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"This research was conducted to study the effect of the mixtures of sago waste and chicken excreta fermented utilization in rations on broiler performance, carcass physical quality as well as the meat chemical quality. The mixture of sago waste and chicken excreta was fermented in 48 hours using effective microorganism-4. The research was biological experiment using the respective fermented materials in broiler rations with level of 0% (R0), 4% (Rl), 8% (R2) and 12% (R3). Each dietary treatment had five replications of five broiler chickens each. Variables was observed were broiler performance (feed consumption, body weight gain and feed conversion), carcass physical quality (live weight, carcass percentage, abdominal fat percentage) and chemical quality of meat (water contents, fat and protein). Data were analysed using Analysis of Variance of one way Completely Randomized Design, and differences between means were tested using Duncan Multiple Range Test. The results indicated that the use of fermented mixtures up to 8% in broiler rations had increased body weight, live weight and carcass percentage, and fat flesh content and it was better than birds receiving control ration. The use of 12% fermented materials in the ration had no significant effect on feed consumption, abdominal fat percentage, as well as water contents and protein of the flesh."
580 AGR 19 (1-4) 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Gumboro Disease or Infectious Bursal Disease Virus (IBDV) is a chicken disease targeting the Bursa of Fabricius, an important organ in the young chicken's developing immune system. Very virulent strains of IBDV caused in mortality of up to 40%. At the other hand, local farmers used Red Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) to improve general performance and meat/carcass quality of broiler chicken. According to the Gumboro Disease, a study was conducted to evaluate the effects of the Red Ginger supplementation in the ration on blood and Bursa of Fabricius profile of broiler chicken. Two hundred five days old broiler chick were randomly divided into five different groups, i.e.: R-0 (ration without red ginger supplementation); R-0,5 (ration with supplementation of 0.5% RG); R-1,0 (ration with supplementation of 1.0% RG); R-1,5 (ration with supplementation of 1.5% RG); and R-2,0 (ration with supplementation of 2.0% RG). The ration was iso-caloric and iso-pro-tein, containing CP 21-23%, ME 3150 kcal ME/kg, Ca 1 %, and P 0.5%. There was five replications for each treatment (eight heads per group). After five weeks old, the blood were collected and the broiler were slaughtered to collect the Bursa of Fabricius for histopathologic preparate analyses. A One Way Classification of Variance Analyses (CRD) was used to analyze the data. Only the significant differences between all treatments were analyzed by the Duncan's New Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The results showed that the red ginger supplementation of 1.5-2.0% increased the amount of erytrocyte (P<. 05) but decrease amount of leukocyte (P<.01). Furthermore, red ginger supplementation injured the Bursa of Fabricus. "
580 AGR 19 (1-4) 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Fifteen Dairy cattle of Holstein Crossbred heifer were used for estimating rumen microbial protein synthesis. The cattle fed by a single diet of King Grass (KG), Corn Stover (CS) or rice straw (RS) ad libitum as basal diet that was supplemented by a high protein concentrate. Microbial protein synthesis were estimated from derivatives concentration. Data obtained: microbial protein synthesis (MPS) were analyzed using analyses of variance, in split plot and completely randomized design. The means differences were analyzed by DMRT. The result of this research showed that purin derivatives concentration of cattle fed on KG, CS, and RS were 75.07; 67.72 and 61.88 mmol/day, respectively. The production of microbial protein synthesis value were respectively 55.79, 49.43 and 44.35 gN/day and it was significantly different among diet (P<0.01). The Duncan test showed that KG's diet was the highest followed by CS's diet and RS's was the lowest. "
580 AGR 19 (1-4) 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ade Pramudya
"Kadmium ( Cd ) adalah logam berat yang ticlak berguna bagi tubuh dan dapat menimbulkan keracunan pada makluk fi^dup. Logam ini cenderung terakumulasi dalam jaringan tubuh dan mempunyai waktu paruh yang panjang. Cd masuk kedalarn tubuh melalui saluran pemapasan dan pencemaan. Makanan yang menganclung Cd menyebabkan masuknya logam ini ke dalam tubuh manusia. Telur ayarn petelur diduga mengandung Cd yang berasal dari pakan.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Cd terhadap, produktivitas dan alcumulasinya dalam telur ayarn petelur. Tiap kelompok terdiri dari 20 ekor ayam. dan masing-masing diberi pakan yang ditambah Cd 10 dan 20 mg tiap kg pakan selama 2 bulan. Sebagai kontrol adalah kelompok ayam yang diberi pakan yang tidak ditambah Cd. Produksi telur diamati setiap hari. Sampel diambil setiap minggu, dioksidasi dengan campuran asam, dan dianalisis dengan memakai spektrofotometer ,serapan atom dimana prinsipnya adalah pengulcuran radiasi yang diserap oleh atom yang ingin ditentukan kadamya. Metode ini dipilih karena sederhana, cepat, peka, teliti dan selektif.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa toksisitas Cd menurunkan produksi telur dari kelompok yang menclapat Cd 10 dan 20 mg per kg pakan mulai minggu ke-7 dari perlalcuan. Hal ini disebabkan karena Cd menghambat absorpsi kalsium yang dibutuhkan untuk pembentukan kulit telur. Pada umumnya, kadar Cd dalarn putih dan kuning telur dari kelompok yang yang mendapat pakan ditambah Cd 10 dan 20 mg tiap kg pakan, lebih tinggi daripada kontrol. Meskipun sebagian besar perbedaannya tidak nyata. Kadar Cd dalam putih telur lebih besar daripada dalam kuning telur dengan perbandingan 4: 1.

