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Sri Roslina
Latar Belakang: Pterigium merupakan suatu pertumbuhan fibrovaskular konjungtiva yang bersifat degeneratif dan invasif. Penyebab pterigium tidak diketahui dengan pasti, namun pajanan sinar matahari diduga merupakan penyebab utama terjadinya pterigium.
Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan pajanan sinar matahari dengan kejadian pterigium pada pekerja.
Metode: Penelusuran melalui Pubmed dan Google scholar. Judul dan abstrak yang didapatkan kemudian disaring berdasarkan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya. Telaah kritis dilakukan dengan menggunakan kriteria oleh Center for Evidence Based Medicine, University of Oxford yang mencakup validitas, pentingnya penelitian dan kemampu terapan hasil penelitian.
Hasil: Hasil penelusuran mendapatkan dua artikel yang cukup valid. Pada kedua penelitian tiap kelompok sudah disamakan menurut usia dan jenis kelamin. Semua subyek penelitian pada kelompok kasus dan kontrol diambil dari klinik yang sama dan mendapatkan cara pemeriksaan yang sama. Penilaian kepentingan studi digambarkan dengan nilai odds ratio (OR), pada penelitian Khoo dkk. OR = 4,2 (interval kepercayaan 95% 1,7-10,1). Penelitian Al-Bdour dan Al-latayfeh didapatkan nilai OR yaitu 5,47 (interval kepercayaan 95% 3,3-9,1), p < 0,005. Kedua penelitian mempunyai number needed to harm (NNH) yang hampir sama yaitu 3.
Kesimpulan: Berdasarkan bukti yang ada pajanan sinar matahari dapat meningkatkan terjadinya ptergium pada pekerja, tapi hanya mendapatkan dua penelitian yang cukup valid dan relevan, sehingga bukti yang ada masih belum cukup kuat.

Background: Pterygium is a degenerative and invasive fibrovascular conjunctival growth. The exact cause of pterygium is unknown. However, sun exposure is likely to be the major cause.
Aim: To determine the relationship between sun exposure and incidence of pterygium among workers.
Methods: Articles search was conducted using Pubmed and Google scholar. Titles and abstracts were obtained and then screened based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Critical appraisal was conducted using criteria by Center for Evidence Based Medicine, University of Oxford which include validity, importance and applicability.
Results: Search result point to studies are quite valid. In both studies all subjects were group-matched for age and sex. Both subjects in the case group and the control group were taken from the same clinic and the examination were carried out in a similar manner in both groups. The odds ratio in the Khoo et al. study was 4.2 (95% confidence interval 1.7 to 10.1). While in the Al-Bdour dan Al-latayfeh study the odds ratio was 5.47 (95% confidence interval 3.3 to 9.1), p <0.005. Both studies showed that number needed to harm (NNH) were almost similar which were 3.
Conclusions: The evidence found that exposure to sunlight may increase the occurrence of pterygium among workers, but only found two studies are quite valid and relevant, so the evidence is still not strong enough. "
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agus Dharmawan Saldjani
"Latar belakang: Pterygium adalah penyakit pada mata yang sering dijumpai di daerah khatulistiwa terutama oleh pajanan ultraviolet, penyebab pterygium antara lain macam-macam zat iritan, faktor genetik, alergi, kekeringan pada mata, faktor angiogenik, dan infeksi papilomavirus. Pada perusahaan X banyak ditemukan kasus pterygium 5.3% pada observasi awal oleh Dinas Kesehatan.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode potong lintang. Sampel diambil secara purposive berdasarkan ruangan dengan pajanan debu tertinggi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara langsung pada pekerja dan pemeriksaan pada mata.
Hasil: Prevalensi pterygium akibat pajanan zat iritan debu kertas 68.2% dari 85 pekerja di rewinder enam dan sekitarnya. Riwayat merokok merupakan faktor yang bermakna (p-0.01).
Kesimpulan: Debu kertas belum dapat dibuktikan signifikansinya secara statistik dengan kejadian pterygium, sementara perbandingan dengan studi-studi yang relevan menunjukkan bahwa prevalensi pterygium dengan pajanan debu kertas lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan pajanan UV.

