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"Problems of soil limiting factors affecting crop growth were not fully understood owing to little attention has been given to soil mineralogy and its association to soil chemical properties. The objective of the study was to assess soil mineralogical and chemical properties of seven soils derived from different parent
materials as an integrated strategic consideration to establish soil management. Field study was carried out in 2009. Soils were sampled from each horizon of profiles. Results showed that primary and secondary minerals had a strong effect on soil chemical properties. The sand fraction of soils derived from basalt, gabbro, mica schist and serpentinite was dominated by resistant minerals (quartz or opaques), leading to very limited, if any, nutrients released from parent materials. The clay fraction was dominated by kaolinite for soils derived from
basalt, mica schist and gabbaro, and by amorphous materials for the soil derived from serpentinite resulting in low soil cation exchange capacity (CEC). For other three soils derived from volcanic tuff, volcanic basaltic andesite and volcanic ash, the easily weatherable minerals (feldspar and ferromagnesian) were dominant, suggesting the high reserved nutrients. The presence of halloysite and smectite minerals in the soil derived from volcanic tuff resulted in high soil CEC, while the dominance of amorphous materials in soils derived from volcanic basaltic andesite and volcanic ash was responsible for the low CEC. For
soils derived from basalt, serpentinite, mica schist and gabbro, therefore, the strategic management should be directed to restore soil CEC, pH, exchangeable cations and P content. For soils derived from volcanic tuff, volcanic basaltic andesite and volcanic ash, the presence of easily weatherable minerals indicated many reserved nutrients; hence the soil management is directed for replenishment of nutrients removed by crops. "
IJAS 13:2 (2012)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
F.X. Andy Sutrisno
Jakarta: Badan Perencanaan PembangunaN Nasional (BAPPENAS), 2018
330 JPP 2:3 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elisabeth Srihayu Harsanti
Endosulfan adalah salah satu senyawa POPs organoklorin pada era revolusi hijau yang disukai petani karena kemanjurannya. Namun saat ini masih ditemukan di lapang. Endosulfan bersifat persisten, bioakumulatif, dan sangat toksik terhadap makrobiota. Keberadaan endosulfan harus dipantau dan dilakukan upaya reduksinya agar tidak mencemari lingkungan, dan untuk keamanan pangan, serta memenuhi ketentuan Konvensi Stockholm. Sekitar 18,12 dari total tanah sawah di Kabupaten Jombang telah terkontaminasi endosulfan dengan kategori telah melebihi Batas Maksimum Residu BMR dan 22,5 di bawah BMR. Upaya remediasi harus dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan sumberdaya lokal di Kabupaten Jombang seperti limbah tongkol jagung dan pupuk kandang. Limbah tongkol jagung belum optimal dimanfaatkan. Biochar dari limbah tongkol jagung berpotensi untuk memperbaiki tanah sawah terkontaminasi endosulfan. Penelitian ini bertujuan 1 mengetahui kemampuan teknologi remediasi dengan limbah pertanian berbasis sumberdaya lokal dalam memperbaiki kualitas tanah sawah dan produk pertanian tercemar insektisida endosulfan, 2 mengkaji dampak teknologi remediasi dengan limbah pertanian berbasis sumberdaya lokal pada tanah sawah tercemar endosulfan dengan menggunakan perangkat valuasi ekonomi, sosial, dan lingkungan dan 3 membangun model statistik remediasi berkelanjutan dengan limbah pertanian berbasis sumberdaya lokal pada tanah sawah tercemar endosulfan. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Juni 2015-Mei 2016 dengan metode survey dan eksperimen di rumah kaca. Eksperimen di rumah kaca menggunakan rancangan percobaan acak lengkap dengan tujuh perlakuan kombinasi biochar dan kompos kotoran ternak yang diulang tiga kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 1 Teknologi remediasi tanah sawah tercemar insektisida endosulfan dengan limbah pertanian dapat memperbaiki kualitas tanah dan produk pertanian padi . Kombinasi biochar tongkol jagung dan kompos kotoran sapi atau ayam 1:4 efektif sebagai bahan pembenah tanah untuk remediasi tanah sawah tercemar residu insektisida endosulfan dengan kemampuan mempercepat penurunan ?