Cadmium ( Cd ) is a heavy metal useless to the body and it can affect toxicity to biological life. This metal tends to accumulate in the tissues and has a long half-life. Cd enters the body through respiratory and digestive tract9. Cd-contaminated foods cause this metal to enter the human body. The eggs of the layer chicken are suspected to contain cadmiuni^ which comes from the poultry feed. The aim of this study was to know the effect of cadmium on the productivity and its accumulation in the eggs of layer chicken. Each group consisted of 20 chicken and were given poultry feed plus Cd 10 and 20 mg per kg of poultry feed respectively for 2 months. As the control group was the chicken fed without Cd addition. The egg production was observed everyday. Samples were taken everyweek, oxidized with an acid mixture, and analyzed using atomic absorption spectrophotometer, the principle of which was to measure the radiation absorption by the atom being determined. This method was chosen because of its simplicity, rapidity, sensitivity, accuration, and selectivity. The results indicated that cadmium toxicity decreased the egg production of the groups fed with Cd 10 and 20 mg per kg of poultry feed respectively, which started from the 7th week of the treatment. Probably, this was caused by Cd, which inhibited calcium absorption used for egg-shell formation. In general, the concentration of Cd in egg whites and yolks of the groups treated with Cd 10 and 20 mg per kg of poultry feed respectively, were higher than that of the control group. However most of the"
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rukini Suwito
"Penelitian ini dilakukan daiam usaha untuk mengetahui pengaruh kadmium dan seng dalam pakan ayam terhadap kondisi ayam pedaging. Kadmium adalah logam yang beracun dan seng adalah logam esensiil. Mereka selalu ditemukan bersamaan dalam tambang maupun dalam jaringan hewan. Seng dapat mencegah keracunan kadmium. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 125 ekor ayam pedaging yang terbagi dalam 5 kelompok perlakuan, yaitu : I. Kelompok kontrol, II. Kelompok yang diberi 50 ppm Cd, III. 100 ppm Cd, IV. 50 ppm Cd + 50 ppm Zn, dan V. 100 ppm Cd + 50 ppm Zn dalam pakannya. Berat badan dan konsumsi pakan diukur setiap minggu selama 4 minggu perlakuan. Sampel hati dan ginjal ayam diambil setiap minggu, didigesti dengan campuran asam dan dianalisis. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat Spektrofotometer Serapan Atom. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa kadmium pada ayam pedaging terakumulasi dalam hati dan ginjal. Konsumsi pakan dan berat badan ayam dihambat oleh kadmium, tetapi dengan penambahan seng ke dalam pakannya, toksisitas kadmium dapat dicegah. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa seng baik untuk mencegah toksisitas kadmium walaupun akumulasi kadmium dalam Jaringan tidak dipengaruhi.

