ABSTRAKApoteker merupakan personil kunci pada kegiatan pembuatan obat dalam industri farmasi, artinya peran Apoteker dalam suatu industri farmasi sangat penting. Praktik Kerja Profesi Apoteker di PT Novell Pharmaceutical Laboratories Periode Bulan April - Mei Tahun 2017 bertujuan untuk memahami peran, fungsi dan tanggung jawab Apoteker di industri farmasi, memberikan pengetahuan, keterampilan, pengalaman praktis, dan gambaran dunia kerja yang nyata di industri farmasi. Selama praktik kerja profesi, calon Apoteker mendapatkan empat tugas khusus yaitu mengembangkan metode untuk uji disolusi terbanding suspensi oral nystatin, mengembangkan metode untuk pemeriksaan kadar pengawet metil paraben dan propil paraben dalam suspensi oral nystatin, verifikasi pemeriksaan kadar calcium folinate, dan cleaning validation sirup nosfocin. Pada pelaksanaan praktik kerja, terdapat tugas khusus berupa penetapan kadar kalsium folinat untuk memverifikasi kadar bahan baku sehingga meningkatkan kualitas produk yang akan dihasilkan.
ABSTRACTApothecary is key personnel in drug manufacturing activities in the pharmaceutical industry, meaning that the role of Apothecary in a pharmaceutical industry is very important. Intenship at PT Novell Pharmaceutical Laboratories on April May 2017 aims to understand the role, function and responsibility of Apothecarys in pharmaceutical industry, providing knowledge, skills, practical experience, and give representation of real working in the pharmaceutical industry. During this internship, Apothecary candidate got four specific tasks, namely developing the new methods in comparative dissolution assay for nystatin oral suspension, developing the new methods in preservative methyl paraben and propyl paraben content assay for nystatin oral suspension, cleaning validation levodropropizine syrup, and verification of calcium folinate content assay. In the implementation of internship, there is a special task in the form verification of calcium folinate content assay aims to verify the content of raw materials, so as improve the quality of finished product."