-endosulfan hingga lebih rendah dari konsentrasi BMR < 0,0085 ppm berkisar 66,5 - 70,9 dengan waktu remediasi selama 74 hari 21 hari lebih cepat daripada tanpa remediasi ; Kombinasi biochar tongkol jagung dengan pupuk kandang sapi atau ayam pada nisbah 1:4 dapat menurunkan residu metabolit endosulfan sulfat hingga di bawah BMR < 0,0085 ppm masing-masing sebesar 1,8 -67,3 pada MT I, dan 49,7 -67,7 pada MT II dan terjadi pada kondisi anaerob; Kombinasi biochar dan kompos kotoran ternak mampu meningkatkan kesuburan tanah antara lain pH, P tersedia, C organik tanah, N total, dan populasi bakteri dalam tanah; serta meningkatkan hasil padi 10-13 2 Teknologi remediasi dengan memanfaatkan biochar tongkol jagung yang dikombinasi dengan kompos kotoran ayam atau sapi dapat memberikan dampak positif pada aspek ekonomi, sosial, dan lingkungan sehingga inovasi tersebut dapat diterima oleh petani; dan 3 Model statistik remediasi tanah sawah Inceptisol tercemar residu endosulfan dengan memanfaatkan limbah pertanian dapat dibangun dengan mempertimbangkan karakteristik tanah terutama kandungan C-organik tanah dan populasi bakteri total dalam tanah.Kata kunci: limbah tongkol jagung, kompos kotoran sapi, kompos kotoran ayam biochar, remediasi, endosulfan, keberlanjutan

Endosulfan is one of POPs organochlorine compounds on green revolution era that was mostly preferred by farmers because of its efficacy. However, it still found in the field. Endosulfan is persistent, bio accumulative, and most toxic on macrobiota. Its existence in soil must be monitored and its reduction must be controlled so that it do not contaminate the environment and food safety and comply Stockholm Convention. About 18.12 of total rice fields in Jombang districts has contaminated by endosulfan that has been over Maximum Residue Limits MRLs and 22,5 less of MRLs. Remediation should be done by using local sources such as corn cob waste and compost of cattle manure. In fact, the waste of corn cob has not used optimally yet. Biochar from corn cob waste has the potency to remediate rice fields contaminated endosulfan. The research objectives were 1 to determine ability of remediation technology using agricultural wastes based local resources in improving quality of paddy soil and agricultural products that polluted by endosulfan insecticide, 2 to study the impacts of remediation technology using agricultural wastes based local resources in rice fields contaminated by endosulfan through economic, social, and environment valuation instruments, and 3 to arrange statistical model of sustainable remediation using agricultural waste based local resources in rice field contaminated by endosulfan. The research was conducted from June 2015 till May 2016 using survey and screen house experiment methods. The screen house experiment was arranged using completely randomized design with seven treatment of combination of corn cob biochar and farmyard manure with three replicates. The research result showed that 1 remediation technology of rice fields contaminated by endosulfan using agricultural waste as a soil amendment could improve the quality of paddy soil and rice products. The combination of corn cob biochar and compost of cattle manure or chicken manure 1 4 could effectively remediate rice field contaminated by endosulfan insecticide till less than MRLs 0.0085 ppm as much as 66.5 ndash 70.9 . The time of remediation to reduce the residue up to less than MRLs was 74 days 21 days faster than without remediation . The combination of corn cob biochar and cattle manure or chicken manure with 1 4 ratio could decrease endosulfan sulfate metabolite less MRLs 0,0085 ppm 1.8 67.3 in 1st cropping season and 49.7 67.7 2nd cropping season , respectively, that a decrease is in anaerobe condition Soil amendment could increase soil fertility, i.e. pH, available P, soil organic C, total N, and bacteria population and increased 10 13 of rice yield 2 remediation technology using corn cob biochar combined manure from either cattle or chicken could impact positively on aspects of economy, social, and environment so that innovation could be acceptable by farmers and 3 statistical model of remediation of Inceptisol rice field that contaminated by endosulfan using agricultural waste could be built with considering soil characteristic especially organic C and soil bacteria total factors. Its usage was suitable with level of endosulfan contamination and has some similarities ecological characteristics.Keywords corn cob waste, cattle manure compost, chicken manure compost, biochar, remediation, endosulfan, sustainability. "
