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"The overall objective of this study is to evaluate the long term results of interpositional connective tissue graft and horizontal and vertical bone augmentation in recessed area of interproximal papilla.Atrophic ridges rebuilt through GBR procedures. For this study, 2 major alterations are made in the surgical technique describes. First, the horizontal and vertical bone augmentation graft is obtained from autograft like ascending ramus or allograft with or without platelet-rich plasma and barrier membrane. Second, connective tissue for interpositional grafting is obtained from hard palate. This interpositioning graft would be success by use of pouch technique or envelope flap technique. From 1998, among over than 120 patients of implant treated for this study, regardless of 1-staged or 2-staged surgery or type of implant surface treated, 60 implants of 18 patients which has a dissatisfaction on anterior region, food impaction on posterior region subjectively or has a black-triangle on anterior and flattened inter-implant spaces clinically was selected. Differences of success rate between inter-dental and inter-implants depend on blood supply and distance between implants. Autografts, PRP and anorganic bovine bone Bio-Oss have been successfully employed for isolated augmentation area. It is essential to make the CT graft neovascularize to a recipient site, overcorrection of graft, immobilization of graft and tension-free suture. based on annual measurements of gross texture, pocket probing depth, attachment level, and width of keratinized mucosa, this 5-year study indicates that interpositional CT graft when used in conjunction with appropriate bone augmentation technique, can become successfully esthetics and yield predictable maintenance results."
Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 2003
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Kasus implan sederhana dalam bidang kedokteran gigi umum. Implan kedokteran gigi telah menjadi bidang yang berkembang cepat dan dinamis dalam praktek sehari-hari. Hal ini diakui sebagai modalitas perawatan yang dapat diprediksi dengan tingkat keberhasilan klinis yang tinggi. Gigi tiruan cekat konvensional tidak lagi dianggap sebagai pilihan perawatan utama untuk menggantikan gigi yang hilang. Meskipun jumlah pasien yang meminta perawatan implan meningkat, namun dokter gigi yang menawarkan perawatan implan dalam praktek sehari-hari masih terbatas. International Team for Implantology (ITI) atau tim implantologi internasional mendeskripsikan kasus straightforward segai kasus sederhana. Dinyatakan bahwa penempatan implan dilakukan pada jaringan lunak dan keras yang memadai, dan restorasi gigi tunggal di zona non-estetika. Tinjauan pustaka saat ini banyak membahas tentang penerapan implan kedokteran gigi di perguruan tinggi seluruh dunia dan dimasukkan ke dalam kurikulum mereka untuk program sarjana maupun pascasarjana dalam bidang kedokteran gigi umum. Konsensus Eropa tentang pendidikan implan kedokteran gigi menyimpulkan bahwa sebaiknya pendidikan teknik bedah untuk penempatan implan kasus straightforward disertakan ke dalam kurikulum. Berbagai tingkat dan keterbatasan implan kedokteran gigi dan keterampilan terkait harus diajarkan dan ditentukan oleh para staf pengajar. Malah ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran para praktisi kedokteran gigi dan lembaga terkait di Indonesia terhadap pergeseran paradigma perawatan dalam penatalaksanaan kehilangan gigi. Dengan demikian para praktisi akan dapat menyertakan implan kedokteran gigi dalam perencanaan dan perawatan pasien.

Dental implant has become a fast developing and dynamic field in dental practice. It is acknowledged as a predictible treatment modality with high clinical success rates. Conventional fixed prostheses are no longer considered to be the first choice treatment for replacing a missing tooth. Despite the increasing number of patients requesting dental implant treatments, there are only some clinicians who are offering implant therapy in their daily practice. The international Team for implantology described a straightforward case as a simple case such as implant placements in adequate soft and hard tissue conditions and single-tooth restoration in a non-aesthetic zone. A review of the current literature discussed the implementation of implant dentistry in universities worldwide into their curriculum for both undergraduate and postgraduate programs in general dentistry. The European consensus in implant dentistry education concluded that it is desirable to include the surgical technique for implant placement for straightforward cases into the dental curriculum. The levels and limitations to which the various aspects of implant dentistry and related skills are to be taught are determined by the academic community. This review aimed at promoting awareness amongst dental practitioners and institutions in Indonesia of the shifting treatment paradigm in the management of a missing tooth. Hence clinicians with able to include implant dentistry in the treatment planning of their patients and also undertake a significant part in the execution of such treatments."
