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"The impact of object boundaries on children's developing quantitative reasoning was examined in a study of children's judgments about aggregate amount. Children at ages 3, 4. and 5 years were asked to help a Cookie Monster get as much to eat as possible by choosing between alternative collections that differed in the number and size of the cookies they contained and also in aggregate amount. Results indicated that children were heavily influenced by the size of individual cookies at 3 years of age but were generally unsuccessful in aggregating size information across multiple cookies until 5 years. The contrast between children's sensitivity to object sizes from an early age and the relatively late achievement of accurate judgments of aggregate amount underscores the significance for quantitative development of the distinction between discrete objects and mathematical quantities"
155 DPS 36:6 (2000)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
First-letter naming was used to investigate the role of phonology in printed word perception in children with and without dyslexia. In 2 experiments, all children showed faster first-letter-naming times in a congruent condition than in an incongruent condition, which suggests that phonology is a fundamental constraint in the printed word perception of readers of all levels and all skills. An explanation in terms of a recurrent network put forward by G. C. Van Orden and S. D. Goldinger (1996) is discussed to account for the apparent paradox in the reading behavior of readers with dyslexia, that is, that in first-letter naming, dyslexic readers appear to show phonological congruity effects, whereas in pseudoword reading, their phonological knowledge appears to be deficient or absent"
155 DPS 36:6 (2000)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"In 3 experiments, kindergarten and second-grade children's retention was examined in the context of 2 distinctiveness manipulations, namely, the von Restorff and bizarre imagery paradigms. Specifically, children learned lists of pictures (Experiments la and lb) or interactive images (Experiment 2) and were asked to recall them 3 weeks later. In Experiments la and lb, distinctiveness was manipulated perceptually (changing colors) and conceptually (changing categories or switching to a numeral), whereas in Experiment 2, distinctiveness concerned the interaction (common or bizarre) between the referents. The results showed that (a) older children retained more information than younger children, (b) younger but not older children failed to benefit from numerically distinct information, and (c) distinctiveness in other domains facilitated children's retention. These results highlight the importance of distinctive information in children's retention"
155 DPS 36:6 (2000)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Previous research by D. Moshman and B. Franks (1986) supported the hypothesis that children do not explicitly understand the nature of the distinction between logical and nonlogical forms of argument. This research examined the performance of 8–11-year-olds (N  = 220) on Moshman and Franks's experimental tasks when the children were cued to apply particular comprehension strategies. Findings from 2 experiments indicated that a significant number of children are capable of explicitly recognizing the necessity of logical forms and the indeterminacy of nonlogical forms and that this competence must be distinguished from their tendency to fail to attend to structural relationships between propositions and to monitor the intrusion of extraneous personal knowledge in assessing the validity of an argument. The findings suggest that all of these competencies are important components of the ability to distinguish logical and nonlogical arguments"
155 DPS 36:6 (2000)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Toddlers' use of effective attention deployment strategies to cope with separation from the mother and with maternal behavior predicted the use of effective delay-of-gratification strategies at age 5, even though the contexts, measures, and manifest behaviors were different. Toddlers who used distraction strategies during a brief separation from the mother were able, at age 5, to delay immediate gratification longer for more valued rewards. Toddlers who explored at a distance from a controlling mother when she tried to engage the child also delayed longer and used more effective delay strategies at age 5, compared with toddlers who did not distance themselves. Toddlers whose mothers were not controlling showed the opposite pattern: Those who did not distance themselves from the mother's bids had longer preschool delay times and more effective strategies. Strategic attention deployment was shown to be an enduring self-regulatory skill visible in early development across domains, measures, and over time."
155 DPS 36:6 (2000)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurita Adha Dianti
"Mahasiswa kedokteran mengalami beberapa tahap transisi, salah satunya transisi dari tahap pendidikan preklinik ke klinik. Transisi ini memberikan tantangan, lingkungan, dan tekanan baru yang membutuh adaptasi mahasiswa. Apabila stressor tidak dapat diatasi dengan baik, maka akan terjadi distress yang menyebabkan depresi, burnout, kecemasan, dan lain sebagainya. Motivasi merupakan faktor yang penting bagi mahasiswa agar dapat mengelola emosi dan sumber daya dengan baik dan memiliki kemampuan belajar deep learning. Penelitian mengenai hubungan tipe motivasi terhadap burnout pada mahasiswa kedokteran belum banyak dilakukan. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai hubungan tipe motivasi dengan burnout pada mahasiswa di tahap transisi preklinik ke klinik. Penelitian ini dilakukan di FKUI dan menggunakan desain cross-sectional dengan melibatkan mahasiswa pada tahun pertama transisi dari preklinik ke klinik. Mahasiswa diklasifikasikan ke dalam empat tipe motivasi melalui analisis motivasi intrinsik dan ekstrinsik menggunakan kuesioner Skala Motivasi Akademik. Tipe motivasi mahasiswa merupakan variable independen yang dinilai hubungannya dengan komponen burnout selama proses pendidikan. Burnout dinilai menggunakan kuesioner Maslach Burnout Inventory HSS. Sejumlah 164 mahasiswa terlibat sebagai responden penelitian. Hasilnya didapatkan tipe motivasi paling banyak pada tahap ini ialah tipe termotivasi minat dan status 79,2% (N = 130), diikuti termotivasi minat 13,41% (N = 22), termotivasi rendah merupakan 6,09% ( N = 10), dan termotivasi status 1,2% dari populasi (N = 2). Siswa dengan tipe termotivasi minat memiliki komponen persepsi terhadap prestasi yang lebih tinggi (p=0,03) dan depersonalisasi yang lebih rendah (p <0,026) dibanding tipe termotivasi minat dan status.