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Priyaji Agung Pambudi
"Lahan pertanian menjadi salah satu sumberdaya alam potensial terutama lahan pertanian kering yang lebih mendominasi wilayah Indonesia, termasuk di kabupaten Pacitan. Namun, pemanfaatan lahan pertanian kering belum optimal dan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir justru menunjukkan penurunan produksi. Salah satu penyebab turunnya produksi pertanian adalah keberadaan tumbuhan pengganggu. Tumbuhan pengganggu memberikan dominasi dan kompetisi pemenuhan unsur hara, air, cahaya, dan ruang tumbuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang pola pengendalian tumbuhan pengganggu di lahan kering yang tepat untuk mewujudkan pangan berkelanjutan. Metode yang digunakan adalah mixed method dengan cara observasi, wawancara mendalam, dan studi pustaka. Pengendalian tumbuhan pengganggu di Kecamatan Ngadirojo dan Kecamatan Sudimoro cukup beragam meliputi pengendalian kimia, mekanik, dan gabungan. Keanekaragaman tumbuhan pengganggu pertanian padi gogo termasuk kategori sedang dengan H = 2,99 (33 jenis dari 14 suku) dan keanekaragaman tumbuhan pengganggu tanaman kedelai termasuk kategori tinggi dengan H = 3,14 (37 jenis dari 15 suku). Tumbuhan pengganggu yang paling mendominasi adalah Alternanthera sessilis (L.) R.Br. Ex DC. Pola pertanian yang diterapkan petani di kawasan ini adalah padi gogo-palawija-palawija dan padi gogo-palawija-bera. Keberadaan tumbuhan pengganggu menurunkan produksi pertanian melalui mekanisme dominasi dan kompetisi dengan tanaman budidaya. Rancangan pengendalian yang tepat adalah berbasis siklus hidup.

Agricultural land is the potential of natural resources, especially dryland, including in Pacitan. However, dryland management is not optimal, and in recent years it showed a decline production. The growth of weeds among agricultural crops is a pest that can decrease agricultural production. Weed provide fulfillment of domination and competition for nutrients, water, sunlight, and space to grow. This research aims to design patterns for weed management in dryland to achieve sustainable food. The method used is a mixed method by observation, in-depth interview, and case study. Weed management in Ngadirojo and Sudimoro district include chemical control, mechanical, and mixed control. The diversity of weed in rice crop is H = 2,99 (33 species from 14 family) and in soybean crop is H = 3,14 (37 species from 15 family). Alternanthera sessilis (L.) R.Br. Ex DC. is the most dominating this area. Agricultural patterns are applied farmers in this area are upland rice-crops-crops and upland rice-crops-fallow. The existence of weed to decline the agricultural production through a domination and competition with crops. The design of appropriate controls is life cycle approach."
Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Syarif
"Alih fungsi lahan sawah telah terjadi di Kabupaten Pringsewu sebagai bentuk peningkatan kebutuhan akan lahan bagi perkembangan kemajuan Kabupaten Pringsewu. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi lahan sawah sebagai lahan pertanian pangan berkelanjutan (LPPB) serta model yang menggambarkan fenomena alih fungsi lahan tersebut. Metode yang digunakan yaitu analisis tumpang susun dan model Clue-s. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa Potensi lahan pertanian pangan berkelanjutan (LPPB) di Kabupaten Pringsewu 22,02% dari luas Kabupaten Pringsewu, LPPB tersebar di Kecamatan Pardasuka, Ambarawa, Pringsewu, Gadingrejo, Sukoharjo, Banyumas, Adiluwih dan Pagelaran bagian selatan dan LPCPPB hanya terdapat di Pagelaran dibagian utara.
