ABSTRAKDalam memberikan pelayanan kefarmasian, apoteker dituntut untuk memiliki kemampuan manajerial dan memberikan pelayanan farmasi klinik. Kegiatan Praktek Kerja Profesi Apoteker (PKPA) di apotek bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman mengenai peran, tugas, fungsi dan tanggung jawab apoteker baik secara teknis maupun non teknis. Pelaksanaan PKPA dilakukan di apotek atrika selama empat minggu dengan pembagian tugas pelayanan kefarmasian dan manajerial persediaan farmasi. Pelayanan kefarmasian yang dilakukan meliputi pelayanan obat resep dan non-resep, pemberian informasi obat, konseling dan pelayanan cek kesehatan. Sedangkan tugas manajerial yang dilakukan meliputi pengadaan obat melalui pemesanan ke distributor resmi, penyimpanan obat dengan sistem FEFO (First Expired First Out), pemusnahan resep narkotik, psikotropik dan non-narkotik, pencatatan stok obat dengan pencatatan faktur dan kartu stok, pelaporan narkotika dan psikotropika, serta penanganan pengembalian obat yang mendekati kadaluarsa kepada distributor. Kegiatan PKPA di apotek atrika memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa untuk belajar mengelola persediaan obat di apotek, melakukan pelayanan farmasi klinis, melakukan dokumentasi obat yang baik dan belajar untuk melayani pasien.
In providing pharmaceutical services, pharmacists are required to have the managerial capabilities and provide clinical pharmacy services. Professional Pharmacist Internship in pharmacy aims to provide an understanding of the role, duties, functions and responsibilities of pharmacists both technical and non-technical. The internship at apotek atrika was conducted for four weeks dividing into pharmaceutical services tasks and managerial pharmaceutical supplies task. Pharmaceutical services performed prescription drug and non-prescription drug services, provision of drug information, counseling and health check services. While managerial duties performed the procurement of drugs through the authorized distributor, medicine storage system with FEFO (First Expired First Out), the extermination of prescription narcotics, psychotropic and non-narcotic, recording drug stocks by recording invoices and stock cards, reporting of narcotic drugs and psychotropic, handling of returning near-expiry drugs to distributor. The internship activities in apotek atrika give students the opportunity to learn managing drug supply in pharmacy, conduct clinical pharmacy service, perform good medicine documentation and learn to serve patients.ABSTRAKIn providing pharmaceutical services, pharmacists are required to have the managerial capabilities and provide clinical pharmacy services. Professional Pharmacist Internship in pharmacy aims to provide an understanding of the role, duties, functions and responsibilities of pharmacists both technical and non-technical. The internship at apotek atrika was conducted for four weeks dividing into pharmaceutical services tasks and managerial pharmaceutical supplies task. Pharmaceutical services performed prescription drug and non-prescription drug services, provision of drug information, counseling and health check services. While managerial duties performed the procurement of drugs through the authorized distributor, medicine storage system with FEFO (First Expired First Out), the extermination of prescription narcotics, psychotropic and non-narcotic, recording drug stocks by recording invoices and stock cards, reporting of narcotic drugs and psychotropic, handling of returning near-expiry drugs to distributor. The internship activities in apotek atrika give students the opportunity to learn managing drug supply in pharmacy, conduct clinical pharmacy service, perform good medicine documentation and learn to serve patients."