"Kepuasan pasien dalam suatu rumah sakit merupakan salah satu indikator kualitas pelayanan. Apabila pelayanan yang di terima sesuai dengan harapan, maka mutu layanan yang diberikan dipersepsikan baik atau memuaskan, dan sebaliknya, jika pelayanan. yang di terima tidak sesuai harapan, maka pelayanan tersehut dipersepsikan buruk dan tidak memuaskan.
Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk memperoleh gambaran tingkat kepuasan pasien yang di rawat di Pal. Melati dan ruang MPKP, dengan metode Serqual terhadap pelayanan rawat inap. Pengukuran tingkat kepuasan dilakukan terhadap 120 responden, 60 pasien yang di rawat di Pav. Melati dan 60 pasien yang di rawat MPKP. Penelitian ini adalah cross sectional, dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Sedangkan variabel yang digunakan untuk mengukur mutu layanan, menggunakan lima dimensi mutu, yaitu : tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, dan empathy.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kepuasan pasien di ruang MPKP ternyata lebih tinggi dari pada di Pav. Melati, untuk semua dimensi (tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, dan empathy). Sedangkan karakteristik responder yang berhubungan dengan tingkat kepuasan ternyata hanya pekerjaan di Pav. Melati sedang umur dan pendidikan tidak ada hubungan, baik di Pav. Melati maupun ruang MPKP. Menyarankan kepada pihak manajemen Perjan, Rumah Sakit Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo untuk menerapkan secara optimal MPKP di seluruh ruang rawat, khususnya Paviliun Swadana (VIP), sehingga mutu pelayanan akan lebih berkualitas.
Patient satisfaction in the hospital is one of the indicators of the quality of hospital-health care that have been given to patients, as clients.If the hospital-healthcare received is equal to that expected by the patients, the quality health insurance would be considered good-and satisfy the patients. On the contrary, if the hospital-healthcare received is not as expected by or satisfy the patients, the healthcare will be of bad perception and disappointment.The aim of this study is to find the description of in-patient satisfaction level at "Melati" Pavilion and the "Professional Nursing Practice Model" (PNPM) ward or "Ruang Rawat Model Praktik Keperawatan Profesional"(MPKP), using the Serqual Method towards ward-healthcare. Data used in this study was a primary data using univariate and bivariate analysis.It is a quantitative cross sectional study, conducted to 120 respondents consisted of 60 in-patients at "Melati" pavilion and 60 in-patients at PNPM ward. The variable used to measure the quality health insurance were by the five quality dimensions: tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy.The results of this study showed that the respondent satisfaction levels in all of the quality dimensions (tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy) in the PNPM ward was higher than that of "Melati" pavilion. There were no associations between the characteristics of the respondents (age and educational background) and the level of satisfaction in both types of wards, but there was relationship between job and the level of satisfaction of the respondents at "Melati" pavilion.It is recommended that in order to increase the in-patient satisfaction, to apply the Professional Nursing Practice Model (PNPM) at all of the wards in RSCM optimally, especially the VIP pavilions, as a result the health quality insurance will be qualified.References : 45 (1988-2003)"