Zinc oxide (ZnO) has been applied as a transparent heater. However, research on ZnO microrod as transparent heaters has not been developed. In this study, the fabrication of microrod ZnO was carried out by using the chemical bath deposition method. The material used is zinc nitrate tetrahydrate and hexamethylentetramine. The variables in this study were the concentration of seed solutions of 0.005, 0.010, 0.015, 0.025, and 0.050 M and the hydrothermal treatment in the sample 0.015 M. The characterization of ZnO microrod was carried out using XRD, FESEM, UV-Vis and four point probes. The results showed an increase in solution concentration was able to reduce the energy band gap, Eg of ZnO microrod which is 3.60 to 3.18 eV and increase the size of the crystallite which is 41.541 to 95.076 nm. The largest diameter of ZnO microrod is 288.252 nm at a concentration of 0.015 M. In addition, an increase in the concentration of the solution causes transmittance and resistivity to decrease, from 72% to 35% and from 0.787 x10-4 to 0.013 x 10-4 Ωcm, respectively. The hydrothermal treatment of 0.015 M sample caused a decrease in diameter from 288. 252 to 125.824 nm and increased the size of the crystallite and lowered Eg, from 71.198 to 165.696 nm and from 3.25 to 3.19 eV, respectively. In addition, it has decreases transmittance and resistivity from 50.5% to 38% and from 1.126 x 10-4 to 0.833 x 10-4 Ωcm, respectively. The hydrothermal treatment produces optimum transparent heaters.
"Bismuth Ferrite, BiFeO3 (BFO) merupakan material yang memperlihatkan sifat ferroelektrik yang baik dan sifat ferromagnetik yang lemah. Lemahnya sifat ferromagnetik material BFO ini disebabkan adanya sifat antiferromagnetik sikloid tipe G. Salah satu upaya meningkatkan sifat ferromagnetik BFO ini adalah dengan mendoping atom Bi yang berada pada posisi A didalam senyawa ABO3 menggunakan Li (Bi1-xLixFeO3, x= 0,02, 0,04, 0,06) dan Zn (Bi1-zZnzO3, z= 0,05, 0,1, 0,15). Proses sintesis doping BFO tersebut dilakukan menggunakan metode sol-gel. Dari sampel hasil doping tersebut diketahui bahwa keberadaan Li dan Zn telah memicu terjadinya kenaikan saturasi magnetik didalam BFO. Kenaikan sifat magnetik ini diakibatkan oleh pengecilan sudut Fe–O–Fe. Pengecilan sudut ini disebabkan oleh perubahan rasio kisi c/a kristal BFO didalam struktur rombohedral dengan spacegroup (s.g.) R3c. Kenaikan sifat magnetik didalam sampel BFO hasil doping tersebut disertai munculnya Fe2+ dan terbentuknya vakansi oksigen sebagai kompensasi atas keberadaan Li1+ dan Zn2+ yang menggantikan posisi Bi3+. Keberadaan Li didalam BFO teridentifikasi pada energi ikat sebesar 56,7 eV menggunakan XPS. Penggunaan metode sol-gel didalam proses preparasi sampel diketahui efektif untuk menghasilkan bubuk sampel berskala nano (<200 nm).
Bismuth Ferrite, BiFeO3 (BFO) is a material that shows excellent ferroelectric properties and weak ferromagnetic properties. The weak ferromagnetic properties of BFO material are due to the antiferromagnetic nature of cycloid type G. One effort to improve the ferromagnetic properties of BFO is to dope Bi atoms in position A in the compound ABO3 using Li (Bi1-xLixFeO3, x= 0,02, 0,04, 0,06) and Zn (Bi1-zZnzO3, z= 0,05, 0,1, 0,15). The BFO doping synthesis process was carried out using the sol-gel method. From the doping sample, it is known that the presence of Li and Zn has triggered an increase in magnetic saturation in BFO. This increase in magnetic properties was caused by the reduction of Fe – O – Fe angle. This reduction in angle is caused by changes in the lattice ratio of c / a BFO crystals in the rhombohedral structure to the spacegroup (s.g.) R3c. The increase in magnetic properties in the doped BFO sample is accompanied by the appearance of Fe2+ and the formation of oxygen vacancy as compensation for the presence of Li1+ and Zn2+ which replace the position of Bi3+. Li's presence in BFO was identified in the binding energy of 56.7 eV using XPS. The use of the sol-gel method in the sample preparation process is known to be effective for producing nanoscale sample powders (<200 nm).