun protectiveness diduga menghambat alih pengetahuan,
namun penelitian ini menemukan bahwa pengaruh tersebut tidak signifikan.

Strategic Alliance or cooperation between two or more company can be a tools for
each company to get knowledge from each other. This knowledge transfer is very
effected by each party’s willingness to give and to take that knowledge. Research
in knowledge transfer has been conducted to test a various factors that effected it,
such as learning intent and motivation, absorptive capacity, partner attractiveness,
ambiguity, relationship quality and protectiveness. Yet, there is no research
simultanously test the effect of partner characteristics namely attractiveness and
protectiveness with recipient’s intent to the knowledge transfer. This paper search
the simultanously effect of attractiveness, intent and protectiveness to the
knowledge transfer. This research at individual level on seven oil company
strategic alliances in Indonesia that is Pertamina’s JOB/BOB with various other
oil company, indicated that partner attractiveness is affecting company intent to
get knowledge and this intent is very significantly effecting to knowledge transfer.
Although protectiveness is predicted will hindered knowledge transfer, this
research found that this effect is not significant."
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Febri Nila Chrisanty
"The research was conducted with the empirical study of implementing the strategic alliances on a complete learning framework’s dimension: relationship capital, surfacing, joint learning structures, and knowledge acquisition. As a result, strategic alliances create dynamic learning, integration, and reconfiguration capabilities to achieve strategic alliance performance. In addition, this research also studies mediation's function on dynamic capability to strategic alliance performance. The result answered the research problem in this research: the high failure rate of strategic alliance implementation in the partial learning framework. The research uses the quantitative method. The interview was conducted as an additional explanatory function.

Penelitian dilakukan dengan studi empiris penerapan aliansi strategis pada dimensi kerangka pembelajaran lengkap: modal hubungan, permukaan, struktur pembelajaran bersama, dan perolehan pengetahuan. Hasilnya, aliansi strategis menciptakan pembelajaran dinamis, integrasi, dan kemampuan konfigurasi ulang untuk mencapai kinerja aliansi strategis. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga mengkaji fungsi mediasi pada kapabilitas dinamis terhadap kinerja aliansi strategis. Hasil tersebut menjawab permasalahan penelitian dalam penelitian ini: tingginya tingkat kegagalan implementasi aliansi strategis pada kerangka pembelajaran parsial. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Wawancara dilakukan sebagai fungsi penjelasan tambahan."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohamad Aditya Witantra
"Salah satu sifat alami dari perusahaan adalah untuk mengejar competitive advantage atas pesaingnya dalam sebuah industri. Namun bagaimanapun, untuk mencapai competitive advantage sangatlah sulit terutama karena persaingan yang kian ketat antar perusahaan. Kondisi ini mengharuskan seorang manajer perusahaan untuk menghasilkan cara baru untuk unggul dalam kompetisi. Oleh karena itu, tesis ini dibuat untuk menganjurkan perusahaan agar terlibat dalam aliansi strategis sebagai media untuk mendapatkan competitive advantage. Penelitian mengatakan bahwa aliansi strategis akan meningkatkan pasokan sumber daya dan saluran jaringan. Selain itu, aliansi strategis juga akan memfasilitasi peningkatan kompetensi inti perusahaan serta untuk belajar dan mengembangkan kemampuan strategis baru. Studi ini menganalisis manfaat yang perusahaan bisa dapatkan jika mereka terintegrasi dalam sebuah aliansi. Manfaat ini juga akan mengarah ke pencapaian competitive advantage. Selain itu, tesis ini juga menyelidiki bagaimana cara untuk membangun sebuah aliansi serta bagaimana cara untuk berhasil mengelola aliansi, karena tidak jarang aliansi menemui kegagalan selama beroperasi. Selain itu, tesis ini juga menghadirkan dua analisa kasus, yang akan menggambarkan konsep dan teori aliansi strategis untuk dunia bisnis yang nyata. Menggabungkan unsur-unsur tersebut, tesis ini berharap dapat mengungkap apa yang diperlukan bagi perusahaan untuk menciptakan competitive advantage dengan terlibat dalam sebuah aliansi strategis yang menguntungkan.