Background: Pterygium is an abnormal process in which the conjunctiva (a membrane that covers the white of the eye) grows into the cornea and most commonly found at the equator, due to prolong exposure to ultraviolet and infrared radiation from sunlight. Other environmental irritants identified were genetic factor, allergy, dry eyes, angiogenic factor, and papilloma virus infection. In the factory "X" Karawang, 5.3% pterygium cases were found as reported by the government reevaluation visit.
Method: The study was a cross-sectional. Sample collected using purposive method and had been exposed to high paper dust. Conducting interview, filling out questionnaires and eye examination, collected data.
Results: The Prevalence of identified pterygium was 68.2% from 85 workers at rewinder 6. Meanwhile smoking habit was the significant factor (r 0.O1).
Conclusion: Paper dust has not yet proven to be significant related to pterygium while descriptive comparison among several studies reported that the prevalence of pterygium was much higher related to paper dust (68.2%) compared to UV.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adi Gail
Latar Belakang: Pterygium merupakan kelainan mata yang terutama di derita oleh penduduk yang tinggal di negara tropis dan subtropis, penyebabnya pajanan sinar matahari (UV), debu dan udara panas. Hasil pemeriksaan kesehatan rutin tahun 2014 banyak ditemukan pterygium (85%).
Tujuan: Untuk mengevaluasi dampak pajanan sinar matahari, debu dan udara panas terhadap kelainan pterigium pada pekerja di luar ruangan Metode: potong lintang, pengambilan sampel secara random.Jumlah sampel 32 orang dari masing-masing kantor cabang. Menggunakan data primer dari kuesioner dan data sekunder dari pemeriksaan mata.
Hasil: Prevalensi pterygiumpekerja diluar ruangan sebesar 50%, rasioprevalens 4, Old ratio 7.Adanya hubungan yang bermakna antara lokasi pekerjaan (p=0.012), kebiasaan merokok (p=0,020, riwayat pajanan sinar matahari, debu, udara panas (p=0,020) dan jenis kendaraan operasional (p=0.0029)dengan kelainan pterygium. Kesimpulan: Pterygium pada pekerja di luar ruangan disebabkan pajanan sinar matahari, debu dan udara panas dengan dipengaruhi lokasi pekerjaan, kebiasaan merokok, jenis kendaraan operasional.

Background: Pterygium is an eye disorder that primarily suffered by people who are live in a tropical and subtropical countries, due to the ultraviolet (sunlight), dust, and heat exposure. The routine medical check up held on 2014 of PT.SCM found that 85% of their workers were suffered by pterygium.
Objective: To evaluate the effects of sunlight, dust, and heat exposure to pterygium among outdoor workers. Method: A cross-sectional study with random sampling that participated by 32 workers of each branch. This study use questionaires to collect a primary data and also do the eye examination to get the secondary data.
Outcome:The result of this study show that the prevalence of pterygium among outdoor workers is 50% with the score of prevalence ratio is 4, and the score of old ratio is 7. This study also found that there is a significant correlation between the location of work (p=0.012), smoking habits (p=0.020), history of sunlight, dust, and heat exposure (p =0,020), and the type of operational vehicle (p=0.0029) with pterygium disorders.
Conclusion:The exposure of sunlight, dust, and heat may cause Pterygium among outdoor workers, which is affected by the location of work, smoking habits, and type operational vehicle., Background: Pterygium is an eye disorder that primarily suffered by people who are live in a tropical and subtropical countries, due to the ultraviolet (sunlight), dust, and heat exposure. The routine medical check up held on 2014 of PT.SCM found that 85% of their workers were suffered by pterygium.
Objective: To evaluate the effects of sunlight, dust, and heat exposure to pterygium among outdoor workers. Method: A cross-sectional study with random sampling that participated by 32 workers of each branch. This study use questionaires to collect a primary data and also do the eye examination to get the secondary data.
