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"Improvement of human resources has the purpose of increasing the quality of service for patients in every treatment unit, which should be anticipated by the oral health unit in every hospital. Improvement of service quality can be obtained by increasing the number of dental units. Along with the increasing knowledge in the society, the need for special services as also expanding. This problem can be solved by increasing the number of specialists in dentistry through scholarships, provided for dentists with high achievements. The samples for this cross sectional designed research were taken from all non-educational class B government hospitals in Indonesia. The data were gathered by using questionnaire and guided in depth interviews. The data were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that most hospitals have no completely with the dental unit is 78.8%. There are 14 hospital (42.4%) needs oral laboratory."
Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 2004
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Christina Maria Kristanti
"Reviewed indicators of National Household Health Survey (NHHS) 1995 were done to know wheter the target of dental health for all by the year 2000 which was the program goals has been achieved. The indicators reviewed were index DMF-T, prevalence of dental caries, percent people with a minimum of 20 functional teeth and percent people with complete teeth. Index DMF-T is a total number of D-T (decayed teeth) score, M-F (missing teeth) score and F-T (filled teeth) score that shows level of seriousness of dental damage caused by dental caries/ cavity. The findings showed that indicator "DMF-T index among children aged 12 years" was low (2.21) and achieved the target. But it is not a positive one finding that the score was dominated by D-T score which have not been took up yet, and the high prevalence of population with dental caries experience which was covered 77% of children aged 12 years. Indicator "population aged 18 years that retain all their teeth" is not a sharp one because it is only show the retainning of the teeth without knowing the conditions of the teeth, loss or caries. Target year 2000 that was "75% population aged 35-44 years have a minimum of 20 functional teeth" has been achieved. Target year 2000 that was "50% population aged 65+ years have a minimum of 20 functional teeth" can not been achieved. Indicator of "children aged 5 years with caries free" was not collected by SKRT 1995, but it is needed to monitor the program prevention. Indicator "population with deep pocket" is important to know the damage of teeth that caused by periodontal diseases. It is recommended to have a comprehensive services which consist of promotion, protection, early diagnosis and prompt treatment. Indicator "prevalence of caries" on a couple of age groups is needed, and also indicator of "children aged 5 years with caries free" and "population with deep pocket" specifically on age 35-44 years and 65+ years."
Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2002
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nadine Khalissya
"Tujuan: Untuk mendeskripsikan kebutuhan yang dirasakan akan dan pemanfaatan layanan kesehatan gigi di Indonesia Indonesia pada 2013. Metode: Studi cross-sectional dilakukan dengan menggunakan data sekunder dari Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional Indonesia tahun 2013 (n = 260.925). Deskriptif analisis dan regresi logistik digunakan untuk menggambarkan proporsi dan hubungan antara kebutuhan yang dirasakan dan pemanfaatan perawatan kesehatan gigi dari beberapa karakteristik sosiodemografi. Hubungan antara kebutuhan yang dirasakan dan kebiasaan menyikat gigi juga dianalisis menggunakan regresi logistik. Hasil: 1,64% dari Orang Indonesia memiliki kebutuhan yang dirasakan akan perawatan kesehatan gigi pada tahun 2013 dan persentase untuk pemanfaatannya adalah 2,30% orang Indonesia pada tahun yang sama. Analisis regresi logistik menunjukkan hasil yang signifikan secara statistik yang menunjukkan rasio odds yang lebih tinggi untuk kebutuhan yang dirasakan untuk dan pemanfaatan perawatan kesehatan gigi pada responden yang berusia <15 tahun, perempuan, belum menikah, memiliki pendidikan tinggi, dan diasuransikan. Hasil juga menunjukkan bahwa responden dengan kebutuhan yang dirasakan memiliki rasio odds yang lebih tinggi untuk kebiasaan menyikat gigi. Kesimpulan: The proporsi kebutuhan yang dirasakan dan pemanfaatan layanan kesehatan gigi di Indonesia pada tahun 2013 ditemukan rendah dan dikaitkan dengan beberapa faktor sosiodemografi.