The aim of this study was to reduce the effect of cadmium toxicity on zinc supplementation in the chicken feed, because cadmium is a toxic metal and zinc is an essential element. Both metal are usually present naturally in the mixing area. A huhdreed and twenty five broiler chicken were divided in to 5 group. Each group was treated by 50 ppm Cd, 100 ppm Cd, 50 ppm Cd add 50 ppm zn, 100 pmm Cd add 50 ppm Zn, in their feed and a control group respectively. Body weight and feed consumption were measured every week during 4 week treatment. Sample of liver and kidney of chicken were collected every week as same as measuring the body weight, digested with acid mixture and analysed by atomic absorption spectrofotometer. The results indicated that cadmium was acummulated in the liver and kidney were increased coincided with longer time and dosis of exposure. Feed consumption and the body weight of chicken were inhibited by cadmium toxicity, but by added zinc in their feed the toxicity of cadmium was prevented. This study was concluded that zinc was a good treatment for cadmium toxicity, althought the acummulation of cadmium in the tissue was no affected."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chika Rananda Astari Putri
"Skripsi ini memberikan analisis terhadap putusan Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha KPPU tentang dugaan pelanggaran Pasal 11 Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1999 terkait pengaturan produksi bibit ayam pedaging broiler di Indonesia. Sejak tahun 2015, tengah ramai kasus mengenai kesepakatan yang dilakukan oleh 12 pelaku usaha pembibitan ayam untuk melakukan pengurangan produksi bibit ayam pedaging dengan cara melakukan afkir dini terhadap enam juta ekor Parent Stock, yang berdampak pada melambungnya harga ayam di pasaran. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif dalam skripsi ini, ditemukan bahwa dalam memutus perkara nomor 02/KPPU-I/2016 KPPU telah keliru dalam mempertimbangkan terpenuhinya unsur perjanjian dan unsur mengakibatkan praktik monopoli dan/ atau persaingan usaha tidak sehat yang terkandung dalam rumusan Pasal 11 UU No. 5 Tahun 1999.

This thesis provides an analysis of the decision of the Commission for the Supervision of Business Competition KPPU on the alleged violation of Article 11 of Law No. 5, 1999 related to limiting the production of Day Old broiler Chicken DOC in Indonesia. Since 2015, many discussed a case concerning an agreement made by 12 chicken breeding businesses to limit the production of Day Old Chicken by culling six million Parent Stocks, that leads to a soaring price of broiler chicken in the market. Through the method of normative legal research in this thesis, it was found that there was something amiss in considering the fulfillment of the elements of agreements and elements of resulting in monopolistic practices and or unfair business competition contained in the formulation of Article 11 of Law No. 5 Year 1999 by the Commission in deciding the case number 02 KPPU I 2016."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maya Indriana
"Telah dilakukan penelitian terhadap pemeriksaan sifatsifat
fisika, kimia dan kandungan. kimia dari lemak ayam potong ( Hubbard broiler ).
Pemeriksaan sifat-sifat fisika meliputi: indeks bias, berat
jenis, suhu beku dan suhu lebur dengan menggunakan metoda
Farmakope Indonesia edisi III. Pemeriksaan sifat-sil'at kimia
meliputi : bilangan asam, bilangan penyabunan dan bilangan
iodium menggunakan metoda Farnkope Indonesia edisi III, untuk.
uji stabilitas menggunakan metoda Kreist test.
Pemeniksaan kandungan kimia meliputi : pemeriksaan minyak mineral dan minyak harsa mengunakan metoda Ekstra Farmakope Indonesia
1974, pemeriksaan kolesterol baik secara kualitatif rraupun
kuantitatif menggunakan. pereaksi Libermann-Burchard,
sedangkan metoda kolorimetri digunakan hanya untuk pemeriksaan
Pemeriksaan vitamin A dan D secara kualitatif menggunakan
pereaksi Carr-Price, dan cara.kuantitatif menggunalcan metoda
Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa lenk ayam potong mengandung
kolesterol. Dengan metod.a yang digunakan adanya vitamin A dan
D belum dapat dipastikan.

An investigation has been carried out on physics and
chemical properties and chemical content of poultry fat
(Hubbard broiler).
The examination on physical properties includes refraction
index, density, freezing poit and melting point.
The examination on chemical properties includes acid value,
saponification value and iodine value using Farmakope Indonesia
third edition method. The stability assay was done by using
Kreist test method.
The chemical content examination includes the examination on
mineral oil and resin oil by applying the Extra Farnkope
Indonesia (1974) method. For both qualitative and quantitative
examination on cholesterol a Liebernnn-Burchard reaction was
used, while a colorimetric method was use to observe the
quantity only. A Carr-Price reaction. was used for the qualitative
examination on vitamin. A and D, and spectrophotometric
method was used to examine quantitatively.