Outcome:The result of this study show that the prevalence of pterygium among outdoor workers is 50% with the score of prevalence ratio is 4, and the score of old ratio is 7. This study also found that there is a significant correlation between the location of work (p=0.012), smoking habits (p=0.020), history of sunlight, dust, and heat exposure (p =0,020), and the type of operational vehicle (p=0.0029) with pterygium disorders.
Conclusion:The exposure of sunlight, dust, and heat may cause Pterygium among outdoor workers, which is affected by the location of work, smoking habits, and type operational vehicle.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hasto Harsono
Latar Belakang: Debu kayu sebagai telah lama dicurigai sebagai salah satu penyebab karsinoma pada paru. Makalah ini bertujuan memberikan bukti adanya hubungan antara pajanan debu kayu di tempat kerja dengan kanker paru pada seorang perajin furnitur.
Metode: Dilakukan pencarian artikel berbasis online pada PubMed dan Google Scholar pada Juli 2018 dengan kata kunci wood dust dan lung cancer kemudian ditelaah secara kritis menurut kriteria penelitian egaraic yang relevan dari Oxford Center for Evidence Based Medicine.
Hasil: Telaah kritis dilakukan atas 2 studi. Yang pertama kajian meta analisis tahun 2015, menyebutkan terdapat peningkatan risiko yang signifikan antara pajanan debu kayu dengan kanker paru (RR 1,21; 95% CI 1.05 - 1,39, n=33). Sebaliknya, ditemukan risiko rendah (RR 0,63; 95% CI 0,39-0,99 n = 5) pada studi yang berasal dari egara-negara Nordik yang karakter kayunya adalah kayu lunak. Meta-analisis ini memberikan bukti kuat hubungan antara pajanan debu kayu dan kanker paru, yang sangat dipengaruhi oleh wilayah geografis penelitian. Alasan untuk perkiraan efek wilayah ini masih harus diklarifikasi, tetapi mungkin menunjukkan efek diferensial untuk debu kayu keras dan kayu lunak. Studi terakhir berdesain cross sectional melakukan 2 buah penelitian dan menemukan peningkatan risiko kanker paru-paru untuk pajanan kumulatif substansial terhadap debu kayu (OR 1,4; 95% CI 1,0-2,0) dan (OR 1,7; 95% CI 1,1- 2,7).
Kesimpulan: Kedua studi yang terpilih menyatakan bahwa pajanan debu kayu meningkatkan risiko terjadinya kanker paru. Perlu adanya upaya pengendalian risiko pada pajanan debu kayu di tempat kerja.

Introduction: Wood dust has long been suspected as a cause of lung cancer. This paper provides evidence of a relationship between wood dust exposure at work and lung cancer in a furniture craftsman.
Method: Related articles were searched online on PubMed and Google Scholar in July 2018 with the keywords wood dust and lung cancer. Both were examined according to relevant etiologic research criteria from the Oxford Center for Evidence Based Medicine.
Results: Critical study was carried out on 2 studies. The first meta-analysis study in 2015 mentioned a significant increase in risk between exposure to wood dust with lung cancer (RR 1,21; 95% CI 1,05 - 1,39, n=33). Conversely, a low risk was found (RR 0,63; 95% CI 0,39 -0,99 n = 5) in studies originating from the Nordic countries where the wood character is soft wood. This meta-analysis provides strong evidence of a relationship between wood dust exposure and lung cancer, which is strongly influenced by the geographic area of ​​the study. The reason for estimating the specific effects of this area remains to be clarified, but it might show a differential effect for hardwood and softwood dust. The last cross sectional design study conducted 2 studies and found an increased risk of lung cancer for substantial cumulative exposure to wood dust with cancer control (OR 1,4 95% CI 1,0-2,0) and (OR 1,7 with 95% CI 1,1-2,7).