General Practitioner, Mampang Prapatan, Jakarta Selatan, 2011
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Ikbal
Latar belakang : Keberhasilan gigi tiruan dukungan implan sangat ditentukan oleh stabilitas awal (primary stability) pada saat pemasangan, sehingga terjadi
osseointegrasi. Stabilitas tersebut dipengaruhi oleh beban oklusal yang diterima melalui restorasi sementara. Beban oklusal yang diterima implant pada , dapat secara langsung pada saat implantasi (immediateloading) atau setelah terjadi osseointegrasi (delayed loading). Masih banyak kontroversi mengenai pengaruh besar beban pada stabilitas implan. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan penelitian seberapa besar pengaruh kontak oklusal pada restorasi terhadap stabilitas implan yang dipasang secara immediate loading.
Metode : Pada tiga ekor Macacafascicularis, dilakukan pemasangan Sembilan implant gigi. Segera setelah implant ditanam pada tulang, restorasi sementara dipasang pada implant dengan kontak ingan, normal dan tanpa kontak. Nilai stabilitas implant diukur menggunakan Ostell ISQ segera setelah pemasangan implan, bulan pertama dan
kedua setelah pemasangan implan.
Hasil : Terdapat perbedaan bermakna dari nilai
stabilitas implan (p<0,05) antara kelompok kontak oklusal normal dengan tanpa
kontak; dan kontak oklusal normal dengan kontak ringan. Namun tidak ditemukan perbedaan bermakna (p>0,05)pada kenaikan nilai stabilitas implan yang terjadi antara periode baseline, bulan pertama dan bulan kedua pada seluruh kelompok kontak oklusal.
Simpulan: Terdapat pengaruh kontak oklusal restorasi sementara pada implan yang dipasang secara immediateloading terhadap stabilitas implan dan kontak oklusal yang menghasilkan nilai stabilitas paling besar setelah pemasangan implan adalah restorasi tanpa kontak.

Introduction: successful of dental implant were determined by primary stability when placement. The stability were influnced by occlusal loading thriugh provisional restoration. There are two types of loading protocol that usually used, immediate and delayed loading. But there are still controversies about the influence of occlusal loading on implant's stability. Therefore, it was necessary to study the influence of immediate loading to implant's stability.
Method: Nine dental implants were placed on the mandibular of three Macacafascicularis. Provisional restorations with various occlusal contacts (no contact, light, and normal contact) were placed to the implant. Implant stability was measured using the Ostell ISQ three times, immediately (baseline), first month and second month after implant placement.
Result: Implant stability between implant with no occlusal contact and normal contact and also light occlusal and normal occlusal contact were found significantly different (p<0,05). However, there was no significant increased (p>0,05) found on implant stability measured at baseline, first and second month after implant placement for all occlusal contact groups.
Conclusion: There were influence of immediate loading to implant's stability and provisional restoration of implant without occlusal contact showed highest implant good stability result.
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Hardhini
"Latar belakang: Akurasi hasil pencetakan merupakan hal penting dalam pembuatan gigi tiruan terutama pada gigi tiruan lengkap dukungan implan. Tinjauan sistematik ini disusun untuk membandingkan akurasi hasil pencetakan digital menggunakan pemindai intra oral dibandingkan dengan pencetakan konvensional.