Objective: To describe the perceived need for and utilization of dental health services in Indonesia in Indonesia in 2013. Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted using secondary data from the 2013 Indonesian National Socio-Economic Survey (n = 260,925). Descriptive analysis and logistic regression are used to illustrate the proportion and relationship between perceived needs and utilization of dental health care from several sociodemographic characteristics. The relationship between perceived needs and toothbrushing habits was also analyzed using logistic regression. Results: 1.64% of Indonesians had a perceived need for dental health care in 2013 and the percentage for utilization was 2.30% of Indonesians in the same year. Logistic regression analysis showed statistically significant results which showed a higher odds ratio for perceived need for and utilization of dental health care for respondents aged <15 years, women, unmarried, highly educated, and insured. The results also showed that respondents with perceived needs had a higher odds ratio for toothbrushing habits. Conclusion: The proportion of perceived need and utilization of dental health services in Indonesia in 2013 was found to be low and associated with several sociodemographic factors."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Televisianingsih Dwi Kentjana
"Penyakit gigi dan mulut sampai saat ini masih merupakan penyakit yang banyak diderita oleh masyarakat Indonesia pada semua golongan umur. Karies atau gigi berlubang merupakan penyakit yang paling sering ditemukan. Menurut SKRT (2001) prevalensi karies di Indonesia masih sangat tinggi yaitu 60 %, sedangkan kota Tangerang prevalensi karies pada murrid madrasah mencapai 47,3 % path tahun 2005. Gambaran ini menunjukkan bahwa masalah kesehatan gigi dan mulut periu segera mendapat penanganan yang serius, sebaliknya hal ini ternyata tidak diikuti dengan cakupan kunjungan pasien yang berobat gigi ke Puskesmas.
Sistem informasi yang dapat menyediakan data yang berkualitas, cepa dan akurat sangat dibutuhkan dalam upaya mendukung manajemen Program Pelayanan Dasar Kesehatan Gigi dan Mulut Puskesmas. Sistem yang lama belum mampu menyediakan informasi seperti yang diharapkan karena kendala dalam proses pengolahan data yang sebagian masih dilakukan dengan cara manual sehingga membutuhkan waktu yang relatif lebih lama dalam menghasilkan informasi yang dibutuhkan.
Metodologi yang digunakan adalah berdasarkan siklus hidup pengembangan sistem yang diawali dengan tahap perencanaan, analisis, perancangan dan implementasi. Untuk tahap implementasi hanya sampai pada kegiatan dokumentasi sistem dan pengujian sistem hanya dilakukan di laboratorium menggunakan data laporan buianan Puskesmas tahun 2005. PengumpuIan data dan informasi melalui wa.wancara mendalam, telaah dokumen dan observasi. Unit kerja yang menjadi obyek penelitian adalah Sie Kesehatan Khusus di Dinas Kesehatan Kota Tangerang.
Dalam penelitian ini telah dihasilkan suatu otomasi pengolahan data berupa prototype Sistem Informasi Kesehatan Gigi dan Mulut Puskesmas. Prototype ini diharapkan mampu menjadi solusi dalam hal mendapatkan informasi yang cepat, akurat dan relevan mengenai data pelayanan dasar kesehatan gigi dan mulut Puskesmas, sehingga dapat dipergunakan untuk meningkatkan pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut pada masyarakat dalam rangka menunmkan angka kesaldtan gigi di Kota Tangerang.

Dental and oral diseases are mostly suffered by Indonesians in all ages. Caries is often found as a disease. According to SICRT (2001) caries prevalence in Indonesia is still very high about 60 %, meanwhile in Tangerang caries prevalence of elementary Islamic student reached 47.3 % in 2005. This illustration shows that dental and oral health problem should be handled seriously soon. On the other hand this matter is not followed by patient visiting to Health Center.
An information system that provides qualified data is required in order to support the management of Dental and Oral Health Service Program in Health Office. The system is not able to provide the expected information because the data processing has manual system so that it takes relatively long time to produce the expected information.
The method for this research is using system development life cycle approach that is started by planning, analysis, design, and implementation stages. The implementation stage is only tested at laboratory using monthly report data of some Health Centers year 2005. The required data and information were collected by depth interviews, document examinations and observations. The object of this research is Seksi Kesehatan Khusus of Health Office in Tangerang City.