Conclusion: Both selected studies state that exposure to wood dust increases the risk of lung cancer, for this reason, efforts are needed to control wood dust exposure in the workplace."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rina Metalapa
Prevalensi Rinitis Akibat Kerja (RAK) berkisar antara 5-48%. Penyebab RAK
antara lain adalah partikulat debu yang beterbangan di lingkungan kerja. Hal ini
akan meningkatkan beban pembiayaan baik terhadap pekerja itu sendiri maupun
perusahaan tempat ia bekerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui
prevalensi RAK serta hubungan antara kadar partikulat debu dengan kejadian
RAK dengan populasi pekerja parkir basement di sebuah Hotel dan RSUD di
Jakarta dengan waktu pengumpulan sampel dilakukan selama bulan Desember
2014 hingga Maret 2015. Sampel penelitian adalah yang memenuhi kriteria
inklusi yakni area kerja di parkir basement, usia 20-40 tahun, masa kerja lebih
dari 1 tahun dan bersedia mengikuti prosedur penelitian. Subyek penelitian di
wawancara dan diperiksa kadar eosinofil kerokan mukosa hidung sebelum dan
sesudah bekerja. RAK positif apabila terdapat gejala rinitis, memberat ketika
bekerja dan ada peningkatan eosinofil kerokan mukosa hidung. Analisa penelitian
dilakukan berdasarkan karakteristik usia, jenis kelamin, masa kerja, kebiasaan
merokok dan bagian kerja (terpapar langsung atau tidak dengan partikulat debu).
Dari 57 subyek penelitian, 6 orang (10.5%) mengalami peningkatan eosinofil
dengan karakterisktik sebagai berikut: 4 orang memiliki masa kerja > 4 tahun; 4
orang memiliki kebiasaan merokok; dan 3 orang bekerja di bagian kerja yang
terpapar langsung dengan partikulat debu. Dari 6 orang tersebut terdapat 3 orang
(5.2%) yang memenuhi kriteria RAK dengan karakteristik sebagai berikut: 2
orang berusia 30-40 tahun, 2 orang adalah laki-laki, 2 orang mempunyai masa
kerja ≤ 4 tahun, dan 2 orang berasal dari bagian kerja yang terpapar tidak
langsung dengan partikulat debu. Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara riwayat
atopi dengan peningkatan eosinofil (OR 23.33 dan 95%CI 2.40-224.62). Namun
tidak ditemukan hubungan antara kadar partikulat debu dan masa kerja dengan RAK yang bermakna.
The prevalence of occupational rhinitis ranges between 5-48%. It is caused by
particulate dust in the workplace. It will increase financial burden both for the
workers themselves and the company. This study aims to determine the
prevalence of OR and the relation between the levels of particulate dust with OR
incident among workers who work in a hotel or hospital basement parking lot in
Jakarta, during December 2014 to March 2015. The sample inclusion criteria
were: age 20-40 years, working period of more than one year and are willing to
participate in the study. The subjects were interviewed and nasal mucosal
scrapings eosinophil levels were measured before and after work. OR was
defined as has symptoms of rhinitis, increase during work and there is an
increase in eosinophils nasal mucosal scrapings. Analysis of the research carried
out based on the characteristics of age, sex, years of smoking and working
directly or indirectly exposed to dust particulates. Of the 57 subjects of the study,
6 (10.5%) experienced an increase in eosinophils with the following
characteristics: 4 people has a work period > 4 years; 4 people smoke; and 3
people work directly exposed to particulate dust. Three subjects (5.2%) meet all
the OR criteria with the following characteristics: 2 were aged 30-40 years, 2
were male, 2 have a working period of ≤ 4 years and 2 were indirectly exposed to
particulate dust. There is a very significant association between history of atopy
with increased eosinophils (, OR 23.3 and 95% CI 2.40-224.62). However, no association was found between levels of particulate dust and working period.;The prevalence of occupational rhinitis ranges between 5-48%. It is caused by
particulate dust in the workplace. It will increase financial burden both for the
workers themselves and the company. This study aims to determine the
prevalence of OR and the relation between the levels of particulate dust with OR
incident among workers who work in a hotel or hospital basement parking lot in
Jakarta, during December 2014 to March 2015. The sample inclusion criteria
were: age 20-40 years, working period of more than one year and are willing to
participate in the study. The subjects were interviewed and nasal mucosal
scrapings eosinophil levels were measured before and after work. OR was
defined as has symptoms of rhinitis, increase during work and there is an
increase in eosinophils nasal mucosal scrapings. Analysis of the research carried
out based on the characteristics of age, sex, years of smoking and working
directly or indirectly exposed to dust particulates. Of the 57 subjects of the study,
