ABSTRAKKegiatan praktek kerja profesi di apotek dilakukan agar calon apoteker mampu
memahami peranan, tugas, dan tanggung jawab apoteker di puskesmas sesuai
dengan ketentuan standar pelayanan farmasi di apotek. Selain itu juga, diharapkan agar calon apoteker mempelajari mengenai struktur apotek dan memahami proses pelayanan yang tersedia di apotek. Dalam melakukan pelayanan resep, dilakukan pengkajian dan analisis terhadap rasionalitas resep yang diterima. Untuk itu, pada tugas khusus dilakukan pengkajian dan analisis terhadap resep pasien rheumatoid arthritis.
ABSTRACTPharmacist professional practice in Apotek Kimia Farma was conducted for
prospective pharmacists to understand the role, duties and responsibilities of
pharmacists in pharmacy store in accordance with the provisions of the
pharmaceutical care standard in a pharmacy. It is also expected that the
prospective pharmacist learned about the structure of the pharmacy and able to understand the process of prescription service in a pharmacy. In the prescriptions service, assessment and analysis of the rationality was performed for each of prescriptions received. To that end, the special assignment was carried out to assess and analyze rheumatoid arthritis patient prescriptions"