Laju alih fungsi lahan sawah pada periode Tahun 1997-2013 mencapai -1,47%/tahun terjadi disekitar sarana aksebilitas. Model spasial Clue-s perubahan LPPB di Kabupaten Pringsewu menggunakan 17 faktor pendorong dengan skenario bebas dan skenario RTRW menghasilkan tingkat akurasi model mencapai 78,63 % atau validitas tinggi, dimana prediksi luas lahan sawah tahun 2031 pada skenario bebas mencapai 10.412,28 ha sedangkan pada skenario RTRW mencapai 12.425,55 ha. Evaluasi penerapan kebijakan RTRW di Kabupaten Pringsewu pada prediksi skenario bebas tahun 2031 mencapai tingkat minimal yaitu 6861,6 Ha atau 47,79% sedangkan pada skenario RTRW mencapai tingkat moderat yaitu 10958.07 Ha atau 76,463%.

Wetland conversion has occurred in the District Pringsewu as a form of increased demand for land for development progress Pringsewu district. Therefore, this study aims to determine potential wetland as a agricultural sustainable food land (LPPB) and a model that describes the phenomenon of land conversion. The method used is overlay analysis and model of Clue-s. The results of the analysis showed that the potential of sustainable agricultural food land (LPPB) is 22.02% of the area in the District Pringsewu, LPPB spread in subdistrict Pardasuka, Ambarawa, Pringsewu, Gadingrejo, Sukoharjo, Banyumas, Adiluwih and southern Pagelaran and LPCPPB only found in the north Pagelaran.
The rate of conversion of wetland in the period 1997-2013 reached -1.47%/year occur around accessibility. Clue-s spatial model LPPB changes in District Pringsewu using 17 driving factors with free scenarios and scenario RTRW produce accuracy rate reaches 78,63% or higher validity, where extensive wetland predictions 2031 free scenario to reach 10.412,28 ha, while in scenario Spatial reach 12.425,55 ha. Evaluation of the implementation of RTRW policy in the District Pringsewu on 2031 predictions free scenario is that a minimum level of 6.861,6 hectares or 47,79% whereas in the RTRW scenarios that moderate levels of 10958.07 hectares or 76.463%.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Zainal Arifin
"Agrosilvo ekosistem hutan rakyat (HR) adalah bentuk pengelolaan sumber daya alam berkelanjutan dan adaptif terhadap perubahan. Penelitian ini merumuskan model keberlanjutan dan adaptasi pengelolaan agrosilvo ekosistem HR, sebagai dasar konsep strategi pengelolaan lahan kritis DAS serta strategi adaptasi perubahan iklim berbasis ekosistem hutan. Penelitian ini menggunakan tiga tahapan analisis. Pertama, analisis statistik deskriptif untuk menggambarkan karakteristik dan fungsi agrosilvo ekosistem HR. Kedua, Analisis Multi Dimensional Scaling menggunakan aplikasi Rapid Appraisal HR (RAP-HR) untuk mengetahui status dan faktor pengungkit keberlanjutan dan adaptasi pengelolaan HR. Ketiga, analisis prospektif untuk merumuskan model keberlanjutan pengelolaan dan adaptasi agrosilvo ekosistem HR dalam rekayasa skenario masa depan. Karateristik agrosilvo ekosistem HR dicirikan oleh pola penanaman multispecies dan multilayer yang mampu memenuhi fungsi sosial ekonomi dan hidrologis lahan dalam perubahan pola iklim yang terjadi. Karateristik agrosilvo ekosistem HR dibentuk oleh inisiatif adaptasi subsistem sosial. Keberlanjutan dan adaptasi pengelolaan HR pada unit analisis cukup adaptif dan berkelanjutan didukung keberlanjutan variabel perencanaan tanaman, karateristik agrosilvo ekosistem, dan kelembagaan. Variabel pola silvikultur dan pola pemanenan berada dalam status kurang adaptif dan kurang berkelanjutan. Keberhasilan model keberlanjutan dan adaptasi pengelolaan agrosilvo ekosistem HR digerakkan oleh faktor program penguatan kelembagaan dan diungkit oleh faktor aktivitas pengendalian lahan, penetapan jarak tanam, serta stratifikasi tanaman dan kesinambungan produksi yang berlangsung dalan skenario optimistik progresif.