6 (10.5%) experienced an increase in eosinophils with the following
characteristics: 4 people has a work period > 4 years; 4 people smoke; and 3
people work directly exposed to particulate dust. Three subjects (5.2%) meet all
the OR criteria with the following characteristics: 2 were aged 30-40 years, 2
were male, 2 have a working period of ≤ 4 years and 2 were indirectly exposed to
particulate dust. There is a very significant association between history of atopy
with increased eosinophils (, OR 23.3 and 95% CI 2.40-224.62). However, no association was found between levels of particulate dust and working period.;The prevalence of occupational rhinitis ranges between 5-48%. It is caused by
particulate dust in the workplace. It will increase financial burden both for the
workers themselves and the company. This study aims to determine the
prevalence of OR and the relation between the levels of particulate dust with OR
incident among workers who work in a hotel or hospital basement parking lot in
Jakarta, during December 2014 to March 2015. The sample inclusion criteria
were: age 20-40 years, working period of more than one year and are willing to
participate in the study. The subjects were interviewed and nasal mucosal
scrapings eosinophil levels were measured before and after work. OR was
defined as has symptoms of rhinitis, increase during work and there is an
increase in eosinophils nasal mucosal scrapings. Analysis of the research carried
out based on the characteristics of age, sex, years of smoking and working
directly or indirectly exposed to dust particulates. Of the 57 subjects of the study,
6 (10.5%) experienced an increase in eosinophils with the following
characteristics: 4 people has a work period > 4 years; 4 people smoke; and 3
people work directly exposed to particulate dust. Three subjects (5.2%) meet all
the OR criteria with the following characteristics: 2 were aged 30-40 years, 2
were male, 2 have a working period of ≤ 4 years and 2 were indirectly exposed to
particulate dust. There is a very significant association between history of atopy
with increased eosinophils (, OR 23.3 and 95% CI 2.40-224.62). However, no association was found between levels of particulate dust and working period.;The prevalence of occupational rhinitis ranges between 5-48%. It is caused by
particulate dust in the workplace. It will increase financial burden both for the
workers themselves and the company. This study aims to determine the
prevalence of OR and the relation between the levels of particulate dust with OR
incident among workers who work in a hotel or hospital basement parking lot in
Jakarta, during December 2014 to March 2015. The sample inclusion criteria
were: age 20-40 years, working period of more than one year and are willing to
participate in the study. The subjects were interviewed and nasal mucosal
scrapings eosinophil levels were measured before and after work. OR was
defined as has symptoms of rhinitis, increase during work and there is an
increase in eosinophils nasal mucosal scrapings. Analysis of the research carried
out based on the characteristics of age, sex, years of smoking and working
directly or indirectly exposed to dust particulates. Of the 57 subjects of the study,
6 (10.5%) experienced an increase in eosinophils with the following
characteristics: 4 people has a work period > 4 years; 4 people smoke; and 3
people work directly exposed to particulate dust. Three subjects (5.2%) meet all
the OR criteria with the following characteristics: 2 were aged 30-40 years, 2
were male, 2 have a working period of ≤ 4 years and 2 were indirectly exposed to
particulate dust. There is a very significant association between history of atopy
with increased eosinophils (, OR 23.3 and 95% CI 2.40-224.62). However, no association was found between levels of particulate dust and working period."
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ade Dwi Lestari
"Penelitian ini bertujuan mencari hubungan pajanan formaldehida yang ada di industri kain ban dengan gangguan fungsi kognitif yang dinilai dengan kuesioner Mini Mental Status Examination (MMSE). Pengukuran formaldehid lingkungan sebesar 0,4 ppm berada dibawah nilai ambang batas namun perhitungan semikuantitatif dalam kategori sedang dan tinggi. Hasil uji potong lintang antara kelompok terpajan dan tidak terpajan pada 124 responden laki-laki, didapatkan 23,4% mengalami gangguan fungsi kognitif terdiri dari 8,1% pada pekerja yang tidak terpajan dan 15,3% pada pekerja yang terpajan formaldehida. Variabel yang paling berpengaruh adalah pajanan formaldehid lingkungan OR 2,46 (95% CI 1,007-6,005) dan kondisi prehipertensi dan hipertensi OR 3,64 (95% CI 1,338 - 9,903). Selain secara statistik dan mekanisme biologi bermakna, pemantauan dan intervensi yang dilakukan untuk kedua variabel tersebut juga lebih mampu laksana.