From the above observation it was indicated that the poultry
fat is containing cholesterol. However the method used so far
could not ensure the existence of vitamin A and D.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1986
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wiwin Widya Prastiwi
"Beberapa obat banyak digunakan sebagai imbuhan pakan untuk ayam, yang dapat menimbulkan residu pada hasil ternak apabila peternak tidak mengikuti dosis aturan clan pemakaian yang tepat. Suatu penelitian yang dilakukan untuk melihat residu clopiol di daging clan hati ayam pedaging yang diberi clopidol setiaphari sebagai imbUhan pakan dengan dosis 5 g/ 10 kg pakan selama 10 han. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan Kromatografi Cain Kinerja Tinggi. Sampel dièkstraksi dengan asetonitril, dihilangkan Iemaknya dengan n-heksana, kernudian dimurnikan dengan kromatografi kolom yang dilsi dengan alumina oksida. Kadar tertinggi 4,2659 ppm dalam daging clan 16,0000 ppm dalarn hati yang terdeteksi pada hari pertama setelah pemberian clopidol dalam pakandihentikan. Kadar clopidol sudah berada di bawah batas rnaksimum pada hari ke-4 setelah pemberian clopidol dihentikan.

Numbers of drugs have been used as feed additive for poultry, which causes residues in the products if farmer does not follow the recommended dose and the right application. A study was carried out to see clopidol residue in meat and liver of chicken given clopidol every day as feed additiveat 5 g/ 10 kg feed for 10 days. Analysis was carried out using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Sample was extracted with acetonitrile, fat was washed out with hexane, then it was cleaned up on the colom chromatography filled with alumina oxide. The highest level was 4,2659 ppm in meat and 16,0000 ppm in liver, which was detected at first day after addition clopidol in feed was terminated. Clopidol level was under the maximum limit at day 4 after dosing was stopped."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Kampong chickens have a lot of varieties spreading out all over Indonesia, and becoming everybody’s favourites, however, it has low productivity. Meanwhile, broiler chickens who have high productivity has certain level of immunity to a desease.
Chickens have a nature of immitation. From this, a research has been developed to increase the productivity of kampong chickens in term of the increase of their body weigh by comparison of M7B3 (kampong chickens 7 and broiler 3), M5B5 (kampong 5 and broiler 5), M3B7 (kampong 3 and broiler 7) and kampong control M10, and broiler control B10. From this mixture, we can see their eating behavior that has on impact upon the kampong chickens’body weight from those that are DOC to those that are 6 weeks.
Infact, this mixture does not make their growth (the increase of their weight) defferent.
However, M3B7 shows good combination and the increase of their weight on the part of
kampong chickens on average. This result may be caused by the narrow combination of
the mixture. Heig mortality is experienced by the broiler chickens when they attacked by
Berak Kapur desease. This proves that Kampong chickens’ immunity is better than that
of broiler chickens."
630 JMSTUT 5:1 (2004)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The objective of this research was to study the effect of substitution protein and energy concentrates on production and reproduction performances of Friesian Holstein (FH) Crossbred in early lactation and its financial aspect. This research was carried out for 100 days in early lactation. Twelve monoparous FH Crossbred were divided into three groups of feed treatment, control groups (RK) was given all concentrates control (KK) contain CP 10.3%, TDN 51% treatment groups 1 (RP1) was given concentrates control that was substituted 25% with supplement concentrates A (KSA) which source of energy (TDN 76%, CP 17.0%) and treatment groups 2 (RP2) was given concentrates control that was substituted 25% with supplement concentrates B (KSB) which was the source of protein (CP 20.4%, TDN 73%). The data obtained were analyzed using analysis of variance One Way Completely Randomized Design, if there is differences then it was analized using analisis Duncant Multiple Range Test (DMRT). Parsial financial was used to meansure the change of cost and income. The result showed that there were significantly different (P<0.05) between groups on the intake of crude protein, RP2 (1.35 kg) than RP1 (1.18 kg) and RK (1.11 kg). Milk yield, milk fat content, milk protein content and post partum mating (PPM) and TDN intake insignificantly between treatments (P>0.05), but average daily milk yield tend (P>0.05) the highest in RP2 (10.4 liter) than RP1 (9.9 liter) and RK (8.9 liter), milk fat content the highest in RP2 (3.46%) than RK (3.39%) and RP1 (2.84%), milk protein content the highest in RK (2.70%) than RP (2.58%) and RP2 (2.38%). PPM, conception rate (CR), service per conception (S/C) and days open (DO) the best in RP1 (PPM = 75 days CR = 5%, S/C = 1, DO = 70 days), than RK (PPM = 82 days, CR = 25%, S/C = 1, DO = 48 days), and RP2 (PPM = 103 days, CR = 0%, S/C = 3, DO = 165 days). Average body weight lost (RK = 5 kg, RP1 = 5 kg, RP2 = 16 kg). The highest net profit in RP1 than RP2 and RK. It was concluded that the effect of substitution of supplement energy and protein concentrates tended to increase production performance and net profit however this could not increase reproduction performance, milk quality and mobilization of body energy storage."
580 AGR 19 (1-4) 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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