The research has created a prototype of automatically data process. This prototype could be a solution in order to gain fast, accurate and relevan information concerning Dental and Oral Health Program in Health Office, so that it could be used to improve Dental and Oral Health Service for people in framework of minimize caries prevalence in Tangerang City.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dyan Ayu Hapsari
"Tujuan: Mendeskripsikan inequality dalam perceived need dan utilisasi pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut di Indonesia tahun 1993-2014.
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik deskriptif dengan desain cohort menggunakan data sekunder dari Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS) pada tahun 1993-2014 (n = 122.575). Analisis deskriptif, penghitungan Concentration Index (CI) dilakukan untuk melihat inequality pada pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut dengan berbagai karakteristik sosiodemografi penduduk Indonesia pada tahun 1993-2014.
Hasil: Dari total keseluruhan responden IFLS 1-5, terdapat 12,86% individu yang memiliki perceived need dan hanya 23,13% individu yang melakukan utilisasi. Kemudian pada hasil analisis concentration index (CI) dari perceived need bernilai negatif pada IFLS 1 (CI = -0,006), IFLS 4 (CI = -0,014), dan IFLS 5 (CI = -0,004) sehingga mengindikasikan adanya signifikansi pro-poor inequality dalam perceived need dan bernilai positif pada IFLS 2 (CI = 0,02) dan IFLS 3 (CI = 0,015) sehingga mengindikasikan adanya signifikansi pro-rich inequality dalam perceived need. Sedangkan pada hasil analisis concentration index (CI) dari utilisasi bernilai positif pada IFLS 1 (CI = 0,111), IFLS 3 (CI = 0,092), IFLS 4 (CI = 0,94), dan IFLS 5 (CI = 0,249) sehingga mengindikasikan adanya signifikansi pro-rich inequality dalam utilisasi pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut bernilai negative pada IFLS 2 (CI = - 0,008) sehingga mengindikasikan adanya signifikansi pro-poor inequality dalam utilisasi pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut.
Kesimpulan: Berdasarkan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa masih terdapat inequality dalam perceived need dan utilisasi pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut di Indonesia pada tahun 1993-2014.

Objectives: Describe the inequality in perceived need and utilization of dental and oral health services in Indonesia in 1993-2014.
Method: This research is a descriptive analytic study with a cohort design using secondary data from the Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS) in 1993-2014 (n = 122.575). Descriptive analysis, calculating the Concentration Index (CI) was carried out to see the inequality in dental and oral health services with various sociodemographic characteristics of the Indonesian population in 1993-2014.
Result: Of the total IFLS respondents 1-5, there are 12.86% individuals who have perceived need and only 23.13% individuals who do utilization. Then the results of the concentration index (CI) analysis of perceived need are negative at IFLS 1 (CI = -0.006), IFLS 4 (CI = -0.014), and IFLS 5 (CI = -0.004), indicating a significant pro-poor inequality. in perceived need and has a positive value in IFLS 2 (CI = 0.02) and IFLS 3 (CI = 0.015) thus indicating a significant pro-rich inequality in perceived need. While the results of the concentration index (CI) analysis of utilization are positive at IFLS 1 (CI = 0.111), IFLS 3 (CI = 0.092), IFLS 4 (CI = 0.94), and IFLS 5 (CI = 0.249) thus indicating the significance of the pro-rich inequality in the utilization of dental and oral health services is negative in IFLS 2 (CI = -0.008), thus indicating a significant pro-poor inequality in the utilization of dental and oral health services.
Conclusion: Based on this research, it shows that there is still inequality in the perceived need and utilization of dental and oral health services in Indonesia in 1993-2014.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andre Kurniawan
"Terdapatnya suatu jaminan kesehatan baru yang menggantikan jaminan kesehatan sebelumnya dapat membawa kebaikan ataupun keburukan bagi pengguna. Oleh sebeb itu, perlu adanya survei kepuasan kepada peserta pengguna tentang pelayanan yang diberikan oleh masing-masing jaminan kesehatan JPKM Jaminan Pemeliharaan Kesehatan Masyarakat ataupun JKN Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional di kota Sawahlunto.