This study aims to find the relationship between formaldehyde exposure in the tire cord industry and cognitive function assessed by Mini Mental Status Examination questionnaire (MMSE). Measurement of environmental formaldehyde is 0.4 ppm and below TWA value, but the calculation of semiquantitative in medium and high category result. A cross-sectional methode done between exposed and unexposed groups in 124 male respondents. The result is 23.4% had cognitive impairment, unexposed group 8,1% and exposed group 15,3%. Most influent variable are environment formaldehyde exposure OR 2,46 (95% CI 1,007-6,005) and Prehypertention and Hypertention Condition OR 3,64 (95% CI 1,338-9,903). The variabels are statistically and biological mechanism significant, also reliable to do monitoring and intervention.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kartika Ayu Setyani
"Hipertensi menjadi masalah kesehatan global yang prevalensinya terus meningkat. Gaya hidup yang tidak sehat menjadi salah satu faktor penyebab tingginya prevalensi hipertensi. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisa hubungan gaya hidup dengan kejadian hipertensi. Penelitian menggunakan desain cross sectional kepada 107 pekerja semen X di Jawa Barat yang diambil dengan teknik convenience sampling di poliklinik pabrik. Proporsi kejadian hipertensi pekerja sebesar 48,1%.
Hasil penelitian diperoleh adanya hubungan antara pola makan (p=0,012) dan konsumsi alkohol (p=0,028) dengan kejadian hipertensi. Hasil penelitian menyarankan agar perawat kesehatan kerja melakukan pengendalian hipertensi pekerja dengan melakukan kontrol rutin tekanan darah serta promosi kesehatan modifikasi gaya hidup sehat.

Hypertension is a health problem worldwide with increasing prevalence every year. Unhealthy lifestyle is one of the factors caused this increase in hypertension prevalence. This research aims to study the relationship between lifestyle with the incidence of hypertension. This research used cross-sectional design to 107 workers in West Java using convenience sampling technique taken in the clinic at the factory site.
The result showed the incidence of hypertension in workers was 48,1%. There was significant relationship among nutrition (p=0,012) and alcohol consumption (p=0,028) with the incidence of hypertension. The results suggest occupational health nurses to do routine blood pressure control and also health promotion about healthy lifestyle modifications.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ayu Wulandari
"Hipertensi merupakan salah satu penyakit utama kecacatan dan kematian di dunia. Gaya hidup kurang gerak seperti sedentary lifestyle menjadi salah satu penyebab penyakit hipertensi karena banyaknya kemudahan yang terjadi akibat semakin majunya teknologi. Sedentary lifestyle merupakan aktivitas minim gerak yang didominasi dengan aktivitas duduk atau berbaring dalam yang lama. Hal tersebut tidak lepas dari kehidupan di area perkantoran yang didominasi aktivitas duduk. Terdapat banyak hal yang memungkinkan seseorang untuk duduk dalam waktu lama seperti mengemudi menuju dan pulang dari tempat kerja, sarapan, makan malam, duduk di kursi kerja, menonton televisi, menggunakan komputer dan bersosialisasi. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini terutama bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara perilaku sedentary lifestyle dengan kejadian hipertensi pada pekerja kantoran. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan jumlah sampel 107 pekerja kantoran di Jakarta Selatan. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif korelasional dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan rancangan cross-sectional untuk mengumpulkan data. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner Workspace Sitting Questionnaire (WSQ) dan pengecekan tekanan darah secara langsung. Penelitian ini menggunakan uji Chi-Square dengan hasil terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara perilaku sedentary lifestyle dengan kejadian hipertensi (p = 0.038 < α 0,05). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, peneliti merekomendasikan untuk merancang program intervensi sebagai upaya mencegah hipertensi dengan menekan perilaku sedentary lifestyle di lingkungan perkantoran.