Agrosilvo ecosystem of privately owned forest (PoF) is a form of sustainable and adaptive natural resource management. This study formulates a model of sustainability and adaptive management of PoF agrosilvo ecosystems, as a basis for formulating the strategic concept of degraded watersheds management and rehabilitation and also forest ecosystem-based climate change adaptation strategies. This study uses three phases of analysis. First, descriptive statistical analysis to describe the characteristics and functions of PoF agrosilvo ecosystem. Secondly, multi dimensional scaling analysis using Rapid Appraisal HR (RAPHR) application to determine the status and leverage factors of sustainability and adaptive management of PoF. Third, prospective analysis to formulate a model of sustainability and adaptive management of agrosilvo ecosystems in engineered future scenarios. Agrosilvo ecosystem of PoF are characterized by multispecies and multilayer planting that is able to meet socio-economic needs and continuously maintain the carrying capacity of land in a changing climate pattern. The characteristic of agrosilvo ecosystem of POF were formed by autonomous adaptation initiatives of social subsystems. The sustainability and adaptation of PoF management on the unit of analysis is quite adaptive and sustainable, which are supported by the sustainability of plants planning, agrosilvo ecosystem characteristics, and institutional variables. Silvicultural pattern and harvesting pattern are less adaptive and less sustainable. The model of sustainability and adaptive management of PoF are driven by institutional strengthening program and supported by land management activities, plant spacing determination, plant stratification, and sustainability of production factors in progressive optimistic future scenario.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Schultz, Theodore W.
New York: McGraw-Hill , 1945
631.1 SCH a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Puji Wijianingsih
"Kabupaten Tangerang merupakan salah satu daerah tingkat dua yang menjadi bagian dari wilayah Propinsi Banten. Terletak pada posisi geografis yang strategis. Dipilihnya kawasan industri di Kabupaten Tangerang karena letak yang strategis tersebut menyebabkan Kabupaten Tangerang sebagai bagian dari pusat pertumbuhan industri wilayah Indonesia bagian barat. Analisa pada penelitian ini menggunakan analisa deskriptif yang menjelaskan terjadinya peralihan potensi lahan menjadi kawasan industri. Potensi lahan di dapatkan dari hasil scoring dan overlay. Pemberian nilai ini mengacu pada variabel (topografi, litologi, kemampuan tanah dan hidrologi) yang di jumlah dan di kali dengan variabel pembatas (banjir, erosi, dan salinitas tanah) untuk selanjutnya di analisa mengenai peralihan potensi lahan, dimana lahan yang harusnya sangat baik untuk pertanian beralih fungsi menjadi kawasan industri.

Tangerang District is one of the two levels that are part of the Banten Province. Located in a strategic geographical position. Choosing the industrial area in Tangerang District as a strategic location in the Tangerang District as a central part of the growth industry of the western part of the Indonesian. Analysis on this research using descriptive analysis that describes the potential of a transition into industrial land. Potential land available in the scoring and results from the overlay. The provision of this value to the variables (topography, litologi, the ability to land and hydrology) and the number of times in the variable divider (floods, erosion, and soil salinity) for further analysis on the potential of the land, where the land should be very good for agricultural area of its functions into the industry."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fiji Islands : The University of the south Pacific. 2005,
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bogor : Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian - Deptan, 2007,
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library
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