Tujuan : Mengetahui hubungan dan membandingkan antara sistem jaminan kesehatan JPKM dan JKN terhadap kepuasan peserta dalam pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut di kota Sawahlunto.
Metode : menggunakan cross-sectional, dengan sampel pada penelitian ini diberikan kuesioner ServQual yang terdiri atas harapan dan kinerja. Subjek : Masyarakat yang pernah atau sedang menggunakan JPKM dan JKN, jumlahnya adalah 182 orang.
Analisa : Kepuasan pengguna dilihat dengan menganalisa gap antara kinerja dan harapan pada status sosiodemografi dan uji komparasi Mann Whitney test untuk melihat perbedaan kepuasan JPKM dan JKN.
Kesimpulan hasil : terdapat perbedaan kepuasan pada dimensi assurance JKN kelompok usia, semakin muda tingkat kepuasannya semakin tinggi. Pada kelompok profesi PNS/pensiunan memiliki persepsi kepuasan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok profesi lainnya. Kemudian, dimensi assurance dan reliability memberikan pengaruh signifikan pada kepuasan total pengguna JPKM dan JKN. Selanjutnya, pengguna JPKM memiliki nilai hampir mendekati kepuasan dibandingkan JKN.

The new health insurance which change the old insurance it doesn rsquo t absolutely have a goodness. Therefore, we need observe user satisfaction in dental health service which have been given to users by JPKM Sub regional Community Health Insurance and JKN National Health Insurance in Sawahlunto city.
Purpose to see the relationship and compare between JPKM system and JKN system to user satisfaction in dental health service.
Method it was cross sectional study, the subject for this study were given expectation ServQual questionnaire and perception ServQual questionnaire. Subject all users had experiences using JPKM and JKN or were current users in Sawahlunto city, a total are 182 people.
Analysis user satisfaction was identified by analizing gap between perception and expectation on sosiodemographic status and comparison test Mann Whitney test to see significantly differences.
Conclusion of findings on JKN assurance dimention there are differences of satisfaction based on age variable. On profession variables, PNS pensiunan group has higher satisfaction than other professions. Then, reliability and assurance dimentions give signifficant effect to total satisfaction, and JPKM user have higher satisfaction than JKN user.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tambunan, Lamhot
"Rendahnya utilisasi pelayanan kesehatan gigi di Indonesia menjadi permasalahan yang selama ini menjadi suatu kendala dalam meningkatkan derajad kesehatan di Indonesia karena menurut Undang-Undang nomor 36 tahun 2009 bahwa pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut dilakukan untuk memelihara dan meningkatakan derajad kesehatan masyarakat. Dari data penelitian menunjukkan rendahnya utilisasi pelayanan kesehatan gigi padahal prevalensi karies gigi di Indonesia cukup tinggi. Peneliti ingin melihat determinan utilisasi pelayanan kesehatan gigi di Indonesia.
Penelitian ini merupakan analisis data sekunder Susenas 2012 yang merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan rancangan cross sectional. Penelitian ini melihat determinan utilisasi pelayanan kesehatan gigi diindonesia.
Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa faktor usia, jenis kelamin, status pernikahan, status pendidikan, status pekerjaan dan status tempat tinggal tidak menunjukan hubungan yang sangat kuat dalam memanfaatkan pelayanan kesehatan gigi di Indonesia, Sementara faktor kepemilikan asuransi, status ekonomi,wilayah domisili, dan adanya gangguan aktivitas menunjukan hubungan yang sangat kuat terhadap utilisasi pelayanan kesehatan gigi di Indonesia.
Saran dari studi ini adalah karena adanya hubungan yang sangat kuat antara kepemilikan asuransi dengan utilisasi pelayanan kesehatan gigi hendaknya cakupan asuransi diperluas terutama untuk masyarakat miskin agar supaya utilisasi pelayanan kesehatan gigi juga bisa meningkat, dan distribusi dokter gigi juga harus lebih terdistribusi dengan baik.

Lack of dental health services utilization in Indonesia became a problem as long as it becomes a constraint in increasing degree movies health in Indonesia because according to Undang-undang no 36 tahun 2009 that oral health services done to nurture and increases public health degree movies. Data from the sudy showed poor dental health service utilization whereas the prevalence of dental caries in Indonesia is quite high. Researchers would like to see the dental health service utilization determinants in Indonesia.