Metode: Tinjauan sistematik ini disusun berdasarkan literatur penelitian klinis berdasarkan Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta Analysis (PRISMA) dan teregistrasi pada PROSPERO dengan nomor CRD42023478021. Terdapat empat database dan sistem pencarian manual yang digunakan dalam periode 2008-2023. Literatur yang dievaluasi merupakan penelitian yang membahas tentang akurasi hasil pencetakan gigi tiruan dukungan implan secara digital dan konvensional yang dilakukan pada kasus dengan minimal empat implan terpasang pada rahang yang telah kehilangan seluruh gigi. Penilaian risiko bias dilakukan dengan menggunakan Cochrane RoB-2 dan ROBINS-I.
Hasil: Total 368 literatur diperoleh dari empat database dan 297 literatur diseleksi berdasarkan judul dan abstrak setelah eliminasi duplikat. Total tujuh literatur dari database memenuhi kritera inklusi dan digabungkan dengan satu literatur hasil pencarian manual. Delapan literatur dilakukan analisis. Akurasi hasil pencetakan secara tiga dimensi memiliki nilai yang bervariasi namun masih dalam rentang yang dapat diterima secara klinis (200μm). Gigi tiruan yang dihasilkan juga memiliki passive fit yang baik. Secara radiografis, mayoritas gigi tiruan yang dihasilkan tidak memiliki celah di antara superstruktur dengan implan. Hasil analisis Grading of Recommendation Assessment Development and Evaluation (GRADE) seluruh kualitas literatur yang diperoleh memiliki kualitas yang tergolong tinggi. Kesimpulan: Berdasarkan hasil analisis tersebut, hasil pencetakan digital memiliki keakurasian yang setara dengan pencetakan konvensional dalam aplikasi klinis.

Background: Accuracy of the impression is important in making dentures, especially in implant-supported complete dentures. This systematic review conducted to compare accuracy of digital impressions using intra-oral scanners and conventional impressions.
Method: This systematic review followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta Analysis (PRISMA) and registered on PROSPERO with number CRD42023478021. Four databases and a manual search system limited to publication date 2008-2023 period. Literature evaluated based on data discusses accuracy of digital and conventional implant-supported denture impressions carried out in cases with minimum four implant on fully edentulous jaw. Risk of bias assessment was performed using the Cochrane RoB-2 and ROBINS-I.
Result: A total of 368 literature was obtained from four databases and 297 literature was selected based on title and abstract after duplicate removal. A total of seven literature from the database met the inclusion criteria and was combined with one literature resulting from a manual search. Eight literature were analyzed. Three- dimensional accuracy of impressions varies but is still within the clinically acceptable range (200μm). Dentures from all impressions also has a good passive fit. Radiographically, the majority of dentures produced do not have voids between the superstructure and the implant. Quality assessment with Grading of Recommendation Assessment Development and Evaluation (GRADE) shows high level of quality evidence for all literature.
Conclusion: Based on the results of this analysis, conventional and digital impressions results have comparable accuracy in clinical applications.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian telah menunjukkan pentingnya jaringan berkeratin di sekitar implan untuk mencegah penyakit peri-implan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan mukosa-gingiva berkeratin di sekitar implan dan gigi dengan skor parameter klinis dan kadar TNF-α. Sebuah studi potong lintang dari 20 orang dewasa dengan 20 implan gigi dan 20 gigi kontralateral yang telah berfungsi supra-struktur selama lebih dari tiga bulan, tanpa penyakit sistemik. Jaringan keratin di sekitar implan dan gigi diukur. Pemeriksaan klinis meliputi Plaque Index (PI), Papilla Bleeding Index (PBI), dan Pocket Depth (PD). Peri-implant Sulcus Fluid (PISF) dan Gingival Crevicular Fluid (GCF) dikumpulkan untuk mengukur kadar TNF-α menggunakan ELISA. Uji Spearman digunakan untuk menganalisis korelasi. Perbedaan signifikan antara jaringan keratin lebar dan sempit di sekitar implan terlihat pada PI (p=0,003), PBI (p=0,000), dan PD (p=0,004), tetapi tidak menunjukkan perbedaan pada kadar TNF-α (p=0,606). Perbandingan antara jaringan berkeratin lebar dan sempit di sekitar gigi kontralateral menunjukkan perbedaan pada PI (p=0,020) dan PBI (p=0,027), tetapi tidak ada perbedaan pada PD (p=0,160) dan kadar TNF-α (0,236). Tidak ada perbedaan skor parameter klinis dan kadar TNF-α antara gigi implan dan kontralateral dengan jaringan berkeratin lebar atau sempit. Korelasi kuat ditemukan antara setiap skor parameter klinis dan lebar jaringan keratin dari jaringan peri-implan dengan PI (r=-0,630), PBI (r=-0,881), dan PD (r=-0,636). Skor parameter klinis antara jaringan berkeratin lebar dan sempit di sekitar implan menunjukkan korelasi yang kuat terutama pada PBI. Hal ini menyimpulkan pentingnya jaringan keratin yang memadai di sekitar implan untuk menjaga stabilitas implan.