It is the nature of the firms to pursue competitive advantage over the rivals in the industry. But however, it is very difficult to achieve competitive advantage especially due to the fiercer competition between firms, which now has been amplifying more than ever. This condition forces manager to impose new way to be stand out in the competition. Hence, this thesis promotes firms to engage in strategic alliances as the medium in order to gain competitive advantage. It is said that strategic alliance will boosts the supply of resources and networking channel. In addition to that, strategic alliance will facilitates the improvement of firm’s core competence as well as to learn and develop new strategic capabilities. This study analyses the benefits that the firms may get if they are integrated in an alliance. These benefits will also leads to the achievement of competitive advantage. Furthermore, this thesis correspondingly investigates the approaches for alliance to gain competitive advantage as well as how to successfully manage alliance, since there are many alliances meet failure during the operation. Moreover, this thesis also presents two case analyses, which will illustrate the concepts and theories of strategic alliance to the real business world. Combining those elements, this thesis hopes to unravel what it takes for firms to create competitive advantage by engaging in fruitful strategic alliance."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indonesia merupakan negara yang luas wilayah lautnya lebih luas dari daratan, sudah sepatutnyalah memiliki armada kapal perang yang memadai agar dapat mengamankan wilayah kedaulatan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia dari segala macam ancaman, gangguan, hambatan dan tantangan yang datang dari laut. Selain itu laut merupakan sumber kekayaan alam hayati dan non hayati yang dapat dipergunakan untuk mensejahterakan rakyat dan pembangunan nasional. Perkembangan dunia semakin datar, semua perusahaan dimana saja di dunia dapat diakses dengan cepat tanpa batas waktu, perusahaan berusaha untuk memenangkan persaingan bisnisnya dengan beberapa metode dan strategi yang diciptakan, salah satu cara dengan strategi generik yaitu keunggulan kompetitive (competitive adventage ) hasil produk yang berbeda selalu inovative, keunggulan biaya murah dengan mutu yang baik/standar dan fokus pada produk yang dihasilkan. Banyak perusahaan untuk memperoleh keunggulan bersaing, membangun dan mengembangkan usahanya di beberapa negara sehingga menjadi perusahaan multi national. Pengembangan perusahaan multi national dilaksanakan dengan berbagai cara agar dapat masuk kesuatu negara dengan resiko biaya yang lebih rendah, salah satunya dengan melakukan aliansi strategi dimana perusahaan lokal ikut dilibatkan. Bagaimana perusahaan menjaga kontinuitas suatu hasil produk agar dapat berjalan secara terus menerus dari bahan baku sampai barang jadi dan diterima oleh pelanggan, hal ini tidak mudah untuk itu diperlukan suatu metode dengan supply chain management agar diperoleh jadwal waktu penyelesaian yang tepat, biaya murah dan mutu standar. Penulis menjadikan Dinas Pengadaan TNI Angkatan Laut sebagai obyek penelitian karena sebagai pintu masuk yang melibatkan aktivitas bisnis internasional dalam rangka pengadaan kapal, yang merupakan suatu hal yang penulis anggap cukup kompleks dimana dalam satu buah kapal terdiri dari berbagai macam komponen barang dari beragam sumber/produk.

Indonesia is state with wide sea territory which is broader than land, approriately has adequate battleship armada to protect sovereignty region of Republic of indonesia from all threats, trouble, resistance and challenge coming from sea. Besides sea is source of natural resources which can be utilized to secure and prosperous of nation and national development. Increasingly leveled off of world development, all companies around the globe are accesable swiftly without time boundary, company tries to win its business competition with a few method and strategy created, one way with generic strategy that is the competitive adventage, different product result, ongoing inovative, cheap expense advantage with good/standar quality and focus at product yielded. Many companies to have the best of competing, builds and develops its business in some states to become multinational company. Multinational company expansion were executed variously that accessible to a state at lower cost risk, one of them is strategic alliance where local companies were involved. How the company taking care of a result product continuity to run continually from raw material to finished goods and received by client, this were not easy, hence, required a method with supply chain management to obtain correct solution time schedule, with cheap expenses and standard quality. Writer makes Dinas Pengadaan TNI Angkatan Laut as research object due to entrance involving international business activity for the agenda of ship levying, which writer assumes as quite complexes where in one ship consisted of various goods component from varying sources.