Hypertension is one of the leading diseases of disability and death in the world. Sedentary lifestyle is one of the causes of hypertension because of the many conveniences that occur due to the advancement of technology. Sedentary lifestyle is a sedentary activity that is dominated by prolonged sitting or lying down. This cannot be separated from life in office areas that are dominated by sitting activities. There are many things that allow a person to sit for a long time such as driving to and from work, breakfast, dinner, sitting in a work chair, watching television, using a computer and socialising. Therefore, this study mainly aims to determine the relationship between sedentary lifestyle behaviour and the incidence of hypertension in office workers. This study used purposive sampling technique with a total sample of 107 office workers in South Jakarta. This research design uses descriptive correlation with a quantitative approach and cross-sectional design to collect data. This study used the Workspace Sitting Questionnaire (WSQ) and direct blood pressure checks. This study used the Chi-Square test with the results there is a significant relationship between sedentary lifestyle behaviour and the incidence of hypertension (p = <.001 < α 0.05). Based on the results of the study, the researcher recommends designing an intervention program as an effort to prevent hypertension by suppressing sedentary lifestyle behaviour in the office environment."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2025
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yessie Kualasari
"Perkembangan industri keramik di Indonesia khususnya di Gresik menghasilkan potensi bahaya gangguan kesehatan pekerja khususnya pernafasan akibat debu respirabel yang dihasilkan dalam proses produksi. Gangguan atau kelainan pernafasan ini dirasakan pekerja sebagai keluhan sistem pernafasan dan dapat menimbulkan penurunan produktifitas. Belum ada penelitian yang dilakukan di industri keramik di Gresik mengenai hubungan pajanan debu respirabel dan faktor risiko lain dengan keluhan sistem pernafasan pada pekerja selama ini. Oleh karena itu tujuan dari tesis ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pajanan debu respirabel dan faktor risiko lain dengan keluhan sistem pernafasan pada pekerja industri keramik. Metode penelitian ini adalah cross-sectional dengan sampling population sebanyak 141 orang.
Hasil penelitian ini adalah responden yang terpajan debu respirabel diatas NAB sebanyak 5, sedangkan yang terpajan dibawah NAB (3mg/m3) sebanyak 95%, didapatkan pula responden yang mengalami keluhan sistem pernafasan sebesar 40,4%. Konsentrasi debu respirabel berhubungan dengan keluhan sistem pernafasan dengan nilai p-value = 0,001 (95% CI; 0,300-0,465) dengan PR sebesar 2,680. Sedangkan faktor risiko lain jenis kelamin, usia, masa kerja, IMT, kebiasaan merokok, kebiasaan olahraga dan penggunaan APD tidak berhubungan dengan keluhan sistem pernafasan.

The development of ceramic industry in Indonesia especially in Gresik produces potential health hazards to workers, especially respiratory problems, due to the respirable dust produced in the production process. This respiratory disorder is perceived by the worker as respiratory complaints and may lead to a decrease in productivity. No research has been done in the ceramic industry in Gresik regarding the relationship between respirable dust exposure and other risk factors with respiratory complaints on workers over the years. Therefore the purpose of this thesis is to know the relationship between respirable dust exposure and other risk factors with respiratory complaints on ceramic industry workers. The method of this study is cross sectional with a sampling population of 141 people.
The result of this research is the exposure of respirable dust over NAB is 5%, while those exposed below NAB (3mg/m3) is 95%, also respondents having subjective respiratory complaint is 40,4%. Respirable dust concentration was associated with subjective respiratory complaints with p value 0.001 (95% CI, 0.300-0.465) with a PR of 2,680. While other risk factors sex, age, employment, BMI, smoking habits, exercise habits and use of PPE are not associated with subjective respiratory complaints. Key words ceramic industry, respirable dust, respiratory complaints.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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