Studies have shown the importance of keratinized tissue around implant to prevent peri-implant diseases. This study aims to analyze the correlation of keratinized tissue around implant and tooth with clinical parameter scores and TNF-α levels. A cross-sectional study of 20 adults with 20 dental implants and 20 contralateral teeth which had functioned supra-structure for more than three months, without any systemic diseases. Keratinized tissue around implant and tooth were measured. The clinical examinations included Plaque Index (PI), Papilla Bleeding Index (PBI), and Pocket Depth (PD). Peri-implant Sulcus Fluid (PISF) and Gingival Crevicular Fluid (GCF) were collected to measure TNF-α levels using ELISA. Spearman’s test was used to analyse the correlation. Significant differences between wide and narrow keratinized tissue around implant exhibit in PI (p=0.003), PBI (p=0.000), and PD (p=0.004), but showed no difference in TNF-α levels (p=0.606). Comparison between wide and narrow keratinized tissue around contralateral teeth showed differences in PI (p=0.020) and PBI (p=0.027), but there was no difference in PD (p=0.160) and TNF-α levels (0.236). There was also no difference in clinical parameter scores and TNF-α levels between the implant and contralateral tooth with wide or narrow keratinized tissue. Strong correlations were found between each clinical parameter score and keratinized tissue width of peri-implant tissue with PI (r=-0.630), PBI (r=-0.881), and PD (r=-0.636). Clinical parameters score between wide and narrow keratinized tissue around implant showed strong correlation particularly in PBI. This concludes the importance of adequate keratinized tissue around implant to maintain implant stability. "
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
London: Blackwell Munksgaard, 2006
617.693 CLI
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Ayuningtyas
"Latar Belakang. Pentingnya peranan protektif keratinized mucosa (KM) yang adekuat (>2mm) di sekitar implan sebagai soft tissue seal dalam menjaga barrier terhadap penetrasi bakteri yang dapat menyebabkan penyakit peri-implant masih menjadi perdebatan karena adanya inkonsistensi hasil. Tujuan. Untuk mengetahui hubungan lebar mukosa berkeratin di sekitar implan dengan brushing discomfort (BD) dan kesehatan jaringan peri-implan secara klinis dan radiografis. Metode. Penelitian cross-sectional ini mengevaluasi 17 pasien dengan 31 implan di klinik spesialis periodonsia RSKGM FKG UI. Sampel di bagi menjadi kelompok KM adekuat dan inadekuat. Pasien di periksa secara klinis dengan skor mPI, DI dan GI pada bagian bukal permukaan implan, radiografis periapkcal untuk mendapatkan data marginal bone level (MBL). BD di nilai menggunakan visual analogue scale (VAS). Hasil. Perbandingan antar dua kelompok dengan skala numerik di uji dengan independent t-test. Terdapat perbedaan skor mPI (0,01), DI (0,03) dan GI (0,05) di antara dua kelompok. Sedangkan untuk brushing discomfort (0,88) dan MBL (0,46) tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan. Kesimpulan. Inadekuat KMberkaitan dengan peningkatan akumulasi plak, debris dan inflamasi mukosa di sekitar implan.