This research is analysis of data secondary susenas 2012 that is research quantitative to a draft cross sectional. This research see determina the utilization of health services of health services teeth in Indonesia.
The result analysis shows that a factor of age, gender, the status of marriage, the status of education, the status of the job and the satatus of the dwelling place of not show a very strong in the harness of health services in Indonesia, the teeth insurance, while a factor of possession economic status, the region of domicile, and any disturbance activity showed a very strong against the utilization of health services teeth in Indonesia.
Advice from this study is due to the powerful relationship between insurance with the utilization of health service should tooth-reinsurance coverages expanded especially for the poor health services so that the utilization rise, can also distribution dentist must be distributed properly.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irfan Kalam Tauhid
"Latar Belakang: Rongga mulut manusia memiliki beragam mikroorganisme yang dapat membentuk suatu komunitas yang memengaruhi kesehatan rongga mulut. Menurut Riskesdas 2018, prevalensi karies di Indonesia mencapai 60-80%. Konsentrasi protein dan polipeptida yang ada dalam saliva penting dalam pemeliharaan kesehatan mulut dan homeostasis dengan perubahan kualitatif dan kuantitatif dari proteome saliva. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan total konsentrasi protein dan profil protein saliva dengan status kebersihan rongga mulut (OHI-S) dan status karies dental (DMF-T dan def-t) pada subjek kelompok usia dewasa muda dan anak-anak. Metode: Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif laboratorik dengan menggunakan Uji Bradford untuk menetapkan total konsentrasi protein dan Uji SDS-PAGE untuk menetapkan profil protein saliva. Sampel uji berupa sampel saliva berjumlah 18 sampel masing-masing kelompok usia (total 36 sampel), dengan diketahui status kebersihan rongga mulut (OHI-S) dan status karies dental (DMF-T dan def-t). Analisis statistik dijalankan dengan menggunakan uji normalitas, kemudian Uji T test-independent. Untuk menganalisis hubungan dilakukan uji korelasi spearman. Analisis data menggunakan SPSS iOS versi 22.0. Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan signifikan antara total konsentrasi protein saliva kelompok usia dewas muda dan anak-anak (p = 0.001 (p<0.05)), namun tidak terdapat korelasi signifikan antara total konsentrasi protein saliva kelompok usia terhadap OHI-S dan DMF-T atau def-t, serta terdapat perbedaan profil protein saliva berupa perbedaan frekuensi protein bands yang muncul pada masing-masing profil protein.  Kesimpulan: Total konsentrasi protein dan profil protein saliva tidak berhubungan dengan OHI-S dan DMF-T atau def-t pada kelompok usia dewasa muda dan anak-anak, namun tetap memiliki tendensi korelasi.

Human oral health contains various microorganisms that can form a community that affects oral health. According to Riskesdas 2018, the prevalence of caries in Indonesia ranges from 60-80%. The concentration of proteins and polypeptides in saliva is important in maintaining oral health and homeostasis through qualitative and quantitative changes in the salivary proteome.  Objective: This study aims to analyze the relationship between total protein concentration and saliva protein profile with oral hygiene status (OHI-S) and dental caries status (DMF-T and def-t) in adult and child age groups. Methode: This study is a deskriptive laboratory analysis using Bradford tests to determine total protein concentration and SDS-PAGE tests to determine saliva protein profiles. The sample consisted of 18 saliva samples from each age group (total 36 samples), with OHI-S and dental caries status (DMF-T and def-t) determined. Statistical analysis was performed using normality tests, followed by independent sample t-tests. To analyze the relationship, Spearman's correlation test was conducted. Data analysis used SPSS iOS version 22.0. Result: A significant difference was found in the total saliva protein concentration between the young adult and child groups (p = 0.001, p < 0.05), but no significant correlation was found between total saliva protein concentration and OHI-S and DMF-T or def-t status. There was a difference in saliva protein profiles, manifested as differences in the frequency of protein bands in each protein profile.  Conclusion: The total protein concentration and saliva protein profiles do not have a significant relationship with OHI-S and DMF-T or def-t status in young adult and child age groups, but they still show a tendency to correlate."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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