Medical students should undergo several stages in their education, one of them is transition from preclinical to clinical year. This transition introduces new challenges, environments, and pressures that can cause stress. If stress cannot be overcome properly, it may cause depression, burnout, and anxiety. Motivation is important for student to study and cope from stress and burnout. This study hence aimed to assess the relationship between type of motivation and burnout in medical student during the transition period from preclinical to clinical phases. This study was cross-sectional and conducted in FMUI, among medical students in the first year of transition from preclinical to clinical year. Students were categorized into four subgroups through analysis of intrinsic and controlled motivation using Academic Motivation Scale. Group membership is used as an independent variable to assess burnout components. Burnout was measured using Maslach Burnout Inventory HSS. A total of 164 students participated in the study. Four groups were identified: students who are interest-status motivated constituted 79.2% of the population (N=130), interest-motivated students constituted 13.41% of the population (N=22), low motivated students constituted 6.09% of the population (N=10), statusmotivated student 1.2% of the population (N=2). Interest-motivated students had higher personal accomplishment (p = 0.03) and lower depersonalization (p = 0.026) than intereststatus motivated students.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ratri Tamayanti
"Pemakaian internet berlebih dapat menyebabkan kecanduan internet. Kecanduan internet menyebabkan berbagai dampak negatif, salah satunya perkembangan sosial. Perkembangan sosial anak usia sekolah merupakan masa peralihan yang memiliki rasa ketertarikan untuk mengeksplorasi lingkungan sekitar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kecanduan internet dengan perkembangan sosial anak usia sekolah di Kelurahan Makasar. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah cross-sectional dengan jumlah responden 287 yang dipilih melalui teknik cluster stratified random sampling. Pengukuran kecanduan internet menggunakan instrumen Internet Addiction Test dan perkembangan sosial anak diukur menggunakan instrumen Social Skill Inventory. Hasil penelitian dianalisis menggunakan uji korelasi gamma dan didapatkan hasil bahwa terdapat korelasi yang bermakna dengan arah korelasi positif dengan kekuataan korelasi kuat antara kecanduan internet dengan perkembanan sosial anak (p value= 0,0001, r= 0,615). Hasil penelitian diharapkan dapat dijadikan sebagai informasi dan invoasi untuk edukasi pemakaian internet yang bijak dan menstimulus perkembangan sosial anak dalam proses pembelajaran di rumah atau sekolah.

Excessive use of the internet can cause internet addiction. Internet addiction causes various negative effects, one of which is social development. The social development of school-age children is a transitional period that has an interest in exploring the surrounding environment. This study aims to adhere to the relationship of internet addiction to the social development of school-age children in the Makassar Village. The research design used was cross-sectional with the number of respondents 287 selected through the cluster stratified random sampling technique. Measurements of internet addiction using the Internet Addiction Test instrument and the development of child sosia were measured using the Social Skill Inventory instrument. The results of the study were annotated using the gamma correlation test and the results showed that there was a significant correlation with the direction of the positive correlation with the strong correlation between internet addiction and children's social development (p = 0,0001, r = 0.615). The results of the research are expected to be used as information and investment for educating wise internet usage and stimulating children's social development in the learning process at home or school."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fathia Afrazayne Safitri
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi peran parenting attitude dan keterlibatan Ayah terhadap perkembangan theory of mind anak usia 5-7 tahun. 115 pasangan Ayah dan anak, yang berasal dari Jabodetabek dan luar Jabodetabek, ikut serta dalam penelitian ini. Kemampuan theory of mind anak diukur menggunakan Theory of Mind Scale. Sedangkan parenting attitude Ayah diukur dengan mengunakan Parenting Attitude Inventory (PAI) dan keterlibatan Ayah diukur dengan menggunakan Inventory of Father Involvement (IFI). Hasil analisis yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar partisipan Ayah menerapkan pengasuhan autonomy dan memiliki keterlibatan yang tinggi dalam pengasuhan. Namun, hasil analisis utama penelitian yang diperoleh menunjukkan parenting attitude dan keterlibatan Ayah tidak signifikan dalam memprediksi perkembangan theory of mind anak usia 5-7 tahun. Selain itu penelitian menemukan urutan perkembangan theory of mind anak usia 5-7 tahun merupakan DD > HE > DB > KA > Sarcasm > FB > Second Order.