Background. The importance of the protective role of adequate keratinized mucosa (KM) around an implant as a soft tissue seal in maintaining a barrier against bacterial penetration that can cause peri-implant disease is still being debated due to inconsistentresults. Aim. To determine the relationship between the width of the keratinized mucosa around the implant with brushing discomfort and peri-implant tissue clinically and radiographically. Method. This cross-sectional study evaluates 17 patients (31implants) at the periodontic specialist clinic, RSKGM FKG UI. The sample group was divided into adequate and inadequate KM groups. Patients were clinically examined using score mPI, DI and GI on the buccal site of the implant, and periapical radiographs were taken to evaluate marginal bone level (MBL). Brushing discomfort was assessed using a visual analogue scale (VAS). Results. The comparison between the two groups with a numerical scale was tested using an independent t-test. There were significant differences in (0.01), DI (0.03), and GI (0.05) between the two groups. However, there was no significant difference for brushing discomfort (0.88) and MBL (0.46). Conclusion. Inadequate KM is associated with increased accumulation of plaque,debris, and mucosal inflammation around the implant."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Miou Yamamoto
This study aimed to examine the dynamic change in bone metabolism by immediate loading in several sites around implants using high-resolution Na18F-PET scan. Two titanium implants ( 1.2 mm) were inserted parallel to each other in the right tibiae of Wistar rats (n = 4). The left tibia was set as control side. One day after insertion, closed coil springs of 4.0 N were attached to the expose superior portions of the implants to apply a continuous mechanical stress. The rats with fluorine-18 (18F) ion (5 mCi/rat) intravenously injected were scanned by PET scanner at 4, 7, 14, 28 days after load application. Round region of interests (ROIs) were set around the distal implant of the right tibia (loaded side) and same site (control) of the left tibia. Furthermore, four rectangular ROIs were set at the superior and inferior parts of traction side (mesial) and opposite side (distal) of the distal implant. Longitudinal dynamic changes in bone metabolism were evaluated by examination of the accumulation count of 18F ion at each ROI. The uptake values of ROIs (loaded side) initially increased until 7 days, and they gradually decreased from the peak level to the pre-loading level despite a static force being applied to the implants. In cancellous bone, the uptake values at the superior part of traction side and inferior part of opposite side showed significantly high value compared with those at other parts. In conclusion, immediate loading to the implant initially enhanced bone metabolism around it, especially at the part with compressive stress. Peri-implant bone metabolism varies according to different loading conditions."
Tokyo: Springer, 2018
ODO 106:3 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Susi R. Puspitadewi
"Perawatan gigi tiruan pada lansia terutama lansia perempuan usia 50-75 tahun sering mengalami kegagalan, karena adanya resorpsi tulang alveolar berlebihan yang menyebabkan gigi tiruan longgar dan tidak stabil. Berbagai penelitian penyebab terjadinya resorpsi tulang telah banyak dipublikasi, di antaranya yang terkait faktor sosiodemografis, klinis, dan lingkungan, namun penelitian terkait dengan hormon (PTH, FSH) dan faktor genetik (polimorfisme gen PTH dan PTHR1) belum banyak diteliti.
Tujuan: Memperoleh indeks tingkat keparahan resorpsi tulang alveolar mandibula untuk memprakirakan tingkat keparahan resorpsi tulang alveolar mandibula pada pascamenopause yang memerlukan perawatan gigi tiruan. Subjek penelitian adalah perempuan pascamenopause usia 50-75 tahun yang bertempat tinggal di kelurahan Kenari dan Paseban Jakarta Pusat.
Metode: Menggunakan alat ukur kuesioner indeks kepadatan tulang mandibula tervalidasi, pemeriksaan klinis, pemeriksaan serum darah dengan ELISA, dan teknik PCR RFLP untuk menganalisis gen, dan evaluasi radiograf panoramik untuk menilai kualitas tulang kortikal mandibular. Selanjutnya dilakukan penelitian potong lintang untuk mencari faktor-faktor risiko yang paling berperan terhadap keparahan resorpsi tulang alveolar mandibula.