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pande Ketut Yodi Widnyana
In Year 2011, heavy equipment sale reached 17,360 units or growth 47% year by year. In 2012, heavy equipment sale is expected to reach 210,000 units, growing 21% compared to 2011. This condition will be impact to the needs of component or spare part for heavy equipment, especially for filter part. Capturing this opportunity, PT Andalan Multi Kencana and PT Astra Otoparts Tbk has made strategic alliance since the end of 2010. This thesis is about analyzes why this strategic alliance cannot capture that opportunity and how to improve the strategy alliance between them. Besides of that, this thesis also analyze the new types of strategy alliance can be adopted by PT Andalan Multi Kencana and PT Astra Otoparts Tbk to enlarge the market size in amount. The analysis will starts from defining external environment and find the opportunities and threat that lie within. Besides of external environment, internal environment also has to be defined to capture the strength and weakness that company has. Using SWOT analysis, strategy can be defined based on all opportunities, threat, strength and weaknesses."
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fadhilah Mathar
Penelitian ini mengkaji mengenai pengaruh penyelarasan strategis proyekteknologi informasi dan komunikasi TIK di Kementerian Komunikasidan Teknologi Informasi Republik Indonesia. Penelitian ini mencakup115 proyek TIK yang telah diselesaikan dari tahun 2010-2013.Pendekatan manajemen proyek di Indonesia semakin memperoleh tempatsebagai alat untuk meningkatkan pencapaian dampak proyek. Suatuorganisasi mengadopsi manajemen proyek untuk menangani administrasiproyek yang dulunya secara tradisional dikelola secara intuitif, manual,dan semata-mata tergantung pada pengalaman manajer proyek. Namunkini, cara tradisional tersebut tidak memadai lagi, terutama untuk proyekproyekTIK yang memerlukan pendekatan inovatif yang dapat adaptifterhadap ketidakpastian teknologi dan koordinasi dalam kerangkapenyelarasan strategis untuk mencapai kinerjanya. Upaya tersebutmenghadapi kendala teoritis, mengingat atribut proyek TIK, yang antaralain, bersifat sementara, unik, dan interaktif, yang sekilas tampakbertentangan dengan ide keunggulan kompetitif yang berkelanjutan, suatutopik yang sangat dominan di ranah manajemen stratejik. Penelitian inimengusulkan sebuah disain model penelitian yang digunakan untukmenganalisis kinerja proyek dengan koneksi yang relevan dengandampak proyek dengan mengukur variabel penyelarasan strategismultidimensional, koordinasi, dan ketidakpastian teknologi. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyelarasan strategis multidimensional,yang diukur melalui strategi organisasi, strategi TIK, infastrukturorganisasi, infrastruktur TIK, dan business case, memberikan efekterhadap koordinasi dan ketidakpastian teknologi yang berdampak padakinerja proyek TIK. Penelitian ini juga mengkonfirmasi dampak positifkoordinasi terhadap proyek TIK. Salah satu temuan menarik dalampenelitian ini adalah kinerja proyek terbukti tidak memberikan pengaruhsignifikan terhadap dampaknya kepada pengguna yang dikukur melaluibenefit bagi organisasi dan kualitas layanana. Kesimpulan akan diambiluntuk pengembangan teoritis dan implikasi manajerial

The research focuses on the impact of strategic alignment on informationand communication technology ICT projects in Ministry ofCommunication and Information Technology of Republic of Indonesia. Itadministered a survey of 115 completed ICT project in 2010 2013. Theproject management approach in Indonesia is gaining acceptance as a tool toimprove the performance achievement of organizations. An organizationadopts project management to deal with project administration that has beentraditionally managed intuitively, manually, and solely depend on projectmanager rsquo s experiences. The traditional way is not adequate anymore,especially for ICT projects which has to be done in innovative ways thatengage multidimensional strategic alignment and their impact analysis.However, it has been theoretical issue to integrate the project managementapproach to achieve a broader organization rsquo s performance, in this case is theICT project implementation. The attributes of project, which, among others,are temporary, unique, and interactive, seem contrary to sustainablecompetitive advantages idea that lead to superior organizationalperformance. The paper proposes a model of design research used toanalyze project performance with relevant connection to organizationalperformance by measuring variables of multidimensional strategicalignment, coordination, and technological uncertainty. The result revealthat multidimensional strategic alignment formed by organization strategy,ICT strategy, organization infrastructure, ICT infrastructure, and businesscase factors, can influence coordination and technological uncertainty whichleads to ICT project performance. The strong coordination has a significantimpact on ICT project performance. Interestingly, good project performancedoes not have much effect on its impacts to users measured by benefit fororganization and service quality. Conclusions were drawn for theoreticaldevelopment and managerial and policy implications as well"
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ade Putra Rusly
"The airline industry has been challenged, during the last years, by the opening of the European market, the adjustments required to deal with the new competitive environment and the pressure of the US open skies strategy. European airlines have developed innovative strategies in order to adapt themselves to market growth and competition challenges. During the last decade they have achieved considerable productivity improvements, which now permits the sector to create new jobs. However they still suffer from relative structural fragmentation and financial fragility when compared to their main competitors, notably North-American carriers.