This study aims to examine the role of parenting attitude and father involvement on 5-7 years old childrens theory of mind development. 115 fathers and children, from Jabodetabek and Outside Jabodetabek, participated in this study. Theory of Mind Scale was given to children. Their fathers completed Parenting Attitude Inventory (PAI) and Inventory of Father Involvement (IFI). Result shows that most of fathers preferred autonomy parenting and shows high levels of father involvement. Result shows that parenting attitude and father involvement cannot predict 5-7 years old childrens theory of mind development. In addition, result shows sequence of childrens theory of mind development is DD > HE > DB > KA > Sarcasm > FB > Second Order. "
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wistiadola Septiani
"[Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur efektivitas program pelatihan autonomysupportive behaviors pada guru PAUD dalam meningkatkan perilaku mendukung otonomi anak prasekolah melalui kegiatan pelatihan. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian terapan
dengan desain penelitian pretest-posttest design. Alat ukur yang digunakan dalam
penelitian berdasarkan sebelas perilaku instruksional mendukung otonomi yang
dikembangkan oleh Reeve & Jang (2006). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa program
cukup efektif untuk meningkatkan perilaku guru PAUD dalam mendukung otonomi anak
prasekolah dan terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan terutama pada perilaku ?memberikan
pujian sebagai umpan balik atas suatu pencapaian suatu aktivitas? dan ?memberi dorongan
untuk meningkatkan dan mempertahankan keterlibatan siswa;The purpose of this study is measuring the effectiveness of autonomy-supportive behaviors
training program for early childhood teacher to increase the behavior of supporting
autonomy of preschool children. The type of research is applied research with pretestposttest
study design. Measuring instrument used in research is based on eleven
instructional behavior of autonomy support which developed by Reeve & Jang (2006). The
result show that the program is effective to increase the behavior of early childhood teacher
in supporting preschool children?s autonomy and there are significance differences in the
behavior of ?praise as informational feedback about the student?s improvement or mastery?
and the behavior of ?offering encouragements to boost or sustain the student?s engagement;The purpose of this study is measuring the effectiveness of autonomy-supportive behaviors
training program for early childhood teacher to increase the behavior of supporting
autonomy of preschool children. The type of research is applied research with pretestposttest
study design. Measuring instrument used in research is based on eleven
instructional behavior of autonomy support which developed by Reeve & Jang (2006). The
result show that the program is effective to increase the behavior of early childhood teacher
in supporting preschool children?s autonomy and there are significance differences in the
behavior of ?praise as informational feedback about the student?s improvement or mastery?
and the behavior of ?offering encouragements to boost or sustain the student?s engagement;The purpose of this study is measuring the effectiveness of autonomy-supportive behaviors
training program for early childhood teacher to increase the behavior of supporting
autonomy of preschool children. The type of research is applied research with pretestposttest
study design. Measuring instrument used in research is based on eleven
instructional behavior of autonomy support which developed by Reeve & Jang (2006). The
result show that the program is effective to increase the behavior of early childhood teacher
in supporting preschool children?s autonomy and there are significance differences in the
behavior of ?praise as informational feedback about the student?s improvement or mastery?
and the behavior of ?offering encouragements to boost or sustain the student?s engagement;The purpose of this study is measuring the effectiveness of autonomy-supportive behaviors
training program for early childhood teacher to increase the behavior of supporting
autonomy of preschool children. The type of research is applied research with pretestposttest
study design. Measuring instrument used in research is based on eleven
instructional behavior of autonomy support which developed by Reeve & Jang (2006). The
result show that the program is effective to increase the behavior of early childhood teacher
in supporting preschool children?s autonomy and there are significance differences in the
behavior of ?praise as informational feedback about the student?s improvement or mastery?
and the behavior of ?offering encouragements to boost or sustain the student?s engagement;The purpose of this study is measuring the effectiveness of autonomy-supportive behaviors
training program for early childhood teacher to increase the behavior of supporting
autonomy of preschool children. The type of research is applied research with pretestposttest
study design. Measuring instrument used in research is based on eleven
instructional behavior of autonomy support which developed by Reeve & Jang (2006). The
result show that the program is effective to increase the behavior of early childhood teacher
in supporting preschool children?s autonomy and there are significance differences in the
behavior of ?praise as informational feedback about the student?s improvement or mastery?
and the behavior of ?offering encouragements to boost or sustain the student?s engagement, The purpose of this study is measuring the effectiveness of autonomy-supportive behaviors
training program for early childhood teacher to increase the behavior of supporting
autonomy of preschool children. The type of research is applied research with pretestposttest
study design. Measuring instrument used in research is based on eleven
instructional behavior of autonomy support which developed by Reeve & Jang (2006). The
result show that the program is effective to increase the behavior of early childhood teacher
in supporting preschool children’s autonomy and there are significance differences in the
behavior of ‘praise as informational feedback about the student’s improvement or mastery’
and the behavior of ‘offering encouragements to boost or sustain the student’s engagement]"
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Boog, Jason
"A program for parents and professionals on how to raise kids who love to read, featuring interviews with childhood development experts, advice from librarians, tips from authors and children's book publishers, and reading recommendations for kids from birth up to age five."
New York : NY : A Touchstone Book, Published by Simon & Schuster, 2014
372.425 BOO b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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