Hasil: Penelitian ini menunjukkan tidak terdapat hubungan antara faktor sosiodemografis, klinis, dan lingkungan, serta ditemukan sebanyak 87,25% subjek dengan kadar PTH <65pg/mL, dan adanya korelasi yang signifikan antara kadar PTH dengan resorpsi tulang alveolar mandibula (p<0,05). Kadar PTH ≥65pg/ml bertendensi terhadap tingkat keparahan resorpsi tulang alveolar. Tidak ditemukan adanya korelasi antara kadar PTH dengan genotip dan alel polimorfisme gen PTH pada posisi rs6254 di intron dua (p>0,05). Tidak terbukti adanya korelasi antara polimorfisme gen PTH dengan keparahan resorpsi tulang alveolar mandibula (p>0,05), sedangkan pada polimorfisme gen PTHR1 pada posisi promoter tiga ditemukan bahwa pada pengulangan (AAAG)6 memiliki kualitas tulang yang lebih rendah dan resorpsi tulang tinggi walaupun tidak ditemukan adanya korelasi antara polimorfisme gen PTHR1 dengan keparahan resorpsi tulang (p>0,05). Hasil uji multivariat memperlihatkan kadar FSH, PTH dan kualitas tulang alveolar mandibula berperan terhadap terjadinya keparahan resorpsi tulang alveolar mandibula (p<0,05). Penelitian ini memperoleh dua model penskoran indeks prediksi keparahan resorpsi tulang alveolar mandibula. Model satu dengan faktor PTH, FSH dan kualitas tulang mandibula mempunyai sensitifitas 68,29%, spesifisitas 56,48%, dengan daerah di bawah kurva (AUC) 0,675 dapat digunakan jika pada penerapan model dua tidak terlihat faktor yang berperan. Model dua terdiri dari FSH dan kualitas tulang, dengan sensitivitas 68,29% dan spesifisitas 58,33% serta area daerah di bawah kurva (AUC) 0,649.
Kesimpulan: indeks prediksi resorpsi tulang alveolar mandibula yang terdiri atas analisis kualitas tulang mandibula, kadar FSH dan PTH dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi tingkat keparahan resorpsi tulang alveolar mandibula. Dengan demikian diharapkan kegagalan perawatan gigi tiruan pada perempuan kelompok usia 50-75 tahun yang berisiko osteoporosis dapat diatasi.

Denture treatment in the elderly, especially in women aged 50-75 years, often experience failure, due to excessive alveolar bone resorption which causes loose and unstable dentures. Various studies have been published on the causes of bone resorption, including those related to sociodemographic, clinical, and environmental factors, but research related to hormones (PTH, FSH) as well as genetic factors (PTH and PTHR1 gene polymorphisms) have not been much studied.
Purpose: This study aims to obtain a mandibular alveolar bone resorption severity index to predict the severity of mandibular alveolar bone resorption in the postmenopausal period that requires denture treatment. The subjects of the study were postmenopausal women aged 50-75 years who lived in the villages of Kenari and Paseban, Central Jakarta.
Methods: The first step this study were conducted by using a validated mandibular bone density index questionnaire, clinical examination, blood serum examination by ELISA, and PCR- RFLP techniques to analyze genes, and panoramic radiographs evaluation to assess the quality of mandibular cortical bone. A cross-sectional study to look for the risk factors that most contribute to the severity of mandibular bone resorption were then conducted at the second step of this study.