Liberalization and globalization make the market increasingly competitive and require airlines to undertake large restructuring efforts. European Commission authorized state aid as a one-off measure to help national carriers to restructure during the transition to the liberalized single market. This transition is now over. The airline industry suffers from the same handicap as other industries in Europe, justifying general initiatives enhancing the efficiency of the economic environment.
The 11 September 2001 Tragedy no matter terrible should be identified as a one-off event and not a structural crisis. Air France wanted to act quickly while at the same time taking measures that could be easily reversed when needed. It needed quick action while at the same time avoiding over-reaction. Air France announced an adjustment plan on 18 September. which included among other things a freeze on hiring, a reduction in capacity and a number of cost-saving measures. Air France constantly shifted Its capacity regionally as it betted on the fact that the strength of Its hub, Paris/COG 2, allows it to resist the downturn and attract customers to Paris, thus gaining market share.
By the end of November, instead of a growth forecast of 7% over the winter of 2000, Air France had the results stabilized and the winter of 2001 was on the same level as the year before. The capacity reduced less than others but the load factors and the yields, whereas the figures for the European airlines were down 10% and even worse ¡n the U.S.
In general, and despite the huge financial losses it incurred, the European airline industry reacted much better this time than during the Gulf War crisis of 1990-91. This is largely due to greater flexibility in managing capacity and to a certain self- imposed discipline, which avoided a potentially disastrous fares war. In the end the fare structure might be imposed instead, which basically covered the costs.
Though for some other airlines still questionable, the alliances played an important role in helping Air France manage the crisis. In spite of some initial problems between European and U.S. carriers due to what was perceived as dumping practices on the part of the Americans, at a later stage a dialogue was possible on the issue of fares, thus avoiding much heavier losses. In this case, Air France was able to talk to Delta on these Issues after receiving antitrust immunity in January. In the future, the alliances may play an even larger role in minimizing the impact of such event, market slowdown, or even economic turndown.
Overall revenue figures for the industry are still down in the largest markets. There is still a depressed demand in the U.S. We are also facing additional costs as a result of 11 September, in particular ¡n the areas of security and insurance. Just in terms Of insurance, Air France is facing an annual cost increase of around US$100m.
Airline industry apparently cannot cover its capital costs. The authorities seem to realize it but they easily forget it as soon as the routines clock back. Unfortunately, if traffic decreases, the airports and the air traffic control authorities immediately increase their charges in order to compensate for lost revenue. There a great imbalance amongst player in the air transport industry.
Part of the blame for this, of course, lies within the industry. The low-cost carriers, for instance, while playing a useful role in opening up a new market segment to aviation are also damaging the industry as a whole. Their product is different, they occupy a niche of their own but in their communication they imply.
Air France practiced renegotiation, delivery delay, and restructures operating lease, which enables itself to withdraw aircraft from the fleet without being financially penalized. 11 September obviously spurred the airlines to slightly alter their plans and at least to anticipate some measures. Nine A310s were withdrawn from the fleet of Air France nine months ahead of time. They will be replaced by A330-200s. Two 747-200s and one 767 were withdrawn from long-haul operations, while in the medium-haul sector operating leases on three A321 s and one 737-300 were not renewed. The use of short-to-medium term operational leases has given Air France great flexibility in times of crisis. It seems that Air France learned the lesson of 1991 when it received brand-new aircraft that ended immediately parked iri the desert.
Strategic alliance is considered to have helped in avoiding cost increases, and building synergic complementary network. Through a code share, one could double a frequency without any spending. This means altogether substantial investment savings. On the cargo side, SkyTeam, for example, has developed frreaChiflg synergies between Air France, Delta and Korean.
The alliances are still a very young phenomenon and they have not yet expressed all their potential. Common marketing strategies might do the trick, while preserving the identity and ¡mage of each partner, will also fosters the growth of the SkyTeam brand. The alliance has made much progress over the past three years and the antitrust immunity granted in January will lead to a qualitative jump in its partner relationship."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Boston : Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation, 2002
338.87 HAR
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bengtsson, Ann McDonagh
England: Gower, 1992
658.16 BEN m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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