Results: This study showed no relationship between sociodemographic, clinical, and environmental factors, and found as many as 87.25% of subjects with PTH levels <65pg / ml, as well as a significant correlation between PTH levels with resorption of the mandibular alveolar bone (p <0.05 ). The PTH level ≥65pg / ml has a tendency towards the severity of alveolar bone resorption, however, there was no correlation between PTH levels with genotype and PTH gene polymorphism alleles at position rs6254 in intron two (p> 0.05). There is no proven correlation between PTH gene polymorphism with the severity of mandibular alveolar bone resorption (p> 0.05). In the PTHR1 gene polymorphism of the promoter position three it was found that the repetition (AAAG)6 had lower bone quality and higher bone resorption although no correlation was found between PTHR1 gene polymorphisms and the severity of bone resorption (p> 0.05). Multivariate analysis showed that the levels of FSH, PTH and mandibular alveolar bone quality were contributed to the severity of mandibular alveolar bone resorption (p <0.05). From this study two predictive index scoring models of the severity of mandibular alveolar bone resorption were obtained. The model one with factors of PTH, FSH and quality of mandibular bone, has 68.29%sensitivity and 56.48% specificity, with the area under the curve (AUC) 0.675. Model two has a sensitivity of 68.29%, and specificity of 58.33% with the area under the curve (AUC) is 0.649. The model one could be used if in the application of model two does not show factors that play a role.
Conclusion: the predictive index of mandibular alveolar bone resorption consisting of analysis of mandibular bone quality, FSH and PTH levels can be used to predict the severity of mandibular bone resorption. It is hoped that the failure of denture treatment in women aged 50-75 years at risk of osteoporosis can be overcome."
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Faradina Putriyanti
"Pemasangan implan gigi sudah dilakukan di Klinik Periodonsia Rumah Sakit Khusus Gigi dan Mulut Universitas Indonesia sejak tahun 2009. Evaluasi jangka panjang kondisi klinis implan gigi belum pernah dilakukan di RSKGM FKG UI dan Indonesia.
Tujuan: Mengevaluasi kondisi klinis jaringan peri-implan paska perawatan implan gigi di Klinik Periodonsia RSKGM FKG UI periode pemasangan tahun 2009-2014.
Metode Penelitian: Subjek terdiri dari 11 pasien dengan 29 implan gigi. Pemeriksaan klinis terdiri dari pemeriksaan indeks kebersihan mulut, kegoyangan implan gigi, kedalaman probing, resesi gingiva, kehilangan perlekatan klinis dan perdarahan gingiva.
Hasil: Kegoyangan implan gigi tidak ditemukan. Perdarahan gingiva terdapat pada 72,4 implan gigi. Rerata kedalaman probing 3,97 1,35 mm, resesi gingiva 0,45 0,57 mm, dan kehilangan perlekatan klinis 0,62 0,82 mm. Analisis statistik menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbedaan kedalaman probing, kehilangan perlekatan klinis dan perdarahan gingiva berdasarkan indeks kebersihan mulut yang berbeda, namun terdapat perbedaan resesi gingiva berdasarkan indeks kebersihan mulut yang berbeda.
Kesimpulan: Evaluasi klinis jaringan peri-implan memberikan hasil yang baik.

Dental implant treatment has been done in Periodontal Clinic Rumah Sakit Khusus Gigi dan Mulut Universitas Indonesia since 2009. There is no long term clinical evaluation of dental implant in RSKGM FKG UI and Indonesia.
Aim: To evaluate the peri implant tissue after dental implant placement in Periodontal Clinic RSKGM FKG UI 2009 2014.
Method: There were 11 patients with 29 dental implants. Clinical evaluation consists of oral hygiene measurement, mobility test, probing measurement, gingival bleeding test, and measurement of gingival recession and clinical attachment loss.
Results: There was no implant mobility. Gingival bleeding found in 72,4 of the dental implant. The mean probing depth 3,97 1,35 mm, gingival recession 0,45 0,57 mm, and clinical attachment loss 0,62 0,82mm. There was no statistical difference in probing depth, loss of attachment, and gingival bleeding compared with different oral hygiene, but there was statistical difference in gingival recession compared with different oral hygiene.
Conclusion: Clinical evaluation of peri implant tissue showed good condition.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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